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Best Heavy Sword Stance for a Dokrahm Zaw?



I have been testing the stances but i dont know which one is the best when used with exodia hunt, Cleaving Whirlwind seems to be the worst option because it doesnt have that many slams on useful combos, Tempo Royale has good dps and some slams but Rending Crane can activate Exodia Hunt all the time, but after some testing it seems like the dps is kinda bad with it, im i using it wrong?

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14 minutes ago, Traubenzuckr said:

cleaving whirlwind is the best because of the forward 360 degree combo

rending crane has okay dps

Cleaving Whirlwind is basically useless for zaws with exodia hunt, you dont need a 360 degree combo with no damage when you can get all the enemies grouped up by exodia hunt.

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Heavy Blades in a VERY good place and my personal advice is just to toss a stance forma on your zaw and let yourself move between them freely.

All three stances kill everything comfortably, but they feel a bit different and depend on the rest of your kit. If you're struggling it could be element choice, attack speed, grouping method, or any number of things.

If you're Exodia Hunting Tempo Royale is EXCELLENT because you have two different ways to slam, one that stands still and one that adds mobility.

If you've got a lot of attack speed (like, Gauss+Arcane Strike+Berserker speed) Rending Crane can actually get pretty good, but I think it's a bit pokier otherwise.

If you do a lot of sliding or like mixing it up, then Cleaving Whirlwind can be great fun (if you slide before the stagger in Broken Bull you can interrupt it and avoid the stagger), I don't think it flows quite as smooth as Tempo Royale, but it's close.

All these differences are pretty minor and I feel really bad for a lot of the other weapons that don't have that many good options.

Oh, and unless you're doing a heavy attack build, Heavy Blades seem to scale a LOT with speed, and the status changes definitely rewarded faster weapons with a lot of procs...so if you're having trouble and you're stance dancing it might be that you're better off with faster bits, even if it means Pyrol mining (SO MUCH PYROTIC ALLOY)

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20 hours ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_ said:

Hunt sucks.....

Triumph for faster crit-combo or Force for status zaws to dish out radial damage.  

You got pull/larva now....  you got zenurik....you got magus anomaly.... 

They all suck. That's literally what they do, that's the point of them. They suck. We can't really taunt well so that's kind of our go-to for people who like facesmashing, right?

They're all really different though and it's not like it's bad to overlap them.

In gameplay I actually like Hunt or Hunt+Pull by FAR better than the other options. With lot of attack speed and a mobile stance Hunt can gather a lot of mobs and it offset's pull's sloppiness a bit. As someone who likes melee a lot, I find that gathering mobs while doing what I enjoy doing is more fun and it's not like I'm having a hard time killing anything...so I personally get a lot less value out of Triumph (The combo counter is 12x unless the mobs don't need the extra effort) or Force (A bit more damage can't compete with mobs sliding into range constantly)

That being said, Hunt really thrives with a mobile stance that can get a lot of slams in and a lot of attack speed. It's a completely different experience if you're doing a heavy attack build, like slow melee, or aren't using a stance with convenient slams. If you're using a rapier (and they're pretty great) Hunt is silly, yes. We're talking about Dokrahm here so if it's a heavy blade then you can't NOT have slams and if it's a Scythe then you can't have them.

Pull, Larva, Ensnare, and Airburst all have their places and Pull and Airburst compliment Exodia Hunt.  Pull's easy to spam but you need a good power battery (and Greedy Pull for the BEEG SUCC is really cathartic). Ensnare needs a target but is a good middle ground. Larva needs low duration or Larva Burst to function well and all need quite a bit of range to work well. I'd have to cripple my Gauss build to get any of them to work and he's one of my favorite melee frames. Some people would have to completely redo their builds and that ability is taking the place of an existing ability or another Helminth ability they may like better.

I always run with Magus Anomaly but honestly almost never use it. Why fiddle with kiddo mode when with Berserker, Arcane Strike, and a good slam stance I can get in a dozen attacks and 3 yoinks in that time? If you spend a lot of time in kiddo mode though then that might hit the sweet spot. You be you. I mostly just have it on there for Hildy if I have Aegis Storm up.

Anyway, the point is there's a lot of nuance to SUCCing and it seems better not to oversimplify it.

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