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DE your lighting is overexposed to the point where its actually painful to look at. Please fix it.


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Seriously DE, the lighting system in this game is just ridiculous. Even with the brightness turned down to zero and all the relevant settings like bloom turned off, the lighting in this game is still far FAR too bright. When my character looks at the floor or stares at wall its like the sun has gone supernova. In the dojo alone, the lighting is physically painful on the eyes because its far too bright, even with the settings turned down to the minimum. The lighting system is so janky that if you're looking in certain directions, the whole room lightning becomes way too overexposed and just makes the whole thing a literal eyesore.

Please can you fix this DE because this is just intolerable and really is not good for ones eyes to look at overexposed blinding whiteness all day.

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I got to experience this in its worst farm, running the recent Fomorian appearance.

I think we can all agree this is not okay:



These are the same settings I've had on for a long time, ever since Warframe started failing to perform worth a damn on my machine for whatever reason. Practically on the bare minimum, so no extra post-processing glare and all that jazz. No artificial settings were cranked to create this abomination of a screenshot.

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44 minutes ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

I got to experience this in its worst farm, running the recent Fomorian appearance.

I think we can all agree this is not okay:

That's actually just missing textures which then get colored completly white. Painful on the eyes, but not a lighting issue.

If i had to guess, they probably forgot to include those textures in the ensmallening update, for one reason or another.

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5 hours ago, saghzs said:

That's actually just missing textures which then get colored completly white. Painful on the eyes, but not a lighting issue.

If i had to guess, they probably forgot to include those textures in the ensmallening update, for one reason or another.

Not true. Notice that my Warframe and Archwing are still overexposed to blinding levels. Using them in other content doesn't cause them to render in the same way as the screenshot, as would have to be the case if every single texture in that scene was simply broken.

You can see faint reds on the Fomorian, too. It's just so egregiously exposed that anything less contrasting and prominent in colour has generally been completely washed out.

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