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De, Why Are You Retiring The Gorgon?


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My bet is on these two possibilities:


A) A replacement that isn't the Soma (aka non-ridiuclous crit numbers), but a heavy impact machine gun that delivers much more of a punch when the bullets DO hit.


B) Removing these weapons to lighten up the item database, as the more entries in said database, the more resources the game consumes on the backend that can be better used elsewhere.

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My bet is on these two possibilities:


A) A replacement that isn't the Soma (aka non-ridiuclous crit numbers), but a heavy impact machine gun that delivers much more of a punch when the bullets DO hit.


B) Removing these weapons to lighten up the item database, as the more entries in said database, the more resources the game consumes on the backend that can be better used elsewhere.

A.) doesn't make sense because why would they spend more dev time to remake a weapon that already exists and just needs numerical tweaking to be relevant?

B.) doesn't make sense because these guns will still EXIST you just won't be able to get new ones anymore. (Also I cannot imagine that gear takes up any kind of significant space in their database.)

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The thing that baffles me is why not just roll back the Gorgon changes ?! It used to be too accurate in burst ???

Then why is the Soma on tap fire is as accurate as a Latron and you can tap a lot faster since the spread isn't as hefty as the recoil of the Latron ?



Also will this new trend mean the heat dagger Bo and rest etc are all waiting to be disappeared ?

I hate to see unused weapons retired because they "suck".
Why not just give some simple buffs first then steadily work on them instead of just "retiring them" ?
For example Kama and Dakra are technically long sword type weapons and they can hit multiple targets.

Why not switch the value across the board for all long swords as a start ?

So it gives makes fast charging Dark sword / Plasma sword charged builds much more viable as they can cleave multiple targets.

Edited by fatpig84
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The thing that baffles me is why not just roll back the Gorgon changes ?! It used to be too accurate in burst ???

Then why is the Soma on tap fire is as accurate as a Latron and you can tap a lot faster since the spread isn't as hefty as the recoil of the Latron ?



Also will this new trend mean the heat dagger Bo and rest etc are all waiting to be disappeared ?

I hate to see unused weapons retired because they "suck".
Why not just give some simple buffs first then steadily work on them instead of just "retiring them" ?
For example Kama and Dakra are technically long sword type weapons and they can hit multiple targets.

Why not switch the value across the board for all long swords as a start ?

So it gives makes fast charging Dark sword / Plasma sword charged builds much more viable as they can cleave multiple targets.

Perhaps it's just to stop people from complaining they're worthless. 

Then they'll buff them when they have time, and reintroduce them later when they feel they meet more suitable standards at their leisure. 

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I just come here to say i dont understand the removing of Gorgon.

Gorgon is a decent gun, for a R3. It allows you to spray bullets to the crowd and tear them in pieces.

Until the crowd reach lvl70-80.

But this gun is good. not perfect. but good is enough right?

There are absolute crap guns in the market for months ... remove them first?


No, what is needed are small changes to Gorgon and Soma.

- up gorgon damage by 1-2 pts. slightly lower vertical recoil. just a bit!

- up soma rank to R7, as the supra is.

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Balance is important when you want people to have a wide variety of viable playstyles, which keep people invested and engaged, which keeps them playing longer and makes them willing to take a risk and spend money on weapons, weapon slots, and upgrades to those weapons.  If I keep seeing bad weapon balancing and new stuff making old stuff obsolete, I fully intend to quit this game.  It's not like I don't have other games out there to play.  I'm already a Firefall founder for instance, but so far I don't see any reason to pay to be a founder for this game.

THIS. A hundred times over. Except to my shame I am a founder to warframe as well... I hope in the end they prove to be worhy of the faith I had in this game...

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THIS. A hundred times over. Except to my shame I am a founder to warframe as well... I hope in the end they prove to be worhy of the faith I had in this game...

some people enjoy the direction some dont it happens in every game DE wont be able to please everyone to 100% decisions have to be made

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I'm glad I got this... 'antique'. I find if the accuracy was better, I'd prefer to use this way more. I find I try to pot shot at enemies with weapons, but when I need to fire three or four before one goes straight and hits my target is far less than desirable. It's accuracy turns me off.

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Perhaps it's just to stop people from complaining they're worthless. 

Then they'll buff them when they have time, and reintroduce them later when they feel they meet more suitable standards at their leisure. 


Buffs don't have to be timing consuming.

Look at the Dakra.

It isn't the best long sword, but it is way better than the rest due to it's ability to multi-hit and high slashing damage.

This multi-fix can be an easy fix or straight buff to all long swords, and makes them in line with most other melee weapons.


I just don't like seeing weapons getting retired :/

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I guess DE might be moving all the weapons from other factions and put in more Tenno weapons as we are Tennos!


The fact that we can use the weapons of our sworn enemies is a big factor in Warframe. It makes no sense to remove those weapons as it alienates players who prefer to use them.


I know I'll keep my Gorgon, but think of the other players. So what if they have the Soma? What if they want something that actually LOOKS like a machine gun? What if they want a challenge? What if they're going for a Grineer theme? What if, what if, what if... removing the Gorgon's a bad choice, just like removing all the other weapons is a bad choice.



Edited by Kamal965
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Sometimes it feels like all people who play warframe are hoarders. 

I agree with the removal of the machete and ether daggers, but wtf.

We should get rid of the stuff that actually needs to be gotten rid of (daggers, other useless S#&$)

but instead we removed the regular version of the boar prime and took out one of the better rifles in the game.

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what is needed

If it were me, I'd

* Increase initial accuracy to "good". About as good as the Braton. Keep the pathetic accuracy at full spin.

* Reduce rate of fire to 6 rounds per second and lock it at this rate all the time.

* Instead of increasing ROF as the gun spins up, giving it increasing multishot until it is 100% multishot at full spin. This takes effect before multi-shot mods. (Currently 12 rounds per second + 100% multishot = 24 hits per second, proposed change would be (6 rounds per second + 100%) + 100% = 24 hits per second)

This gives you the same kind of bullet spray it does now at full spin, but with greater ammo efficiency and some minor utility at medium range if fired carefully.

Edited by Momaw
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More accuracy? No thanks. It is a minigun, not a sniper. Just give it moar damage so that accuracy won't be a problem!

Sorry, I can't hear you behind all that noise of people, trying to shoot cameras.

Gorgon would be really supreme and awesome if it was given it's pre-nerf accuracy values.

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But it is not supposed to have accuracy. That goes against everything a minigun is.



Just give it a very high base damage so that each individual bullet hits like a truck. That way accuracy at long ranges won't matter as much, and at close range it will be a monster because of all your bullets will hit the target for Massive Damage.

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Don't forget!  The new weapons all have to require forma and 20,000 spores in their build costs.  Plus you'll have to go into certain missions to find random drop items to craft an item to allow you to go to another mission where you do the same thing again which lets you eventually get to the final area where you'll have a 0.005% chance of getting each of the 4 blueprints necessary to build the weapon.  And once DE sees enough players using it, they'll nerf it claiming it is for balance reasons and 6 months later they'll remove it entirely when they have another weapon created to replace it.

I rofl'd

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But it is not supposed to have accuracy. That goes against everything a minigun is.



Just give it a very high base damage so that each individual bullet hits like a truck. That way accuracy at long ranges won't matter as much, and at close range it will be a monster because of all your bullets will hit the target for Massive Damage.


Oh, what I wouldn't give to have a genuine minigun in Warframe.

Edited by BlueIstari
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Why are they retiring the Gorgon? Obviously so that we can get the exclusive Gorgon Wraith from the next event!


but why stop there? Why not make a Gorgon Vandal?

I believe Wraith and Vandal versions apply to different factions, Vandal being Super charged Corpus weapons (Can't really confirm that due to the Lato.) And Wraith being Super charged Tenno weapons (Will be confirmed if there is another wraith version of a Tenno weapon like Latron Wraith).


So a Grineer supercharged weapon might have a different name like Gorgon Titan or Gorgon Monolith(Just throwing out names), but thats just my hunch.

Edited by RustyNaps
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