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When are we actually going to get Wisps, and now Titanias, walking animatons avaliable for universal use?


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12 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Honestly, there is no need for sarcasm and insults mate.

I disagree.

13 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

I don't feel like I have exaggerated anything

You have.

13 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

due to the possibility of someone using them for stupid reasons, which isn't a real argument

This is why sarcasm is deserved, because this is just sad. Why is "I don't like it" a stupid reason? Because it's not how you feel about it? Only your thoughts on the matter are correct, anyone who thinks differently is stupid?

Why is "I don't like it" not an acceptable argument for not wanting it? It's an opinion, I'm not wrong for having an opinion, am I? Why do I have to want it?

20 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

We all know that DE listens to its community

DE listen to DE. If they want to add the animations, they will regardless of anything I say. That's not a criticism in this regard, DE should listen to DE moreso than they listen to us. We aren't going to twist their behind their back and stop them adding the animations just by disagreeing with their addition.

I just hope they don't. 

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19 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

This is why sarcasm is deserved, because this is just sad. Why is "I don't like it" a stupid reason?

You know, before today I actually respected you. But after this, not so much.

The fact you even need to ask this question is very worrying. The reason why "I don't want it because I don't like it." is a stupid reason is because;

  1. This game does not force you to do anything and the addition of new walking animations would literally not affect your game or anyones elses. You can simply not use them if you don't like them.
  2. If we could all stop things from being added because people didn't like them, then Warframe would not have got very far. All the reworks and new additions would never have come to fruition if DE listened to everyone who said "Eh dunt loike ut".
  3. Simply "I don't like it" is not a valid reason at all. Its a personal opinion/outlook and it should not stop things being added into the game, especially if said things are completely optional and cosmetic in nature.

That is why its a stupid reason. Its an opinion, not an argument.

19 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Why do I have to want it?

You don't have to want it and like I said; you are 100% entitled to your opinion.

Just don't expect your opinion not to be criticised, especially when its presented as an argument against adding new animations.

19 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

DE listen to DE.

Provably wrong.

Universal vacuum for both companion types, Excalibur Umbra, syandana customisation being sepereated from armour, reversing an extremely unpopular nerf to vacuums range, making alert Warframes easier to farm, putting Umbra forma in the starchart.

Need I go on?

So you hope they don't add the animations purely because you just don't like them, even though you can simply not use them.

Edited by TheGodofWiFi
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3 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Its an opinion, not an argument

You're doing the same thing, this whole thing is just opinions, different perspectives( which let's be honest you barely are going to see since everyone bulletjumps and rolls all the time) you can't really make an argument

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)C11H22O11 said:

You're doing the same thing, this whole thing is just opinions, different perspectives( which let's be honest you barely are going to see since everyone bulletjumps and rolls all the time) you can't really make an argument

Adding walking animations into the game for plat would make DE more money and would not affect anyone in any menaingfully negative way, like interferring with others gameplay like WoF or pre-rework Limbo. They are purely cosmetic.

Those are not opinions. They are facts.

Also that bullet-jump mention is just.....I mean come on. Thats the ground beneath the bottom of the barrel.

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I'd rather not see a female walking animation that heavily emphasizes on the ass being pushed out on male warframes like say Grendel. I hope it stays exclusive to that particular warframe because they have a reason to be floating like that. Be satisfied with noble/agile animations being made universal with plat. 

Although I doubt it'll happen since noble/agile animations were always equipable/switchable from since the beginning of warframe hence their ability to be universal compared to all the standardized walking animations that doesn't require a slot nor code to be switchable. Again I hope DE doesn't go out of their way to add this because not only would they have to make Titania's/Wisps animation universal, they would have to literally create unique walking animations for all 30+ warframes because why not. Not worth the trouble just to appease the fashion frame fanatics.

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38 minutes ago, ShadowExodus said:

warframes like say Grendel

Is there some kind fetish going around for Grendel or something? Seriously, why is everyone quoting this one particular frame?

Also once again, this is not a valid reason to not have the animations since it is entirely cosmetic and does absolutely nothing to you or your gameplay. Who cares if someone uses female animations on Grendel or any other frame? You do realise that Wisps agile animation can be equipped on any Warframe already right? 

38 minutes ago, ShadowExodus said:

they would have to literally create unique walking animations for all 30+ warframes because why not.

No DE would not have to make unique walking animations for every frame. Don’t know where you got that from since I never mentioned it once.

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3 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Is there some kind fetish going around for Grendel or something? Seriously, why is everyone quoting this one particular frame?


Cuz he's the fat frame. 

3 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

No DE would not have to make unique walking animations for every frame. Don’t know where you got that from since I never mentioned it once.

They don't have to, but it's going to be demanded by the playerbase just like you're asking for their exclusive animations to be universal. It has been talked about before and this is just gonna give more grounds for unique walking animations. 

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38 minutes ago, ShadowExodus said:

They don't have to, but it's going to be demanded by the playerbase just like you're asking for their exclusive animations to be universal. It has been talked about before and this is just gonna give more grounds for unique walking animations. 

I haven’t seen anyone ask for every frame to have unique walking animations before this thread and I’ve been with Warframe since 2014.

It does not give grounds for every frame to have a unique walking animation because it’d be virtually impossible. The game has over thirty frames. They couldn’t make 30+ unique walking animations as all frames have the same type of legs bar Wisp.

There’s only so many times you can make a walk unique before you delve into Monty Python territory.



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3 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

The fact you even need to ask this question is very worrying. The reason why "I don't want it because I don't like it." is a stupid reason is because;

  1. This game does not force you to do anything and the addition of new walking animations would literally not affect your game or anyones elses. You can simply not use them if you don't like them.

You appear to be unable to discern that by "I don't want it because I don't like it" means "I don't want it in the game because I don't like seeing it".

Me not needing to use it is irrelevant, I'll still see it. Didn't think that needed clarifying.

3 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

If we could all stop things from being added because people didn't like them, then Warframe would not have got very far. All the reworks and new additions would never have come to fruition if DE listened to everyone who said "Eh dunt loike ut".

You're overreacting. I'm not trying to stop it from happening, so far as we know it isn't happening anyway. Just expressing that I'd rather it didn't.

3 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Simply "I don't like it" is not a valid reason at all

By that logic, "I like it" is not a valid reason for it being added to the game either. You can argue they'd make money off it, sure, but can you justify the cost in man hours for a potential payoff? Who knows, not something you can prove to be beneficial.

3 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Just don't expect your opinion not to be criticised

I mean, same to you?

3 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Provably wrong.

Universal vacuum for both companion types, Excalibur Umbra, syandana customisation being sepereated from armour, reversing an extremely unpopular nerf to vacuums range, making alert Warframes easier to farm, putting Umbra forma in the starchart.

Need I go on?

Provide the proof that DE didn't make the decision regarding these changes then. Did they take suggestions? Was it a heavily posted suggestion? Sure, yes to both.

But ultimately DE still listened to DE.

3 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

You know, before today I actually respected you. But after this, not so much.

And this is really why I said something. You accuse others of "caring too much" (not something you can dictate) whilst throwing the virtual equivalent of a temper tantrum at dissenting opinions over something you repeatedly claim to be so minor.

Why do you have such a problem with people not wanting to see flying pink Rhinos that you feel the need to vocalise that you no longer respect me?

The question is rhetorical, btw. Just something I want you to mull over.

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7 hours ago, (XB1)C11H22O11 said:

People have talked about it before

Fair enough.

Both of those posts are in regards to Titania and floating, with some references to other frames. Like I said, making other animations for all frames isn't practical as you can only make a walk unique so many time before you start getting silly.

7 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

You can argue they'd make money off it, sure, but can you justify the cost in man hours for a potential payoff?

Yes. DE wouldn't have made other customisation additions for the playerbase, like making syandanas seperate from armour, if they didn't ultimately pay off. And just a reminder, DE once removed a slot machine type mechanic because they didn't want that sort of thing in the game, even though they admittedly made loads of money from it.

7 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

I mean, same to you?

Go for it. If sarcastic quips and "turning the table" fallacies count as genuine criticism in your book then more power to you.

7 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

Provide the proof that DE didn't make the decision regarding these changes then.

Oh so its not the reason why they made the decision, its the actual decision making itself that counts. Right, because thats how the world works - without context.

No DE ultimately listen to the community. We are customers at the end of the day and they are a business. If they do not keep the majority of customers happy, they loose money. Business 101. If something is too unpopular or heavily demanded, it happens.

In a number of the previously mentioned changes, DE were at the start steadfast in their position. In the case of universal vacuum, they never wanted it at all, citing the long dead "uniqueness" argument. Then guess what, it got added anyway because there was such high demand. DE do not ultimately listen to DE. They listen to the customers.

8 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

You accuse others of "caring too much" (not something you can dictate) whilst throwing the virtual equivalent of a temper tantrum at dissenting opinions over something you repeatedly claim to be so minor.

This again. You realise you can shout this from the rooftops but it won't change how wrong you are.

Me questioning the arbitrary boundries/reasons people have for things, is not caring too much. False equivalency.

8 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

Why do you have such a problem with people not wanting to see flying pink Rhinos that you feel the need to vocalise that you no longer respect me?

I no longer respect you because your argument is entirely arbitrary and illogical. And you suddenly start resorting to cheap insults the moment someone questions your viewpoint.

I have no problem people not liking pink Rhinos. I have a problem when they use that as a reason to not add something into the game.

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1 hour ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Yes. DE wouldn't have made other customisation additions for the playerbase, like making syandanas seperate from armour, if they didn't ultimately pay off

You can't prove however that a controversial addition such as this would be ultimately beneficial, is my point. For someone so focused on logic and proving things, you're dead set on this guess being factual.

1 hour ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Oh so its not the reason why they made the decision, its the actual decision making itself that counts. Right, because thats how the world works - without context

Ah, you're under the impression that we've repeated strong armed DE into making decisions, rather than DE just deciding themselves to add xyz to the game after we ask for it. Think of all the things they haven't added despite being asked. Universal Vacuum does not exist in the way most asked for it, DE compromised.

DE listen to DE.

1 hour ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

This again. You realise you can shout this from the rooftops but it won't change how wrong you are.

Me questioning the arbitrary boundries/reasons people have for things, is not caring too much. False equivalency.

"Questioning", don't make me laugh. You are not questioning.

1 hour ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

I no longer respect you because your argument is entirely arbitrary and illogical.

No, it's because you're stuck in your way and incapable of rationalizing anything but your own viewpoint.

Look at it this way. I chipped in because I felt you were overreacting, and essentially "caring too much". The fact that not only have you lost respect for me over something so minor, but felt the need to tell me as such really just proves that. 

1 hour ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

I have no problem people not liking pink Rhinos. I have a problem when they use that as a reason to not add something into the game.

Is this the feedback subforum, or general discussion? Nobody here saying they don't want it is actively doing anything to stop it being added to the game. People have simply shared their thoughts on the matter in a discussion forum, literally the design intent of this subforum.

How many times have I put it so simply, and you're still overreacting? Also, yeah, you clearly do have a problem.

Edited by DeMonkey
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1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

You can't prove however that a controversial addition such as this would be ultimately beneficial, is my point.

My question to you is; how would it not ultimately be beneficial? I cannot see how it would not in any way as it opens up more customisation options and you have given absolutely no convincing argument as to why DE should not do this.

How would it negatively affect DE or the game and in what way on earth could it be considered "controversial?"

1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

you're under the impression that we've repeated strong armed DE into making decisions, rather than DE just deciding themselves to add xyz to the game after we ask for it.

And the ultimate deciding factor behind their decision is based on us, the customers. So yes, we do actually have a lot of weight in their decisions. Pretending like we don't is a complete lost cause because it completely defeats the point of them even being a business in the first place. I don't know why you think this is a good arguing point.

If DE only listened to DE, they wouldn't get very far. Simple as that.

1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

Universal Vacuum does not exist in the way most asked for it, DE compromised.

Universal Vacuum was nerfed when it was first introduced yes, but guess what, the extreme amount of negative backlash from us, the customers, caused them to reverse that change and now the range is the same on all companions. DE did not comprimise at all in the end and nor did they even need to, because that change ultimately made the game a lot less linear in your choices and opened up more varied playstyles. So it was beneficial and it was because of our feedback. Who would have thought.

1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

"Questioning", don't make me laugh. You are not questioning.

You're right, I'm scrutinising.

1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

I chipped in because I felt you were overreacting, and essentially "caring too much".

That's going in the Oxford Dictionary as an example of irony.

Do you want to keep up this ridiculous "turing the tables" fallacy argument or are you going to just drop it because it goes nowhere. Questioning why someone is particularly afraid of a pink floating Grendel is not caring too much.

1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

Nobody here saying they don't want it is actively doing anything to stop it being added to the game.

You do know that the devs don't just look at the feedback section the entire time right? A lot of issues, such as Universal Vacuum, were discussed here as well. GD is not the official place for feedback, but it still takes place here nonetheless.

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5 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

How would it negatively affect DE or the game?

It would negatively affect the remaining darker theme of the game. 

7 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

And the ultimate deciding factor behind their decision is based on us, the customers. So yes, we do actually have a lot of weight in their decisions

Oh I'm sure we do, but ultimately we just suggest things, DE listen to DE and add things they want to add.

7 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

DE did not comprimise at all in the end

Yes they did, because we didn't get the universal vacuum that everyone was asking for. Perhaps you've forgotten the threads.

9 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

You're right, I'm scrutinising

You're going beyond scrutinizing. You're belittling and twisting as well.

9 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Do you want to keep up this ridiculous "turing the tables" fallacy argument or are you going to just drop it because it goes nowhere. Questioning why someone is particularly afraid of a pink floating Grendel is not caring too much.

Again, making my point for me. The fact that you feel the need to claim people are "afraid" is just petty. No one is afraid, it's just not to their preference.

But no no, gotta overreact. Exactly why I'm telling you to mull this over. Your reaction and responses are completely disproportionate.

11 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

You do know that the devs don't just look at the feedback section the entire time right? A lot of issues, such as Universal Vacuum, where discussed here as well. GD is not the official place for feedback, but it still takes place here nonetheless.

What's your point? You posted in general discussion, don't whinge when people treat it as a discussion thread and share their opinion.

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28 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

It would negatively affect the remaining darker theme of the game. 

How? Warframe lost darker theme a very long time ago, when they started adding Davy Jones themed space pirate ninjas into the game. 

Also once again; you can already use goofy idles on frames. All this would do is allow them to remain in that idle while walking. For someone who falsely claims not to care too much, you're a real hypocrite.

This is what I mean by arbitrary boundaries.

28 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Yes they did, because we didn't get the universal vacuum that everyone was asking for. Perhaps you've forgotten the threads.

We asked for universal vacuum that was previously exclusive to Carrier. DE went through a myriad of bad comprimises which at one point inculded breaking Vacuum up into three precepts that would only pick up certain things, which was obviously awful, then they did the nerf which was then reversed. We got the vacuum we wanted.

28 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

You're going beyond scrutinizing. You're belittling and twisting as well.

I have not offered anyone any sort of insult, unlike you.

I have just openly questioned as to why people seem to be have such arbitrary lines for immersion breaking and "removing the dark theme" from the game.

28 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

No one is afraid, it's just not to their preference.

And as I said, their preference should not stop things from being added to the game.

28 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

don't whinge when people treat it as a discussion thread and share their opinion.

Questioning is not whinging.

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2 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

This is what I mean by arbitrary boundaries.

No, this is you continuing to misconstrue posts. I said it would negatively affect what was left of the darker theme. It's already been been beaten down, yes, but this isn't an arbitrary line, it's just another addition I perceive as negative.

I have already gone over this. 

2 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

We asked for universal vacuum that was previously exclusive to Carrier. DE went through a myriad of bad comprimises which at one point inculded breaking Vacuum up into three precepts that would only pick up certain things, which was obviously awful, then they did the nerf which was then reversed. We got the vacuum we wanted.

No, we didn't. Evidently you don't remember the threads, people wanted vacuum on frames, free from modding and completely independent of companions.

Acting otherwise is disingenuous, vacuum is still a mod and it's still on companions. DE listened to DE.

2 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

I have not offered anyone any sort of insult, unlike you.

When you explicitly refer to peoples opinion as stupid, that's an insult.

2 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

I have just openly questioned as to why people seem to be have such arbitrary lines for immersion breaking

And you've deliberately ignored us explaining there is no line. This isn't the straw that broke the camels back. I don't like pink Rhinos, I don't like anime glyphs and I also don't like the stupid bunny ears. All of them negatively impact the theme of the game that I personally like. This would just be another addition to the list of things I dislike, thus I hope it doesn't happen.


2 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

And as I said, their preference should not stop things from being added to the game.

No one is stopping it, people are discussing it in a discussion thread.

2 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Questioning is not whinging.

You've already admitted that you aren't questioning. 

Flippy floppy little fish.

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1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

I said it would negatively affect what was left of the darker theme. It's already been been beaten down, yes, but this isn't an arbitrary line, it's just another addition I perceive as negative.

There is no dark theme left. The moment they started introducing ridiculous themes for Warframes and making us overpowered, the darkness of the game died. Trying to salvage it at this point is completely pointless, unless you're in favour of removing most of the customisation in the game, locking animations back to being exclusive and reworked the entire game so that players became squishy again and it focused entirely on newly designed infested units on dark ships with flickering lights a la Deadspace, then the dark theme will never be present in the game again.

1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

No, we didn't. Evidently you don't remember the threads, people wanted vacuum on frames, free from modding and completely independent of companions.

I do and that was a minority. Most people just wanted universal Vacuum avaliable for all companions and that would have been fine. We got what we wanted. DE listened to the majority.

1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

When you explicitly refer to peoples opinion as stupid, that's an insult.

You insulted me before I ever called your opinion stupid, so if you'd like to point fingers, do it in a mirror.

1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

And you've deliberately ignored us explaining there is no line.

There is, it just got passed a very long time ago, according to your and others view of how the game should be. Adding new walking animations would not be pushing boundaries that were already broken many years ago. To be honest with what you've said here I'm surprised you still play the game, considering its about as dark as the Sun these days. You seem you'd be more at home replaying Deadspace or Alien Isolation.

1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

You've already admitted that you aren't questioning.

Questioning and scrutinising fall under the same category as inquiring, Monkey. Surely you must know that...

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58 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

There is no dark theme left. The moment they started introducing ridiculous themes for Warframes and making us overpowered, the darkness of the game died.

Of course, the entire situation is black and white. The moment something silly was added the entire thing collapsed. /s

58 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Trying to salvage it at this point is completely pointless

Do you even hear yourself? You're reading so much into innocuous posts that it's a little mind blowing.

How many times must it be repeated, simply, in order for you to stop overreacting? I do not like it, thus I don't personally want to see it. There really shouldn't be any arguing at all, people are entitled to post their opinion on the matter without having someone throw a tantrum in their face about how they're "denying" a good addition to the game.

58 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

I do and that was a minority

You're welcome to be disingenuous all you like, it was not the minority. It was the presented compromise in a few threads, but largely people wanted it universally with the biggest argument in favour being "it's basic QoL". I personally argued against because I didn't want to have to pick things up, and subsequently waste them if they weren't required.

DE listened to DE.

58 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

You insulted me before I ever called your opinion stupid, so if you'd like to point fingers, do it in a mirror

I insulted you because you've spent a good deal of the thread belittling opinions in general, by claiming they're stupid, claiming people are "personally insulted" or "afraid" of customisation options and generally behaving like a twit.

58 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

There is, it just got passed a very long time ago, according to your and others view of how the game should be.

There is not. The game may not be as dark as it was, but it's still an enjoyable shooter with zombies, mercenaries and viscera that I can immerse myself in. 

All of the previously mentioned additions affect that. I was against glyph sprays for the exact same reason.

Essentially, and I'm saying it again, it's not something I'd like to see, and thus I hope I don't have to see it.


58 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Questioning and scrutinising fall under the same category as inquiring, Monkey. Surely you must know that...

But you said you weren't questioning, then you said you were questioning, when really you're doing neither.

Like a fish on the deck of a boat, flopping about with no idea what it's doing.

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So even besides this adding to the tings that would be everywhere along with the dracula cape and red and black in general and just another annoyance of things i wouldn't really want to see since it's just bleh.


I feel a lot of the bigger frames might end up clipping into themselves with these animations and if anything that's probably a more legitimate reason to not have them since while frames to have the same skeleton they're also different sizes with Grendel being very different then say mirage. they could take the time to re rig them for every other frame yes but it definitely wouldn't be a priority.


So I don't really want to see it myself (personally I use all frames idles on them and that's it. so they all feel like they have a specific personality and not just a skin to wear) and I don't think they will be adding it. 

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