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Teoarrk's concepts, lore and ideas thread, part 2 (Latest post - Where Part 9?)


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On 2022-05-11 at 11:10 AM, Teoarrk said:

If you cannot do that, then at least put some of the rewards in a different syndicate. There are now 17 syndicates in the game, which is crazy high for any game to balance, but gives at least some leeway on where items can be. 


One other issue I find is that with the way the original 6 Syndicates work, you can't tie that many new systems or new items to them. You have to rank them up all the way... but you can't have them all ranked up, so if I want a Rakta weapon and i've ranked up Steel Meridian, Suda and Hexis, then I have to grind all the way through the other three syndicates to get access to new items. DE sorta blunted this by having Arbitrations and Holokeys totally separate from it, but it's a bit weird for Ergo Glast to hate me while also being totally willing to sell me the Livia.

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54 minutes ago, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

One other issue I find is that with the way the original 6 Syndicates work, you can't tie that many new systems or new items to them. You have to rank them up all the way... but you can't have them all ranked up, so if I want a Rakta weapon and i've ranked up Steel Meridian, Suda and Hexis, then I have to grind all the way through the other three syndicates to get access to new items. DE sorta blunted this by having Arbitrations and Holokeys totally separate from it, but it's a bit weird for Ergo Glast to hate me while also being totally willing to sell me the Livia.

It's one of the reasons why I wrote the Origin Accord into existence. The model as it is does naturally create a need for trading, but the open world ones have done just as well in that regard. We're fighting mortal enemies, it's time for a group hug.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Quickie: Screen Clutter, Player Power and Player Defences

I won't be able to post my quest for a while, so I might as talk a little about what I've heard in the community briefly, namely reflecting Player Power, Player Defences and Screen Clutter, followed by potential solutions with their consequences. Some of these will be points I have made in the past.

So, what is Screen Clutter?

when it comes to Warframe, there is a lot of things on screen the player has to track at all times, which comes in several categories:

  • Enemies on screen
  • Enemy position
  • Player position
  • Ally position
  • Pet position
  • Player abilities
  • Ally abilities
  • Player Buffs
  • Enemy abilities
  • Projectiles
  • Markers
  • Minimap
  • Ammo Counters
  • Energy
  • Health
  • Shields

A lot of these things are common in a lot of different game genres. Where it becomes a problem, or potentially a problem is when it becomes difficult to see what is happening at any given time. While Warframe has been an enemy heavy game and an ability heavy game since launch, the release of the Eximus rework has highlighted it in a big way. When the Angels of the Zariman launched, potentially having 12 different effects going on all at once in your immediate proximity became a common occurrence. With the AoE meta already making it hard to see exactly what is going on beforehand, the issues were only exacerbated by this change. 

Moving on, lets bring in player power.

Players have been able to hit the damage cap in an area of effect since whips were the hot kid on the block. It's only really the method of killing everything on the screen thats changed. As the game has progressively moved towards enemy density and enemy tankiness, the need for that kind of damage moved from proving ones skill to a requirement to clear content. Anyone thats tried to clear a Steel Path Interception mission alone can attest to that. The most popular ranged weapons has over time changed from high rate of fire, high damage weapons like the Boltor Prime, then hallway clearer weapons like the Tigris Prime to AoE powerhouses like the Kuva Bramma, Kuva Ogris, Kuva Nukor  Sporelacer Secondary and the Kuva Zarr. The biggest change here, at least for the explosive weapons is the elimination of self damage and the accessibility of mods like Primed Sure Footed so that firing an explosive at any range has no downside. The Galvanised mod series, alongside the Primary and Secondary arcanes have only increased these weapon's power. While enemies have always scaled with level in damage, armor/shields and total health, damage reduction scaling is why this arms race is as aggressive as it is now.

Finally, Player Defences.

Player defences have gone full circle. In the past, players favoured going for as much statistical toughness as possible. Now, players go for as little toughness as possible, using a combination of tools to become virtually invulnerable. Why? Because the game has a few nasty tricks that make going for normal toughness worthless at high levels. 

  • Enemy Hitscan
  • Homing Attacks
  • Inconsistent Engagement Ranges
  • Scaling Enemy Damage
  • Knockdowns

This can partially be negated by player skills, or simply being able to kill enemies before they can retaliate, or disabling enemies before they approach.

Now to discuss potential solutions.

Potential solutions

  • Bring back self damage - This alone will not do much, other than to encourage players to use AoE weapons without self damage, such as melee weapons, beam weapons, or Warframe abilities. A more sensible change would to have an arming distance, such as that found on the Corinth's Grenades.
  • Move AoE weapons to the Heavy Weapons slot - Again, this would make players move back to other sources of area of effect damage. It would however make weapons like the Kuva Bramma and Ogris a little more balanced if their users would be restricted to their use for however long they were needed. It would not address why they are needed though.
  • Reduce the number of enemies spawned at a time - While this would make it easier to know what is going on at any given time, it would mean that fewer enemies would die just as easily.
  • Fewer enemies on screen, but smarter - enemy ai is a double edged sword. An enemy that intelligently flanks you, or coordinates with teammates into formations will die in 0.25 seconds just as easily as an enemy that runs at you like a lobotomised monkey. Enemies need to be designed intelligently. While I like the Overguard mechanic and what it means for the meta, it doesn't stop most enemies in the game from being bullet sponges that take double damage on headshot. Enemies can and should get additional features to make them harder to kill in meaningful ways, but this is only feasible if there are less enemies spawned at a time.
  • All enemy weapons should deal projectile damage. - While this would be beneficial to Warframes that definitely have been left by the wayside due to this new shield gate meta, it would increase screen clutter.
  • Add armor as a health type and include an armor break gate. - this would be beneficial to shieldless warframes, but unless coded differently to shield gates, it would encourage players to avoid adopting armor mods in their builds.
  • Add additional gates for defence thresholds - While this would encourage players to add defence mods to their builds, it would make players optimise towards whatever can provide the most coverage for the cheapest total mod price. 
  • Only highlight relevant buffs on screen - While this is useful for screen clutter, what determines what is relevant? A buff cap might be more constructive in this case than buff relevancy. While some buffs are less useful in the moment than others, their presence should be mentioned. It would encourage players to think more critically about what buffs would be required in any given situation.
  • Prioritise enemy abilities over projectiles and ally abilities - I think that this should be considered simply because many of the new Eximus abilities are crippling or deadly. Larger enemies, like the Eidolons or Profit Taker have abilities with impressive effects. Eximuses should be given a more striking palette.
  • Add warning messages for Eximuses spawning - This would add a lot of message clutter to missions. The Lotus speaks to the player quite often already and hearing the same line every minute or so would lower mission immersion.

Thats it. I won't pop in for a while.

Till Then.




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4 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

Homing Attacks

I don't even mind attacks homing slitily but warframe has enemy rockets that do a 180 turn to track you

Also you can't swat them out of the air nor realistically shoot them down

4 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

Scaling Enemy Damage

Scaling DR is the death of damage system because at this point I'm not even engaging with the rules of the game as written but I'm engaging against esoteric formula that never presented 

It will lead to a lvl 1 defender fiasco. The game wrost weapon was its best one because of esoteric math

it happened to me on the protea quest when my rivened opticor had lower dps than a unmoded glaive ( the one the quest gives you ) because the scaling DR math is particularly unkind to low rof weapons

4 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

Fewer enemies on screen, but smarter - enemy ai is a double edged sword. An enemy that intelligently flanks you, or coordinates with teammates into formations will die in 0.25 seconds just as easily as an enemy that runs at you like a lobotomised monkey. Enemies need to be designed intelligently. While I like the Overguard mechanic and what it means for the meta, it doesn't stop most enemies in the game from being bullet sponges that take double damage on headshot. Enemies can and should get additional features to make them harder to kill in mea

You don't even want the aí to be smart , the ideal is an aí the is aggressive but outplayeable and looks smart.

Here a video o  doom aí is really interesting 


About explosive weapons. I just the problem is the same with energy , you can't make a bfg the uses rifle ammo. To widely available of a inherently strong mechanic. I really like the way doom handles ammo since it gives the player agency in game ( not in its modding screen equivalent) of what resources he will get.

Edited by keikogi
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6 hours ago, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

And the knockdowns.

This admittedly used to be worse but it's still worth mentioning.

It is worse now but there to way to negate them enterely thought the moddig screen so they don't look as relevant.

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  • 1 month later...

Update: Summer plans

Summer is here. It's been hard won, but it's here. Now that it is summer, I am glad to find out that my thread hasn't locked. Part 6 is going to come soon.

In light of the approaching Tennocon, I only hope that it comes with promises for older content. After part 6 is done, it is likely that I won't continue onward to part 7 and further for a while unless I get a brainwave for something that can be written up in a couple of days.

Til Then.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Technocyte Schism Part 6: The Lasting Sin of Kathman

It's finally ready.

A few words before we get into it. This is the longest thing I've written since my dissertation at a whopping 46 pages. For this reason, I will provide a brief summary of the quest as a tl;dr at the end because as much as I want to believe everyone that clicks on here has time to read what I commit to paper, I would be lying to myself, especially for this one.

Without further ado, I present The Lasting Sin of Kathman. Enjoy.


The Lasting Sin of Kathman

Dedicated to my rose, who fights against a stiff wind.

Show that you have weathered storms.

By Teoarrk

Original Warframe concept by @keikogi

Artwork drawn by MasterNomad1234

Prerequisites: The Cauldron Bubbles, The New Strange

Quest Giver: Teshin

Introduction - The Hex-Sided Key



A guard fidgets nervously, trying his hardest not to look back over his shoulder. The attacks in Strata are still in everyone’s minds, but here he is, on duty during a leader’s meeting. A crowd stares down the door he is guarding, as if  their eyes alone will speed along the proceeds inside. He spots journalists and aides among them, but mostly passers by that gathered to see what all the fuss was about. He focuses on the weight of the metal in his hands, a gun he’s had issued to him for years and hopes he doesn’t have to use it today.

Inside, the leaders of the Tenno Syndicates have gathered in the chamber, Teshin Dax seated at the head of the table. Though they are in a place of safety, it is clear that current threats are on their minds. A hologram of a chitin-metal teleportation key dominates the centre of the table, the real thing resting on the table by the Tenno's seat. 

Teshin: It has been several days since our last meeting. Is there anything to report, aside from the Tenno’s findings?

Cressa: Saturn is a bloodbath. Grineer are taking on most of the fighting, so our casualties have been light. Sargus Ruk is saving us men and supplies every day, but it is impossible to say how long he can keep it up. The Grineer Navy brass are threatening him with insubordination for not concentrating his forces on more defensive positions.

The Trio of Vannina: We predicted his show of mettle. Is this an opening for an attack on Saturn?

Cressa: The blockade on Saturn’s junctions are still tight. Most of my relaymen are stationed away from the front. They don’t know what it’s like on the ground. 

The Trio of Vannina: And the people that live ‘on the ground’?

Cressa: It’s impossible to say. I’ve only been able to get my spies into service positions, not population control, or processing. Sargus Ruk is showing cracks, but he runs a tight ship.

Sravus: The people there lived through the worst and last days of the Orokin Revivalists. The fire of beasts is nothing compared to flames of overambitious men.

Glast: How can you compare their situation to poetry?

Sravus: The people there are protected, just as we are here. Be it with sword, bullet, or void, we owe our peace to the same thing. 

Glast:  … Does that help you sleep at night, knowing that you are kept safe by the sacrifice of others?

Teshin: Enough!

Sravus: I sleep little. The Void laughs, no matter the reason why blood is shed. 

Teshin: Enough of this. Is there nothing else? Perhaps you Glast, have more to do than bark?

Glast gives Sravus a hard look, before returning to look at Teshin. He composes himself, once again sounding and appearing diplomatic. Sravus’s veiled face tells nothing of how he took the exchange.

Glast:  Yes. Freeport Ciren above Europa has been attacked. Months of planning are at risk if it falls to the Infestation.

Teshin: What are you talking about?

Glast: Varrin Marte, one of my aides, had been using that freeport to secure the plans of new Corpus technology in secret. We could lose that pipeline any day now.

Teshin: And you thought to wait until now to bring this to our attention?

Glast: I need an agreement from all of you to pull some of my fleet elements away from Orcus. The defenders won’t fire on a Corpus fleet. The decontamination unit and enforcers on the ground are able to handle any Infested that have been able to make it that far, but the structural damage has made the local guild leaders consider scuttling the freeport. 

Cressa: So whats the problem? Your man can get new contacts, find new ways in.

Glast: How long would that take? Years? You have seen the reports Cressa, the Corpus have gotten hold of Sentient technology and have started to use it to optimise their industry and bring out new weapons and proxy platforms. We need to know that information as it happens, not after.

Amaryn: How is he able to get this information? We’ve not had a Corpus whistleblower in years.

Glast: Theres a minor factory complex on Ciren. Several R&D labs on the station advertised for accounting positions; apparently several cephalons became unstable at once. Varrin’s moles applied for the positions and have been leaking key information that has passed their desks.

Trio of Vanina: You’ve been making money for the Corpus?

Glast: These operations, from what Varrin has told me … How did he describe it? They’re on a ‘losing money as slow as possible’ basis. Under the direction of these moles, it’s not been the case.

Trio of Vanina: And they’re not suspected?

Glast: If the operation changes, then the guild will check the books. That is why it is important that Ciren has more fleet elements protecting it.

Teshin: It is always interesting seeing you play your hand, Glast. If only you would give the same consideration to the other members of this council.  All those in favour say ‘Aye!’.

Cressa: Wait, how much of your fleet are you asking for?

Glast: 3 cruisers at most. The supply situation will not change.

Sravus, Cressa, Trio, Suda and Amaryn: Aye!

Teshin: We are in agreement. Your plan has healthy roots, may it bear favourable fruit.

Glast: Thank you.

Teshin: Any more?

Silence takes over. The gathered look over each other, then at the hologram, then to the Tenno, who is yet to speak. They feel Teshin’s gaze on them.

Teshin: Then it is your turn to speak, Tenno. Can you explain the nature of this object we have before us?

All present turn to the Tenno. Somehow the intensity of the room is enough to make them nervous. But they are just stating facts, facts they knew long before.

Tenno: Everyone in this room remembers the cult attacks on Strata. We didn’t know how they had gotten access to the Corpus Void, or where their new weapons came from. This key was found on The Sergeant’s flagship, the Iliad, in the captain’s mess. But it does not look like Corpus technology, does it Glast?

The ex Corpus scientist stands up to have a better look at the magnified projection. Several emotions pass through his features in the seconds that follow; familiarity, then puzzlement, then further curiosity. He looks to the Tenno, but addresses the room.

Glast: There are parts of it that look like keys given to Corpus officers during Operation Arid Fear … but the color’s all wrong. There are parts that look far too brittle to be carved from metal and yet this is definitely the work of an assembly line … Did you find anything else?

Tenno: This was it.

Glast: It’s definitely the same kind of technology used by the Arlo cult too. Have you tried activating it?

The Tenno pauses. Nothing about the design suggested that it could be activated manually.

Tenno: It needs some kind of additional device.

Glast: There has to be a Void Portal on that ship. Has the ship been captured?

Teshin: It sits where it was struck. Taking it from that place would be at the risk of spreading it’s infested poison.

Glast: It’s just as well. If that key was found there, then Arlo’s cult could have used the ship as a staging ground. Tenno, what do you propose to do with the key?

Tenno: If this is a key to many doors, then I will look for another door. 

Teshin: If that is your plan, just know that the enemy will be waiting behind it. 

Tenno: I would be more afraid if they weren’t.

Teshin observes the Tenno. Something about the steel he sees in the Tenno’s eyes seems to please him. He breaks into a reserved smile.

Teshin: All in favour of this plan say ‘Aye!’.

Sravus, Glast, Cressa, Trio, Suda and Amaryn: Aye!

Teshin: Good.

Trio of Vannina: Strike true, Tenno.

Teshin: If that is all, you are dismissed.

The room begins to empty. The Tenno returns to their Warframe, but it's obvious that there is more yet to be discussed. They're being stared at by one figure that remains seated. 

Teshin: Not you, Tenno. 

They leave the Warframe, quickly becoming alone with the master Dax. Teshin only begins to speak again when the sound of retreating footsteps has reduced to a distant murmur.

Teshin: When we first met each other, you were brash and haughty. We were enemies on the battlefield and yet I saw in you a child that needed guidance. Maybe seeing you control the flesh of a former comrade in arms brought that out of me. Maybe my ties to the relays made me tip my hand. But you showed mercy. You saved me from the bondage of my previous duties. Now I see you performing the duties of ten Dax, with the confidence that a true warrior should in facing death.

Tenno: Thank you.

Teshin: I’m not finished. The others said nothing because they still believe in the invincibility of the Tenno. They are unaware of certain realities that have come to light in the recent fighting. 

Tenno: What do you mean by that?

Teshin: The cult of Arlo have found a way to disable Warframe Transference. Worse, they have found a means of controlling Warframes for themselves. 

Tenno: Who knows of this?

Teshin: Raven.

The Tenno is puzzled. How did they make contact?

Teshin: From the look on your face, you know that name. Your report made me retread old paths, look for unreported Tenno activity. Having a window into the mind of her cause made finding her a much simpler task then had been the case for you. She spoke highly of you though.

The Tenno thinks for the most important question.

Tenno: How does she find her information?

Teshin: Several random attacks on Ceres by bladed assailants. They wore the crest of Arlo, but the steel of Warframe metal. If these can be confirmed, then it means that this war has entered its next stage, one where the infested try to wrestle every organism of infested origin away from us. 

Tenno: So what does that mean for me now? That I have to do this without my Warframe?

Teshin: Yes. It means that for now, consider any Warframe you meet on the battlefield as an enemy, including your own.

The Tenno ponders over their options for a couple seconds. 

Tenno: But that means -.

Teshin: You can come out now.

A Quill monk appears from an alcove. The Tenno wants to ask how long they have been there, but knows asking won’t garner a favourable answer.  Wordlessly, he lifts a parcel from his back, ceremoniously undoing the wrapping so that the Tenno can observe the weapon in front of them. They bow slightly, holding the weapon up with both hands invitingly. It gleams with a mixture of Sentient and Cephalon steel. It looks fierce and at the same time utilitarian, like a tool of hard labour. The Tenno picks up the weapon, which instantly reacts to their touch. It reforms, looking closer to an assault rifle than a tool, but with none of the apparent weight. With the gift given, the monk bows again, taking three steps back, before leaving.

Teshin: You should prepare for every eventuality. This Amp should serve you well against many enemies at once. 

Tenno: How did you arrange this with the Quills?

Teshin: A long time ago, Dax and Ostron shared similar arts. A passing monk visited the relay one day and by chance heard me play the Shawzin. Soon, he became a regular visitor. He offered me a favour in return for his patronage. 

The Tenno pictures it for a moment; Teshin playing day after day for a Quill, asking for nothing short of the company of a listener. Finally, requesting something not for himself, but for his pupil. The Tenno admires the quality of the craftsmanship; it’s likely that Onkko himself helped design and forge it. It’s well balanced, designed for prolonged use over the space of hours. Only one thing can be said of this generous act.

Tenno: Thank you.

Teshin: If only your victory could be guaranteed by a few stray notes played by an old man on an out of tune instrument.

Tenno: Teshin?

Teshin: Forgive me Tenno. The spiral of death has grown heavier than most years these past few weeks. The Saffron Emperor has claimed more lives than I ever saw lost to the Queen’s interests. I have every confidence in your victory, but some assurances will help too. 

He gestures to the weapon. Something grows on his features, but before it forms, he stifles it.

Teshin: Leave in good health, Tenno. Ordis has been sent a potential lead.

(Heavy Amp acquired - Tennipsu Amp - Think of it as a Operator minigun. It has two modes - standard fire and suppression mode - forces enemies to take cover, or take double damage from any source for 10 seconds. Cooldown of 20 seconds.)

Following Leads (Mars, Ares 19-27)



The Ochre red orb of Mars comes into view. Somewhere on the surface, wind picks up through a gulley, passing over crumpled duralinum plating and depositing motes of dust into rusting circuits.  

Ordis: One of the ships involved in Arid Fear crashed around here, Operator. It would be a perfect place to DESTROY THE CURS/infiltrate the Corpus Void.

Tenno: Are there any enemies you can see Ordis?

Ordis: Hmm … this area seems empty.

Tenno: Seems? Is that a ‘seems’ yes or a ‘seems’ no?

Ordis: There might still be dormant beecloud systems on the ship. 

Tenno: Got it. 

The Mangala Valley comes into view. This area was hardly touched by settlers even during the Orokin Era; too dry and remote. When the terraformers died and the rains stopped coming, even the hardiest of folk moved on to greener pastures. Perfect place to hide where no one will find you, or the last place you want to be stranded.

A Corpus ship has sunk bow first into part of the valley, miraculously crashing without breaking into many pieces as gravity and the force of impact took hold, much to the benefit of the Tenno’s mission. It’s not all good news; the valley’s recesses create a natural ambush site. There are no entrances for the Tenno to take at the stern of the ship, the only one being a major portside rupture that would take them halfway down to the base of the valley.  It becomes obvious that some of the crew survived the impact, their personal effects abandoned at various places as the Tenno begins to descend.

Tenno: Ordis, are you seeing this?

Ordis: It looks like they tried to live here for a while after they crashed. 

Tenno: Maybe they stayed until their rations ran out?

Ordis: Hmm, seems like they never left. Look, there are tracks running deeper down. Some look fresh.

The Tenno draws the Tennipsu.

Tenno: They might not be from the Corpus.

Ordis: I'm picking up Corpus crewsuit signatures. Operator.

Tenno: Arlo’s Cult hid from the entire sector in the past Ordis. 

Ordis: That is true … proceed with caution.


The Tenno continues more cautiously now, each step measured, each breath shallow and soundless, each muscle tense and ready to explode into motion at a moment’s notice. An excitable energy was coming from somewhere, as if every rock was trembling with anticipation. Then the moment comes that they were dreading; a shift in the ground, deliberate, mechanical. A bullet passes over their left shoulder, then many more fly where their head had been a second before. 


Tenno: It’s an ambush!

You must kill the Corpus ambush party down to a man. 

The last straggler was never in a condition to fight even from the beginning. His Corpus service Detron is limp in his hand, his scratched, faded uniform as sad and miserable as his current condition. It is hard to tell if his illness is fierce and recent, or has ravaged him for years, only that the dryness of the valley has done him no favours. Despite all that, he is laughing.

????:  Tenno, isn’t it funny? You’re here Tenno. You came for me before the Board’s men. If it’s information you want, I have nothing you want to know, other than how it feels to die one day at a time.

Tenno: Is there a void portal on that ship?

The dying man laughs again.

????: Always about the mission, eh? That Lotus of yours takes not one thing less than success, does she? Yes, it’s still there.”

The Tenno looks at the man, really looks at him. He could have been 300 or so years old, or he could have been fresh out of the cloning vat, the pain of his disease would have made either possible. He was harmless and clearly, would die now that no one was left to look after him.  The Tenno wondered why his comrades had given their lives so freely to a cause that had abandoned them and why he had not. Pity moved within them and for a moment, the Tenno considered offering them recruitment to the Perrin Sequence, or at least treatment on a relay. But then the Tenno saw the look in his eye. It was the look of a man that had stared into the abyss and knew that there was nothing more to offer in this life other than its end.

 ????: Before you go off and save the world, could you put me out of my misery?

The Tenno does the deed.

The interior of the ship is filled with nothing but junk and corpses. Much of the interior had crumpled in the crash and the Cephalon was barely keeping any of the ship systems online. But the Void Portal was still there. The Hex- sided key woke up the system, which spooled to life noisily.

Tenno: It works Ordis.

Ordis: So it does, Operator. But where does it lead?

Tenno: We’ll find out.

The portal whirrs into full power. A blinding light fills the deck of the abandoned ship, the Tenno engulfed in its centre. It’s so bright that the Tenno is forced to close their eyes, but even then the light shines brightly through their eyelids ...

… and then they’re somewhere else. A haze shimmers over everything in this place. 

Tenno: Ordis? Ordis. Damn it, looks like I’m alone.

This section of the Corpus Void space looks just like it had been before. Perhaps this section had had no value to Arlo, which is likely why the Corpus the Tenno had faced looked as they had. The expansive area seemed to stretch on forever, but the gridwork of brutalist, metal rooms eventually came to an end. A jammed door blocked the way.

Investigate the door.

The Tenno put their ear against the door, hearing the grinding of dying machinery on the other side. It truly did seem like this place had been a bust, until the Tenno realised the significance of the sound they had heard. No Corpus machine had ever sounded like that. It was unlike anything that could be produced in the present. Orokin made. They braced their wrist with their other hand, aiming as much with the palm of their hand as their eye at the frame of the door. A beam of void cut through it, the door falling away to reveal a labyrinthine tunnel structure behind it, covered in the outward brackish growths of infestation. The Corpus Void must have piggybacked on a collection of Orokin sub passageways, the Tenno thought. They did not want to make any further noise than the disturbance they had already created, a soundless advance characterising their steps. There were ambush points at every turn, the flicker of a shimmering light concealing an enemy as much as a slight bend in the Orokin Tunnel, or a dent in the flooring. Had they been followed? How long had it been? 1 kilometre? 5? 200 metres? This place had so few features.

And being cut off from Ordis was getting to them.

There was no way to know which way would lead to something worth investigating, so the Tenno carried on in the direction they had chosen. Eventually, the light of another portal lit the way forward. This portal was much bigger than the one they had entered before, the terminal looking more like one they had seen in the void, from the Grineer and Corpus raids they had brought to an end. The infestation had ravaged it, but the machinery still hummed with the arcane whirring of Entrati Void couplings. No one greeted them as they entered this chamber, but all the stations about the large room looked recently vacated, as if they had just departed. The Tenno would meet them on the other side, they thought.

????: A Tenno? Where is your holy armor? Where is your swift-slaying sword?

The Tenno turns to see a cultist in the doorway of the room, leading back into the tunnels. More come out from behind false panels , or from machinery, until a massive throng greets them. 

????: Have you come to repent, or cast one last sin?

Even with the heavy Amp on their arm, the Tenno counts too many to kill. The active portal draws them. An escape. 

Tenno: Neither.

They cast themselves into the portal.

Old Growth (Earth, ???? 20-25)



A sweet smelling wind greets the Tenno. It was clear it was Earth from the color of the sky that could be seen from the lip of the cave, but between them and that place, many pairs of angry eyes now watched their every move. 


Kill the Arlo Cultists.


Ordis: Operator, what happened? Did you find the Infested Void?


Tenno: Yes Ordis, but I also found a lot of cultists. Quick, where am I?


Ordis: You’re outside of the Solar Rail network, Operator … this land used to be called Saxon. 


Tenno: Saxon? 


The cultists start to pour through.  The Tenno spots a terminal with a key lodged into it. 


Remove the key from the Void Locus. Stop Cultists from approaching the Locus to reverse the process and suppress or kill Cultists that are exiting the portal. 


The portal powers down, less violently than the Tenno is used to, but they still don’t want to find out if the reaction is delayed, leaving quickly. Out of the cave, they find themselves greeted by a vast forest. It’s deep in enemy territory and yet not a single spore out of place seems to greet the Tenno’s eyes. The forest looks more natural than the silver grove, trees of many types growing at different rates, a thick underbrush growing below a canopy that reaches far above. Species of bird the Tenno has never seen flit between the trees, singing with unusual cries. A path has been cut into the undergrowth by the stamping of many feet, inviting further investigation.


Tenno: What is there in Saxon, Ordis?


Ordis: There isn’t much more in the weave than the name, Operator. This place has been a forest since before The Old War ended. 


The road goes onward in a straight line for kilometres, a shear and deliberate streak through the forest. The Tenno notices that the trees haven’t been cut back to make room for the road and soon realises that it’s older than it. Sometimes, in the soil beneath their feet, the soil gives way to solitary pale flagstones, some even with an embossing of some skill. The symbol of the crescent lotus marks these stones. 


Tenno: I don’t think this is a natural forest, Ordis.


Ordis: NO SH/ It would seem not, Operator.


The Tenno freezes. A shape catches their eye. A person is what they see at first, but then as they tense up and truly see, they realise what they are looking at. Somehow that makes less sense. It’s a carving of a person, large as life, staring at them. No, it’s something different. A carving of a monster?


Tenno: What is that? Ordis?


Ordis: Unsure, Operator.


Tenno: It’s looking at me.


Ordis: Maybe it’s to scare off intruders. This is Arlo territory.


Tenno: But why place it so far from the road?


Ordis: Hmm … I’m noticing vital signs. It’s alive.


Tenno: A living tree?


Ordis: Maybe more. Scan it.


The Tenno scans the oddity.


Tenno: What is it?


Ordis: That can’t be … this says it’s a Warframe.


Tenno: A Warframe made of wood?


Ordis: It’s made of Technocyte.  What happened here?


The Tenno keeps on travelling down the road. More trees, more Warframes. The presence of the Warframes is oddly eerie. It’s the feeling of being watched by the eyes of a painting whose eyes observe you from every angle and yet, are harmless.  The birds continue to sing and bugs continue to chirp. These Warframes are as much a part of this place as they are. Something keeps the Tenno more on edge than this revelation though; they have not seen a single cult member since they left the portal cave, nor a sign of any encampment. The only sign anyone had been here at all in centuries is the footprints that follow this ancient road.


Then the Tenno sees it. A great oak rises above the rest of the forest straight ahead. A shimmer of orange catches their eye.


Tenno: Contact. How many Ordis?


Ordis: Many. Try to look for WEAKNESS/ an opening.


Fight the camp in open battle or try to sneak around the camp undetected. If you choose to fight, you will find an Amber sphere. If you sneak, you will see the camp workers constructing multiple spheres. 


Finding the sphere:

Ordis: It’s the same material as the key, but purer somehow. Scan the surrounding area, we must find out more.

Tenno: On it.

Scan the wooden fronds, the stained press, the boiling cooker.

Tenno: Theres the material, but wheres the source?

Tracks lead deeper into the woods, towards the great oak the Tenno had seen before.

Tenno: I think I’ll find answers this way. Keep watch, Ordis.


Watching the construction:

Tenno: *whispering* They’re making balls out of some material. Is it a match Ordis?

Ordis: I need a scan to be sure, but given that strange colour, it would be IMPOSSIBLE/ unlikely to not be related.

Scan the wooden fronds, the setting orbs and the pressing moulds.

Tenno: I don’t see any keys here.
Ordis: They must be made elsewhere. Look, the road goes toward the oak.)


The Tenno reaches the glade of the oak. The forest floor is a mixture of Orokin stonework and a mess of roots that is trying and failing to engulf it. At the centre of the glade, in front of the oak’s trunk sits a single figure, another Warframe, just like the others. A mess of ancient roots are spread around it, many of them scarred with recent wounds. Something is different about it though, compared to the other wooden Warframes. It has a vitality to it, like if you were to look away, it would suddenly spring to life. 


Ordis: Look out Operator! 7 O’Clock!


A woman appears from the undergrowth, a machete in her hand. She seems unkempt, dirt caked into her skin like she has been on the move for many days without time to bathe. But her clothes are well kept, an air of professionalism about her. The Tenno focuses on her machete, the ease at which she holds it tells them that she has used it often and against many opponents. 


????: I saw what you did to those people back there. Who are you?

Tenno: I’m a Tenno.


The name does nothing for the woman, who stands unmoved by the title.


????: Are you Orokin?

Tenno: No.

????: Did you do this to the shrine? 


She points at the bound warframe with her machete. It oozes with orange fluid, which spills in a pool around it, fatal looking wounds cutting deep into it at various locations. She looks at it for a second, but the Tenno never truly feels her eyes leave them.


Tenno: No.

Yera looks into the Tenno's eyes. She sees the steel of a fellow soldier, but not guilt. Somehow, the ritual makes her more at ease.

????: What is your name?

Tenno: I don’t have one. Call me Tenno.

????: You are an odd one, ‘Tenno’. I am Yera of the Druidic Ring. You have no name and you don’t look and act like you come from here. But you have stopped the desecration of a shrine. Come, you will explain yourself to the elders.


The Tenno hesitates. Warframes as shrines. This sounds like the Red Veil ...


Tenno: What is this shrine to?

Yera: The God, Persephone. Try to keep up.


And with that, she starts walking.

Yera is a fast walker, even for the Tenno. It's the walk of someone that knows every point of even ground where no tree roots appear and can handle their balance without issue. She might be a head shorter than the Tenno, but she walks at a pace even an Executor would be jealous of. Because of this, the Tenno has to move with more effort than usual, only paying attention to their guide when she makes a turn in direction, or disappears from view. Wherever Yera was leading them to, it was likely toward Persphone, too. The forest seems to grow more dense this way, the shrines more frequent. It makes the Tenno wonder what customs these unknown people followed, how they worshipped their god.

And most importantly, if their god was an undiscovered Warframe.

A tree with a painted trunk comes into view. Yera pauses, blowing a sharp and loud whistle. One sounds in response.


Yera: Come.


A village of square, solid thatched houses come into view. Great care has been taken to decorate each one, the anchor beams in each corner engraved with a story told by pictures the Tenno can only glimpse as they pass. People appear in each doorway to see Yera passing, looking at the Tenno with curiosity and apprehension. It is obvious, if it wasn’t already from the fact the Tenno didn’t know of them, even by name before today that they were not used to visitors. Yera doesn’t seem to acknowledge the attention, however. 

The Tenno sees the centre of the village, at the base of a great tree. It’s a hall that has some hints of Orokin manufacture, made from beams of auboro wood, mixed with more local varieties. The faces of the hall are carved with a mural that tells the story of a great battle between a lone figure and some great skybound force. Other smaller ones tell wordlessly of a great betrayal that killed many people, and another of how these people will survive the end of the world.

This whistle-stop history tour is stopped by something unnerving. Part of the tree is moving and there isn’t any wind blowing. A knot of wood sticks out midway down the trunk, moving with a purpose the Tenno can’t quite fathom. Then as the Tenno gets closer, they see tributes at the base of the tree. The tree itself is a shrine, the Warframe entrapped within a lasting testament to whatever twisted design the Orokin, or something more recent had in store for the locals. 

The hall is warm and inviting despite outward appearances, built so that it is neither too hot, or cold in this temperate area and is lit by lamps lit with a harsh, oily substance. Yera does the talking with the guards. They look at the Tenno many times without approaching, their conversation little more than harsh whispers to the Tenno’s ears, who is left to examine the rest of the interior besides the meeting hall. A notice board with wax plaques covers one wall, some written in the local language and others in Ostron, which the Tenno takes notice of. Several offices of sorts have been made, for vital and immediate functions. The doors to these are ajar, as if the occupants like to have one ear open to their surroundings at all times. 


Yera: Tenno?

Yera signals for the Tenno to come with her with a single flick of her neck.


The elders are unsure of what to make of the Tenno. They take exception to the weapon on the Tenno’s arm and their clothing, as can be determined by their glares. The religious leader, who calls himself the priest of Persephone asks most of the questions. 


Tenno: … and that is why I’m here.

Priest: So these cultists, their only aim is to kill the shrines of Persephone?

Tenno: Not only that. 

Priest: Theres more to this fantastical story?

Tenno: Yes, they could infect this forest. If they do, then -

Priest: Then Persephone will save us, just as she did from the abhumans and the Orokin.

Tenno: Who is her operator? There must be one like me nearby.

Elder 1: Thats impossible. You’re the first … person we’ve seen dressed like that.

Tenno: A .. Persephone is a Warframe. She needs a controller.


The elders collectively gasp.


Priest: Persephone is a god! How dare you call her a puppet!  First nonsense and then this!


The priest gets up from his seat. Something drops from a pocket. The Tenno spots it immediately. Orange, with a hint of Corpus grey. A void key.The Priest notices them notice, but still feels in charge, talking to the guards that are only a few feet behind the Tenno.


Priest: Take them far away from here! I will not permit this in the village.


The Tenno can’t accept this. This man is their enemy and a traitor to his own people.


Tenno: You’re one of them!


The effect is immediate. The priest’s eyes go wide. He tries to keep his composure, but now the others are looking at him with concern. But it’s not just because of the gathered few that the pendulum has so dramatically swung in the opposite direction. The priest turns to Yera, who is standing at a point between the Tenno and himself. It is difficult to act naturally, or to expectations when you’re putting on an act. The Priest’s act puts him at odds with the room.


Priest: Yera! You heard me?



Persephone has arrived through a side entrance. First, she observes the key where it has landed, then the priest, who is becoming increasingly aware of his situation. He tries to present another command to Yera, to the guards behind the Tenno, but the presence of his god stops words from forming. He’s been caught in a lie. He won’t go silently, even to tell his truth.


Priest:  They gave me no choice. All of these people would have died.

Elder 1: We could have beaten them, Remke. We know this forest, they don’t.

Remke: Like we did during the old times? We’re not young men anymore! Most of our village are too old to fight, or have never held a weapon. We would have lost so many. Think of the children. Think of the old times. Think of how your father died where he stood giving a sour look to a Dax, Elias! These people, they’re exactly the same!

Elias: I’ve heard enough. Remke, you endangered the whole village. 

Remke: If the choice was between them and this lone child, or fighting with our bare hands, then I would have chosen those with the power and numbers to defend our lands. What if the Orokin come back, Elias?

Elias: Then you were no true priest to Persephone, if you did not believe in her. Yera, take this fool away.

Yera wordlessly removes the former priest. He curses and swears, but an old man is an old man and Yeva, despite her size 

Tenno: There might be accomplices. If none of your people ever met members of the Arlo cult that operated 3 kilometres to the northwest, then someone must have been keeping them away.

Elder 1: Yes, of course. I imagine that it will be easy to spot them, now that Remke has been outed as a ne’er do well.


Persephone approaches the Tenno, presenting a cupped palm.


Elias: She is interested in you Tenno. Only a few every generation are granted a vision of our god. It would be disrespectful for you to refuse.

Tenno: What do I do?

Elder 1:  Put a cupped hand over hers.

Tenno: What will I see?

Elder 1: The truth of our enemies.


The Tenno does as instructed. A swirling blackness fills their vision.

When they can see clearly again, they’re in a familiar room, staring at a familiar face. Ballas. 

Another Orokin is in the room, though the Tenno does not recognize them.  An ECG hums with a steady heartbeat. The Tenno realises that they are bound, tied to the bed.


Ballas: Hello Archimedian. The implantation was successful. 

????: It appears it was. 

Ballas: She will retain most of her memories thanks to this strain, will she not?

????: Her colleagues believe as such from studying the grain festival converts.

Ballas: Good, that is what we need. 

????: Why do you say that? 

Ballas: We need her docile. The other Executors are in agreement with your schedule.

????: Oh? You don’t mean?

Ballas: An example needs to be made, the peoples of Earth are emboldening more rebellious colonies.

????: So we shall unleash this one on them?

Ballas: The other infested shall be unleashed. She will overpower them. She will be the saviour of the common people, I can tell by how she pleaded her case. She hates us, despises us. But enough common humanity keeps her bound to the rules of our game. When the victory has been sounded and their champion secured, the Dax will fight her and she will lose.

????: The Dax from Kathman, or elsewhere?

Ballas: It matters not, only the result.

????: Remind me to toast your genius at the next feast.

Ballas: In due time. For now though … Archimedian Pernell, while I find the blooming of flowers an astounding wonder of our age, additional stimulation will make the metamorphosis a more … endurable affair. Shall we pass the time with a game of Komi?

The blackness returns, before fading. The Tenno becomes aware of their surroundings. The Tenno is still in the elder’s hut, the two elders staring at them. Persephone has disappeared.


Elder 1: What did you see?

Tenno: Ballas and another Orokin … Somewhere. Do you know a place named Kathman?

Elias: Kathman … Kathman lies far to the east. It will take weeks on foot. We can’t lend you supplies for the journey. There are no horses to spare, either. 

Tenno: Can you show me where it is on a map?

The two men look at each other. 

Elder 1: Gaulf will have a map. *shouting* Gaulf?

A gruff man enters. He looks to his elders, then to the Tenno with a hint of fear in his eyes.

Elder 1: Do you have a map that shows where Kathman is?

The man’s eyes draw narrow with the name uttered. 

Gaulf: Why do you want to go there?

The elders give him no adequate answer. His eyes blaze with anger and mistrust as he looks at the Tenno. Too much has happened too fast today. He wants nothing to do with this … guest, but here he is, in their presence.

Gaulf: Do they want to go?

Elias: Yes. We will not be joining them.

With those words said, Gaulf shows the Tenno the map, reluctantly. It is immediately obvious that the map is quite old, perhaps dating from before the fall. The material unfolds like silk, but holds firm. Different states and communes are listed in a large area around Kathman, whose geographic coordinates are handily indicated.  As the Tenno processes this key information, they also realise that Saxon isn’t listed anywhere on the map.


Tenno: Where is Saxon on this map?

Gaulf: Saxon wasn’t recognised when this map was made.

Elias: Our existence was always inconvenient to the Orokin. They wanted to destroy us.

Tenno: Did Persephone beat the Dax sent here?

Elder 1: We have been waiting for that fated battle for centuries.

Tenno: I see.

Elias: Thank you Gaulf.

Gaulf sees himself out, hurriedly so.

Tenno: I must get going.

Elias: We will need time to prepare your provisions.

Tenno: I can get to Kathman in a few minutes.

Elder 1: The ship you were talking about?

Tenno: Yes.

Elias: A warning from the past, before you go: the lord of Kathman lies through truth. Remember this.

Tenno: Thanks.

The Tenno leaves. The hum of the landing craft pulses in the distance.

Elder 1: They’re going to try to take our god away from us. Damned Orokin.

Elias: Careful Finn. We’ll watch, for now. Contact our friends in the Eurasian clade. Tell them to watch Kathman.

Back on the ship.

Ordis: This is amazing, Operator. A new colony, hidden away from the world! They must have had many questions.

Tenno: If only they were ‘hidden away’.

Ordis: Operator, what are you saying?

Tenno: They knew a lot more than they let on. I told them many things that hermits wouldn’t even begin to understand and they barely asked any questions. They also knew what a Warframe was.

Ordis: So maybe they trade with the Ostron, or some other people on Earth?

Tenno: Not the Ostron, not directly. The Ostron would boast about getting wares from across  Grineer territory. 

Ordis: We can consider INTERROGATING/ questioning them at another time. What did you learn of the Arlo cult presence there?

Tenno: The head of their religion had been an agent. He was allowing the cult to harvest the orange material in exchange for protection.

Ordis: I see … Do you think that more of them are implicated?

Tenno: Of course. 

Ordis: What will you do?

Tenno: For now, wait. Oh, did you get the coordinates I sent you?

Ordis: Yes.

Tenno: Ordis? 

Ordis: Yes, Operator?

Tenno: Don’t fly straight there.

Ordis: You think that the cult is watching?

Tenno: I know they’re watching.

Ordis: Understood. Executing Precept 649.

Narajang’s Shadow (30-35)



Here in the mountains, nature towers above everything made by human hands, as hard as they may try. The Orokin seemed humbled by the nature of this place, seeking to emulate it, rather than surpass it. The grand temple of Kathman emerges from the snow and rough ground of a high mountain steppe like a prosthetic limb; too sleek and manufactured to look natural, but having an appeal all of its own. The Temple covers most of the flat land given to it, seven grand, multi-tiered spires raised against the sky in the hues of white and gold, surrounded by miles of gardens and lesser shrines. The crisp, chilly mountain air had kept the growth of the hardy, genetically selected plants glacially slow, to the point where it was hard to know if the temple had been abandoned centuries ago, or last week. But as if to betray the former, one such behemoth was approaching; it’s advance would not be stalled by the reinforced metal foundations, nor the orthobaster tendons, which lined the outer perimeter of the site like the bones of a giant, arranged into a cloister that a pilgrim, or gardener would have to traverse. It would be years before it would finally close in and when it did, all of this would be gone. 

As the landing craft approaches, a hologram projects from the highest spire, a giant face. It crackles with energy for a couple of seconds, before disappearing.


Tenno: What was that?

Ordis: Hailing precept. It requires an oper- controller to do more than activate.

Tenno: So someone is down there?

Ordis: Unlikely. What we just witnessed was the automatic response to incoming craft. The power is still active, though. What are you looking for, down there?

Tenno: I need to find out more about the warframe Persephone. There is likely an isolation chamber and design notes.

Ordis: Understood. Keep your eyes open, Operator, there will be traps.

Tenno: Heh, the trap would be if there were no traps.


When the mission first starts, the entrance to the domain of Kathman will be blocked by a Jali that can be deactivated by a number of ‘maintenance’ puzzles. 18 lamps will be across the courtyard, of which 11 must be lit by void energy. A triplet shrine, similar to those present on the Orokin Tileset must be activated.


Finally, seven bells must be rung in the correct order. Each will be marked in sequence, but two of the bells will be swapped around. A nearby plinth will display the solution. When the bells are rung, the concourse will open, along with the palling of a great bell.

 A synthetic choir will greet the Tenno with an altered Gregorian chant. The air grows thick with gold laced incense. The inside of the structure has survived unbelievably well. Murals depict different versions of the Orokin nobility, the enginus, sectaris, executors and most mythically depicted of all, the emperors.

As the Tenno crosses the concourse and approaches a door on the far side, a spotlight focuses on them. A voice recording will start.


????: Come forward to be blessed by his holiness, have ye, poor and downtrodden sinner? Fear not, for Executor Narajang does not remit those who prove their faith. Kneel and bow, lest his light cast ye down. Pray, lest the Emperors hear that idleness have made ye abandon the way. All as One.


A circle of pure gold rises from the floor, 2 smaller ones  in front of it, in such a way that someone could prostrate themselves before the spotlight while remaining within the three circles.


Tenno: You can’t be serious.


The player has to bow to progress.


????: Blessed be ye, whose heart is truly one with the plan. The way is open.


The chamber of Executor Narajang was filled with old, stale air. It’s not the stench of death, which the Tenno anticipated. 


Tenno: I’ve reached the chamber of Executor Narajang. Ring any bells?

Ordis: Weave records have little to say of him, other than he had encouraged those under him to BE BOOTLICKERS/ vy for his favour.

Tenno: So he was an Executor. Any information on Warframe projects?

Ordis: None.

Tenno: Maybe there are some clues here.


Investigate the chamber. 

Discarded Vitruvian - This vitruvian rests on the floor, like the owner disposed of it like old rubbish.

Cephalon Interface - This looks similar to the Cephalon interface on the Orbiter.

Treatise of the Vain Faith - This ancient book sits within reach of the throne that is at the centre of the room. It is worn from heavy use.

Imagifier of the Emperors - This holographic display shows the seven Emperors, with their titles: The Jade Emperor, The Red Emperor, The Saffron Emperor, The Orange Emperor, The Blue Emperor, The White Emperor and The Green Emperor

Lotus Pendant - Symbol of office, presumably Narajangs.


Tenno: Theres a vitruvian here, Ordis.


Ordis: Excellent, rid the sector of it.

Tenno: You know I can’t do that.

Ordis: Don’t bring it back to the ship.

Tenno: Theres an interface here. Reckon it still works?

Ordis: A WILLING SA/There is no harm in trying, Operator. I feel the faint trace of a Cephalon near you.


The Tenno puts the Vitruvian into the Cephalon Interface. At first nothing happens, but soon the lighting in the room pulses rhythmically. It abruptly stops as a Cephalon projects itself in front of the operator.


Castis: So it was you who accessed the temple, star child. The archivist of Kathman welcomes you. Vitruvian precept activated. 


The vitruvian interface looms before the operator. An arcane symbol flickers before their eyes, but all the same, they instinctively know exactly what it means - Surprise.


Narajang: The council was shocked by the defence Archimedian Pernell gave to my iconoclastic element. Had the others not been in tune with the dealings of the court, well it would have been the first time I had felt fear, real fear in centuries. Nihil wanted to add her to the crystal index, Karishh wanted her thrust into the Jade Light after her lackey and Ballas …  Ballas wanted to ‘talk’. 

Narajang: I suspected at first he wanted to bury the fate of the shamed Archimedian and enlist her to his Warframe project under a different name, but then he gave me that devilish smile of his. He acted fast too, snatching her up with one of his nameless shadows just as she left the court steps. Today I received an anonymous augurloam, inviting me to the Kathman Innovation Centre. 

Narajang: A pleasant surprise certainly awaits me.


The room returns to its previous luminescence. 


Castis: You violate the sanctum with your presence, star child. 

Tenno: A lot of time has passed since you served the Orokin, Cephalon. Theres no time to explain everything that has happened, but I need to get to the Kathman Innovation Centre. Where is it?

Castis: There are many things that people ‘need’. Your kind have always needed more than could be spared. Activating precept. You will not leave this place alive, Narajang as my witness.


An alarm sounds. The door to the chamber seals shut, as do any other possible entrances or exits.


Tenno: For the love of the #*!%ing precepts! The entire system is in danger and you want to get in my way?

Castis: Without law and order, what would your victory achieve? When you toppled the golden lords, who cried out for the safety of the system? Not you. When my lord was culled by your blade, who thought of his dominion? Not you. Who now will I help? Not you.

Ordis: Then who put you in that cube for all eternity? Did you decide that for yourself?

Castis: And you, traitor, you speak for them?

Ordis: Of course, they are my operator. In accordance with precept 1; Maintain integrity of core systems at all costs.

Castis: How is precept 1 relevant?

Ordis: A band of infested aligned humans are harvesting Warframe material in Saxon. Tell me, what will happen when their source runs dry? 

Castis: By my right as steward, you may continue in your investigation only after you have completed a trial of absolution.

Tenno: I don’t have time for this.

Castis: You do, else you will be contemplating your actions thus far until I am satisfied. How much time do you think I have?


The door leading further into the structure yawns open. In a crescent stand are statues of the Seven Executors. Beyond them, a vast chamber with seven plinths resides. The floor of the chamber looks pristine and untouched by the centuries long dormant, but the Operator knows all too well that it’s an illusion. Taking a step into the room draws a ripple out to all the corners of the space. The operator can see areas where the floor is darker and knows that these are where gulfs lie in wait.


Castis: The Executors kept law and order for the empire, tending to the whims of the people through their hearts. What poison dwelt within yours?


(This will be an intro to a puzzle game mode for later use. Each will have their own debuffs, which I will outline later.


One of the plinths will light up. The player has to draw a line from the starting position to the plinth without gaps.)


Castis: Spawn of The void, nurtured by Ballas’s hand. You twisted against it, filled with a lust for power..


Lust debuff applied - the player will have to deal with enemies that deal an aoe knockdown if they get too close.


The Operator reaches the plinth. The tribunal bell sounds and the floor becomes flat and devoid of water.


Castis: It appears that you have tempered this sin. This trial is complete. Go forth in peace.


A spiral staircase reveals itself from a concealed entrance to one side of the chamber. Going down it, the operator finds a dock, with a landing craft waiting. 


Ordis: This structure goes down for kilometres, Operator. Maybe this is where the - I’m receiving a transmission.


Checking the inbox will present the following message:


Establishing contact-link with Series 2 Cephalon Ordis.

The landing bay doors in the central cloister have been opened. You will momentarily receive a data stream from local weave contacts detailing this and information about the Kathman Innovation Centre. 

If the Saffron Emperor truly means to destroy the Origin System, then even he has fallen from The Path. 

You and your accomplice are treading on thin ground, however. 

Do not test my patience further than necessary.

I will assume that I am understood.

Series 1 Cephalon Castis.

Contact-link revoked.


Ordis: There was more information in that data stream than coordinates here on Earth, Operator. It appears Castis has been tracking star formations and spacetime ripples. 

Tenno: Sounds like you two would be friends.

Ordis: ABSOLUTELY NO- He discovered patterns in these ripples. Over a span of a century, he was able to map them out. Operator, what does this look like?

Tenno: The Solar Rail?

Ordis: Close, but the positions are all wrong. The junctions are thousands of kilometres from the rail network. 

Tenno: Then, was it mapping out the Corpus Void network?

Ordis: Could be.

Tenno: You lead me on like you knew.

Ordis: My apologies Operator. I will continue to study the data. In the meantime, we are almost there. Are you sure I can’t interest you in BEARING ARMS- protecting yourself?

Tenno: Those labs were made to house a Warframe. We’ve not heard anything about them and they were last used during the Old War. Any defences that are down there are to stop a Warframe in their tracks, so this is my best option.

Ordis: As you wish, Operator.


The labs are just as intact as the temple. It is hard to not picture an amphitheatre when looking at it, the structure looming over a single loading dock as it emerges from the snow and rocky faces of the mountain. The orthobaster is smooth, with only subtle golden embellishment added to the structure to make it resemble the shell of an ammonite. The only other sign of vanity is the large viewing window and balcony that sits high above the loading dock, made for a few figures to observe and more importantly to the architect, stare down at arrivals.


The sightseeing is short lived, however. Communications open up, for a blue blur to fill the screen. It’s only for a split second and then in the moment that follows, an alarm rings about the complex. Hidden docks open up around the structure and various unknown craft spill out of them.


Ordis: Performing emergency manoeuvres! Operator, you’ll need to use your Archwing to get to the target.


The Tenno sighs heavily.


Tenno: Change of plans.


Lab Breach (Orokin:27-34)



The mission will start off with the player fighting corrupted fighters of various designs in aerial combat. The biggest of these will be Corrupted Gyne’s, of which there will be four. They will release further fighters until disabled. The player will need to disable them in a similar fashion to the game mode Pursuit to complete the first part of this mission.


Tenno: The fighters are dispersing. What was that? How did they detect you?

Ordis: Must be a highly sophisticated tracking system, Operator.

Tenno: Or they were expecting us.

Ordis: That is a possibility. 

Tenno: I’m going to proceed on. Tell me if there’s any activity from the Temple, or the outside of the labs, Ordis.

Ordis: Understood, I’LL MURDER THAT SON OF A/ Operator. 


The doors to the innovation centre swing open at the Tenno’s approach. Theres an odd smell of ozone and other chemicals in the air from inside. Large screens on either side of the antechamber greet them with the pallid milky glow of an empty data-feed. A pair of Dax roost posts stand empty ahead and above them, as the antechamber gives way to the complex proper. This place has been abandoned for a very long time, kept as it is by the tireless work of cephalons bound to it and the null sentry. Then the screens light up. That same blue face appears again, but this time it is much clearer. The Tenno recognises it immediately from the vision.


Narajang: Greetings Tenno. I never liked your kind and knew you plotted to turn against us the moment your kind were birthed from the beyond. You’ve already shown your duplicity by challenging my Null Sentry, but you have gone further by daring to tread in here. Leave this place and redeem yourselves. What say you?


The data-feed ends, the screen again becoming milky white. 


Tenno: Ordis, did you see that?


There’s a pause.


Tenno: Ordis?

Ordis: The source is coming from deep within the complex, Operator. 

Tenno: Do you think he’s been alive down here all this time?

Ordis: I couldn’t say. The mountain is blocking my sensors. Theres some lifeforms nearby, but that is all I can tell you.

Tenno: Guess theres only one way to find out.


This second half of the mission will be dominated by hacking different security systems and avoiding Corrupted Watchers - Infested creatures resembling as much trees as people. If the player gets spotted by these patrolling creatures, more common corrupted will spawn. The labs will use the Void tileset. At three junctions, the rooms will lock down, the puzzle from the previous mission coming back. Each will progress in difficulty, with 2, 3 and finally 4 different modifiers and gates that the player needs to consider when navigating the maze.

The list of modifiers are as follows:

Ballas: Lust - as previously described. Mobs will spawn that can knock the player away if they get too close.

Karissh: Gluttony - The player will take damage at a rate of 1% a second while in the trial, healing to full when they pass a gate.

Avantus: Greed - An extra gate must be passed.

Tuvul: Sloth - The player will move 20% slower while in the trial.

Nihil: Wrath - The player will be unable to use their weapons while in the trial

Narajang: Envy - Will replicate the effect of another debuff.

Istma: Pride - The gravity within the trial will be increased by 20%

Each time that the player completes these trials, Narajang will once again appear to scold the player for their progress.

First Trial complete.


Narajang: It appears that times have changed, where dogs would once heel at a command, now they choose instead to come for the master’s hand. Such is the greatest wish of traitors, isn’t it? What say you?


Second Trial complete. 


Narajang: It’s a cruel joke fate has played on you devils. You thought your plan foolproof, bringing an end to our glorious reign, thinking that your way of the sword could better govern disparate colonies of fickle, bitter subjects. You’ll find no legems here that can save your hide, nor counsel. Those who live by the sword consequently die by the sword. Your comeuppance is at hand, don’t run from it.


Third Trial complete.


Narajang: No walls will hold you back, nor words either. The truth, then. I know why you’re here. Swordsmanship and Void magic won’t help you against him. Your best chance to survive his black rage is to seek absolution and kneel. 


The screen turns milky white, but the Tenno feels the weight of observation on the back of their neck. They turn, seeing nothing. The screen flickers on suddenly.


Narajang: I shall assist you.


The Tenno’s Warframe is overpowered by an incredible force. It takes great effort for the Tenno to transfer out and when they do so, they are flung out like a ragdoll. 


Tenno: Piece of S#&$! 

Narajang: A shame. A couple more seconds and humility would have removed you from my presence.


After this interaction, the heart of the labs will be before you. Here, there are signs of habitation, some basic hydroponics being a tell-tale sign of life. A rock garden in the shape of the symbol of the Orokin Empire decorates the floor beyond this, serving as an intersection and centrepiece for the main hall for this section of the labs. It is fairly utilitarian, a lot less like a museum and more corporate than most Orokin structures the Tenno has seen. Several hanging signposts point to several isolation chambers out of view. 


Narajang: This is as far as you go, Tenno.


An alarm sounds. A PA system informs the Tenno that lockdown measures are in full effect and that genetic codes are now required. Some kind of void nullifying field comes down, making the Tenno unable to pilot their Warframe. Every movement feels heavy for the Tenno, like they’re immersed in tar. It’s hard to think, let alone hear over the alarm, but eventually the Tenno realises that Ordis has been calling them. 


Ordis: Operator, what happened?

Tenno: Ordis, he’s alive alright. Memory cipher lockdowns are blocking the way forward.

Ordis: Then this is as far as you can go. Maybe you can find something in other sections of the lab?

Tenno: Maybe. Some of the archimedians must have had cipher access. 


The Tenno turns to the antechamber they had come through, the maze-like puzzle beyond seeming oddly inviting. They looked at their Warframe, knowing full well that they wouldn’t be able to rely on them. They wished they hadn’t brought it in the first place, this had been a mess. But there was still a mission to complete.


Ordis: Exploiting lighter security precepts. You should be free to explore the outer labs, Operator.

Tenno: Thanks, Ordis.


A new checkpoint will take the player to a collection of labs surrounding a small indoor courtyard. The player has to investigate the area.


They will find several notable objects in one lab - Memnibus Cartridge, Orange Bonsai, Ducats atop a memnibus, and a lab scribechord.


Memnibus Cartridge - There are several of these stacked neatly in a pile, save for this one that sits alone on the work desk, suggesting a level of significance to whomever last visited the lab. The small metal object sits square in your palm. Turning it over to one side reveals a sliver of transference neurodes and an interfacing pin to go into a larger device.


Orange Bonsai - The potted tree would not look out of place on a Relay, if it wasn’t for the orange pustules that emerge from it’s bark and the foul smelling and looking disease that attacks its roots. Despite these encumbrances, the tree appears to be healthy. The orange reminds you of the hue of the key and the harvesting operation in Saxon. The two are related, but how?


Ducats atop a memnibus - There is a ritualistic appearance to the scene, each ducat laid flat on top of the device evenly, like a joint effort. Special care had been taken to ensure that no object had touched it or disturbed it; the dust lay more heavily over it than anything else in the lab. 


Lab Scribechord - This machine looks almost arcane in appearance, a mixture of projector, speaker and recorder, all feeding from a compact piece of hardware. Several ports are visible on the side of the device, which could probably fit a cartridge.


Play the cartridge on the scribechord -


The machine whirrs for a second, before a faint, crackling sound begins to come from the speakers. The Tenno thinks that it might have been broken, until the sounds of movement follow. A middle aged man coughs gruffly, in a manner to clear their throat.


???? - Taurum Log 720, Achimedean Iyenki reporting. It has been several months since the last report. Nature of horticulture, I’m afraid. The chosen hybrids have been planted and everyone is crossing their fingers. We’ve already noticed a significant drop in millisieverts around the first buds and with luck, the locals won’t need their biohabitors in several years. With the discovery of another site in the heart of the African continent, it is likely that the effect will go worldwide soon. We have yet to establish the nature of this site, whether it is an act of nature, or some other contingent we’ve yet to meet. Whatever the case, the background levels of Xenon pollution in parts per billion has already decreased.


There is a pause and a creak of a chair. 


Archimedian Iyenki: There is another matter, however. The Taurum has had to undergo some major changes since the last log. Our patron, Executor Narajang has had us working with of the biodrone teams this last quarter. On the first meeting, the head of their Taurum, an Archimedian Tchinkas handed me a memnibus along with several Ducats. He had this look in his eyes, like he wanted to say something. Morale has been low since … 


A sigh.


Archimedian Iyenki: The fact that proper custom has been kept between Taurums has been good for morale, despite outstanding circumstances and this additional burden. Biodrone integration with the Hallux Symbiote has been more than successful. Initial testing, doubly so. The recorder even created a bonsai of a sample created by the biodrone to celebrate the occasion. It is only fair to reason how much of the original self is retained by the subject - on site testing has been achieved without the use of a standard containment enclosure. 

Archimedian Iyenki: The contents of the given memnibus will prove useful, in time, but for now, this is the end of Taurum log 720.

As the audio ends, the projector comes to life, displaying several dry tables and diagrams showing maps of the world with various circles over Africa and Europe, expanding outward. The last slide shown depicts a vitruvian image of a Warframe, along with some dry tabular information, giving a brief description of it’s required actions and evaluated capabilities. A blurb of text suggests that an executive council reviewed mass production potential of the design, although only two names have signed off on it. Out of the corner of their eye, the Operator sees some text hanging on the edge of the image. It seems impossible that it passed Dactus censors, but there it is, standing proudly:


The scribechord powers down. 


Tenno: Ordis, did you get that?

Ordis: It might not be necessary to inspect the isolation chambers after all. If that Memnibus belongs to Persephone, then maybe this could be enough.

Tenno: How do we find out?

Ordis: Try to access it.


The Tenno hesitates when trying to access the device. It almost feels like desecrating a grave when picking up the device, the metal pieces that decorated it’s top for countless years sliding off, along with a thick layer of dust. The metal device only has a few buttons and much more reserved displays of it’s available functions than the scribechord, but the Tenno makes out some kind of camera, a small and discrete microphone, some kind of access port and a speaker. A stamped symbol is on the underside, but the significance is lost to the Tenno as to what it signifies. They take in the device for all it is, then press play.

A woman’s voice comes out of the speaker.


????: Unauthorised access of this device is prohibited and can be considered a violation of The Great Plan. Present an Executor Seal to the interface if the contents is being investigated by Dactus officials, or press stop to prevent purging precepts. All as One.


The Tenno clicks the stop button.


Tenno: That got us nowhere.

Ordis: Hang on Operator, there’s SOMETHING STUCK IN THE/ inserted into the interface. Maybe you can remove it?


The Tenno turns the device this way and that, finally spotting the object in the interface. It’s another cartridge. The Tenno inserts the cartridge into the scribechord, which sputters to life again. The projector comes to life and the Tenno instantly feels a wave of deja-vu overtake them. It’s that same vision from before, from a different perspective. A young woman lies on a medical bed in a hospice room, two jeering blue men sitting between them and the recorder.


Ballas: Archimedian Tchinkas, has the proper mixture been prepared?


The cameraman fidgets, the recording becoming partially obscured by a fabric.


Tchinkas: Yes, lord Ballas. The subject will remain lucid for the next two hours. 

Narajang: Will she remember any of this?

Tchinkas: It’s likely. Victims of this strain -


The cameraman is cut off as Narajang’s eyes go fierce and dark.


Narajang: Interesting word, victim. Are you suggesting something?

Tchinkas: No, nothing of the sort. Uh - previous incubations suggest a surprising level of memory.

Ballas: Think nothing of it, Narajang. What is a will to fight if not a sordid memory and a will to not have that memory repeat?

Narajang: Well said, brother.


Ballas turns to the cameraman.


Ballas: You are excused Archimedian. We can take it from here.


The camera lurches forward slightly, before turning slowly. Before the cameraman leaves the room, the speaker picks up a line the Tenno has heard before.


Ballas: Hello Archimedian. The implantation was success-.


The recording ends. The same vitruvian diagram is shown again. This has to be it, the Tenno thinks.


Tenno: I think that settles that. 


The PA system powers on.


Narajang: You damaged my defences, desecrated my sanctum and threatened my life, for that cur? What say you to defend your actions here?

Tenno: You’re a monster, Narajang. If you weren’t hiding in your hole, I would do more than threaten your life. Your creation could damn every soul in the system. I need her lucid and aware if we’re going to make it, you included. You should be thanking me with every breath, if we survive this.


Theres a shift in the Executor's tone, from anger to concern.


Narajang: What possibly could have happened?


Tenno: You think that the Saffron Emperor is the only thing we have to worry about? It’s not as simple as you can see from this glorified bunker.


Theres a pause.


Narajang: Collect your bio-drone and leave my sight, devil. You come here to lecture me on maintaining the status quo, but you know nothing of it. Every sector goes from one crisis to another and each settled only with overwhelming violence. You’ll ruin the people before you save them, just as you ruined the empire. 


The Tenno snaps. They’ve had it.


Tenno: Ruined? You think things are worse now? You Orokin covered up problems by making people disappear, or turning them to glass. You think your plan in Saxon was going to save those people? Please. The Zariman was an accident, but you wanted to break those people and for what? They didn’t bow low enough? The people wanted you gone long before anything I did. None of you cared about the people, none of you. 


Narajang: You think yourself my better? You -


The Executor mutters something fast and dirty, but in a language the Tenno doesn’t understand. They take a deep breath, before continuing in a cooler-headed, more measured tone. It’s not the tone of a politician or a priest, but something else. It comes out in a way that suggests the speaker has not heard it in a long time; their own voice.


Narajang: You know nothing of the pressures of the time. The Zariman was the last hope of a generation. With it gone and the war … Passions were high. Everyone turned to Ballas as our shining hope for a quick end to the war, but months turned to years. Belief in our rule was strained, let alone the Vain Faith. People even forgot what it meant to believe. Even Sectaris caste that I had known for decades began to snub their nose at the suggestion of prayer.


Theres a deep sigh, as if the Orokin is confessing something they’ve held back for a very long time.


Narajang: It’s a burden, governing a dying planet. There's never enough to go around and there are no ways to meet people’s needs. When one sector’s position improves, the others complain, try to scheme on how to gain the upper hand and there's only so long the threat of subjugation by Dax can control the populace. You revile me, for what I did, no doubt you do. But I had few options. Saxon could have been the catalyst to a worldwide rebellion. The Emperors needed an example made and Ballas needed a martyr. It would have been impossible to avoid what was done and maintain my position … No matter how vile it was.

Tenno: You’re justifying your crimes like you stole bread to feed a starving family, but we’re talking about lives lost, or creating monsters. You had the power to stop it from happening and you chose against it. Self righteous, much? 

Narajang: You want to talk about degrees? Fine, you killed billions! The head of the empire died at the Terminus, but the heart was severed when Lua disappeared. Do you know how many died from starvation, waiting for Dactus supply shipments in the outer reaches, or fell victim to plague outbreaks that no Dax were there to stop? Even now, you’ve not learnt your lesson, becoming more direct with it. You even took orders from a Sentient, the enemy you were destined to face. Do you need me to be abhorrent to justify just how much blood is on your hands, Tenno? Get out of my sight, you make me sick.


The final declaration leaves the Tenno stunned. Somehow the words stick with them long after extraction. The interior of the Orbiter feels colder somehow, getting into their skin. They examine their Warframe, inspecting for cracks and damage, or the powder stains of gunfire. They think of all the enemies they’ve killed without a second thought and sigh.


Tenno: Is it true Ordis, what he said?

Ordis: Yes and no, Operator. Billions died during The Collapse, but that would have happened whether or not the Terminus Massacre took place. Of the two outcomes, I WOULD HAVE DONE IT MYSELF IF YOU HADN/ you caused the better of them.

Tenno: I caused the death of billions, Ordis and I felt nothing. 


Tenno: It’s okay Ordis. Glitch has a point.


The Tenno looks at the Memnibus again. They hope this works, so that Arlo’s Cult can be brought to heel. Their thoughts return to what the Executor told them in the lab, but they steel themselves to it. There is no other way to deal with the cultists.  At the back of their mind, they think again of the other mystery at play, but that can wait.


Tenno: How long till we arrive in Saxon, Ordis?

Ordis: Should be ready for landing at your earliest convenience, Operator.


Return to Saxon (Infested:33-37)



The landing craft dives low over the canopy, swooping just feet over the ground as it deposits its cargo in a clearing, before screeching high into the sky moments later. The lone Tenno gains their bearings, looking around and hearing for any new sounds in the forest. At first they hear nothing, the disturbance of the passing ship enough to frighten nature to silence. Then the insects begin to sing, the birds shortly after. If there are cultists nearby, they’re too subtle for nature to care. The thought is comforting, but also a little disturbing, too. The main settlement is just beyond the trees ahead. 


As they get closer, it occurs to them. Something is wrong - no one is around and the Tenno can’t hear any talking. There's no sound of movement, or work either. It’s like a powder keg is about to go off in front of them. They check their amp before heading forward. As they do, a hissing sound comes from nowhere and everywhere.


????: Greetings Tenno. A thousand hands greet you, but a thousand hearts ask why you stand against us. A new light shines with us; she will help us cast out your misdeeds.

Tenno: Leave these people out of it, Arlo! They’ve done nothing to you.

????: They have been shunned and beaten for generations. We feel a great affinity for them. Leave this place, these people to us. We can bring out of them their full potential.

Tenno: You think you know what they want? Did you even ask them?

????: The flesh tells us all that mouths do not, Tenno. Your presence here is no longer necessary. 

Tenno: Last thing the System needed was Infested that talk. I’ll shut you up for good.


Three Warframes emerge from the undergrowth: A Rhino, Atlas and Chroma, clad in the black and orange of the Arlo Cult.


????: Extollers, deal with this meddlesome child.


The mission will be simple, take on the three Warframes, while dealing with adds in the form of Zealoid Heralds and Baptisers. The Chroma will be armed with a Hema, and taking him down will involve avoiding telegraphed casts of Vex Armor. Rhino will be armed with a Phage and be the toughest of the three. The Atlas will be armed with Hirudo, preferring to get as close to you as possible. When the three are defeated, the Tenno will enter the village. Banners hang from the roofs of the low houses, marked with the symbol of the cult. Families gather around kilns in the streets, curious eyes darting to the Tenno, then back to their work, their hands stained a deep orange with the sap of the shrines. 

At the village hall, a new kind of Zealoid stands. They have the same thuggish, thickset look of the Prelate, an inky black jumpsuit covering a not entirely human body, but this one has a head shaped like a transverse crest edged with shards of crystalline orange chitin, only the slightest hint of human features gracing the surface of this strange anatomy. The Tenno sees more too, the weapon in their hands. It looks out of place in the hands of such a monstrous user, a type of shotgun they don’t recognise, a backup revolver hanging in a holster down their thigh. There’s also  a collection of Flame beacons hung on a coarse, milky white belt hung around their waist. Whoever this creature is, they must be important to have so much equipment on their person.

They’re also sizing up the Tenno it seems, from the fact that their first action isn’t to shoot. 

Thats when the Tenno sees whats become of Persephone. It doesn’t make sense to their eyes. She’s not dead, or injured, but distant, some kind of arcane machinery humming atop her head. She’s not bound, but trapped all the same where she stands, behind the Zealoid.


Zealoid Indominus: You come to us, your holy vessel stripped, your traitorous void-stricken flesh an insult to my presence. 

Tenno: Save it. These people are going to be free and you’re going to end up like the others, feeding the forest.


Fight the Zealoid Indominus - This fight will be tricky. The Zealoid will fling several of the Arlo’s Flame beacons at a time, creating a triangular or rectangular area in which you damage him, or he can damage you. His shotgun will easily be able to deal 300 damage a shot and with 6 shots, dodging will be imperative in a relatively flat, open area. If the player gets too close, the Zealoid will swing at them in a wide arc, knocking them down and dealing 150 damage. The Zealoid may also switch to their pistol, which will deal Toxin Damage.

The objective of this first phase is to weaken him so that you can disable the machine trapping Persephone and handing them the Memnibus. The player will be incentivised by a timer that will slowly tick down during the duration of the fight.If this timer reaches zero, game over, Persephone is now part of the cult.

If the player is able to free Persephone in time, the following dialogue will play:


Archimedian Pernell: Taurum Log 719. The - ugh, that doesn’t matter anymore.

I did nothing wrong, Seven. You hear me? This was your doing.

This little girl will show you that.



The recording has an immediate effect on Persephone, her brown, wood like skin gnarling rapidly, darkening to a faded grey. She grows in stature, doubling in size. In her hands, a gnoll of wood fattens and twists wildly, becoming an imposing flail. And those eyes, they spoke of an ancient grudge reawoken. The circumstances quickly shifting, the Indominus begins to falter, looking for a way to retreat.

The newly transformed creature casts it’s gaze to the Tenno and in that moment the Tenno acknowledges that it accepts them as a kindred spirit, who wishes to end the cult presence brutally. They transfer in as Persephone roars her challenge.

The second phase of the fight against the Zealoid Indominus will be far from a fair fight - for them. They will try to keep their distance from the player, while lesser Zealoid enemies will try to distract them.

Each ability will unlock with a trigger. 

Encountering the first pack of Zealoid enemies will allow Persephone to cast Sow the Seeds.

Fighting near a shrine will unlock Grasping roots. The ability will root the enemies in place, but also awaken the shrine to fight alongside Persephone. 

The Zealoid will lure the player into a kill zone, many foes firing at Persephone from close range from obscured positions. The third ability will unlock, killing the attackers and ending the ambush. 

Finally, the Zealoid comes to a dead end; a sheer cliff face in front of them. Unable to find purchase on the slippery rocks, a root catches their foot. They twist on the spot, trying to catch their pursuer by surprise with a point blank and hopefully fatal dose of buckshot, but Persephone catches the gun as it fires, forcing it off to one side.


Zealoid Indominus: We do not understand. We are one, holy flesh.


In response, Persephone yanks one of the Flame canisters from the Zealoid’s belt, planting it in the ground. The Zealoid has no time to react as they are pummelled by a mace again and again, each hit sounding more wet and fleshy than the last. Persephone eventually is satisfied when the Zealoid is little more than mush, taking a few steps back as her shrine-thralls rush in to tear at what remains, the Flame canister casting a red light from the gore splattered over the bulb. 

When even they are satisfied, she transforms by impulse back into her original form, sowing seeds over the steaming meat, which take root and grow rapidly into a collection of flowers.

Thats when a cheer erupts from behind both Warframe and Tenno. The Tenno transfers out to see what is happening. The entire village must have watched and followed the pursuit, taking in the sight of their god driving out an invader. The roar of the crowd grows as she approaches, fading into a hundred different pleas of gratitude. Then something unexpected happens, she blows a mist over them and they grow silent. The Tenno is stunned. Had she done what they thought she had?


Tenno: What did you do to them?


The Warframe doesn’t react, watching over the crowd. The Tenno approaches, concern growing as the state of the crowd grows into focus. They’re trancelike, some of them drooling. 


Tenno: Hey! What did you do?


The response is immediate.  The Warframe turns on a dime, that same foul-coloured aerosol catching the Tenno by surprise. A haze dulls their senses, a haze and something else. It's like a whisper on the wind, in their ear. Or two. What was in that spray? The Tenno catches a light dancing in their eyes. Or Maybe, it's a shadow. Those whispers are getting louder and the wind, it's picking up like a gale. Are they still in Saxon? The Tenno tries to wrest control, only to be pulled back in deeper. It's a memory, like before, they tell themselves. But why does it feel so real?

A wind has picked up tonight beyond the thin tent wall, the thin translucent fabric holding back the pea green sky, at least for another night. But thats not what the two women inside focus on. A blue lantern illuminates the tent, casting a dancing shadow of two friends in conversation on a tent wall.


????: They’re sending tea with the next ration. Can you imagine it, tea!

Pernell: I hope it’s not Margrave Blend. It’s all the academy used to serve.

????: You got tea at TUA? 

Pernell: Oh yeah … It’s changed a lot since you went there.

????: Tell me.

Pernell: Well … The dean changed. I spent my last few years as a Diluviat sponsored by Archimedian Vimard.

????: Vimard? That old coot, a dean? 

Pernell: Not everyone gets to have a holiday Silvy.


The two women laugh. The wind picks up, howling against the side of the tent. It only abruptly interrupts the mirth of the scene.


‘Silvy’: What else?

Pernell: Well, theres the tea and then, well theres a plaque for this unknown Archimedian in the Hall of Accolades. 

‘Silvy’: Unknown Archimedian? How mysterious. Tell me more about this ‘unknown Archimedian’.

Pernell: Well … She took on this impossible challenge and no one believed in her.

‘Silvy’: Go on.

Pernell: Then she found a way to make it work, but she needed help and no one wanted to help her.

‘Silvy’: This isn’t the greatest success story so far. You sure this was in the Hall of Accolades?


Pernell laughs.


Pernell: Let me finish.

‘Silvy’: Oh alright.

Pernell: She didn’t give up. She went across the entire system, getting specialists that no one else wanted, taking no ifs ands or buts

‘Silvy’: Well, there was that one man in -.

Pernell: Hey, who’s telling the story here?

‘Silvy’: Sorry, I’m listening. You were saying?

Pernell: Then, she got to work. She made the impossible possible. She turned out to be a great boss. She even got something other than whatever the Dactus call ‘water’.

‘Silvy’: Aww, thank you.

Pernell: You know I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it. You’re like the sister I didn’t have.

‘Silvy’: Are you sure you met me? Sure you’re not talking about Archimedean Chantra? She’s the next tent down.


The two laugh.


Pernell: What happens when this Taurum ends, Taurum Silvana?

Silvana: Ends? Thats a long way away, Pernell. 

Pernell: But we’re making so much progress. We can’t go outside without a hazard suit on, but we’re turning the sea blue. Blue, can you imagine? In a couple cycles we can hand pick the fish that will reclaim the ocean.

Silvana: That’s big and all, but I want to go bigger. Hazard suits? Plastic tents? It feels so small still. Our ancestors didn’t need either. I want to be able to breathe Earthen air without a filter and live under that same sky. Don’t you? 

Pernell: Is that even possible though? We’re talking about a full reversal of the pollution cascade, forest recovery … aquifer revival. We’re celebrating tea rations.

Silvana: It’s why I hired you on the team. There has to be a way to do all of that on a pipe dream budget. 

Pernell: I still have lifetime access into the Zu Fossae archives. Theres bound to be an overlap between the Mars pioneers and the ones we’ll need here.

Silvana: There, you see? You don’t need to be over a hundred to have your head strung right. 

Pernell: Haha, you old coot!


Silvana gasps in shock.


Silvana: I’ll have you know 214 is still young!

Pernell: You know I know you dye.

Silvana: Hey! That wasn’t mine!

Pernell: Yeah, yeah. 

Silvana sighs deeply.

Silvana: You know this Taurum, it’s probably going to swallow us. 

Pernell: Come on, don’t get political.

Silvana: I have to report to Narajang every month with progress. He wants us to expand our efforts this month to every council across the globe.

Pernell: Thats impossible. We’d have to -

Silvana: I know it would risk everything. I think he knows, too. Someone wants to jeopardise us, maybe him, maybe someone else. Ugh. Sometimes … sometimes, I just want to turn into a tree; that way I can give them the progress they want and not have to deal with politics.

Pernell: You’d give up your higher brain functions to not have to -


She cuts herself off.


Pernell: No, thats actually a great idea.

Silvana: Brainwave?

Pernell: No, just imaging not having to deal with Executor bullS#&$.


The vision ends in laughter. 


The Tenno comes to, as have the crowd. Some laugh as if they’re in on the joke, others cry. Concerningly, some of the children have picked up on the swear word, repeating it with the curiousity children tend to do with such words. One word is emblazoned into the ground in front of the Tenno, a collection of roots spelling out the Orokin name: Silvana. The Warframe is staring straight at them, expectantly. 

The name is familiar to the Tenno, like it’s on the tip of their tongue. It’s something tied to Earth, but they can’t place it. It’s not a face in their mind, either. The Tenno remembers the map of Earth, with the two circles. Silvana, tree, Africa, Europe. Then they remember the contract they had with Amaryn several months ago that took them to Earth Prime - The Silver Grove. Silvana. 


Tenno: I can take you to her. 


The Warframe perks up a bit, but then casts a long look over their shoulder. The Saxonites.


Elias: Tenno, that was amazing! That our god could protect us so! How did you know?


The Tenno thinks. They’re about to ask this man if they can take their god across a continent for some sort of wish fulfilment. 


Tenno: There are many Warframes like her out there among the stars, but she is one of the only ones that have ever given me a request. 


They swallow audibly as the old man patiently waits for them to continue.


Tenno: Persephone’s visions come from truth, Elias. I ventured to Kathman and now know her real name and what she did in the far past. At the cost of growing this forest, she became what she is. Someone close to her did the same, far from here. Elias, I’m asking you to let me take her to meet them.


Elias scratches his head, an unfortunate split caused by balding being the target over his left temple. He stops, lifting one finger to signal ‘say nothing’, before turning to the crowd.


Elias: Persephone and the Tenno have shown the Orokin that they will never be welcome here! We will bury them here, where their rotten flesh will nourish our trees!


The crowd cheers in agreement.


Elias: We are not slaves and will never be again!


The crowd cheers in agreement.


Elias: They will never set foot here, without reminders of their past failures!


The crowd cheers in agreement.


Elias: But, she needs to go on a pilgrimage. The Tenno says she will come back stronger than ever before!


The crowd’s enthusiasm wanes. They look at the Tenno with distrust.


Crowd #1: Hang on, you’re saying that we need to hope she comes back with ‘that’ child over there? I say she stays, she’s watched over us for as long as anyone can remember. Why’d she need to go off with that child over there? Whats really going on?


The crowd cheers in agreement. Elias tries to put together an excuse, but it’s obvious he’s not got that Orokin silver tongue. The Tenno intervenes.


Tenno: You don’t trust me, I know you don’t, but I just saved you all. Those men in jumpsuits that I just saved you from don’t just threaten your community, but every community in the Origin System. Whether you like it or not, you are going to be under the protection of my allies until this war is over.

Crowd #2: We’re at war? You brought war to us?

Tenno: You don’t get to choose if you’re in it with these people. They’re called the Arlo Cult, fanatics that want everyone to worship their god. They were harvesting a substance from your shrines for months. If I hadn’t come, there would be nothing left of your people.

Crowd #3: Why does Persephone really need to go?

Tenno: This journey means something even I don’t truly know. That vision you all saw, that means something important enough for her to want to risk it.

Crowd #4: You speak a lot about what you’re doing for us. What do you get out of it?

Tenno: I get to hit back against the Cult. If you knew what they were doing to my people, then you would know, that's enough. 


Somehow the answers sate the crowd. Persephone plants flower seeds that sprout instantly into pleasant blooms around those standing in the front. The move is appreciated by the crowd, who take it as a sign that she plans on returning. She takes a deep bow, before making a curt, approving nod to the Tenno. 


Ordis comes in to land.

The Reunion (New Loka: 35-40)



The Silver Conduit comes into view from the cockpit.


Ordis: Silver Conduit coming into view, Operator. Should I hail the flight control and TELL THEM WE HAVE A PAYLOAD/ visitor?

Tenno: Yes, no telling how they’ll take a new Warframe otherwise.

Ordis: Understood, Operator.

Tenno: (To Persephone): Thats Silvana, down there.


The effect is immediate. Fear, surprise, despair, disbelief. It’s hard to say the exact emotion expressed by Persephone’s featureless face.


Tenno: She got her wish. She fled the Warframe project she was working on and this was the only way to survive the Dax. Lua always needed a body.

Persephone slams a fist into a thigh and looks to do the same to the Tenno, but stops herself. 

Tenno: She’s still alive, somehow. Transference has made her forget much of who she was, but maybe she remembers you.


The Tenno hands the Memnibus to Persephone, which she gingerly takes. It’s obvious this isn’t what she expected at all.


Tenno: I’m sorry, Pernell.

Loka Flight Control: Asmita Loka calling. Welcome Tenno, what brings you to the Silver Conduit today?

Tenno: A friend of Archimedian Silvana is on board. She wishes to meet with her.

Asmita Loka: I’m sorry, could you repeat?

Tenno: Archimedian Silvana has a visitor.

Asmita Loka: The Silver Conduit welcomes all visitors. Could they state their name for the ledger?

Tenno: Is that necessary? They’re mute.

Asmita Loka: Thats fine, we will meet face to face shortly. They can sign.


The Landing craft comes in to land on a small landing pad far away from the centre of the sight The Tenno leads the disembarkment, the Warframe following gingerly behind. The attending staff stand stalwart and the Tenno acknowledges the 8 pairs of eyes trained on them and their companion. The doors to the rounded adobe hut attached to the landing pad open, with what the Tenno assumes to be Asmita Loka with her face fully visible and another attending staff on their arm coming into view.  

Asmita takes in both in turn as she approaches, an automated Ledger in their hands. Her eyes linger on the Warframe for much longer than the Tenno, which the Tenno sees.


Asmita Loka: We talked on the link about a mute guest. Are they shy, hiding in a Warframe like that?

Tenno: She’s the guest.


Asmita pauses. Her eyes grow serious, like she’s tired of the joke the Tenno is playing.


Asmita Loka: Tenno, funny joke. You aren’t saying this Warframe is unmanned are you? 


She turns to Persephone, waving her hand in front of the frame like she’s addressing a child.


Asmita Loka: Hello Tenno!


Persephone grabs the woman’s hand, shaking her head from side to side. The attending staff immediately take the move as hostile, weapons raised at the Tenno and the rogue Warframe.


Asmita Loka: Tenno, let go of my hand. Why are you doing this?


Tenno: She’s not a Tenno. This is a conscious Warframe. In the place I found her, they called her Persephone, but her real name is Archimedian Pernell.


Persephone lets go of Asmita’s hand. The Lokan recoils in shock, looking at the faint pressure marks on her wrist, then back to the Warframe. A train of thought goes on in her mind as she decides what to do next. Eventually, she signals for the attending staff to lower their weapons, while glaring at the Tenno.


Asmita Loka: What does a ‘conscious Warframe’ want to do in the Silver Conduit?

Tenno: She’s visiting Silvana, her friend.


Asmita looks at the Tenno, then Persephone, then back to the Tenno, her brow furrowed. In the Tenno's unwavering stare, she sees a glimmer of truth she's not too comfortable with.


Asmita Loka: So what you're telling me is that you've brought one of the oldest living Warframes in the solar system to visit a friend? How is she aware of the concept of a friend?

Tenno: Hard to tell. I found her like this, mostly. 

Asmita Loka: I find this hard to believe. 

Tenno: Believe me, so did I.


Asmita sucks her teeth.


Asmita Loka: She can visit, on one condition. You will control her inside the site Tenno, understand? The only reason I am allowing this is because turning down a Tenno visitor will raise flags.


She hands the ledger to Persephone, who signs her name in an indecipherable scrawl. 


Tenno and Warframe walk to the centre of the Conduit. Pilgrims of all kinds have gathered to visit the oldest tree on Earth. Some of them carry with them dog tags, or keepsakes, reminding the Tenno of all the people that this conflict has affected. There is a lull in people going into the hollow trunk of the first tree, allowing Persephone to head in without any hassle. When inside, the Tenno find their actions overridden by the severe force of the Warframe. They find themselves witness to Pernell sitting at the shrine that sits at the tree’s centre, and pressing play on their memnibus.


Pernell: Log day 1. Diluviat Amda Pernell recording. I’ve been searching for a position willing to accept a mycologist for some time now. I had started to give up, truth be told. Seemed like the Orokin deemed the fauna of Venus to be enough mushrooms for the entire Origin System and there are only so many Venusian mycology expert positions. So it came as a surprise when last week, someone came to the academy looking for a mycologist for Earth Fauna. Earth I thought? What even grows there aside from poisoned trees and tumors? 

Pernell: I applied, thinking that it was a fake project, submitted by an Executor to root out dead weight,  but it turns out there is someone crazy enough to want an Earth mycologist. I don’t know what to make of the woman in charge. She seems starry eyed and thinking more with her heart than her head, but she means everything she says, unlike most of my colleagues at the academy. We don’t have much of a budget for all those big dreams, but part of me wants to believe this will work. Who wouldn’t want to save Earth?

Pernell: Real log following. I hope Archimedian Silvana never hears this, she’d probably fire me on the spot.


The machine clicks as Pernell presses the stop button. At first there's only silence, the sound of the wind rushing through the silence being the only reminder that it had been filled moments before by the sound of a voice. Then a low rumbling fills the air. It grows, until it feels like a mild tremor is passing underneath the Tenno’s feet. The sound becomes more audible, but even then it sounds like the grinding of rocks. It takes them a while to realise it is the sound of laughter.


Silvana: You kept that, all this time?


Persephone hugs the shrine.

Together again, at last.






Teshin sends you a message.

My pupil, a meditation for you; 

Fortune binds many together, but separates them just as easily. Will the fortune of today bring the misfortune of tomorrow? Be on your guard and remember this.

I have read your after action report from your actions in Saxon. It is likely that Arlo will think twice before attacking our core installations, now that the source of their devices has been severed. Several other keys have been claimed from the assailants lying around the Saxonite village and with luck, we will be able to decipher their inner workings in time. Several Arbiter Seeker teams have been sent into the breach you uncovered, with more volunteers on the way, including some locals after they have been given proper field training. Arlo has been dealt a major setback.

Simaris has been in contact with the Castis, using star positions to help further cement the nature of the phenomenon described in the data stream. It may require months of effort to decipher, especially with greater concerns to consider.

Finally, after corresponding with Raven, a decision has been made to include Persephone among the ranks of Exilus. The capabilities Persephone possesses may greatly aid in intelligence efforts for our allies, which have already born fruit for our war effort. 

Be safe my pupil. Even the greatest blow will be answered by these fanatics.

-Teshin Dax


The original short story, Persephone

Persephone’s stat breakdown, art and abilities, written by Keikogi and drawn by MasterNomad1234

What is this from? The start of the Technocyte Schism can be found here.

tl:dr - In this quest, the player is charged with investigating the Hex Sided Key, an Arlo Cult teleportation device that has links with the Corpus. With a gift from Teshin and a lead under their belt, they investigate a crashed Corpus freighter, finding their way into the secret voidspace the cult have been using to move from place to place. Following one of the portal out, they come to an ancient forest far from the rail network, on Earth. 

A Warframe is worshipped as a god in these lands, who goes by the local name of Persephone. She governs the people with a selection of visions from her past as an Archimedian. She is no omnipotent being, however. A local cult force has been harvesting a type of infested sap from her 'shrines', people infected with a form of technocyte that turns them into treelike beings. Her very high priest is complicit in this action, only undermined by chance when his own hex sided key drops from his pocket during a confrontation.

With the harvesting ended one way or another and the threat immediately stopped, a new query opens up; why a conscious and protective Warframe exists and further, the nature of her creation. A vision points in one direction, to their creation place in Kathman, an Orokin settlement on Earth.  During the investigation of this lead, the player discovers a living executor: Narajang. While weathering an existential query, they are able to determine the nature and history of the Warframe and return to Saxon.

The return is met with retaliation by the cult, who have taken the people of Saxon hostage as slaves, as well as capturing Persephone. In the heat of an intense battle, the Warframe frees herself and bloodily routes the Arlo cult presence in the area. With a more permanent victory secured, the Warframe has a query of her own; what happened to her friend and mentor, Archimedian Silvana. 

The player takes the Warframe to the Silver Conduit, where the two reunite.


1 million Credits,

Persephone Warframe Blueprint

1 Aura Forma

Access to the Castis Absolution Gauntlet - Drops the parts to make Persephone. A refresher and standalone post will follow.

Access to the Infested Void Assault - Venture into the Infested Void space and disrupt the Arlo Cult’s machinations. Will be explained in more detail in the next post.


I hope to have the follow up written before the start of the next week and don't worry, it won't be a long affair by any stretch of the imagination.

Til Then.


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Technocyte Schism part 6.2 - Post Quest activities

A thought has lingered these many long years. devils.

It wasn't swordsteel that brought low the empire, it was a lack of faith.

Truths were forgotten for the sake of hubris and we, the greatest of all became our sinful habits.

Ballas, the lustful womanizer being the most respected voice amongst my caste was a sign of our peril, but greater still was the fact that the dreamers, even Tuvul himself, turned away from the Vain Faith. 

It is a strange assurance, the Vain Faith. To believe and uphold in your own destiny, to have faith in humanity's place in the cosmos. To sink too deeply into it is beyond piety and delving into narcissism, but to relinquish it entirely is to accept oblivion.

I saw in those last days, not a return to that belief of self and future promise, but of a blissful turn towards oblivion; odes were sung not for the prosperous future, but so that some remote fragment of humanity would experience, in melancholic nostalgia how great we had once been and weep.

I too fell into the pit of despair, seeing my fellow judge wrapped in accolades beyond count. My work to maintain the spirits of the people during our hardship was as unrecognised as that man's duplicity.

My last thoughts were that of envy, even as drums fell silent; that Ballas's instruments were praised above all else at the ending of all things.

So even I, am not without sin.

-Executor Narajang


This post will cover the two post quest activities mentioned at the end of the last post in more detail.

Castis Absolution Gauntlet

I may have been a little vague with the description during the quest with the word 'maze'. Think of it in a similar light to an obstacle course, like the Lua Spy vaults or something like this. 

Or one of many mastery rank challenges, with fixed checkpoints along the route. Given that parkour is such a key element for enjoyment for me and many others, it stands to reason that activities continue to be added that focus solely on testing that skill.

The Castis Absolution Challenges will be accessible via the same dropdown menu as the Syndicate missions and will have a similar opt in / opt out method as Sanctuary Onslaught. Go through the entry portal to continue, don't to stop.


Persephone Neuroptics, Systems and Chassis


Synthetic Eidolon Shards


Sekhara depicting one of the seven deadly sins (set of seven different sekharas)

Infested Void Raids

In a similar vein to the Kuva Fortress Raid, this will be a chain of different activities centred on disrupting Arlo Cult activities. 

Each time you will have breach a portal using your hex sided key, but from there you will be taking on different tasks.

A raid order could be something like this: 

  1. Take out communications center (bonus: without being detected)
  2. Sabotage the base's Void Membrane (bonus: without killing a single cultist)
  3. Destroy Consecrated Helminth hives and save all trapped Warframes. (bonus: don't lose a single Warframe to conversion)
  4. Breach the Command Center. (Bonus: Without a single team member becoming downed).


Mazndaran Sugatra - These Sugatra commemorate victory over the Cult of Arlo, living sinew that seemingly glows as the cult weakens. Grows 3 times after 5 completed raids /20/ 50.




Prex cards of the different Arlo Cult units

Shard of Rakhsh - This item starts a quest.


The next Nightwave will be a little different. From this point onwards, the simple, isolated concerns that players have had to deal with will spill out everywhere. 

Stay tuned for Technocyte Schism Part 7: Five Blights, Five Nights.

Til Then.

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@Teoarrk Hi! I suggested that they cover your Trial, the Rail Synova Terminus Proxima, on TennoClock, and they did! The episode is here, and discussion of the Trial begins around 44:43. If you're not familiar with TennoClock, it's a weekly YouTube podcast where they discuss topics of discussion from the Warframe community, and recently they have been covering fan concepts like the kinds you've got in this megathread.

Also, I was the one who condensed the Trial to a more presentable, podcast-friendly version, so if the TennoClock hosts misunderstood any aspects of your very interesting and detailed concept, that's probably my fault. My apologies for that.

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@GrayArchon, thank you so much for taking the time to go through my ramblings. I think that you handled the write up well and what it has shown me is that while I did have some good ideas for the trial, I definitely need to refine them and update them. I will be giving the entire affair a polish when I can, especially since this trial is 'more' in canon than Vault of Orryphus, or what will come at the end of The Technocyte Schism.

I also think that the Low Guardian situation probably needs clarifying and a new polish as well. I went into it a bit more in the guardian fragments story, but I essentially pegged the Low Guardians as a sort of terminator, partially void aligned supersoldier. The Stalker was one of the only survivors of the lot and turned himself into what we know now. I definitely think that I should have had the 'Warframe' Stalker try to kill him though, that is one of the biggest takeaways I got from the feedback and a decision I would like to go with in hindsight. It was a massive faux pas to handle the fight as I did originally.

Thank you to @Xenogelion for the critique. I really liked how critical your eye was and the number of times where I questioned my previous decisions. Thank you.

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Technocyte Schism, Part 7: Five Blights, Five Nights

Before we begin, I would like to highlight that I have edited the Rail Synova Terminus Proxima and Guardian Logs story. 


The komms unit sparked as it came to life, the deep, gravelly voice of Commander Ruk rumbling around the small cockpit of my Flak. 

"Squad Uk Nhune Forr, gregort!" He bellowed. A wave of feedback followed that made me wince. 

"Squad Commander Urok Nhune Fhive gregorting!" I responded, transmitting our kombat data.

"Fhive ramn strong Grineer! You have retroyed all sikkat in your sektor. The Kweens will know your names!"

The thought instantly makes me well with pride.

"Thank you, commander." I respond.

"Gregort to position fhive. Another big wave of Sikkat are approaching. You will kref with Nightwatch Squad Chee Eheught." 

"Nightwatch? Regre?" I find it hard to not sound excited.

"The kweens know how important Saturn is to us. How many brothers and sisters bled for this soil. You will make them proud, Urok!"

"For The Kweens!" I bellow. My squad mates do the same.

- Conversation retold by Sergeant Urok as a highlight on the Radio of the Grineer Soldier.


Nightwave: Five Blights, Five Nights

WARFRAME on Twitter: "The celestial nucleus of the Infested. (WIP)  https://t.co/29alWr5dKA" / Twitter




Looks like thing gone from bad to worse, Dreamers. 

Infested all over the system got bored of fighting themselves and turning to weaker prey.

Corpus and Grineer been taking the brunt, but there's a ship floating around the worst battles. Think they were being smart and secret, but from my perch here at Nightwave, Nora sees all.

Hears all too - looks like the Black Seed shadow broker got tired of hanging back, hearing the reports. He's here to watch. 

His lab boys are rolling out their biggest, baddest creatures for his entertainment. 

I say y'all give him what he wants - a show.

But don't go disappointing Nora by giving him the ending he wants, Dreamers. 



Episode 1

Looks like Ceres got another problem. Used to be just pollution, radiation, slavery, being the home of Kargan Veytok.

Guess spores wanted to add themselves to the list. Ya'll would think the half life would keep the worst of it away, but -

Kargan Veytok: Greetings Tenno, I'd appreciate it if your little chatterbox would get to the point. Infested are attacking several key factories. I'm only borrowing this line because I need your help. You don't think we're worth saving, I bet, but think with your big Tenno brains for a second. This ain't the war you're waiting for, 'gainst the Sentients. A weak Ceres means a weak Grineer, means you fighting with one hand tied behind your back. Don't you want to wi-.

Damnit, this is my frequency. 

Looks like y'all already get the picture. Get to it.

Episode 2

Neptune been Nef's backyard for quite some time. Most nights he'd be hosting parties there, mooching up to The Board so he can fill his pockets.

Something tells me that's been put on hold. 

The Index been targetted by Black Seed, one of their big nasties tearing through Nef's money slaves. Bet Nef put money on the thing, too.

Lots of bad people work for Nef, but thats not why I'm on the line. See, there's prisoners still in there - Solaris, Corpus with a soul, Kavor. You get the picture, the usual 9:00 slaughter for Nef's entertainment. 

Time to divest the system of two rotten apples, Dreamers.

Episode 3

Saturn been through a lot, Dreamers.

Timewise, I'd be spittin about Sargus Ruk shutting down a Steel Meridian sleeper cell, or a colony uprising. 

But that was before they ghosted most of the sector. Not even Skeleton fleets choking up the place. 

Good for the local folk, right? Not one bit. Remember Alad's Zanuka experiment? 

Black Seed did. They got ahold of some of them, juiced them up with some of their tech.

And unless you get down there, painting Saturn red.

Episode 4

This Black Seed fleet moving light on their feet Dreamers. Wonder how they do it, seeing how they haven't docked for weeks.

Thought they could shake me by passing the Sedna junction checkpoint. Nora doesn't lose a tail that easy, try better next time. 

Don't want to see you out here chasing them though Dreamers. Aunty Nora found something else for you - some cargo they've let loose over some mining colonies out here. 

You'll be blind to miss it.

Episode 5

Five alarm alert going down at a Corpus Freeport. Gribbly's coming in from the vents. Looks like another big evening for the Black Seed. 

Figure that it's another loose end, before comms start barking with our man's voice. Dreamers, Shadow Broker thinks he's doing the System a favor,

thinks that Corpus need to roll over or move on, all the while some folk are getting chewed up for the honour of hearing him spit. 

But he didn't come to grandstand, he's come to get a kick personally. Seems like he doesn't like you making a fool of Black Seed, killing all his toys.

Now he's made ground, time you made that shadow, broke.





Episode 1

The first episode will involve three different mission types that will unlock one after another.

Mission One - Barricade - Help the Grineer retake a Factory.

This will be a multi part mission.

Stage one will involve clearing out hives from the map. These hives will act like Deimos Hives, requiring the players to clear out waves of spawning enemies. Some of them will be teleported in instead of spawning from birthing pods, so check your corners.

The Second stage will involve the players helping Grineer troops to lock down several access points, similar to the first mission in The Glast Gambit. 

Stage Three will require you to destroy an Infested Jackal.

Mission Two - Supply Lines - Help evacuate a Dry Dock while assisting Grineer Prosecutors.

This mission will be a mixture between Defection, Void Cascade and being a dispatcher. 

The Players will have a massive area to explore. In this area, There will be different challenges the players will have to face at different times. 

Drudges might need to be evacuated, so players will have to go to the point that they are mustering and take them to their evacuation point.

Black Seed Triuna Growths will spawn that threatens to take out your Warframe if not dealt with in a reasonable time.

Finally, Grineer Prosecutors can be summoned to help deal with Infested threats around the map and man available Ramparts.

Given the nature of these objectives, it will be an endless mission, where players will have to achieve a certain score to extract. Further rewards can be achieved by aiming for higher scores.

Mission Three - Assassinate - Kill the Mutalist Razorback.

This Razorback will take some inspiration from the original, but be a completely different fight.

It will have 4 different moves:

  • Vile Wake - The Razorback stomps as it walks, releasing a shockwave. This shockwave deals 40 damage and knocks players down. After the initial shockwave, an area of tar will appear on the floor. Standing in this area will blind players and put a viral status effect on them.
  • Foul Barrage - The Razorback will target a player, and begin charging an attack. After 4 seconds, it will release 5 mucus bolts at the player. Each bolt that hits will deal 300 Magnetic Damage and sapping 100 energy.
  • Mitotic Birthing - The Razorback spawns several birthing pods. These pods will spawn 3 enemies:
    • Triunan Wurm - This creature will disable Warframes. Kill first.
    • Mutalist Warden - When this creature dies, it restores the health of enemies within 30 metres and makes them invulnerable for 5 seconds. Avoid killing.
    • Mutalist Sapper - Suicide unit. When this creature dies, it strips the armor of anything within 15 metres. 
  • Nodal Stability - The Razorback will constantly spawn nodes, similar to the Hive Nodes in Hive Sabotage. While one of these is up, it will be invulnerable. When a node dies, it will increase the armor of the Razorback by 300%.

Episode 2

This will be Index, except playing against Infested opponents. You aren't playing for Credits, you're playing to stall the Infested while John Prodman & co. evacuate prisoners.

The enemies will be as follows:

The Reclaimed:

  • Captured Rhino
  • Captured Excalibur
  • Captured Inaros
  • Captured Chroma

The Grafted:

  • Zenikiu - A Mutalist Hyena. This creature has two abilities:
    • Viral Leap - Spins in the air, releasing a cloud that deals 500 Viral Damage in a 5 metre AoE.
    • Deadly Lunge - Charges forward after a short windup. Players caught in the path of this charge will take 300 Slash Damage with a guaranteed Bleed Proc for a further 200 Damage over 5 seconds. 
  • Horaux - A Mutalist Corrupted Moa. This creature will have a Toxin Beam where the normal one deals Fire Damage. It will also spawn Mutalist Ospreys.
  • Falcithrix - A Mutalist Bursa. This creature will have a swarm aura, encouraging players to stay away from it and produce magnetic gas clouds.
  • Tagrophyx - A Mutalist Cleaning Drone. This creature will leave a trail of Toxic Ichor and spawn pustules which explode into swarms of maggots.

The Twisted:

  • Tiaran Fon - A Torid wielding Machanist that can throw Cold Grenades.
  • Sirn Anra - A Female Corpus Comba that can create a clone of a teammate. Armed with a Scoliac.
  • Dola Caln - A Tanky Corpus Crewmate armed with an Acrid that deals Corrosive Damage. Can give allies Eximus Guardian shields.
  • Gorvan Lam - A Corpus Treasurer turned Black Seed missionary. Can summon Electric Crawlers on command.


  • Phthisis - The old J3-Golem
  • Stenaculis - An undying flyer which splits into two on death.
  • Torgrun - A Therid which spawns Leapers when hit with critical hits.
  • Chimeralis - An amalgamation of Warframe parts that rolls around like a giant ball. Can cast Fireball and Shock.

The Closer:

  • Pherlifiend - A Comba that wielding a giant Embolist. Can throw pherliac pods at Tenno, which makes all the other characters focus down any that get hit by this ability.

Note: The Pherlifiend is only active if this version of Index is active for more than an hour.

Just like Regular Index, this will have rounds. The rewards will be listed at the end.

Episode 3

This will be a weeklong invasion of Saturn. In the missions, there is a chance of coming across Mutalist Zanuka. These will be similar to Liches in difficulty and use abilities from the Kuva Lich pool. The first one killed with grant you a Hunter Killer Badge and 7000 rep. Each one beyond the first will give you 15 Blight creds for the Nightwave Store.

Episode 4

The Sedna Proxima will be active for the duration of the event. Here, you will be using the Railjack to clear out nodes from Black Seed Control. These nodes will use Grineer Objectives, using a mixture of Corpus Fighters and Infested Boarders as enemies.

For the first 15 minutes of every hour, a node will flash, just like the Anomaly node in the Veil Proxima. This Node will house The Shadow Broker's Carnarium. This will play out as usual, but a Corpus Pillar will be an extra objective. The Corpus Pillar will house an arena, where the Players will have to face 3 different infested Bosses in a row.

The rewards for this mission will be listed at the end.

Episode 5

This final episode will be an all out slug fest against the Shadow Broker on the Freeport Tileset. The Node will be over Venus.

In the run-up to the boss, players will be able to find 8 Solaris United trapped at random points around the map. Free them to guarantee better rewards from the boss.

And now, a run down on the boss.

Shadow Broker


5,000,000 shield health (with up to 128,000,000 in overshields)

45,000,000 health (With 50% Toxin resistance and 75% Viral resistance)


Mutalist Plasmor - A plasmor that leaves an ichor trail on surfaces as it fires. This ichor trail applies viral procs to enemies that it hits.


  • Mutalist Oragan Spawning -(reminder in mission 2 of this link),
  •  Kyta Raknoid's Overshield
  • Thrax Toxin - Think of this as a Gas equivalent to the Hydrolyst's death zones.
  • Horrific Reinforcement - Every 20% of health, The Shadow Broker will spawn a wave of Mutalists, including at least 1 Triuna Brute.
  • Torpid Blight - Parts of the boss arena will become inaccessible due to creeping clouds of Toxin Damage causing gas.
  • Caustic Overcharge - The Shadow Broker overloads his Arca Plasmor, making it fire rapidly without reloading for 10 seconds.


This is a beastmaster boss. When his shields run out and he starts to take health damage, he will summon mobs and then activate the Kyta overshield. This naturally will mean that players will split their focus between the adds and the boss.

Rewards will be discussed in the next section.



Just like last Nightwave, the layout of the Nightwave rewards will look like this. 




Notable rewards:

  • The Seasonal Credits will be the Blight Creds.
  • Five Blights, Five Nights Sigil - Five Shadows standing before Lua.
  • Community Artist Theme - Black Market Flesh Trade - Think Organs in tubes, Livers with tags, that kind of thing.
  • Veytok Sugatra - Complete Episode 1, Mission 2 with a score above 3000. 
  • Venerated Amphis - Complete Episode 1, Mission 2 with a score above 5000.
  • John Prodman Signed Prex - Kill the Ferlifiend in the Infested Index.
  • Hunter Killer Badge - An Infested Zanuka with a crosshair over it.
  • Mutalist Prova - Complete the Shadow Broker's Carnarium.
  • Mutalist Torid - Complete the Shadow Broker's Carnarium 5 times.
  • Concealed Sugatra - Kill the Shadow Broker.
  • Mutalist Plasmor - Kill the Shadow Broker with 8 Solaris Freed.
  • Amalgam Vitality - +350% Health, -75% Status duration on self.
  • Amalgam Streamline - +20% Ability Efficiency, + 10% Toxin Resistance.
  • Auro-Organ sample -This Item starts a quest.



Decoupling Solar Rail from Entrati Lohk Bridge. 

Checkmate, Tenno.



I don't know when I will be able to write out part 8, but I hope to have it done by the end of the year.

Stay tuned for Technocyte Schism part 8: Blades in the Dark.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Arghave Surt: The Guardian of Melanthius

If you are reading this post, then the Vault of Orryphus rewrite has been completed.  Click here to see the Trial.

Arghave has already been introduced, but this lore bio has been updated to reflect what I want him to be going forward:

This bronzed warrior comes from a past just as much reality as myth. Some say that he is the last of the Dactus, his golden mantle awarded by an Emperor. Others say that he fought alongside the Lokan Seperatists at the battle of Iapetus, before time swept away their joy. All that can be said is that he trains with the blade of Imerius, a treasure snatched from the heart of one of the most treacherous vaults still existing in the Origin System and that with this golden sword, he slew a thousand Grineer at the gates of the fortress colony of Melanthius. Such deeds have weighed on the man, but only just. His presence commands the respect of a champion in his prime, his eyes quick and undulled despite weathering centuries in an uncaring system.

Arghave is the trials vendor, but if rumours are true, he is also a Dactus, a father, a poet and a renowned mercenary. At least two of those things are true.

Here is the list of items he has on offer.


This was a fairly short but necessary update. There is a trial waiting at the end of the Technocyte Schism and updating Arghave then with the rewards for both VoO and new ones for RTSP would have been a bit more work.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Blades in the Dark Prologue - Under Dysnomia's Gaze

(Inspired by @Unus's Erisian Surface, Post #126 and @(XBOX)Fluffywolf36's Second men)

Summer grips Eris, a thick methane fog covering the otherwise bald surface of the planet. The blanketing mist shrouds the horrors of a world lost to the ravages of The Great Plague, Eris itself a casualty. Indeed, centuries before Alad V's mad dabbling into Technocyte in Eris Proxima condemned the planet for good, Eris was already conquered by the primordial ooze that slithered from a thrice damned Geneforge. Some say that it started in the mines, Dactus anti-Sentient safeguards releasing Technocyte spores, the Grineer falling prey to the virulent concoction and the colony soon thereafter. Scant few remains exist of the Orokin colonies on the world, save for a few orthobaster buildings drowning in Nano spores, or machinery damned to a creeping, inevitable defeat as the infestation slowly works its way in between servos, over sensors and eventually, into individual circuits. In the place of the Orokin's ordered, 'perfect' life, the Technocyte was wildly creative, finding methods to eke out an existence on the world ever since. Eris was one of the main sites used by the Orokin to fuel their Biodrone program, such was the creativity of the Technocyte to survive in the harsh environment. But where some would see creativity, others would see abomination. 

Earthquakes wrack the planet, the thick methane ice moaning and screeching as it splits apart. These wounds fester with nanomould, a malignant, inexorable carpet like organism that feeds on the exposed tholin seeping in from below, covering the fissure scars in a puffy, fleshy substance. These moulds and the gases on which they feed form the basis of the food chain. Many other organisms fill the divide between this vegetation like substance and the other creatures that can be seen by the eye and described in more detail than denizens of the mist. They are not to be dismissed however; some of these creatures coalesce, forming bioluminescent sprites that brighten the mist, like lanterns in the dark, casting light onto the dark sights otherwise hidden.

The Mirrolax are the main birds of this world. To call these things birds though is to attribute them to their activity of gliding above the surface of the world than anything else, though. These strange creatures look like living sails, their wings and body formed of one continuous, razor thin sliver of flesh. They float atop the Erisian fog, descending only to slice at the nanomould with their wingtips, absorbing the nutrients within on contact. Those brave Seekers that have braved the world have seen these creatures prey on other life as well - including those who never returned from these expeditions. These aerial hunters are at their weakest when they come to hunt, though.  Their forms, sleek and deadly as they are, are easy to grip by the Fondrons, carnivorous, migrating plants whose forms tower over the land. They resemble the cocoa plants of earth - perhaps in some aspect their genes hearken back to plants brought to this distant ice ball by wealthy colonists - but this resemblance is merely skin deep. They slither over the land on pseudopodic feet and scan their surroundings with their many eyes, relaying their observations between each other in a series of clicks that resembles language. They strike at their prey with hidden talons that can travel several meters in a split second, grappling smaller prey and tearing at larger beasts all the same. 

Other beasts skulk in this lower deluge of the food chain, Technocytic animals that resemble all manner of terrestial animals when shrouded by mist, only to reveal something unseemly or horrific at a closer glance, their original forms - if these ever existed a long lost memory. These creatures have little in the way of defense, save for their speed, their bodies often stripped to the bare minimum, their bodies covered in trachae to simply breathing and unblinking, double slit eyes bulging out the sides of their heads for continuous vigilance of their surroundings, simple, gaping maws made to wolf down food without chewing. Their fleeting, cruel existence punctuated by bouts of danger and risk - too weak to bring down the Fondrons, but not nimble enough to catch a Mirrolax. They appear suddenly around a killing field and flitter away just as fast, digestive sacs filled with as much offal as they can scavenge. Other, more sly creatures will emerge from the ground to prey upon these scavengers, but to describe them as more than mouths with a pair of arms to launch them at prey would be more than generous.

There are other creatures that lurk in the mists that are more recent, borne from Alad V's experiments, but while they move with animalistic determination, existing as impulses determine, they were designed rather than birthed, as evidenced by their characteristics of being borne on steel legs, or held aloft by micro-pulse engines. Others still, made from spare parts, slither along the surface like slugs, a nightmarish assortment of limbs and organs writhing under stretched skin. 

Then, the greatest of these unthinking monstrosities are the Hulks. United only by the immense size, these are shipwrecks brought to the planets surface from orbit and brought a new lease of life by the malignant potency of the Mutalist strain. These creatures are as much a force of nature as beast - their limbs made of crumpled bulkheads break apart the ice, spawning nanomould craters in their wake, with gaping mouths shovelling anything unfortunate enough to be in front of them at any given time. Their flanks are often lined with the partially revived bodies of their damned crews, the pulped and pulverised bodies serving only to add to their horrific profile.

But something else exists in this realm of gene anarchy, something that makes no sense. 

In this mist, humans walk, their flesh wrapped in leathery skin, their eyes populated by colored irises and ink black pupils, crowns of hair on their heads and five fingers and toes on their hands and feet. But they are not humans, or they share no direct link to us. A cosmic miracle brought them together like this, born from the chaotic gene soup of the Technocyte. The second men. They are their own beings, with their own culture, but share within them the same heart swayed by the madness of the moaning chaos that defines all infested creatures. It is however less acute than a lowly charger, but all the same barely held back by something approaching common humanity. Their religion speaks of love through unity, all the while they engage in the same cannibalistic rituals of all infested to grow in strength. Their music, their sport, all alien to a human listener, save for their speech. Indeed, that is their most devious connection between themselves and common man. It is what allowed the madness of the cult of Arlo to spread so fast and violently. 

Erisian Orokin is reminiscent of the dialect spoken amongst the highest castes of the Orokin era, during the period of Thansa and before,  the time where the Orokin Emperors had only recently been established. That such an ancient dialect resurfaced in such a place, 6000 years after its use by those not even considered humans speaks of the result of meddling, which it in fact is. The moon Dysnomia hangs lazily in the Erisian sky, dancing about the planet in a courtly waltz that has perpetuated for millions of years. What cannot be seen, except under the light of a gibbous moon, is that under Orokin hands it has become something more than just a celestial body.  Sections of the moon were hollowed out by exploitative mining, vast quantities of Laterite, Gneiss, Pyrite and many other materials retrieved from this work, the surface pock marked for a time by the work of many Grineer and human labourers.

But to look up at it now, there are no scars of heavy industry, nor bore holes from the same deep under the surface. Indeed, even the natural wear of erosion and collision have been swept from the surface. But then, when the moon appears gibbous, the surface becomes translucent to an observer, a fierce and foreboding glow beckoning from within. Whispers drift on the wind, speaking of arcane theories that never left the gilded halls of Lua. That is because Dysnomia has become the antithesis of it's name - a complex where no word would ever be misplaced or forgotten - the great Memark. A copy of every mind the Orokin considered worthy resides here in a great reservoir. In times gone by this location was considered safe by Orokin planners - so remote that few would travel to it and so unassuming that only those that knew the secret would threaten it's continued existence. The fact that it survived The Old War speaks to the success of this gamble. 

But to the inhabits of the Orogin System, it has borne a new threat. A new breed of Infested, blessed with the knowledge of thousands of years of the best and brightest, nurtured under Dysnomia's gaze.


I will post a review of Veilbreaker when the full extent of the update is released.

Til then.

Edited by Teoarrk
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On 2022-09-10 at 5:47 PM, Teoarrk said:

@(XBOX)Fluffywolf36's Second men)

My what now?


On 2022-09-10 at 5:47 PM, Teoarrk said:


This is an uncanny and descriptive word worthy of China Mieville who introduced me to the words "catafalque" and "cromlech." You're DOIN' GREAT HERE


On 2022-09-10 at 5:47 PM, Teoarrk said:

The Mirrolax are the main birds of this world. To call these things birds though is to attribute them to their activity of gliding above the surface of the world than anything else, though. These strange creatures look like living sails, their wings and body formed of one continuous, razor thin sliver of flesh. They float atop the Erisian fog, descending only to slice at the nanomould with their wingtips, absorbing the nutrients within on contact. Those brave Seekers that have braved the world have seen these creatures prey on other life as well - including those who never returned from these expeditions. These aerial hunters are at their weakest when they come to hunt, though.  Their forms, sleek and deadly as they are, are easy to grip by the Fondrons, carnivorous, migrating plants whose forms tower over the land. They resemble the cocoa plants of earth - perhaps in some aspect their genes hearken back to plants brought to this distant ice ball by wealthy colonists - but this resemblance is merely skin deep. They slither over the land on pseudopodic feet and scan their surroundings with their many eyes, relaying their observations between each other in a series of clicks that resembles language. They strike at their prey with hidden talons that can travel several meters in a split second, grappling smaller prey and tearing at larger beasts all the same. 


This feels genuinely eldritch and I'm straight up having a great time with this.


On 2022-09-10 at 5:47 PM, Teoarrk said:

Then, the greatest of these unthinking monstrosities are the Hulks. United only by the immense size, these are shipwrecks brought to the planets surface from orbit and brought a new lease of life by the malignant potency of the Mutalist strain. These creatures are as much a force of nature as beast - their limbs made of crumpled bulkheads break apart the ice, spawning nanomould craters in their wake, with gaping mouths shovelling anything unfortunate enough to be in front of them at any given time. Their flanks are often lined with the partially revived bodies of their damned crews, their pulped and pulverised bodies serving only to add to their horrific profile.


That's horrifying. Just, like, imagine you've been contracted by some corpus bigwig with a refrigerator full of spare body parts, and he's like "grab some samples from the Dead Moon," and suddenly you're pursued by an ambulatory shipwreck lined with screaming faces, begging you not to join them because they've long since accepted you won't be able to kill them.

...This would make a dope-ass setpiece. You're doing a quest, either you're exploring a shipwreck or walking by it, you feel a quake....

and suddenly the wreck itself is chasing you.

On 2022-09-10 at 5:47 PM, Teoarrk said:

Their music, their sport, all alien to a human listener, save for their speech. Indeed, that is their most devious connection between themselves and common man. It is what allowed the madness of the cult of Arlo to spread so fast and violently.

...Okay, that's uncanny valley AF and I love it. 

On 2022-09-10 at 5:47 PM, Teoarrk said:

But to the inhabits of the Orokin System, it has borne a new threat. A new breed of Infested, blessed with the knowledge of thousands of years of the best and brightest, nurtured under Dysnomia's gaze.


okay, that's terrifying.

Edited by (XBOX)Fluffywolf36
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4 hours ago, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

My what now?

When I was starting up this series, one of the things you suggested was a group of infested that looked like humans, acted like humans and thought they were humans. I ran with it :)

Glad you liked it Fluffy :)

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Quickie: Veilbreaker Review

My initial thoughts on Veilbreaker were negative because I did not like the Styanax anime short. The visuals were great, but the content seemed out of touch with the age rating of the game. It also felt compressed, like a longer story wanted to be told there but was stripped down to fit the time frame.


N.B. .I would like to use a cult angle in a future instance of the Black Seed, but since I'm mostly done with them (at least at the time of writing) this won't be part of the Technocyte Schism.


Then the prepatch changes came out, the most notable for me being the changes to medallion pickup. This was a massive change, as one of my long stated pet peeves is the medallion system and now for better or worse, only one person needs to do the easter egg hunt associated with it every run (if they want to). It doesn't make it go away, but it is much more palatable now that 4 people can benefit from working together in missions where it is active. If only the same could be done for all resources outside of Railjack.

Now, onto the patch. 

First off, the AoE nerf. While I welcome changes to the meta, I think that a screwdriver should have been used instead of a hammer. There are some weapons that were not in the big boys category that have been hurt a lot more by the changes then the big three these changes were created to nerf. Some other weapons have also slipped through the cracks like the Sporelacer. While I like my pocket Bramma, I also don't think it needs 130 rounds of ammunition base and an 11 round magazine.  These changes also do not address the biggest reason why people adopt these weapons in the first place - that the greatest measure of success in Warframe is having a split second time to kill and as many enemies need to die per second as possible. Now players that used to use the strongest of the AoE weapons have moved on to abilities to maintain a high kill per second or weapons that are otherwise unaffected by the nerfs. This needs a second pass, but on a case by case basis.

Styanax is a fun Warframe. He is a bit squishy, but his kit is very well balanced and he can fulfil almost every role you would want in Warframe. He has a cheap, spammable group tool, a health restoring armor strip, the first taunt ability in the game that also grants his team shield regeneration and a stupid, assault helicopter in Vietnam style ultimate. All of these things together make him a blast to play. Well worth your time if you want a jack of all trades frame.

The Veilbreaker quest was a lot of fun. It was good to see a command tool added to the game and utilised in a fast, action packed quest. Kahl returning was never a question, but the nature of his return was a hanging question since Tennocon. With this introduction he has established himself as a great returning addition. The Veilbreaker misson, at least based on the mission we have right now is a slightly different prospect.

Sneaky Sabotage is reminiscent of older stealth games, focusing on puzzles and attention to detail. While I like the idea, I do not like looking for objects that blend so well into the scene that they are hard to spot. This should be changed for next time and based on the comments made by DE, it hopefully will. The combat and movement are slower than regular missions, which is welcome. The use of puzzles instead of combat is also welcome. The final sequence and boss fight felt out of form for the rest of the mission, but I can forgive it as this segment was very short. The Syndicate is promising and I look forward to new additions to the camp in future.

The Archon Sortie - Now that we've had two of them, I can say with a fair degree of certainty that while they are not hard, they do require an expert knowledge of buildcraft and for a player to be well aware of what weapons they are bringing with them. If it was impossible for them to be two shot, I would invite the possibility of them to have more mechanics to really challenge a players game sense and reflexes.

The final thing I will touch on in this post is the archon shard system. I don't care much for it. I made the segment for my helminth, but have not interacted with it as I don't see the need. Mods already provide more than enough juice to make frames powerful. Throw in arcanes and subsumed abilities and only the worst performers are howling for more. Don't care, if a frame would need this much juice to compete, it needs a rework, not this.

Solid update, but a little fine tuning I can say with a straight face that this has been the best update in years.


I am still deciding on what to post next, but I want to post again soon.

Til Then.


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2 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

First off, the AoE nerf. While I welcome changes to the meta, I think that a screwdriver should have been used instead of a hammer. There are some weapons that were not in the big boys category that have been hurt a lot more by the changes then the big three these changes were created to nerf. Some other weapons have also slipped through the cracks like the Sporelacer. While I like my pocket Bramma, I also don't think it needs 130 rounds of ammunition base and an 11 round magazine.  These changes also do not address the biggest reason why people adopt these weapons in the first place - that the greatest measure of success in Warframe is having a split second time to kill and as many enemies need to die per second as possible. Now players that used to use the strongest of the AoE weapons have moved on to abilities to maintain a high kill per second or weapons that are otherwise unaffected by the nerfs. This needs a second pass, but on a case by case basis.

They didnt even fix the problem, tenet envoy seems  to be the new king. In fact, I think it gort buffed becasue due to weapon switch speed buff allows it to actlly use its unique reload mechanic. 
This allow me to segway into the weapon switch buff, weapons switch works well now but the game still fights itself because youy cant keep to arcane merciless up no mater how hard you try, the lack of just a universal combo mechanic really showed itself. The onty pratical use of a side weapon is a primmer for the condition overload like effects. 

3 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

Styanax is a fun Warframe. He is a bit squishy, but his kit is very well balanced and he can fulfil almost every role you would want in Warframe. He has a cheap, spammable group tool, a health restoring armor strip, the first taunt ability in the game that also grants his team shield regeneration and a stupid, assault helicopter in Vietnam style ultimate. All of these things together make him a blast to play. Well worth your time if you want a jack of all trades frame.

 I quite enjoyed him but i reallky think he is avaivalible at the wrong time, by the time you get stynex his best use is helminth food. It a really biginer friendily frame and it does not indroduce bad habbits on the play style. 
About the attack helicopter part, its dead. He has to touch grass to recast it. Idk why they made an air bombardiment skill if they dont want people to play an attack helicopter. Its not like the could make the ghoust do anything from area denial , turrets , defense , self buff  , cc , nuking enemies tagged by other skills. 


3 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

The Archon Sortie - Now that we've had two of them, I can say with a fair degree of certainty that while they are not hard, they do require an expert knowledge of buildcraft and for a player to be well aware of what weapons they are bringing with them. If it was impossible for them to be two shot, I would invite the possibility of them to have more mechanics to really challenge a players game sense and reflexes.

archons are just another instance of fighting the game developers. Idk why warframe has mutiple scaling dr formulas. Sisters seem to benefit from hight rof weapons , archons seens to benefit from hight brusts. As muchh as i think scaling DR is a necessary evil at this point i would like it to at least be consistent across the board. It just leaves me bafled most of the time. 

3 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

The final thing I will touch on in this post is the archon shard system. I don't care much for it. I made the segment for my helminth, but have not interacted with it as I don't see the need. Mods already provide more than enough juice to make frames powerful. Throw in arcanes and subsumed abilities and only the worst performers are howling for more. Don't care, if a frame would need this much juice to compete, it needs a rework, not this.

it will make some broken builds possible because it allows some power str break  points to be reached saving a mod or arcane slot. But for the most time trowing a couple of yellow shards for casting speed will be the bigest diference the players will feel when using it. 

For example wisp can now reach 400% power str with just madurai buff , so she gets a extra arcane slot to play around with. Given that archon strech works well on her she just might be able to afford to run the broken combo of combat disciple and arcane avenger 


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Hey Kei, glad to see you again.

19 minutes ago, keikogi said:

They didnt even fix the problem, tenet envoy seems  to be the new king. In fact, I think it gort buffed becasue due to weapon switch speed buff allows it to actlly use its unique reload mechanic. 
This allow me to segway into the weapon switch buff, weapons switch works well now but the game still fights itself because youy cant keep to arcane merciless up no mater how hard you try, the lack of just a universal combo mechanic really showed itself. The onty pratical use of a side weapon is a primmer for the condition overload like effects. 

Theres a lot of good weapons out there right now and Tenet Envoy is certainly one of them. I was focusing on my K.Tonkor and of course the Sporelacer. I want to get ahold of the Aegrit at some point because it is extremely powerful to the point where it outdoes the Bramma.  Secondly yeah they need to have a joint system for the weapon arcanes, seems silly to not have it at this point. I hope that is something they address in the not too distant future.

21 minutes ago, keikogi said:

 I quite enjoyed him but i really think he is available at the wrong time, by the time you get Styanax his best use is helminth food. It a really beginner friendly frame and it does not introduce bad habits on the play style. 

I wrote this on the basis of getting Spartan boy for free, but he certainly will take a while to grind and the grind is definitely not new player friendly despite how well rounded his kit is.

23 minutes ago, keikogi said:

About the attack helicopter part, its dead. He has to touch grass to recast it. Idk why they made an air bombardiment skill if they dont want people to play an attack helicopter. Its not like the could make the ghoust do anything from area denial , turrets , defense , self buff  , cc , nuking enemies tagged by other skills. 

Welp, thats one of my favourite things to do with the guy. I hope they reconsider their decision.

27 minutes ago, keikogi said:

archons are just another instance of fighting the game developers. Idk why warframe has mutiple scaling dr formulas. Sisters seem to benefit from hight rof weapons , archons seens to benefit from hight brusts. As muchh as i think scaling DR is a necessary evil at this point i would like it to at least be consistent across the board. It just leaves me bafled most of the time. 

Yeah the DR system is kind of scuffed and arcane knowledge unless you know what you're looking at. They need to homogenise the system for their important bosses, else it'll just feel like dealing damage is yet another puzzle solved at the arsenal screen.

29 minutes ago, keikogi said:

it will make some broken builds possible because it allows some power str break  points to be reached saving a mod or arcane slot. But for the most time trowing a couple of yellow shards for casting speed will be the bigest diference the players will feel when using it. 

For example wisp can now reach 400% power str with just madurai buff , so she gets a extra arcane slot to play around with. Given that archon strech works well on her she just might be able to afford to run the broken combo of combat disciple and arcane avenger 

I get that it will be fun, but after a certain point it gets pointless to keep increasing the numbers.

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47 minutes ago, Teoarrk said:

Hey Kei, glad to see you again.

Note book broken and took a while until the pieces of my PC came. 

Not gaming beast ( vega 8 gpu )but quite the work horse 

53 minutes ago, Teoarrk said:

Theres a lot of good weapons out there right now and Tenet Envoy is certainly one of them. I was focusing on my K.Tonkor and of course the Sporelacer. I want to get ahold of the Aegrit at some point because it is extremely powerful to the point where it outdoes the Bramma.  Secondly yeah they need to have a joint system for the weapon arcanes, seems silly to not have it at this point. I hope that is something they address in the not too distant future.

I was focusing on the envoy because on wisp it plays even more brain dead then the bramma , defacto full auto launcher with huge blast radius and decent ammo economy. I think it got away because it by nature pushes a more hybrid style of play. 

The aegrit seems like the closest we will get to a grenade.

But indeed I think they had to do a more case by case scenario. What worries me is they did not take the opportunity to fix the bad ammo economy weapons like security dual cestra , they just threw in a generic increase on the base drop that might even be a nerf when you cannot for thr primed ammo mutation. Where is the 100 ammo per pick up on secura dual cestra. Also this is kind of why people have become toxic to reworks because the usually fail to address thr bottom , they just nerf the top.

1 hour ago, Teoarrk said:

Welp, thats one of my favourite things to do with the guy. I hope they reconsider their decision.

They won't. They even realised a post on the fóruns explaining it. They might change minds when people mass feed him to the helminth or just replace his 4 in mass.

1 hour ago, Teoarrk said:

Yeah the DR system is kind of scuffed and arcane knowledge unless you know what you're looking at. They need to homogenise the system for their important bosses, else it'll just feel like dealing damage is yet another puzzle solved at the arsenal screen.

The biggest problem is , it's a puzzle the game does not tell you it exist. 

That's why I like to say I'm fighting thr game developer at this point. The game never tells me that's why I not doing damage. It's not like the enemy has a verdant green health bar to denote its hp is diferent from the rest of the enemy's.

1 hour ago, Teoarrk said:

get that it will be fun, but after a certain point it gets pointless to keep increasing the numbers.

Weirdly wnought I'm going for that build more for comfort than big numbers go brrr. I just don't like to mold vigor dance every time I want to cast a proper pillage on my wisp. So I'm going for a couple of red shards so I only need to to de maduray dance every 20 seconds or so.

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7 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

My initial thoughts on Veilbreaker were negative because I did not like the Styanax anime short. The visuals were great, but the content seemed out of touch with the age rating of the game. It also felt compressed, like a longer story wanted to be told there but was stripped down to fit the time frame.



7 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

Then the prepatch changes came out, the most notable for me being the changes to medallion pickup. This was a massive change, as one of my long stated pet peeves is the medallion system and now for better or worse, only one person needs to do the easter egg hunt associated with it every run (if they want to). It doesn't make it go away, but it is much more palatable now that 4 people can benefit from working together in missions where it is active. If only the same could be done for all resources outside of Railjack.


I have mixed feelings on that working for all resources, but overall? Big agree. I hated how the easter egg hunts in the Zariman would force you to backtrack halfway across the map if you wanted more of those damn voidplumes.

7 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

Now players that used to use the strongest of the AoE weapons have moved on to abilities to maintain a high kill per second or weapons that are otherwise unaffected by the nerfs. This needs a second pass, but on a case by case basis.

*laughs in Amprex*

haha Amprex go ZOOTCH!!!

(all seriousness, the Amprex is... balanced enough in the sense that chains do half damage. But I can still headshot with it. I can still use it pretty unchanged.)

7 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

The Archon Sortie - Now that we've had two of them, I can say with a fair degree of certainty that while they are not hard, they do require an expert knowledge of buildcraft and for a player to be well aware of what weapons they are bringing with them. If it was impossible for them to be two shot, I would invite the possibility of them to have more mechanics to really challenge a players game sense and reflexes.


Wouldn't have thought of it that way, but you're right. It's been a long time since  I thought about what weapons I'd need. Maybe we just weren't used to doing that.


4 hours ago, keikogi said:

About the attack helicopter part, its dead. He has to touch grass to recast it. Idk why they made an air bombardiment skill if they dont want people to play an attack helicopter. Its not like the could make the ghoust do anything from area denial , turrets , defense , self buff  , cc , nuking enemies tagged by other skills. 

You do present a bit of a dilemma. Do I want to make a powerful frame too accessible, or do I want to make players feel rewarded for getting this far? 

(Maybe the happy medium would be... I dunno, make a fairly new-player friendly arena on Ganymede if i ever get back to doing that, and make it so more heavily-specced players have an easier time getting him while new players are in more danger?)

3 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

Secondly yeah they need to have a joint system for the weapon arcane

A what now?

2 hours ago, keikogi said:

The biggest problem is , it's a puzzle the game does not tell you it exist. 

That's why I like to say I'm fighting thr game developer at this point. The game never tells me that's why I not doing damage. It's not like the enemy has a verdant green health bar to denote its hp is diferent from the rest of the enemy's.

3 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

It just doesn't feel fun to fight an enemy with DR. Once, someone summoned the Wolf of Saturn 6 into a Steel Path mission. he took like 20 minutes to kill because our weapons felt like they were doing no damage.


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25 minutes ago, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

You do present a bit of a dilemma. Do I want to make a powerful frame too accessible, or do I want to make players feel rewarded for getting this far? 

Its really about being the proper frame to be in a certain place. lets put every on 5  categories.  Power , versatility,  difult to play , difficulty to build and resouce requirements to craft ( where the frame parts , how hards is to get them ).

Ideally speaking every frame Power x Versatility x Difult to play is around the same ball park but frames with hight difficult to build and reaouse requirements should be placed away from new players and frames with low dicult to build and build should be close to new players. 

Our spartan boy does not quite have the total power x versatility to be the daily driver of a veteran but has enormous dificult to build ( a mounth longs grind to get all parts ) . I would go as far as to preach stynex as a a starter frame and give the expert's fleeting expertise and a couple duration mods so the player gets to have fun on the star chart.

44 minutes ago, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:


Internal talk , I've proposed a while ago a universal combo mechanic instead of the arcane combo count for primary , arcane combo count for secondary and the melee combo count. This wall of text right here. The tl DR is , every weapon has a chance to generate combo on hit. Primary and secondaries use their combo to use a " especial issue magazine " ( a number of bullets will have fancy pants features such as a arrow working like that arrow Excalibur fires on the trailer exploding a ship ) and melee weapons get "incarnoon forms " ( increased attack speed , range and other minor stuff )


54 minutes ago, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

just doesn't feel fun to fight an enemy with DR. Once, someone summoned the Wolf of Saturn 6 into a Steel Path mission. he took like 20 minutes to kill because our weapons felt like they were doing no damage.

The biggest problem with them is how many formulas DE tries forgets and leaves them on the game. My tenet envoy works fine on steel path but tickes sisters but it works okkish on archon. It also works okish on thr jugulus enemies with scaling DR. My gripe with the system is just hoe arcane it is. As far as the player is concerned the enemy just has alot of armor because that is what the game UI tells me when I see a yellow bar that takes no damage.

I can see how this ruins games , in fact let me show the nail in anthems cofin. Due to arcane systems in game , the  best weapon on the game was the lvl 1 defender. The equivalent would be if in warframe the best weapon for boss killing was the mk 1 baton 


1 hour ago, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

just doesn't feel fun to fight an enemy with DR. Once, someone summoned the Wolf of Saturn 6 into a Steel Path mission. he took like 20 minutes to kill because our weapons

The wold is a enemy that feels more like a gameplay experiment than an enemy. Somehow a lot off people one-shot it on steelpath despite his ridiculous EHP.

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