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Make Combo Fury great again


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Combo Fury is a fun mod that could synergize well with some non-meta weapons, but it suffers from two things:

  1. Its timer doesn't renew on another glaive kill, needs to completely run out.
  2. Secondary weapon requires a reload before it actually doubles the mag size.
  3. Yet the mag size instantly goes back to normal once the timer runs out.

...three things.

If it instantly doubled the ammo and was renewable at any point, it would have been much better. It just feels too clumsy and awkward otherwise.

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The idea is interesting, but why would you waste a melee mod slot for this, while the Synth set exist ?
I mean, regardless of the changes you make to the mod, magazine capacity or reload speed is never a good stat exept on Soma Prime with Hata-Satya on, but it's not a secondary weapon.

I think something like reduced recoil, slight fire rate buff or something like that would help the mod being useable. Because right now you have literally 0 reason to use magazine size or reload speed, and even less reason to waste a melee mod slot for that purpose.

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1 hour ago, lukinu_u said:

The idea is interesting, but why would you waste a melee mod slot for this, while the Synth set exist ?

It has a different application than Synth set in my view: it should help with a damage output for small mag-long reload guns like Twin Rogga or Akarius, or weapons that benefit from the mag size like Prisma Angstrum (charged shot fires the entire magazine) without sacrificing a secondary slot for QoL mods like P Quickdraw.

That being said, with melee being the strongest weapon class (thus, the only redeeming thing for Valkyr these days) and glaives being arguably the most awkward in it, it's hardly anything but a fun mod. Still, it's something that could fit Xoris and its indefinite combo.

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  • 1 month later...
On 2020-10-09 at 7:03 PM, Albert_Porkins said:

Yet the mag size instantly goes back to normal once the timer runs out.

If the mag size stay after the timer runs out then I can see it being... well... fine. You don't have to go through whole loop (melee kill > reload > use your secondary). You can just buff your gun for "special situation" and use your melee.

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