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So, I've had railjack for quite a while now and I don't really use it much, mainly because it's hard af but it's also because I don't really have much of a use for it; but the New War will probably require the railjack a lot, it also introduces a lot of lore, and I LOVE lore. So I made this post because I was looking for some tips and advice for the railjack - since the actual game leaves you to fend for yourself, stuff like: 

  • how avionics work;
  • what types of avionics are great;
  • what shields, reactors and weapons I should try crafting;
  • And various other helpful tips/advice.
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9 answers to this question

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Avionics are what the railjack mods are called. The reactor is what effects how many you can put on, max reactor is +100 avionics and probably the only one you need to build. 

flux is what the railjack energy pool is called. The reactor that gives max avionics gives the minimum boost to flux, but that shouldn’t be a worry even if you spam the powers people are using to kill things. 

battle avionics give you Warframe like powers to use while piloting or gunning. Munitions vortex or tether are current popular. Those are what use flux. 

for non battle mods what you would expect, increase speed and survival and turret damage if you have the space. 

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So with Avionics (Railjack mods, as was mentioned), there's three categories:

Battle - already covered in above post :) Another +1 for Tether, it's the current top spot for taking down fighters en-masse.

Tactical - activated from the Tactical menu in-mission, these have a timed cooldown instead of flux energy cost. Battle Forge is used a lot, others are flexible. I like Void Cloak and Form Up.

Integrated - the ones that behave like "regular" mods, enhancing speed/armour/health etc of the Railjack itself. Max Hull Weave and and Bulkhead. Further down the line you'll want to find yourself Forward Atillery, and Artillery Cheap Shot. Both of these make things much easier for the forward gunner taking out the crewships.

You can also upgrade the grid slots as you go, which grant additional ranks to the avionics installed on them. It might seem pricey initially, but if you play RJ frequently you'll soon have more than enough Dirac to cover it.

Mk3 Vidar Reactors have the highest avionics capacity and are best-in-slot.

Mk3 Vidar engines have best "general" speed, as far as I know. Another has higher boost speed but I stick with Vidar.

Mk3 Lavan Shield array has highest capacity, also works well, Zetki has fasest recharge.

Finally, regarding weapons, highly recommend you get yourself a Zetki Photor Mk3 for the pilot gun. Low heat accretion, and it has punch-through which makes it easier to hit your Tethers.

Side guns... eh, if you've been Railjacking much you'll realise they don't get used much, I like to go Zetki Carcinnox Mk3 for the mild "crowd control", plus it's funny watching crewships fight each other.

Bit of a wall of text, but hope it helps!

*edit* I'm also super-hyped to see how New War develops alongside Railjack. You'll notice as you go along, there's one or two avionics that involve Sentients, which don't currently have a use...!

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I won’t tell you again what other fellow tenno told you, so here’s my two cents:

1) Completely ignore shields at start, focus on getting max HP and Armor, my Railjack got throug all the Veil even with standard  shield

2) MK3 weapons from clan dry dock more than enough for start, while everyone recommended Photor, I love Carcinox and Apoc and I switching them always on my pilot position. So it’s just taste preference. 

3) Ordinance is pretty much useless, It was okay using autoaim rocket (standart one) with void hole , but for now it’s not really usable enough, better get good weapons first.

4) Scrap all the MK1 and MK2 gear you got , it’s not much better than MK3 from dojo, and so pretty much pointless to waste resources.

5) Never bother yourself sealing minor breaches, it’s so big mistake of most people and it’s annoying me a lot!  Don’t waste omni on this, you’ll be fine !

6) Put auto-extinguish fire tactical mod, it’s super useful since crewships rockets and boarding parties love to set your ship on fire!

7) Read about all the avionics you have , there is pretty clearly explained what they do, so you can understand what is good and what is poo!

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10 hours ago, SpiritTeA said:

I won’t tell you again what other fellow tenno told you, so here’s my two cents:

1) Completely ignore shields at start, focus on getting max HP and Armor, my Railjack got throug all the Veil even with standard  shield

2) MK3 weapons from clan dry dock more than enough for start, while everyone recommended Photor, I love Carcinox and Apoc and I switching them always on my pilot position. So it’s just taste preference. 

3) Ordinance is pretty much useless, It was okay using autoaim rocket (standart one) with void hole , but for now it’s not really usable enough, better get good weapons first.

4) Scrap all the MK1 and MK2 gear you got , it’s not much better than MK3 from dojo, and so pretty much pointless to waste resources.

5) Never bother yourself sealing minor breaches, it’s so big mistake of most people and it’s annoying me a lot!  Don’t waste omni on this, you’ll be fine !

6) Put auto-extinguish fire tactical mod, it’s super useful since crewships rockets and boarding parties love to set your ship on fire!

7) Read about all the avionics you have , there is pretty clearly explained what they do, so you can understand what is good and what is poo!

So what you recommend is:

  • ignore shields and focus on health and armour;
  • don't bother sealing minor breaches, may I ask why?;
  • install the auto-extinguish fire mod, I think I already have this - I'll check;
  •  And read about the avionics info;
  • I should also aim for mk III stuff.

got it.

edit: are you talking about fire suppression? Cuz I have that.

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1 час назад, (PS4)DEAD_LOCK55 сказал:

So what you recommend is:

  • ignore shields and focus on health and armour;
  • don't bother sealing minor breaches, may I ask why?;
  • install the auto-extinguish fire mod, I think I already have this - I'll check;
  •  And read about the avionics info;
  • I should also aim for mk III stuff.

got it.

edit: are you talking about fire suppression? Cuz I have that.

Yes, fire suppression. 

Minor breaches... Well If you will seal it every time it pops out... You just will run out of revo... that sealing material, lol, very fast, and you will have to waste your resources for this, or even worse, you won’t have it for big breaches and you will lose (basically how my first solo mission ended when I’ve just started RJ). Yes minor breaches are reducing HP of your ship, but it’s pretty much has 0 negative impact. With high armor and still fast base shield recharge rate your ship always will be able to regenerate all the health (if it has no fire). But you gain experience for this, so you might seal it in the end of mission for additional exp.

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Railjack is in such a crappy half finished state right now =(.   After they leave Deimos in a crappy half finished state and move on they said the next thing will be all things corpus again..  I am hoping for another huge whack at making Railjack an actual game mode that you can possibly enjoy with others.............

To be a good railjack pilot you have to manage threats.  The only thing that can make a good ship go boom is fires.  The only thing that can case fires is crewships, ramsleds, outriders, turret emplacements, and enemy bases......

  • Bases you should stay 5-7k away from (it varies by type of base) to avoid their missles and lasers and x2 ramsleds (that still, never stop coming?)
  • Turrets are kinda hard to notice sometimes, i think sometimes they come back to life, if you see your shields falling and not recovering for no reasons you are probably in range of a turret.  Avoid or kill them.  I think they are red/white circles in the hud.... 
  • outriders are "bombers" that can nuke your ship, they are slow and heavily armored.  The easiest way to take them out is with a single missile....
  • ramsleds deliver enemy troops to your ship,  as soon as you here some have launched you should be drifting away backwards or sideways to get some distance.  Either use gunfires or missiles to knock them out before they hit your ship.  If you get hit then immediately exit whatever stations your at and clear the boarders and put out any fires.   Ramsleds launch most often when you have your back turned to the crewships or change stations.  I usually dont ignore crewships until I have taken out their ramsled.

This leaves crewships.. Big red/yellow/white diamonds and their hoard of fighters....  This is the easiest part of RJ.   Kill the initial wave of fighters to make the first crewship show up... As soon as it does ignore everything else.... boost/drift to the crewship and get behind it and take out its three exaust ports to disable it permanently.   Shoot it with a tether and then explode it to take out all the nearby fighters.  You will probably have to lure in more waves of fighters and repeat the process to make more crewships appear.   Leave that 1st crewship alone so they can watch you kill the others and be filled with dread.   Fly around disabled crewships and try to trigger their ramsleds so you can take them out..

When more crewships show up ignore everything else,  boost/drift over to them and get behind them and repeat.   Once you have 3-4 disabled crewships (all the fighters should be dead by this point), Try to get your ship lined up so all the disabled crewships are near the center of your crosshairs and visible.  Then jump onto artillery and try to take them all out one at a time.  This should trigger the rest to show up.


In late earth, saturn/veil Crewships get shields...  They have shield generators on the outside you can blow up but the easiest way to deal with them is with missiles.  


The last 5-6 nodes in veil prox has Lv80-90 enemies.  This makes the above strategy not effective.  The crewships take multiple missiles to drop their shields and no matter how you mod your artillery crewships will not go down from one blast.  I recommend disabling crewships like normal and then boarding them and killing them from the inside.


Bases....Bases are a pain in the ass.  The best way to deal with these is to have someone with you so you can tag team them.  One guy inside, one guy outside.   If you have to solo then I highly suggest you have a fluctus AW gun so you can shoot through the base while your on the outside.  But you should probably use a fast frame like nezha, volt, gauss so you can run in and out of bases quickly multiple times =(.  


My ship is modded for armor/health.  A focus on turrets even tho I barely use them...  Predator+Section Density+Polar Coil+hyperstrike.  Conic Nozzle+ion burn for speed/boost.  And then whatever is left goes towards artillery.   I should have artillery cheap shot equipped most of the time but I dont want to give anything else up... cheap shot gives you a chance of not using ammo when firing artillery.  Artillery only gets 5 shots so you constantly have to reload it in battle, especially in those last 5-6 hard nodes.   But my turrets are more important to me because thats how you disable ships.    

Some people skip disabling crewships and just try to artillery strike moving targets and stuff,  thats great if pilot and gunner can communicate.. then you dont need turrets at all except to set off tether and you could ditch the 4 turret mods for artillery and missile mods... 

Void Hole is pretty but its an extreme waste of resources.  100 flux per shot and 1-2 missiles to kill stuff...    Meanwhile Tether is 15-25 flux and a little bit of turret fire to set it off....  

Crewship/fighter part of a fight takes 5 mins.... those bases take 25-30 mins lol...  

My ship I only need Tether for a battle avionic, and I have some tacticals but I never use them... to difficult.....  So I dont need alot of reactor.   Only use the reactor size you NEED.  The smaller the reactor the more base flux it has...  

Shields are garage in Railjack, it doesnt matter how much you have....so.... I suggest going zekti so you have the fastest shield delay.  If you have the free mod space (are not using turret mods lol) I would even mod my zekti shieds for shied regen.  They go from 11% shields per second to 22%.   It would take 1 second for your shields to begin to regenerate (the delay) and about 4-5 seconds for your shields to be back at 100%.   If your moving during a fight you get plenty of multi-second windows for shields to kick in.  I would never mod for max shield amount though.    The shields that get restored on enemy death are worthless,   do you need shields AFTER everything is dead??  I guess if you suck at piloting and are killing stuff one at a time....  


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How to be a good wingman.....

A good pilot can rip apart crewships and fighters within minutes of a fight solo........   The best things to do if you are not the pilot is to... sit on your ass!!! 

Seriously.... dont man the side turrets..... dont get off the ship.......doing either of those messes with the pilots job(assuming they are good, if they suck its a free for all).  

There is a couple of jobs you can do to help the pilot...  Man the artillery and or Reload the artillery.   Also you can defend the ship if ramsleds get by the pilot(he sucks).  If you man the artillery i'd let the pilot know.   A GOOD pilot will try to disable crewships and give his gunner time to shoot them.  A GOOD gunner will give his pilot time to disable the crewship or atleast let himget close and line up the shot so you arent WASTING AMMO.    The more the two of you can communicate about when to shoot the better....  

In my experience....pilots are crap and never try to disable crewships,  likewise gunners are crap and never wait for the right time to shoot......... If you both get on the same page it would make things so incredibly easy.  


AFTER the pilot has taken out all the fighters and crewships, THEN you can leave the ship and deal with bases.   In my opinion the best case scenario is for 2 guys goto the farthest(one waiting outside, one doing inside)   meanwhile the pilot and another guy do the closest base.


When a wingman mans a side turret and just shoots non stop you screw over the pilots ability to use Tether effectively and waste a ton of flux trying to use it. 

When a wingman jumps off the ship to rush the bases and "save time" you also grab ALL the aggro.  You pull the fighters and crewships away from the pilot towards the bases.  Losing aggro makes the pilots job incredibly more hard because now the fighters arent flying around him so he can easily take them out and worse they are within the danger zone of bases now so if he goes after them he has to get shot to crap.   Likewise any new crewships spawn close to enemy bases.

Just wait the 5 freaking minutes for a good pilot to do his thing before you do yours!!!!


Also do not EVER refine the loot in the forge..... you are not even helping yourself.... those materials are almost entirely only used to craft ammo.   The good loot that your going to use to actually make RJ componens and weapons are NOT in the forge.....  titanium, asterlite, fennels, etc... arent in the damn forge.   So congrats on screwing the team out of ammo so you can have more ammo crafting materials lol...... 

Even if you needed copper/carbide/cubics whatever, it is FAR easier to spam missions and get massive quantities as the end of mission rewards then to try refining what you need.


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Most resource are found in the astriod and debris fields, not drops from enemies. Go farming the map AFTER mission complete (mission fail timer stops) particle ram great for breaking floating crates and astriods or shoot then with rj guns. rj has bigger pickup range than archwing. rj also has boost so you can fly faster unfortunately you have to turn it off manually to recharge it.

Invest in all intrinsics up to rank5 equally as this give base access to all systems then rank 7 after 7 your choice as to priority 

Dojo sigma MK3 good enough to get you to veil tycho mk3 probably best missile for harder targets. 

take your time its no race if your solo playing, if you have a clan squad jump in with them and farm gian point for the good stuff. 

Valance system is there to upgrade the named MK3 gear so don't worry if the first bits are poor stats you can upgrade then. Recycling refunds resources. And selling unwanted low levl duplicates equals dirac for avionics upgrades 

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