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Autumn 2020 Featured Dojo Contest [Winners Announced]!


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Hi thanks for the opportunity. We've been on this journey for some time. We hope one day  to deserve first place.🥰



•Clan tier: Storm

•Clan platform : ps4

•Your Clan role : founding warlord

•Feature image:



other images:




video tour:




Edited by (PSN)rosinha007
I changed the video and added photo
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On 2020-11-13 at 1:00 PM, [DE]Helen said:


Autumn leaves are changing color with the next rotation of Featured Dojos on the Star Chart. Your Clan could be next! Showcase the hard work and creativity that your Clan has dedicated to creating your Dojo.

There will be three winners per Clan tier per platform (20 first place winners in total).

  • PC: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon
  • PS4: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon
  • XB1: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon
  • Switch:  Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon

How to enter:

Decorate your Clan Dojo by yourself or with members of your Clan. Take us on a tour by sharing image(s) and/or a 3 minute video of your Dojo in this thread! Feel free to dive into interior design detail and tell us what went into creating your rooms of art!

We recommend submitting images in a spoiler tab to keep everything organized. Click the icon shown below to make a spoiler box appear in your post:

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You must include the following information with your submission:

  • Clan name
  • Clan tier
  • Clan platform
  • Your Clan role (Must be the Founding Warlord or have Architect permissions)
  • Feature image of a section of your Dojo that you want to highlight (in addition to any other images or video you choose to include)

Please keep in mind that the winning Dojos will be accessible from the Star Chart. That means that, if you win, all players will be able to access your Clan Dojo at any time!



Winning Clans receive the bronze, silver, or gold contest trophy and massive stockpiles of resources

The number of Resources awarded to each 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner is determined by Clan size. See the full list of prizes below:

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Featured Dojo Prizes.png

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Clan name: Hungry Ninja
Clan tier: Shadow
Clan platform: PC
Clan role: Founding Warlord
Feature image:



Other Images:

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Rules for Submissions:

  • One submission per Clan
  • Must list your Clan’s name, tier, and platform with your entry
  • Must be the Founding Warlord or have Architect permissions for the Clan whose Dojo you submit
  • Video tours must not exceed 3 minutes
  • Dojo theme and presentation must be appropriate for the community forums
  • Do not reserve spots in the official contest thread
  • Submissions that do not follow these rules will be disqualified

Summer 2020 Featured Dojo contest winners are not eligible for the Autumn 2020 Featured Dojo contest. They are welcome to enter again in a future round! Please keep in mind that Clans that have never been Featured are given priority.

Rules for Winners:

Given the number of players who will visit Featured Dojos, we have a different standard for content in Featured Dojos than we do for Dojos that aren't open to everyone. We may ask winners to make small changes to their Dojos for the time they are featured based on the following:

  • Nothing vulgar or offensive can be included in Dojos while they are featured on the Star Chart
  • You cannot change your Clan tier until after your Clan Dojo has been featured on the Star Chart
  • Winners who disregard these rules while their Dojo is featured will have their Dojos removed from the Star Chart. If deemed necessary, increased disciplinary action will also be taken

Featured Spots for winners are reserved for November - February 2021.

Each winning Clan will hold a Featured Spot for one month.

Selecting Winners:

After the contest closes, a group of Warframe Community Team members will take one week to review all submissions. Once the top submissions have been chosen, Community Team members will closely review and compare those submissions a second time to select the winners.

We look for creativity and quality. Large structures are impressive, but keep in mind that small details set winning submissions apart from top submissions. Focus on creating an immersive atmosphere with details we can’t ignore. Make your Dojo a testament to your unique Clan!

Winners will be announced on November 26 during our community live stream at twitch.tv/warframe

This contest starts now until  November 26 @ 1:00PM ET!

All players from PC, XB1, PS4, and Nintendo Switch can participate!

Clan name: Odd Ones
Clan tier: Shadow
Clan platform: Xbox 
Clan role: Founding Warlord
Feature images:

Design Details:


With only 40 forma, we've married efficiency in layout/resource costs and natural beauty serving as a mental health safe-haven. We have many secrets hidden within the dojo of the Odd Ones. How much will you discover? Use our transporters to access multiple areas otherwise inaccessible. 

We began as a clan of 10, but grew to 16. Adults just living life that don't want to hear any malarkey about a kick rule. We strut about our home as a tenured professor does their office, so apologies if someone is startled by your presence. 

10+ John Prodman posters
Naberus Mobile
Planetary Observation Deck
Consolidated Design
Secret Rooms
Shrines to Real Tenno
A nice Home-y feel


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Clan name- Surviwal school

Clan tier-Storm

Clan platworm-PC

Clan role- Fouding Warlord

 Qur Dojo has 42 rooms, each room is unique and has a specific atmosphere. We invite you to watchit, andwe hope that this time we will win a golden trophy


































Edited by Cyberbos
bad quality of photos
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Clan name : Xikarium

Clan tier : Shadow 

Clan platform Switch

Clan role : Architect 

Hello dear friends,
I am taking the liberty of allowing my clan to participate in this competition in order to expose the work of our dear architects to as many people as possible. 
I thank you for the attention you will give to our work. Kunitsuna Nichirin.


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I'm a little confused, it says:

"Winners will be announced on November 26 during our community live stream at twitch.tv/warframe

This contest starts now until  November 26 @ 1:00PM ET!"


"After the contest closes, a group of Warframe Community Team members will take one week to review all submissions."


Do we have until the 26th to submit? Or a week before the 26th to give time to review dojos?


Edit: Also a little disappointed there's no Alloy Plate in the rewards. I've spent millions of alloy already and still need potentially millions to go before submitting.

Edited by NecroPed
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  • Clan name: Tenno-Of-Time
  • Clan tier: Ghost
  • Clan platform: Nintendo Switch
  • Your Clan role: Founding Warlord

I made this dojo all by myself as one person over the last few weeks stuck at home ,also I only have a switch so I can't export screenshots.(this is a limitation for anyone that plays on switch and does not have professional capture equipment) Please check my submission I hope i can still enter 


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Clan name: A.N.A.R.C.H.I.S.T.
Clan tier: Storm
Clan platform: PC
Clan role: Warlord

I didn't show everything that we have in the dojo, but we have a lot of things))).







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12 hours ago, (NSW)SpaceMercNinja said:
  • Clan name: Tenno-Of-Time
  • Clan tier: Ghost
  • Clan platform: Nintendo Switch
  • Your Clan role: Founding Warlord

I made this dojo all by myself as one person over the last few weeks stuck at home ,also I only have a switch so I can't export screenshots.(this is a limitation for anyone that plays on switch and does not have professional capture equipment) Please check my submission I hope i can still enter 


Not true. You can export screenshots directly to social media on the Switch, you just choose not to.

Please disregard this dude's misinformation. Hopefully my remarks clear up any confusion: you can post screenshots on Switch directly to social media from the console itself.

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9 hours ago, (NSW)PattonFiend said:

Not true. You can export screenshots directly to social media on the Switch, you just choose not to.

Please disregard this dude's misinformation. Hopefully my remarks clear up any confusion: you can post screenshots on Switch directly to social media from the console itself.

What if he Does not have a twitter account ? Switch is a bad platform for being able to share media, you can't even export to a USB drive Please Disregard this disregard DE. The submissions should be checked manually and NOT BY shared screenshots because of stuff like this




Edited by (NSW)TheWanderer101
format edit
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  • Clan name Clan Elder Dragon
  • Clan tier: Mountain
  • Clan platform: PS4
  • Your Clan role: Founding Warlord
  • Feature image 6RW1cvS.jpg

    Elder Dragon Hall

    This room has undergone several revisions over the years, and this is our spawn rooms current look. My clanmates and I were talking about how cool of a show "Legends of the Hidden Temple" was back on 90's Nickelodeon. The look of the temple in that show inspired this room. I don't have a talking statue head, but I do have our clan logo on the left wall here and a dragon claw alter on the right.



I have put the images here in groups in order to tell a few stories from our clan that have influenced my dojo decorating. The short descriptions on the images will give all the info.


Hidden Dragon Falls

I am an admitted non-fan of Loki, so I make a large waterfall in this room to reinvent the large Loki statue the room normally comes with. There are seating areas on the 2nd floor as well as hidden dragon statues to find around the falls.


Octorok, The Guardian of the Swamp

This guy was found one day in the lower levels of the dojo. Since he was non-hostle to the Tenno, we allowed him to take up residence here in the swamp. He has gotten quite a bit larger the the Tenno expected.


The Tenno 1 Percent

Some of our Tenno, missing the old Orokin opulence, requested an Orokin themed room. This room as seating areas and a large collection of old Orokin artifacts on display.


Raising a God

Quite a few people have asked me where the name for this room came from. Though if you really look at the collection of fuzzy friends, you might find out.....


Halls of Honor

This room is the start of our honor halls. To the left are the clan members that have gone above and beyond in service to the clan. To the right are the equipment masters, any clan member MR 29 or higher. *since I started this build before MR 30* Since this is all linked together hall pieces, there is room to keep expanding as more people earn their place here.


Cetus Fishing Camp

A quite room for meditation, fishing practice, and telling tales around the fire. As the Tenno grew to know the Ostron's over the years, many decorative items have been traded here.


Solaris Recreation Center

Since the Tenno have been getting help from the Solaris, they have taken advantage of their unique skills in shipping and receiving of equipment and supplies here in the dojo. This is the receiving area, but there are also a break room, storage area and a small shop. The vent kids have been seen around as well, and there is talk to hearing the beeps and boops of arcade games coming from the vents.


Throne of the Chaos Dragon

Another clan member suggestion that I think was half a joke. When I ask for donations to the vault, some of my clan mates like to respond with "Blood for the Blood God". Since they started that I will play at being a totalitarian clan leader in joking. They said I needed a throne if I was going to act like that, so I built one.


Alices Garden

Would you like a spot of tea while you visit?


Black Queens Garden

I have been inspired by many things in my artwork, and Alice in Wonderland is one topic that I go back to from time to time. This garden is a mate to Alice's Garden and the Red Queens Garden


Frozen Hideaway

I personally am not a huge fan of the holidays, but many of my clanmates are. I made this area in our ice cave just for them. Seems some of our snowmen from cold storage found there way here. I swear these things move on their own sometimes....


Cold Storage

You know, it does not seem to matter how many times we put the snowmen back into cold storage, they seem to just keep showing up in other rooms. No one sees them move from place to place, or move at all. But.... as evidence by the mass of them we had to lock behind glass, their numbers keep growing.....


The Trophy Room

My clan members love to donate decorations, so i needed a place to show them off in style.


Chem Lab

A simple room where the the clan has done its Grenieer research and stores the fruits of that labor.


Dark Wood

Since I was busy with other rooms, I HAD been using this room for storage. I guess the environment was right for these trees to grow, though they never gain any leaves. I have not figured out yet where the cold drafts come from, or just who or what the glowing eyes seen in the shadows belong too.


Sentient Experimentation

The Tenno needed to get a better idea of what the sentients had been doing since the Old War, so a collection of Sentient artifacts where added here during Operation Scarlet Spear. It seems they are taking on a life of their own. Perhaps being them back was not a great idea after all......



A simple name on the teleporter hides a fearsome creature. Having stowed away on someones Railjack, this Sentient Dragon has made a home here for himself. Its the only room large enough for him, though he never shows us his full size. He 'welcomes' anyone that flies in in their Railjacks with a good look into their cockpits.



This is another older room that has been updated over the years. It is now the home of two orokin dragons immortalized in a pitched territorial battle. Around the room and out into space, rubble from their fighting can be seen and traversed.


Frosty, the Dragon of Ice

A clan member that used to have a frosty name of his own did and continues to do a lot for the clan, and his name inspired this dragon. It's a shame we have to keep him in here to keep him cold enough to be comfortable, but he seems to love it. He even found himself some treasures to keep him company.


Scorch the Dragon of Fire

Our fire elemental dragon. Burrowing his way in and out of the walls of this cave, he causes steam to rise from the stream with the heat of his body.


Iratorum the Corrupted Dragon

I build this dragon room before we got the Helminth, but even I have to admit that this guys looks like his big brother. I don't think this one will only eat the cat....


Mechanist the Broken Dragon

My clan members have challenged me to create a dragon for various elements when I ask for ideas for the dojo. This one was in response to being asked to make a water dragon. I didn't want to go standard so i made an Orokin mechanical dragon that has been damaged and left on the bottom of an ocean.


Dragon Vault

The first dragon I built in our dojo. This one guards the dojo vault. When my clanmates don't give me a theme for a dragon, I go with either faction or elements. This one is a Grenieer construct. Not quite a rival to the Corpus proxies, but its a good start for them.


Cuthulhu in R'Lyeh

Not even the great old ones have been spared the effects of the infestation. In his sleep, the great dreamer and his city have been nearly taken over with crawling infested pods and tendrils. Not that Cuthulhu will mind a few extra tenticals around should he wake.



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2 hours ago, (NSW)TheWanderer101 said:

What if he Does not have a twitter account ? Switch is a bad platform for being able to share media, you can't even export to a USB drive Please Disregard this disregard DE. The submissions should be checked manually and NOT BY shared screenshots because of stuff like this

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Perhaps they don't see the .... um..... inappropriateness..... that we see here...... They also could have added it after the contest was over. It's against the rules to do so, but not everyone follows the rules.

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  • Clan Name: Pride Den
  • Clan Tier: Shadow Clan RK 10
  • Clan Platform: PC
  • Clan Role: Founding Warlord

Come see our newest room Entrati Trade Market. Spawn in, and meet the GSA (Grineer Security Alliance). Go through security check, to find a robot smuggling Ayatan  treasure and floofers. Have a drink at the cyber cafe. Or grab a snack at the Tenno Bakery. If your really hungry, head to the Floofer Fry BBQ, even with a Food Truck. Do all of this and still have time to do your Banking or go to the Stock Exchange. Visit the Throne Room next door. Where you will find the children of the employees from the Entrati Trade Market running amuck. Afterwards, go next door and visit Spot the Dragon, our newest memeber of the clan, in Dragons Lair.

































































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