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Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas!


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A knight/rōnin armor frame.

Since we got 2 health frames and 1 shield frame it’s only logical to eventually have a armor frame. Understandably it would have no shields, low/medium health and A LOT of armor so that it would make up for the low amount of health.

Visually it would look a knight.

Their signature weapons would be a sword and shield (melee) and a crossbow (primary or secondary)

If a quest is possible to have with it then...: it’s a story about letting go of the past. The operator (who’s a ghost) of this frame is seeking redemption for a duty they failed to commit to long ago by protecting orokin information from falling into anyone’s hands, which they desperately hope would bring any surviving orokin to them so they would give back their lost honor. In the end we would’ve helped them come to terms with what had happened and that would let them pass on leaving their warframe in our care.

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The Master of Gravity

Undaunted, our hero faces his enemy.  His is a curious (and yet terrifying) form: the sedimentary layering of his outer casing, unfathomably dense, all of it leading to a finality of nothing: a miniature black hole harbored within himself, naked to the world.

As he walks, the ground spasms, its structure giving way to his indomitable footfalls.  Bullets drop, energy dissipates and those nearby are locked to the ground... the air shudders at his body, which exudes a light-sapping aura.  To the scholar, his visage speaks of a lost time... a brutal scrambling for power between Houses, where the armor-clad knights of old were the champions. 

As he strikes down his adversaries, hyperdense blow by hyperdense blow, the others around him scramble to escape as their bodies are coalesed into ultrasphere figments: tools of his retribution. Skull by skull is obliterated.  He stands alone.

The enemy is broken, but now, reinforcements follow.  Our hero, in his wisdom, shifts his strategy.

At his whim, his enemies float helplessly into the air... legions of them.  Ultraspheres of their dead comrades circle, before crushing and merging with more of the newly slain.  And as the living rally, his tools... fall.  Again, he stands alone, and the our great Fortress endures.

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Tupah: Warframe with indigenous / tribal theme.

Skills: Based on totem mechanics (buffs & debuffs) and transformisms.

Base: Visual style like Kotal Khan and lore inspired by Tupi-Guarani mythology about Tupã / Nhanderuvu.

PS: I would love to see any similar Latin American mythology represented.

PS2: Sorry if "indigenous" is not an appropriate expression for "native peoples" in English.



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people keep saying a transformation frame and im thinking something similar to Pennywise where he'll transform into something like the deadlights and send the enemy into a deep state of fear and devour them with your sharp teeth or rip their minds to shreds through fear. I was also thinking of getting buffs, health, energy and so on the more you terrorize the enemy. and because you make enemies flee in terror or make them float then i think he should have low health and armor and you get more shield and armor the more you scare enemies.

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Honestly an artist or paint based warframe would be really cool. I can see this frame using a big pen or brush to use a cosmic ink to edit the terrain to create new temporary paths for allies or oil slicks for enemies. idk lots of possibilities here. There aren't many warframes that edit the terrain or physically affect/change the battle field (like Vauban, Frost, and Wisp are the only ones I can think of). Paint portals and spell scribing, let's make it happen!

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I was thinking of a warframe centered around the concept of something similar to the abomination from darkest dungeon; Basically like an eldritch werewolf that can flip between a humanoid form that does CC based abilities and a more bestial form that centers around damage dealing abilities. maybe a concept where its health keeps draining while in beast form so it has to keep the aggression before being forced back into its humanoid form, something like Baruuk's restraint and equinox's form switching.

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The last semi-completed frame. Endura was the last frame being created until interrupted by the great war, never completed . So now she is a semi techno-organic being with the ability to control all forms of enrgy. 

Her first ability is wheel ability to created orb depending on type of energy a player wants to release radiation, fire,electrical. 

Her second is to absorb part of all incoming damage and restore enrgy to herself and nearby allies. 

Her third is to grab enemies with a enrgy tentacle and stunt him, if she 1 shots it she csn turn it into a enrgu construct aiding her dor a short time. 

Her fourth is to implode on herself and cause a radial attack capable of causing all types of damage at once on every single enmmy cause in the aoe. 


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I would like to share my idea: Relok (a veteran warframe from the old war) who was the first warframe ever, and whose breed and family was slain down by Kotazza - his biggest enemy, she had a high position on the evil side in the old war, her motive was revenge but in the end she will turn to good and will help Relok to end the war (Relok will forgive her and she will sacrifice her own life to save him and another thousands of lifes)

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I want to see a sort of flag bearer styled frame. All types of warriors and armies have had someone that charges with them and shows this is us and we are here. You see samurai and knights displaying their colors in all sorts of ways like attaching items to armor spears with flags. Roman legions had someone that would carry the symbols for the legion and Rome. Who would do this for the Tenno? Over the past few years all sorts of units were created that fit many different roles, such as tanks, medical, and damage frames.  A drummer girl was also thrown in with octavia. Where is the frame that threw up the colors for the Tenno? Nothing could motivate a soldier more then seeing there flag raise above a castle, and vice versa destroy spirit faster than watching your flag burn. I want to see a frame that puts an emphasis on slamming that flag, or totem, in the ground for all to see.


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A warframe based on the idea of impulse, explosions, and ragdolling
A warframe that uses blasts not only to control the crowd, but to strip them of their defenses and blow them to smithereens
Damage from the big boom, damage from the shockwave, damage from getting knocked into walls, damage from getting knocked into fellow grineer

A bit of a loose cannon? Maybe, but is that so bad? Sure, that grenade blew up the hostage, but look at how many grunts the other five took out!
And defenses? Bah, who needs them! Stand behind some makeshift cover if you need to, but spare the armour and shielding. After all, it's taking up valuable space for explosives!
Plumes of smoke, chemical fires, and decimated bodies means a job well done. The sight of exploded flesh is so invigorating, it's almost enough to bring back feeling in those long gone limbs.

Note: the idea of an explosive frame is most probably (definitely) not an original idea, but this is my take on it.

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Harpy warframe: Talon(female)

Design: humanoid harpy with very noticeable folding wings clawed feet and warrior like appearance i can't give a picture as i am no artist but look to most fantasy rpgs for some reference but please keep the art style of warframe 

EDIT: i forgot to mention her wings are also her arms and they fold at the wrists

Most abilities grant short invulnerability while casting due to wind sheild 

Max rank stats 

330 health 

120 sheilds 

245 amour 

Sprint speed: 1.25

Base energy: 380

(Probably need tweaking as i am unsure how this would work)

Passive grants incressed movement speed after jump, double jump or bullet jump

First ability: directional screech that confuses enimes stun length decreases with the foes distance from the warframe 

65° angle of effect 

Range of 8 metres 

Cost 10 energy per cast 

(Could deal small amount of damage)

Second ability: the warfame flaps her wings and calls forth blast of slashing winds and can inflict a effect similar to enhanced blast decreasing foes accuracy 

Projectile 1.5 metres wide (horizontal)

Range 15 metres 

Cost 30 energy 

Base damage 250 slash

Third ability: (i actually have a name for this one) Carrion(like dead meat) the warframe leaps onto a foe and rips life out of them the warframe has high damage reduction during this ability if an foe is killed by this a blood altar like structure is spawned and heals Talon and her allies for 5 seconds st the end of the duration the altar explodes in a final healing burst 

Health 35% of max hp per second when holding on to a foe with carrion for Talon 10% of max per second of allies near miniture blood altar final healing burst heals 15% of max 

Leap range 25 metres 

Cost 45 energy 

Mini blood altar range 8 metres 

Leap deals 100 impact damage 

Miniature blood altar range cannot be increased 

Fourth ability: Call down the storm: channelled ability Talon takes flight and rains down energy feathers upon her foe these feathers explode shortly after impact with anything 

Damage calculated through power strength and mods placed upon her exalted wings 

Base 150 per feather (split damage between impact and thd explosion as you please but give it a high fire rate projectile flight speed of 100m/s

Cost 10 energy to cast with a drain of 3 per second after

Max flight high 30 meters off the ground during flight movement speed increase by 3.5 times

Signature weapons 

Secondary twin repeating crossbows


70 damage per shot mostly slash have a higher headshot damage multiplier high crit 40% clip size of 6 slow firerate small amount of punch through slow reload when used by Talon gain increased reload speed 



With each strike throw out a fan of additional blades high puncture fast swing speed status based middling heavy attacks 



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My suggestion is probably a Warframe themed around manipulating shadows. While there are a few Warframes that play around with such a thing in their abilities (Mirage, Ash, Nekros), none of them are really focused around shadow-play. Ash is a ninja, Mirage is a harlequin trickster, and Nekros is a necromancer, so it'd definitely be interesting to see someone who can actually bend shadows to their will.

Using their own shadow to assail others, stealing the shadows of enemies, and wreaking havoc on enemies as a phantasmal army of none - that's the kind of Warframe I'd like to see.

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I have always thought that Argon Crystals have never really been explored enough in detail, including why they can only be found through very specific sources and why they function the way they do once they're collected. Based on that, after a long time thinking, trying to come up with an idea that is original and something as distant in similarity from other frames as possible, I've come up with the following:
A crystal themed Warframe. And knowing the fact that crystals (argon crystals in warframe, and etc. in real life) are able to change properties, this Warframe would be able to change it's properties as well, maybe in the form of changing shape to another humanoid (Warframeoid?) form or maybe changing into something else like (lets say) a grineer unit or a kavat while also being able to mimic the abilities of whatever it copies, or perhaps changing the damage types or other utilities it will end up using. Since crystals are also embedded into terrain (excuse my poor wording), it may also be able to attach itself to the terrain to do (something) and move around in it.... etc etc.

TLDR: A frame that is centered around crystals. A crystal themed frame.

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"not solid frame"


Something between attack and defense, but enough to protect the rear.

Uses the particles that make up his body to defend his comrades or attack opponents.

He can use parts of his body to create a barrier from them or split into many small minions that are simultaneously controlled and can both attack and interact with objects.

Or scatter in a heap and turn into a danger zone for enemies.15c6347b26af4773f4cac29d172d9b46.png

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I could see a frame based off the Hecatoncheires, hundred-handed giants with the strength of legends.

Starting with four arms instead of two and growing more as the battle goes on, Aegaeon could dual wield pairs of your equipped weapons, growing to monstrous proportions of power based off of your own weapons and skills. However, your arms can be shot off if you are not careful: A frame with the potential to decimate entire armies in the right hands, as he did years ago in a battle against some of the most versatile of Sentients during the Old War days. One of the last appearances Aegaeon ever had during the Old War was when both his Operator and his fists worked together to shatter the core of a Sentient titan, breaking off nearly all of it's arms in order to do so. While he was never seen again after that titan fell, there are recent rumors that the Sentients found his frame intact but his Operator dead...and beginning reconstruction to create an elite commander out of both Orokin and Sentient tech, an Amalgam of both Tenno and Titan.

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I thought of this long before, just a concept. A combination of a few warframes abilities but more. I kept how warframe in mind and this idea is not completed, it's what I got so far. 

Vocal frame:

Siren: You've heard each octave with the instruments, now for a singer?

Passive: Weapon noise is greatly increased and deafening nearby enemies to a stagger upon opening fire within range

1: Scream,  a voice so loud the sound waves force enemies far away and stagger from a knock down recovery

Rank 3 Dmg 250, enemy stagger duration 10 seconds, range 25 meters, angle 65°(angle capping @ 180° with range mods)

2: Whisper, aura that persuades enemies they are fighting on the wrong side and fight for Siren in her stead

at Rank3 50% chance to convert. Duration 25 seconds, range 18 meters

3: Hum, taking a breath to concentrate battle awareness for her and allies

at Rank 3 health regen rate 3% per sec, 30% status resistance, ability duration 25 sec, ally range 15 meters

4: Sing, fills Siren and her allies with an aura that make them fight harder

at rank 3 Siren and her allies receive ability efficiency 25%, energy decay rate 10 per sec

Rank 30 Rank bonuses
Armor 150
Energy 175 + 75% energy
Health 300 +200% health
Shield 275 +175% shield
Sprint speed 1.00

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