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The 'which Side?' Megathread. With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?


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Or. We're mercenaries, who use our technologically advanced Warframes to make profit.

the fact most of our loot comes from killing, and looting everything we can get our hands on felt like a wink back at unpublished Dark Sector. I think the lore might actually be a rehashed version of Dark Sector.

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All of the gifs and sniping being irrelevant. From a 'rule of cool' stand this event is going to be fun. However there are systemic flaws with it from a world building and setting point of view, the exact issues that continue to hold Warframe back. Without a greater functional story people will continue to 'play and forget' Warframe.

Warframe doesn't have a compelling story driving it. I posted elsewhere that Warframe is more kin to a bunch of stand alone pen and paper adventure modules. Taken alone they can be quite fun, but the moment you try to string them together any grander narrative falls apart.

This Event is yet another Stand Alone. On its own and out of context it will make a certain degree of sense (assuming the message from the Lotus had a mistype). Put into a wider context it stops making any kind of sense and in some ways is contrary to the feel of the setting.

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All of the gifs and sniping being irrelevant. From a 'rule of cool' stand this event is going to be fun. However there are systemic flaws with it from a world building and setting point of view, the exact issues that continue to hold Warframe back. Without a greater functional story people will continue to 'play and forget' Warframe.

Warframe doesn't have a compelling story driving it. I posted elsewhere that Warframe is more kin to a bunch of stand alone pen and paper adventure modules. Taken alone they can be quite fun, but the moment you try to string them together any grander narrative falls apart.

This Event is yet another Stand Alone. On its own and out of context it will make a certain degree of sense (assuming the message from the Lotus had a mistype). Put into a wider context it stops making any kind of sense and in some ways is contrary to the feel of the setting.

This is my biggest complaint, there is virtually zero lore and story to the game even after all these months.

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Everyone who chooses corpus are douchebags for leaving behind other Tenno. Grineer dominance is inevitable!

The many out weigh the few... as they say in Star Trek.


We fight for the solar system not ourselves. Freedom is the right of every sentient being as Optimus Prime always says... We as Tenno should protect this right for all those who live in this solar system. That is why we fight for the Corpus against the enslavers known as Grineer.

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If we side with Grineer: Grineer Empire gains more power, ruthlessly subjugates innocent colonies, gets it's hands on some Corpus tech. Frozen Tenno are given to us.


If we side with Corpus: frozen Tenno remain in Alad V's hands, but the colonies are safe from the Twin Sisters' merciless rule.


At least that's how I'm reading this.

Grineer are not going to give us those Tenno are you crazy o.O this is Sargus Ruk were talking about the dude who wants the best cybernetic tech he wants to surgically add Warframe parts to his body! He wants to surgically add "key" Rhino parts to himself so he can be more manly! Do not fight for Grineer... Or Sargus Ruk will have a very noticeable addon.

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Settle down. Let's try to keep things civil.

Gonna play Devil's Advocate here... Maybe the reason there might not be a 'fixed' image up yet is because... I don't know, maybe the work day is over and DE staff are at home with their families, having dinner and all that normal stuff people do after work? I could be wrong, but we'll find out tomorrow.

But yeah. That error in the message makes it pretty hard to understand. And yes, it definitely is an error, it wouldn't make much sense if it wasn't.

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Which is why I said making the goal harder would be acceptable. Messing with and sabotaging both sides selectively while they're engaged in a major brawl is the ideal time to weaken two foes. Which requires a finer balancing act to ensure that both parties remain deadlocked while you achieve your own goals.

The sad part is this is a two sided fight when it really needs to be a three way between Corpus, Grineer, and Infested (unless DE wants to give us a new human faction). Like a massive game of Rock Paper Scissors. Grineer beats Infested, Infested beat Corpus, Corpus beat Grineer. Let one of the three factions domainate and Origin becomes an even worse place for the Tenno and other minor human groups/colonies.


This event should be a two sided fight for now, as the Corpus and Grineer are the most apparent powers (and I have yet to see them truly fight against each other in both gameplay and lore). Lore-wise, this gives us a foundation to expand on. The best hooks in stories start with a simple premise and expand. I can't imagine the Infested really holding "power" in the system outside of a looming presence: they are a volatile, yet weak reflection.of the Technocyte virus used against the Sentients thousands of years ago.

Edited by ChaoticVice777
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This is my biggest complaint, there is virtually zero lore and story to the game even after all these months.

Plenty of lore. Not sure how you haven't seen it. Basically the lore is they are building up all three factions giving you more insight on them before building up the Tenno lore which we already have enough to link the dots together. Were almost finished completing the picture. However it looks like they are trying to turn this storyline into what Unpublished Dark Sector once was...



The way they are going about it is abit extreme... but I think it will work.

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The last two events and update 10 all came out around 6pm EST, I'm pretty sure +/- half an hour.  I think DE decided on this model to simply get as much polish on the content/update before the main people call it a day to go home.  I'm not saying it is the best practice (or that it isn't), that just seems to be what they do.  They do seem aware that this is a concern for the community, but I think a lot of it is brushed off because of people's posts coming across as impatient.

I try not to come across as impatient. However, us, the players, do very little to contribute to these updates (aside from providing feedback and reporting bugs, which is required of us as beta testers anyways), so we don't have much right to complain. I realize how hypocritical I sound right now, so there's no need to point it out to me.


I don't necessarily agree with that practice, as it can be rather counterproductive. For example, when the Orokin Vaults were released, there was a bug that was causing blueprints to appear as components. The bug causing this was fixed the same night, but the blueprints already effected remained components. This wasn't fixed until about 3PM the next day.


It would be more productive to release the update early, and fix any major bugs that popup throughout the day. Being even more productive would be to test their updates before release, to eliminate gamebreaking bugs and kinks that might occur.

Edited by Zachles
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