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Ash? Banshee? Why?


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I have a thing against Ash because I have never seen a competent one hundreds of hours, it's kind of like a magnet for the ninja-wannabe cool guys who screw up the mission for others.


I wouldn't say all the bad players I've seen use Ash, or that I haven't seen decent players use Ash, but I would whole heartedly agree that all the worse players I've run in to have been using Ash. Usually colored black, or faux stalker black and red. I don't mean rude players, or bad guys either, I just mean generally bad players who are permanently semi-useless regardless of rank. My current working theory is that these really bad players are stoners. They want to be awesome ninjas, but they keep knocking over their bongs, etc. while playing on account of the fact that they aren't awesome ninjas, at all. That's just my theory though. Sad truth, if I see an Ash join my game, I immediately check their color scheme, and if I see predominantly black/the closest to black they can get, with or with out red, I just automatically assume they're going to be a waste of space on the team. I've been proven wrong once or twice, but not usually.

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So what you're saying is... that you don't disagree with my last reply. I recommend trying out Antimatter Drop, kinda makes this discussion about damage moot.

I don't disagree, but I don't agree to the degree you agree. So yes, and also no. 

If I ever get Nova circuits I'm sure we can continue the discussion. Until then I think we've talked ourselves out of points, yes? 

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So what you're saying is... that you don't disagree with my last reply. I recommend trying out Antimatter Drop, kinda makes this discussion about damage moot.


Not much point to trying out Antimatter Drop. The reason you never hear anything about it isn't because all Nova players are lazy, or have no skill. It's because it's completely unreliable unless you're the host.

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I can't speak much for Banshee since I've only leveled her up to 30 then moved on to the next frame to improve. Basically only missing Mag Prime right now and I have a few frames which have been forma'ed and all of them have a reactor in it.


As for Ash, whenever I'm not ranking up another frame, I use him. Why wouldn't I instead use Nova or Rhino and blast everything in sight? Why not Loki since he has similar abilities? Why not Excalibur or Mag for that matter?


Simply because Ash makes the scoreboard at the end of the mission worthwhile to me; because his abilities fits my playstyle of mostly relying on accuracy, positionning and my weaponry instead of an instant win button. That I don't like to take the easy way out and instead manage to play on par or above 'easy' frames by putting the effort into it. When I finish a mission of any kind with as many kills as a Nova or Rhino on my team, I feel as if I've been efficient.


Sure, not everyone will agree to that; some will surely call bullS#&$ on it too. But hey, at the end of the day, after playing for a few hours and avoiding wipes left and right by turning invisible, getting a fallen ally up between two rushes of enemies, teleporting to distant targets both to take them out AND get a vantage point on the remaining ones, it makes the session worthwhile. Then between a few advancing enemies, throwing shurikens in their faces while gunning down who else stands besides them and slash them down in a cloud of smoke.


Ash's abilities by themselves are average... synergize them together however and they start to make sense.


I'm sure a lot come to play Warframe to feel empowered which is why a lot of people rely on nuke frames which allows them to accomplish just that with ease. I just prefer to add a bit of sweat to it by taking the harder path and managing just as well most of the time.


Bottom line is, it's personnal preference through and through and opting for the supposedly 'lesser' frames just means needing to put a little more or yourself into it.

Edited by Wiegraf
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I do like the idea of using the right frame for the job. Obviously any frame will do when you're talking about spawns level 60 and below. I like that when you're dealing with high level spawns though, you need the right tool for the job. I can see Ash being super useful with power maximization doing 4K damage per hit with Blade Storm in a survival, and Banshee would have trouble with Sonar unless everything else is dead so you can focus on the glowing bits. On the other hand, during a defense, I could see sonar being more useful than Blade Storm in the end when you do get all the little guys out of the way from the heavy hitters.

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banshee is decent CC and a great damage boster

ash, well I've only played him for a few hours so... his melee ability is pretty good because of the boost from smoke grenade and the mobility from teleport. Also blade storm is pretty high damage and looks cool despite the fact that it take a long time to execute. 

both silence and shruiken need a serious buff

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I don't disagree, but I don't agree to the degree you agree. So yes, and also no. 

If I ever get Nova circuits I'm sure we can continue the discussion. Until then I think we've talked ourselves out of points, yes? 




Not much point to trying out Antimatter Drop. The reason you never hear anything about it isn't because all Nova players are lazy, or have no skill. It's because it's completely unreliable unless you're the host.


This is true.


I have a thing against Ash because I have never seen a competent one hundreds of hours, it's kind of like a magnet for the ninja-wannabe cool guys who screw up the mission for others.

I wouldn't say all the bad players I've seen use Ash, or that I haven't seen decent players use Ash, but I would whole heartedly agree that all the worse players I've run in to have been using Ash. Usually colored black, or faux stalker black and red. I don't mean rude players, or bad guys either, I just mean generally bad players who are permanently semi-useless regardless of rank. My current working theory is that these really bad players are stoners. They want to be awesome ninjas, but they keep knocking over their bongs, etc. while playing on account of the fact that they aren't awesome ninjas, at all. That's just my theory though. Sad truth, if I see an Ash join my game, I immediately check their color scheme, and if I see predominantly black/the closest to black they can get, with or with out red, I just automatically assume they're going to be a waste of space on the team. I've been proven wrong once or twice, but not usually.


I don't want to agree with you two, but my experiences with this game make it impossible to deny the truth behind this.


Have you ever used Blade Storm w/ a Dethcube that has a potato'd Sweeper? You end up killing more enemies than intended


I guess I'll have to get Dethcube then, I never bothered with him in the past. I do have a potato'd sweeper though.

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So for everybody that says Banshee is more than just Sonar, how have you found Banshee's Sound Quake in survival or defense with level 100+ spawns that aren't infested? This isn't trolling. Do you find that her range is far enough that you don't get shot at from grineer or corpus outside the wave?

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Ash is my favorite frame, but is terribly weak in team based missions.  If you solo survival with him though his awesomeness really shines.  He is like Loki except his powers have offensive and defensive capabilities.  Fast as all get out, and his ultimate provides a nice break to recharge shields and weaken even the highest level enemies.  Certainly he is useless in defense missions, built too aggressive to actually play a supportive role in a team, but game-wise he is the best solo frame by far. (Again just my 2 cents)  Then again i also love Volt.

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So for everybody that says Banshee is more than just Sonar, how have you found Banshee's Sound Quake in survival or defense with level 100+ spawns that aren't infested? This isn't trolling. Do you find that her range is far enough that you don't get shot at from grineer or corpus outside the wave?


Level 100+ = it won't kill much but changes to a six second CC stun, and when combined with Sonar your teammates can pick guys off who are stunned


Range = it has a very good range, but that all depends on what the current tile is.  I would say I've never had problems with any of the ults with animation times except for Volt's and that one Corpus tile that is outside and connects the three buildings with the angled vent entrance on one wall.  All other exterior tiles provide either enough cover or poor shooting angles.  My opinion anyway.

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I wouldn't say all the bad players I've seen use Ash, or that I haven't seen decent players use Ash, but I would whole heartedly agree that all the worse players I've run in to have been using Ash. Usually colored black, or faux stalker black and red. I don't mean rude players, or bad guys either, I just mean generally bad players who are permanently semi-useless regardless of rank. My current working theory is that these really bad players are stoners. They want to be awesome ninjas, but they keep knocking over their bongs, etc. while playing on account of the fact that they aren't awesome ninjas, at all. That's just my theory though. Sad truth, if I see an Ash join my game, I immediately check their color scheme, and if I see predominantly black/the closest to black they can get, with or with out red, I just automatically assume they're going to be a waste of space on the team. I've been proven wrong once or twice, but not usually.

While I am guilty of rocking the wannabe stalker look (hell I use the dread and despair on ash) I generally do fine, however most times I play solo and usually if it's a mission where I feel the need to actually go online and get a team then I play rhino. Ash isn't really much of a team player.

Edited by gaurdianaq
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I agree with your assessment, but I can't help but finding the underlined humorous considering your avatar is a frame who is centered around spamming 3.

Haha, yes, I was wondering if anyone was going to bring this up.


That's only really true in defense missions, in anything else all three of his other skills are perfectly viable, unlike Banshee.

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So for everybody that says Banshee is more than just Sonar, how have you found Banshee's Sound Quake in survival or defense with level 100+ spawns that aren't infested? This isn't trolling. Do you find that her range is far enough that you don't get shot at from grineer or corpus outside the wave?

Typically in that situation I'd be sitting inside a globe. But in Xini type defense missions Quake is big enough to stagger everything in the vicinity of you, and as long as you get your positioning right getting shot isn't an issue. 


It's a good thing to have if you need 8 seconds of massive CC to let team-mates get revived. Plus it can be chained if you need more CC than that.


It is less effective against the Corpus however since ospreys seem to be immune.

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