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[The Outdated Parkour Thread] It Finally Happened! (Voice Your Opinion In The Poll!)


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That said coptering is an exploit

this is very outdated information.

it hasn't been an exploit since Digital Extremes tried to make it a feature by creating it on purpose, finding the physics of it didn't quite feel right after trying many different styles, and reverting back to the original programming that has the bug in it.

it's a bug in the programming, but it's vetted as a feature now.

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this is very outdated information.

it hasn't been an exploit since Digital Extremes tried to make it a feature by creating it on purpose, finding the physics of it didn't quite feel right after trying many different styles, and reverting back to the original programming that has the bug in it.

it's a bug in the programming, but it's vetted as a feature now.


It is an unintended side effect of  weird physics programming. It is not a feature. A feature is something that a developer works on to be in the game. It is a bug, and by the strictest definition of an exploit, is an exploit. 

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It is not a feature.

it's a feature because a bug in programming is now intended to be there. it's there on purpose now.



you can decide it's an exploit, but it stopped being one as soon as Digital Extremes decided they wanted it in the game.

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This sums up all of my qualms with the current state of parkour in warframe.

I think that leg-ups, and other such team tacitcs would also be a good addition to that list, as it would encourage further player interaction durring missions.


I'd be glad if they do a more ninja-esque form of this!


You jump, your teammates join you mid-air : the one above gets propelled further away with the help of the other. :)


"It's youzeless!"


Think about someone who got lower mobility than you and would like to go to some hidden loot location..."Need some help to reach it man? Let me lend you a hand!"


This right here, is the spirit of coop games.. (even Donkey Kong country games got this!)

Edited by unknow99
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Well, there is a lot of "features" which begun their life cycle as a bug. If you ever played quake, you know what I'm talking about. All those bunny/strafe/ramp/rocket jumps, plasma climbing, and so on. CPMA ultraspeed movement mechanics were spawned from these exploits as well as the first Rocket Arena (which were made into the clan arena game mode). The new UT is designed to use some of these features from the ground up, so it doesn't mean anything that we are arguing about that it is a feature or an exploit.


If gameplay benefits from it, I don't really care.


But there are unfair exploits, which should be adressed. Again, referencing back to quake 3, there was an exploit, where you were able to kill your opponent through walkways (because the blast of the rockets were not hitscan those days), which was fixed and almost nobody argued. So yes, if I have to spend a huge amount of power to jump to the air with excalibur or fly with zephyr, it is f***n unfair to have directional melee like this.

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This sums up all of my qualms with the current state of parkour in warframe.

I think that leg-ups, and other such team tacitcs would also be a good addition to that list, as it would encourage further player interaction durring missions.



I would love it if i could jump / land on a fellow tenno and have them throw me up into the air ! 

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I dont have any issue with this games mechanic, all the gifs images i see is just some guy keep running into wall. Let me just say something, if you see a wall run around it. Oh and when you are jumping around obsticles press and hold space it will do you some good.

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This thread is great. That's it. I have diddlysquat in terms of suggestions.


I would like clarification on #1 wth that GIF, the part with Banshee falling down towards a wall: pressing space would just turn momentum with a similar trajectory into a diagonal wall run towards the ground, right?

I dont have any issue with this games mechanic, all the gifs images i see is just some guy keep running into wall. Let me just say something, if you see a wall run around it. Oh and when you are jumping around obsticles press and hold space it will do you some good.

You might need to do a bit of reading. It would clarify your confusion.

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I would like clarification on #1 wth that GIF, the part with Banshee falling down towards a wall: pressing space would just turn momentum with a similar trajectory into a diagonal wall run towards the ground, right?

Not quite sure what you're talking about. Diagonal walls runs are not possible and definitively not towards the ground.

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Many of these posts can easily be a rant that derails. But you did the legwork, and presented a clear and concise argument about what's wrong with Parkour 1.0. 


Thank you. +1'd and bumped. This 1 year Warframe veteran concurs with this post. 

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yes it is.

'why walk when i can copter'

'why shoot when i can copter'

'why cast abilities when i can copter'

'why even play the game when i can copter'



that's not an answer. it's a copout. it's an excuse to ignore some part of the game. keyword is excuse.


hell, why would we tweak Equipment to be useful? Damage won't kill everything anyways, so we might as well not have it.

and Status won't be useful 100% of the time, so we might as well not have it.

oh, it's more efficient to use 4-bit visuals, so we might as well not have anything more detailed.


OK, now you are being absurd. Pretty sure you know that too.


I'm not "ignoring" parts of the game. You already admitted they are not even there. We could NOT do what the OP showed in the examples because it was never THERE to being with, then he starts asking for changes to the game code to allow us to get to places. Places I can get to NOW by using the tools I ALREADY HAVE.


The thing is, Coptering DOES allow people to skip through whole sections of the game.  Entire swaths of developer and art work gone, because coptering is the fastest, most efficient way to bypass just about everything.


Some players complain about how slow some suits are, and how Coptering feels off with this Warframes.  Others complain about how they are forced to rush because of all the Coptering.


That's an issue.  A single weapon, used outside of it's intended purpose isn't that bad.  But a single weapon ALWAYS used outside of it's intended weapon because it does everything except it's main use, because it's a lousy straight up weapon, IS bad.


The issue is that the Dual Zorens have made any other traversal system more or less irrelevant past Jumping over pits, and some pits can still be coptered over.


If coptering is really OK and what the Devs truly want, Parkour should be removed.  Because it's a mechanic that's wasting space.  It's taking up megabytes and gigabytes of information that could be used for something else.

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Nothing is gone when you copter, come on man that is nonsense !! Copter adds much to this game It would not be the same without.


You can appreciate the levels while coptering just fine because you replay them 100000 times. Besides If you don't copter its basically removed no ?


But I guess if you really want to kill this game you could remove copter...

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Nothing is gone when you copter, come on man that is nonsense !! Copter adds much to this game It would not be the same without.


You can appreciate the levels while coptering just fine because you replay them 100000 times. Besides If you don't copter its basically removed no ?


But I guess if you really want to kill this game you could remove copter...

Take away coptering (which is bug that DE wants to be a feature) and directional melee (which makes no sense the way it is right now) and you have a less-than-stellar parkour system and a bad ground movement system.


This game is not going to die because coptering is removed. The only people who would leave if coptering was taken out are the people who have no open-mindedness towards a new movement system that's well designed, looks great, and performs great.

Edited by Aspari
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Take away coptering (which is bug that DE wants to be a feature) and directional melee (which makes no sense the way it is right now) and you have a less-than-stellar parkour system and a bad ground movement system.


This game is not going to die because coptering is removed. The only people who would leave if coptering was taken out are the people who have no open-mindedness towards a new movement system that's well designed, looks great, and performs great.

watch this and eat your words

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So, was the latest devstream good news for parkour, or bad? I have not had the luck to see it yet, but I heard that parkour was talked about.


I got a pretty good impression from it. I wouldn't expect any changes to be implemented any time soon but at the very least it seems like parkour is getting a serious look at. It was also mentioned that there is a pretty significant amount of feedback being looked at in regards to parkour. So if anything has yet to be said, at this point, now would be a great time.

Edited by (PS4)KaxMcc
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