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Broken Codex scans


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As everyone has observed, post New War Narmer codex is currently missing 3 entries. 2 of them look like condor dropships, with a 3rd looking like potentially the drifter/humanoid shape enemy.


You can hop out during certain railjack portions and you can actually scan the IONYX sentient fighterships if you didnt nab these during scarlet spear.

During THE VERY FIRST TIME you get to RJ in space(Right before the part where you play as Teshin) sentients actually hit your RJ with DROPPODS, and I'm assuming you can scan these boarding parties as well but I didn't have the wherewithal during the quest to just sit there and wait for enemies to breach my RJ, ALSO was made difficult due to me having elite crew, they decimated these enemies so I couldn't think about stopping for a sec or hell even restarting the mission to get these hard to get scans 😔If you can stand it or have not actually started/finished New War, highly consider trying to go for these boarding party scans if you're a codex hunter, you'll regret it later as we wont be able to replay New War until 2023.

RARE enemy types(almost all of em are Corpus):

Narmer Leech Osprey - Found VERY FEW during Excavator bounty and One during a "defend the cases" bounty. SEE EDIT

Narmer Mine Osprey - Found some in the same group as the above ospreys. SEE EDIT

Narmer Sniper Crewman - I currently have 4 scans of this guy, I'm assuming he only spawns during HIGHER tiers of wanted level or is just a very rare enemy, The only one I've remembered actually scanning(not from helios), he was dropped from a condor dropship I think during a "Defend the coil drive" part of the bounty. SEE EDIT

Narmer Shield Osprey - Only have 1 scan of this Osprey, Thus I'm assuming the above sniper crewman is the only unit that spawns em unless someone else knows where they are. SEE EDIT

Narmer Geminix MOA - Found a few during the spy mission where you have to hack inside Refinement Labs specifically found them at the deepest part of the Labs(where there is a hologram display of a sentient). SEE EDIT

Narmer Glaxion MOA - Found some in the EXACT same group as the above Narmer Geminix MOA. SEE EDIT

HIDDEN/MISSING enemies/items:


1) Narmer Troopers can spawn a new Narmer Seeker Drone which can be scanned but doesn't show up. Unsure if these can spawn new units too, what I'm most interested in would be if they can spawn a NARMER OGMA because that's the same method to spawn a TUSK OGMA, you just have to be lucky it shoots the correct flare type.

2) NARMER CACHES - Can be scanned during the bounty where you have to find 3 of em


1) The new open world area may have new Gargarius spores which can be scanned(unless im tripping on these and I just literally never scanned the normal ones.)

2) During the "Defend the drone" bounty, the drone is replaced with a new NARMER SENSOLYST DRONE that can be scanned(the model for this enemy looks REALLY cool!)

3) Narmer Senta Turrets - New senta turrets that is uncommon but new. Can be found all over.

4) Narmer Turret - Can be found inside a garage that is close to where a lot of different bounty types can happen. Inside the garage is 2 coildrives, and this spot can also be a spy bounty location. In the corners of this room up top, 2 turrets can POTENTIALLY spawn.(weirdly enough, once it spawned 4, but they were 2 stacked on top of each other. EDIT: after further testing, you can force these to spawn if this garage becomes the spy vault, and you TRIGGER the alert/lasers(note that this FAILS the bonus of the spy bounty)

5) Narmer Mite - The assassination bounty which spawns a big raknoid can spawn a mini new raknoid, you just have to wait for it to create some.(Most people immediately oneshot the target)

6) Corpus Airdrop Caches - Can be scanned during the find 3 caches bounty

7) Narmer Coil Drive - Found during the "Defend the coildrive" bounty.


There are now entries in the Sim for BREACHER MOA and STRIKER MOA. As well as a duplicate Tyco Battalyst.

This is all I have personally found so far.


I have found a foolproof method for spawning most of these rare enemies. It seems that these enemies ARE infact tied to wanted level. At Tier 3 wanted level more Sniper Crewman began to spawn. And as I leveled up to 4 star wanted level, Geminix + Shield Osprey + Glaxion MOAs + Leech ospreys + Mine ospreys started spawning. So ideal condition to set this up is of course to go solo so people dont destroy beacons. Then simply do a part of the bounty, and as you're doing that, simply get your wanted level up to 4 without starting to the next bounty. Scan all the enemies you need, then kill em and let the game spawn more of the ones you need scans of. In doing this, I have also discovered that NARMER CORPUS TECH deploys their osprey on the back when brought to low health, and it spawns a new enemy type simply called NARMER OSPREY. Also, Scytho/Kyto Raknoids as well as Terra Jackals that spawn from this, ARE ACTUALLY HOSTILE towards the Narmer faction. You can get MOST of your scans if you spawn the assasination target early, then use the remaining timer to get to 4 star wanted level, killing enemies/mites the raknoid spawns until the timer is over.

Edited by XxFerdi420xX
New info.
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Some more Narmer stuff:

Narmer Turret appears in Central Maintenance garage, during spy vault, on the ceiling corners. No codex entry. They also seem to spawn on each other sometimes.

Narmer Osprey, summoned by Narmer Corpus Tech, no codex entry.

Narmer Sniper Crewman, Corpus Tech, Leech/Mine/Sapping/Shield Osprey spawn reasonably often during full alert (4 red symbols).

Narmer Shield Ospreys are NOT spawned by Narmer Sniper Crewmen, they spawn from teleport beams or brought in by dropships. In case of dropships, they stay midair and slowly float down. If you are manually scanning, look up after a ship comes.

Narmer Prod Crewman is pretty rare, and only seems to spawn on lower alert levels.

Edited by Murox
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Someone brought this to my attention. but does anyone know how to get the scan in the "ALL" tab sorted byy "Name" between Vorac Harpi and Vorac MOA or is this a bugged entry? It seems to me that the most likely candidate would be an Vorac Harpi(Elite), which is a Harpi that shows shields but isn't named Elite Vorac Harpi, as that is a different codex entry. There is an example of this if you look at Axio/Taro/Vorac Weaver, they have duplicate entries for Weavers which show them with a shield that Elite Weavers should spawn with but on a normal non eximus mob.

Currently attempting to find these in Pluto Proxima but some of these entries seem to indicate Veil spawns so I may try to get scans there as well.

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6 hours ago, XxFerdi420xX said:

Someone brought this to my attention. but does anyone know how to get the scan in the "ALL" tab sorted byy "Name" between Vorac Harpi and Vorac MOA or is this a bugged entry? It seems to me that the most likely candidate would be an Vorac Harpi(Elite), which is a Harpi that shows shields but isn't named Elite Vorac Harpi, as that is a different codex entry. There is an example of this if you look at Axio/Taro/Vorac Weaver, they have duplicate entries for Weavers which show them with a shield that Elite Weavers should spawn with but on a normal non eximus mob.

Currently attempting to find these in Pluto Proxima but some of these entries seem to indicate Veil spawns so I may try to get scans there as well.

I think its the ally harpi that spawns in the new war when you switch to tenno for the first time

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2 hours ago, Jivy said:

I think its the ally harpi that spawns in the new war when you switch to tenno for the first time

If this is true then that is an ouch for me 😭

Although I guess if New War is replayable eventually, I'll still eventually get em.

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6 hours ago, XxFerdi420xX said:

If this is true then that is an ouch for me 😭

Although I guess if New War is replayable eventually, I'll still eventually get em.

It will be pretty hard cause they die really quick, so gotta speedrun it

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i find a new bug, i think it is a duplicate of the vorac harpi, but I can't show you the screen because I don't know how to put it in the message.

you can see the bug in the codex-universe-ennemie-all-name and on the vorac harpi you see a duplicate




Edited by Momoque2
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Added the VORAC HARPI duplicate on this list. Thanks.

As for enemies that are missing the codex scan. I stopped bothering about them, since most of them kinda makes sense to not clutter your codex page.
It's more effort then it's worth to me.
That said, feel free to make your own bugreport list. (copy this page if you want). I still intend to update the bugged scans once in a while, but I can't anticipate when I'll be taking a break from warframe.


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3 hours ago, MaiNeym said:

Added the VORAC HARPI duplicate on this list. Thanks.

Think i might have footage of it in action, my cursor went over the ally version of the harpi but it quickly depleted health at this timestamp 31:57


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It seems that Narmer Turrets can spawn in any OV spy bounty location, if you break the alarm. Not just Central Maintenance. At the very least, they spawn within the Enrichment Labs.

They still spawn if you alert the enemy after hacking the vault, so no need to sacrifice the bonus.

Edited by Murox
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15 hours ago, Murox said:

I see a new unknown corpus entry between Juno Geminex Moa and its Eximus variant (sorted by name). Anyone got it?

Simulacrum shows it's a duplicate Juno Geminex Moa. I haven't found a way to get it either. 


Edited by MaiNeym
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i think the Vapos crewman dont spawn anymore, i doe a certain number of mission on Jupiter to find the normal version because the eximus version dont spawn in the eximus stronhold sortie. And i dont find one. I can ave wrong but i think i'm right

Edited by Momoque2
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12 hours ago, Momoque2 said:

i think the Vapos crewman dont spawn anymore, i doe a certain number of mission on Juîter to find the normal version because the eximus version dont spawn in the eximus stronhold sortie. And i dont find one. I can ave wrong but i think i'm right

I just went into METIS - Jupiter rescue node and the first pack of enemies had a Vapos Crewman.

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1 hour ago, Momoque2 said:

i find the problem, i go on Metis on normal mission, i find a lot of vapos crewman, next i go on Metis but in steel path, i dind't find a single one. is very werd.

Well that is simply due to SP mode forcing +100 levels on enemies. LOTS of codex enemies ONLY spawn within a certain low level range(or the opposite). So for those scans, you cannot be in SP just to force more spawns to scan faster.

Examples of this are: Lobber Crawler, even in the wiki note under patch notes, it lists: "will no longer spawn past lv40 in endless mission types to make way for more aggresive enemies".

Another example: Vapos Prod Crewman Eximus. This enemy only really spawns in IO, Jupiter node, but only until wave 10. Because once it pasts that level range, it does the above and stops spawning Vapos Prod Crewman so it can spawn stronger enemies so past wave 10 you will never see this scan. Likewise, if you use SP to force simply more enemies to spawn so you can scan faster, you will never see this enemy spawn because the level range is too high.

My suggestion if you have trouble looking towards certain scans. Is to read the ENTIRE comment section on a particular enemy on warframe wiki. LOTS of people have helped me because their comment told me WHY enemies arent spawning etc.

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On 2022-01-11 at 4:59 AM, Jivy said:

They added a new enemy the Narmer power cell carrier for excavation bounty in orb Ballas (they dont show up in codex)

Thanks for the heads up, probably since Hotfix 31.0.6:

  • Fixed Excavation Cell Carrier spawning issues in Open Zones after completing The New War Quest.

They're just named "Corpus Power Carrier" though, but have the narmer helmet and helios scanned them again for me.  



In case anyone really likes to hunt these scans. Below are the missing codex scans I haven't managed to screenshot yet, but unsure if they actually (still) exist. 
Those are just when comparing www.warframe.com/droptables, with the codex. There are probably more.


I'm not counting old events, and enemies that have a different name in-game but are the same entree. (e.g. "Angst (Level 0 - 100)" is the droptable for "Angst")
The full list is in this google sheet

*(Name   -   Presumed location)

Apex Membroid    -    Murex, rare sentient container
Brachiolyst Disperser    -    ?
Gox Scavenger    -    ?
Juvenile Membroid    -    Murex, rare sentient container
Kuva Hellion Carrier    -    
Kuva Power Carrier    -    
Mature Membroid    -    Murex, rare sentient container
Mite Raknoid   -    Orb Vallis
Narmer Tech    -    Duplicate from Narmer Corpus tech?
Nascent Membroid    -    Murex, rare sentient container
Observation Drone    -    Orb Vallis Bounty
Ogma Elite    -    Fomorian Sabotage
Special Duty Coildrive    -    Orb Vallis Bounty
Spectralyst    -    created by Amalgam Heqets, Amalgam Arca Heqets, and Amalgam Ospreys
Tenno Specter    -    ?
Terra Cestra Manker    -    Orb Vallis
Terra Detron Crewman    -    Orb Vallis
Terra Nullifier Crewman    -    Orb Vallis
Terra Oxium Osprey    -    Orb Vallis
Terra Research Crewman    -    Orb Vallis
Terra Turret Osprey    -    Orb Vallis
Thermic Raknoid    -    Orb Vallis
Turret    -    ?


Edited by MaiNeym
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The Zealots exclusive to the Nightwave event are hidden on my Codex, with only the Zealoid Prelate and Bastion being scannable and shown in the Codex. J3 Golem, Infested Tumor, and the Saturn Six Fugitive do all show up, however.

Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but the Elite Kosma Outrider is now impossible to spawn because the Earth Proxima missions are too low level.unknown.png

I also found the Axio Engineer, (normal) Orm Basilisk, Engineer, and Harpi, and Vorac Engineer to also all be missing. I am missing some sentient entries as well that appear to be the sentient fighters from Scarlet Spear.


The three Apothic Imprints are also bugged. They appear 1/1 while playing the quest, but remain unknown in the Codex.



Slightly unrelated, but all Gokstad Pilots have double spaced text that uses he while all models are female. unknown.png

Edit: I also wanted to note that the Heliocor can be used instead of the Ballistica Prime and was fairly reliable at getting the bugged scans.

Edited by MomoMode
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15 hours ago, MomoMode said:

Slightly unrelated, but all Gokstad Pilots have double spaced text that uses he while all models are female. 

The reason why they are called "He" was when it was being devolved, the pilot's model was that of a dargyn pilot from POE guess they dint bother to change it, you can see here that they used this model at the timestamp (note the model turns into the pilot when the animation plays but before it was the original model in the game)


Edited by Jivy
Wrong Timestamp
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