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New Bezerker Warframe W/ Whip


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For the sake of everybody's use when talking about the variety of bodytypes in Warframe, and how much variety there is between Males vs the variety between Females, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'm just gonna' go ahead and post this in this thread, too. And let ya'll have it.




Enjoy that, and make of it what you will.


When you can show me an actual silhouette overlay on a grid, I'll happily accept your comparison. Until then I'm not going to put stock in something that looks like you guesstimated the proportions, and made it free-handed in MS paint.

Edited by JerryMouse13
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When you can show me an actual silhouette overlay on a grid, I'll happily accept your comparison. Until then I'm not going to put stock in something that looks like you guesstimated the proportions, and made it free-handed in MS paint.


If you actually compare them side by side with the almost full-body shot pictures on the wiki, they're pretty close.  Don't need to have any fancy-shmancy silhouettes to see the difference.

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When you can show me an actual silhouette overlay on a grid, I'll happily accept your comparison. Until then I'm not going to put stock in something that looks like you guesstimated the proportions, and made it free-handed in MS paint.


If you want the PSD, I'll happily give it to you so you can pull off the individual silhouettes and make sure they match up yourself. I can assure you that they're accurate. I traced over each frame in Photoshop-- there was no "guesstimation" or "free-handing".


Otherwise, naw, I did my fair share of work. If you want to call me a liar, you can do your own fair share.

Edited by TheResult
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If you want the PSD, I'll happily give it to you so you can pull off the individual silhouettes and make sure they match up yourself. I can assure you that they're accurate. I traced over each frame in Photoshop-- there was no "guesstimation" or "free-handing".


Otherwise, naw, I did my fair share of work. If you want to call me a liar, you can do your own fair share.


Where did you get the pictures for the frames? 'Cause if you used the ones on the Wiki I'm going to tell you right now your measurements are imprecise. Every 'frame in those photos has their torso canted either one way or the other, and it provides no scale between the various frames. If you're going to use a silhouette comparison to support your point then it needs to be far more precise, otherwise you're working with flawed data.

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I'd still say a "feline" frame would suit a melee centered/berserker frame really well. 


Felines are not limited to your cute and cuddly house hold variety, there are plenty of "big cats". Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Cheetahs, Jaguars, Panthers etc (personally I'd say a panther or lion would fit warframe better). They are all ferocious and tough but aren't exactly very "bulky" or "jacked" looking, mores sleek then anything but they definitely have muscle. They're also quick, agile, nimble, sorta stealthy and yet very powerful. Traits a "berserker" or melee centered frame should have. 


On top of that females have a bad temper and you definitely don't want to mess with her cubs. She'll go berserk and stop at nothing to make sure they're safe, even if it means losing a limb or her own life. Although this is not limited to felines by any means, its simply probably more commonly known by people that Lions do this though (and bears). 

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If you want to call me a liar, you can do your own fair share.


I absolutely did use the Wiki images, and I'm not afraid to say that. There is no great variation between the way that pictures are taken between frames ( aside from perhaps Vauban ) and all of the female frames are poised almost exactly the same. It's as accurate a representation as there's going to be without me buying each and every Warframe and taking pictures of them from the exact same angle in the Arsenal screen, though. Feel free to prove me wrong, by all means, if you'd like to make a counter-point.


As an above poster pointed out, though, it's not rocket science. Any side-by-side comparison will give you the same answer-- switching between female frames in-game is basically just switching into the same girl, but in a different outfit and with different legs sometimes. The silhouette comparison only makes it more obvious, which was my intention, because there were actually people who seemed to think that the female frames do have variation. And they don't. Not nearly as much as the male frames.

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Anyone can tell you that bodies don't naturally develop to the level of a bodybuilder, if you watch martial arts tournaments you can see that most of the participants have thinner/lean structures, while if you watch MMA fighters, who have a heavier focus on body build, they tend to work their bodies with similar workout to that of a bodybuilder.  You are right about the trance like state berserkers, but that's no different than having an extreme level of focus, these people were described fight for the thrill more than anything, it was the adrenaline that kept them moving, not anger, the whole anger things is also a stereotype, since the root word for beresek comes from berserker, it's a common mistake made by people who assume berserkers were all historically accurate versions of Kratos, they were also known to fight with allies, so the idea of them killing indiscriminately is false, which isn't to say all of them didn't kill a few friends here and there, friendly fire is an old past time of war.


The idea of them being mindless pits of rage and indiscriminately killing is just an ideal fancy, if they were anything like what most people thought they would end up like a Red Lantern, they were warriors who fought with speed and reckless abandon, they achieved by focusing on the rush of adrenaline that fills one when in combat/ in danger, there is no magic to it, they weren't mythical psychopaths the media made them out to be.

Of course, I never said I wanted a bodybuilder's phsyique for the Frame - in fact, I would love to have the frame built like your example of an MMA fighter (naturally a female one - and most female MMA fighters have bodies that are far more muscular and toned than your average svelte model, which is the physique that this berserker frame seems to convey).


While this isn't a debate about MMA fighters, I'd like to point out that workouts for bodybuilders and MMA fighters are very, very different, and their training routines and caloric intake differs vastly. There are very very basic similarities (i.e. both lifting weights in the gym), but it's as different as tennis training is to golf.


Also, it is not just a mindless fancy - though they weren't as extreme as the Kratos-type fighter, there are historical records clearly chronicling the berserker state, and the whole sort of cult-esque function that it had in the societies of Germanic tribes. There's no magic, but they certainly were psychopaths in battle. It wasn't simply a bunch of young warriors who were souped on a love for adrenaline. 

Edited by Darayas
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The problem with that comment is that there is no history of males being told by superiors, doctors, mates and the culture at large that they are irrational emotional things.  Men are logical and thinkers who also can be emotional and irrational.


There is no history of males being pigeon hold into only one body type(with minor variations).  In movies and games both, characters must fall into traditional standards of beauty.  Including(but not limited to) youth, clear skin, thin, mild muscle tone.  Women as well throw on some additional curves on top.  If you can't fit into that mold you get tossed.  An entire culture that focuses on who gained what weight?  Who is slightly asymmetrical where?  Male leads(in games, the protag or main controllable character) can be anything from Dante to Marcus Fenix to Old Snake.  You won't see the same variation for female characters.


There is no history of males having their strength being limited and controlled by mitigating factors.  Men can just be strong.  Be powerful.  Women always have some mitigating factor.  Some feminine clothes or colors.  Make-up.  Or some kind of wounding emotionally.  Often either lacking emotions in the "Ice queen" stereotype or being in cute/girly/vulnerable(which always seem paired up) and often needing saved.  



If those three things were equal across all the genders.  If they hadn't dominated the entire market for a century.  If games hadn't done this over and over and over already.  If it wasn't toxic and sad.  And if it just wasn't already IN this game...


Then I'd agree.  But it's not.  And it's frustrating to watch this game fall into the same trap.


I agree with you, women in video games  are usually stereotyped, but the same issue goes for man as well, but that is besides the point, the issue I have with peoples solution to making her look more berserkery (I hope that's a word), is that they just want her to look like Rhino, big, buff, and covered in plates, that isn't better, it is not different than what people want for The Legend of Zelda, a lot of fans think that Zelda should be a hero for once, but all people want her to do is be Link in a dress, it doesn't make things better, it's just lazy.  The feedback from the Warframe community seems to be that the berserker should be Rhino in a dress, this doesn't fix anything.  Making her tailored to the idea of male's power fantasy only enforces stereotypes, it doesn't combat them.

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I agree with you, women in video games  are usually stereotyped, but the same issue goes for man as well, but that is besides the point, the issue I have with peoples solution to making her look more berserkery (I hope that's a word), is that they just want her to look like Rhino, big, buff, and covered in plates, that isn't better, it is not different than what people want for The Legend of Zelda, a lot of fans think that Zelda should be a hero for once, but all people want her to do is be Link in a dress, it doesn't make things better, it's just lazy.  The feedback from the Warframe community seems to be that the berserker should be Rhino in a dress, this doesn't fix anything.  Making her tailored to the idea of male's power fantasy only enforces stereotypes, it doesn't combat them.

Very, very true - ironically, 'empowering' women by making berserker females have a male build is just subjecting them to the idea that proper strength is male strength.


My main gripe with the design is that it doesn't convey any sense of berserker strength or ferocity, whether in a male or female sense. I think if she were built like a cross between an MMA fighter and a jaguar, that would be a more feminine angle that would still radiate power - think sleek, well-developed feline muscles that still ripple with tightly-corded readiness and speed.

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Exactly what I was thinking when I read those first comments. Berserker pretty much means losing your sanity and going into a rage, not beefy muscles.

And is she going to be dropped from Alad V? 'Cause she looks like some sort of corpus experimented frame.


Bingo; an example of a berserker outside the tanking stereotype would be Spear Lann in Vindictus. While he does have superarmor on his abilities/attacks, his moveset is designed to be continuously attacking, using risky tactics that would not be recommended among his peers. His mantra is to kill the enemy before the player controlling him messes up and gets him killed.


I believe Alad V will be dropping the Volt Warframe parts, but we shall see.

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Very, very true - ironically, 'empowering' women by making berserker females have a male build is just subjecting them to the idea that proper strength is male strength.


> Implying that any muscular build is a "male build"

> "Male strength"

You're subjecting people to the idea that men own muscles. They don't. Anybody can have a muscular build with work, and men don't just grow up to have nice pectorals or biceps ( I'm sure guys would be a lot happier if that were true, though ). It's not that people are trying to apply male attributes to a female, it's that we're trying to disrupt female stereotypes by allowing them traits that men have tried to claim, but should be fine for women to have.


You don't tell a woman that it's not okay for her to wear pants because she's "trying to be a man", don't tell us that it's not okay for women to have muscles or be thicker because it's "trying to make them men".


I don't want Rhino with a dress. I want a female who isn't the same- exact- bodytype as every other female Warframe. It's just that Rhino is the most extreme example, and people are using him as a point of reference, saying "if male Warframes can have different bodytypes like this guy, why can't female Warframes have something thicker, too".


Move away from the "you guys just want female Rhino" or "berserkers don't NEED muscle" arguments; address the real problem: That they're giving us an eighth waifer-thin female who has the exact same build as every other, and they're not giving the females the variety that the males have. It's an awful, pandering double-standard that they need to break away from, and they have every power to do so.

Edited by TheResult
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Apparently, she looks like that, like she was "skinned" and her parts replaced because her "frame line" was discovered and tinkered by Grineer. Atleast according to the lore that will come with her release.


-Please note this is only my interpretation of what was being said about her on the livestream.

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Listen, If DE was willing show a concept to the public, then it's more than likely that's one if not the final concept they are going to build off of.

Why not showing the concept and see the reaction of the userbase before committing and getting a modeler/texturer to make it?

Considering that we are customers it would make some sense.


You know what? What if this is what a "berserker" is in the universe of Warframe? What if that was the guideline to design a frame that is loosely based on a "berserker" but fits the story and universe of Warframe. Why must it be drawing from other sources of what a "berserker is"? Why can't it just be simply a new definition of a "berserker" that fits Warframe?
Isn't that the whole point of making a warframe called Berserker? Make something roughly in line with someone expects a berserker to be. Everyone agrees that the are melee, and a melee needs a bit more muscles in the upper body to be believable (otherwise why the F*** Rhino is so damn big if a chick half the size and with tiny arms can do the same?).
The concept is more Catframe than Berserker.

Nekros for example does fit the "necromancer" theme in both looks and abilities.

Sure, they could have made him a fatass with heart decals on all the surface that throws lollipops, but it would not have been very worthy of carrying Nekros name.


Other frames have more neutral names and have no expectations to fulfill.

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