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Nekros needs a rework or we need a new summoner frame, here is my idea....


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4 hours ago, (PSN)Cool_TRG said:

you know saying you dont have to use augments has made you wrong right there. have you tried doing a level 60 survival without shield of shadows?

he needs a rework and im not even thinking nekroses abilities have to be changed but definitely reworked. i also think that there needs to be a summoner frame because their isnt one, nekros is the farming frame i thought to you guys?


Yes, CT+adapt+shadow aggro takes care of both SP mot and kuva survival.
SoS is safer when not going repair+zenurik, but what nekros lacks is in kit scaling damage (and smol bugs being fixed).

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On 2020-11-08 at 4:24 PM, (PSN)lydon123 said:

Nekros is grim reaper, master of death themed frame so i would love a summoner frame...or a bird tamer frame. 

Nekros is about Necromancy, nothing to do with the Grim Reaper.  And technically not really a master of death I'd say, but that is probably a matter of perspective.  Master of Undeath imo (Which is often perceived as the highest of sins among followers of Death).

On 2020-11-08 at 6:23 PM, Andele3025 said:

Yes, CT+adapt+shadow aggro takes care of both SP mot and kuva survival.
SoS is safer when not going repair+zenurik, but what nekros lacks is in kit scaling damage (and smol bugs being fixed).

Imo, Nekros lacks a lot.  Sure he WORKS, but he isn't fun.  Imo, Terror is a horrible ability, both boring, and often times counter-productive to the goal (Unless you take an augment that simply slows them).  Soul Punch is practically useless (The rework is decent though, but still not what I'd like to see personally).  I also think Despoil should be base.  Also made SoS base, nerf it, and give Shadows mods somehow for scaling.

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15 minutes ago, Klaleara said:

Nekros is about Necromancy, nothing to do with the Grim Reaper.

Just very technically, since he is a totem/symbol of fear of death to orokin (according to ballas), that is the role psychopomps/grim reaper does.

15 minutes ago, Klaleara said:

Imo, Nekros lacks a lot.  Sure he WORKS, but he isn't fun.  Imo, Terror is a horrible ability, both boring, and often times counter-productive to the goal (Unless you take an augment that simply slows them).  Soul Punch is practically useless (The rework is decent though, but still not what I'd like to see personally).  I also think Despoil should be base.  Also made SoS base, nerf it, and give Shadows mods somehow for scaling.

Terrify is very counter productive in group play yes, its why im advocating for swapping its secondary effect with augment slow (while buffing the then new augment into being resistance reduction or stronger damage amp instead of armor reduction). Soul punch is actually solid solo cc, issue is the mentioned terrify already does the cc work on a better scale in roles when you want cc instead of just going "i dont want that ancient here" or "i want you to be knocked down".
Despoil being base would remove build variety (even if i believe most would agree extra options/flexibility from despoil is more fun, still its a good augment and actually fills the role of what augments should do).

And no, rework isnt decent, forced executes are bad in general, shadow cant be triggered at low levels due to requiring execute, worthless in SP since good weapons will dot a enemy to death by the time you hit them to 40% ish hp, the shadow has lower base "duration"/harsher decay, doesnt get extra stats and always starts in its no aggro state.
Its worse than that even because it gives DE a excuse in form of "but we just buffed him recently".

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All frames should be viable solo for certain content. Not all content, but certain frames should excel at what they do. All abilities should work together in synergy to deal damage and stay alive. Saryn, Wisp, Volt, Octavia, Mesa and several others are good examples of this. A lot of older frames suffer from disjointed and ineffective abilities. The game has progressed to a point where a lot of what they have to offer is obsolete. They need to be updated for current content.

Nekros is a good example of a frame that has never caught up with the game. Of course I use him as a farming frame only. Solo farming toroids, argon, etc... occasionally I will use him for excavation or survival. All I would want from him is to hold his own a little more and have better survivability without slapping 2 augment mods on him and relying on Adaptation and Health Conversion to stay alive.

Some of his augments should be built into the abiltiy by default. Creeping Terrify is one of those, and Shield of Shadows might be another. 90% of builds use Despoil, so that is another augment that might be ok as part of the ability by default. This alone would make Nekros a lot better, because then you could use those mod slots for other things.

However, of course I think we are missing out on a good rework potential. Besides incorporating his augments into his abilities by default, the abilites themselves need to have more synergy so you have a reason to cast them, and their shortcomings should be addressed.

Soul Punch (I suggest changing the name to Soul Devour)

I like the functionality of Soul Punch directly adding an enemy to your shadow army. This works somewhat similarily to Grendel's 1, where it can instantly delete an enemy. Devouring an enemy restores Nekros health.


Terrified enemies are massively slowed or cower in fear instead of running away. Terrified enemies have a chance to drop even more loot.


Descrated enemies heal your shadows by a small amount and have a chance to buff their attack speed, damage, etc...

Shadows of the Dead

This is now a channeled ability. Shadows are actual shadows and can be easily visually distingished from other enemies. I'm talking mostly solid black shapes. Their damage needs to scale with their level so they can actually kill other enemies.

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What I think would fit:

-Better survivability

-Maybe a new passive or a buff to the actual

-Scaling health treshold of Soul Punch, 50% at rank 30 or infinite damage but with a cooldown

-A new second ability

-Maximum of 10 shadows instead of 7

-Health orbs affecting shadows restoring 5% of their health instead of 50 health, 10% instead of 100 health and so


As for the second ability I thought something like Wukong's Cloud Walk but with some tweaks obviously:

Nekros falls/is pulled by the souls into a black hole in the ground, while this ability lasts Nekros can move x2.5 normal speed and the soil around his position will be blackened, those who touched the soil will enter in panic leaving them vulnerable for 5 seconds, however those who stay in the soil are slowly consumed by the darkness receiving 10% of their health as true damage. Soul Punching while in this state on an enemy on the soil will play a special execution that will last 5 seconds but instantly kills the enemy, Soul Punching an enemy outside the soil will attract it to the soil. Desecrate automatically turns off and can only be casted on enemies affected by the soil forcing them to kneel and their soul will float marking a circle on the ground, fallen enemies within the circle will be desecrated with the energy of the enemy's soul instead of Nekros' energy or health.

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Le 08/11/2020 à 13:24, BahamutKaiser a dit :

Soul Punch being useless doesn't mean Nekros need a rework or that we need more summoners. They have it a nice adjustment, and you don't have to use all of Nekros Augments, you just can't help yourself. 

Soul punch useless? Oh no no no no... Soul punch is my main source of fun when i getting bored after 30-40 waves of defence or 30-40mins of survive, ragdolling enemies to space is even funnier than watching my minions trying to kill heavy gunner eximus! :3

But terror is really useless, decent with augment, but still fricking bad when you need play hide and seek with enemies on survive or defense mission >.>

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Le 18/11/2020 à 22:44, Klaleara a dit :

Nekros is about Necromancy, nothing to do with the Grim Reaper.  And technically not really a master of death I'd say, but that is probably a matter of perspective.  Master of Undeath imo (Which is often perceived as the highest of sins among followers of Death).

More precisely description from game itself:

Nekros uses his dark powers to manipulate his enemies, both living and dead.

This is Nekros, manipulator of souls.

Nekros possesses the battlefield, Tenno. Death is his playground.

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Just a thought that I did have with my clan member Doge69420 a short while ago, but what if Soul punch actually had a point? As he quoted me in Discord, I will quote myself from the same chat; “At least make the soul punch something that is a farmable currency. Like, For every enemy you punch, you get one “soul” that can add an additional minion when you use your 4(for one example), Or boost other abilities/stack power or hits on soul punch, much like Atlas with Rubble!”

obviously soul punch still needs to be worked on, BUT! This would give it an actual -reason- for not being replaced so easily. Like you dont NEED it for using your other abilities, but it boosts/adds onto your other abilities. For example used aside from my example with 4: Terrify will do the same when unsoul powered, but with soul, it becomes Fear+Team killing(to appease the Soul Lord to spare them?), or with His 3, increases drop chances/rare drop rate...

otherwise four could get the boosted numbers to dead minions, or even boost them by making them last longer with an additional power boost from soul power(tap to make extra minions, hold for boost) that was gained from punching the literal souls of your enemies.


you know, make it less shaman like and more soul master* as it is implied to be.

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