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Max ATK Speed Cap


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Also max attack speed isn't as good as far as I remember. There was a valk build that just bugged out, the animation could not keep with the numbers and everything got buggy.


14 minutes ago, Phobiqq said:

Warcry but there is nearly no increase...

bcuz they nerfed it for helminth

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As far as I know the only really limitation is your ability to have enough input without a macro (also your keyboard / controler response time is in the equation). Not even sure there is a real limit beyond that, I already put the game in a curious state when experimenting super high attack speed pistols with buffs so I don't think they implemented a limitation in the game. However, melee attack speed is tied to animations, maybe this is an element to take in consideration for melee.

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1 minute ago, Rathalio said:

As far as I know the only really limitation is your ability to have enough input without a macro (also your keyboard / controler response time is in the equation). Not even sure there is a real limit beyond that, I already put the game is a curious state when experimenting super high attack speed pistols with buffs so I don't think they implemented a limitation in the game. However, melee attack speed is tied to animations, maybe this is an element to take in consideration for melee.

I bet there is some kind of limitation in the nature of the software that limits the amount of inputs(how many E presses per sec) but that is probably unreachable without a macro.

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Couple of variables tie into this, you will hit your physical limit on atk speed before you hit your technical limit.


Swap melee to scroll wheel, make sure you are getting 200+ FPS (melee speed is directly tied to FPS). Do those and you'll be pretty close to hitting max speed.

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il y a 1 minute, OggerAZ a dit :

I bet there is some kind of limitation in the nature of the software that limits the amount of inputs(how many E presses per sec) but that is probably unreachable without a macro.

Yes, that's definitly a thing though it might be unreachable, actually I think I nearly hit it when I experimented pistols, the curious state I refered to was "a partial jamming of the game" for minutes I could no longer use any ability with my warframe / reload my weapon for example but I could move freely without any issue.

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21 minutes ago, OggerAZ said:

I bet there is some kind of limitation in the nature of the software that limits the amount of inputs(how many E presses per sec) but that is probably unreachable without a macro.

I'd say this right here, without a macro at some point the software will register a double-tap/click as a single due to the sensitivity settings.

EDIT: I've hit this threshold on console with my Stave, it's incredibly difficult to continue the stance combo and just ends up with awkward pauses and restarts to the combo.  There isn't really anything DE can do to prevent this since all systems have some variance to their sensitivity in regards to tap-registration, so it's on the user.

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If you wanted fastest hitting, so far the only top is actually couple weapons can do that.

Rapier, claw, fist weapon, dagger/twin daggers, sparr, sword (depending lightness), sort of the staff weapons, twin swords, and I think the last one is blade whip or something like that but going super fast is just flipping bazaarly is too much for the fun fact.

The fact is that too much speed you really don't know what your doing because the sparr "was" fast which before the update melee system as they get rid of the sparr's advantages punching really fast like jojo refeance



which they got rid that quick attack for it was going speed of light and I was getting super tired pressing the button but ever sense they did that sometime I do miss it because it was heck dang useful because there is 1 weapon that actually heal the user and every time I do crit with these punches it was returning full on good health for me and I made sure I got status input and nothing would of kill me at least long the enemies isn't far distance.  Now it is flying kick all over the map and it was really too fast because for players have to nerf their mods down because the speed of it is just really too fast (the fact sparr berserk mod and our common increasingly speed it just made us flying out the stage).

Right now the best fine option either the, claw, dagger/twin daggers, sword/twin sword for they do perfectly fine base in speed increase to actually test the limits of speed with these weapons and you can do many funky abilities like volt's speed dash thing, warcry, wisp's 1 ability, and Gauss's 4 which you want to do these things in order which

- wisp need place down her 1 ability the green deployer

- warcry

- volt's speed dash

- Gauss's 4

Then you get the purest fastest Melee attack speed so pick a weapon and choose to die with high extreme speed which that is where is your cap is at really.

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