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vulpaphyla and Predasite breeding feedback/bugs


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Ok, so i have successfully bred 3 fully mutigen/antigen panzer vulpaphyla's they 100% breed over any muti/anti gens of both parents the only thing thats random is the looks and there based on the parents 50/50 of either.

unknown.png (1825×1645)

unknown.png (1751×1532)

So do we know if trade fail is actually a bug or a feature at this point?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Hey sorry if I'm necroing this thread. Didnt want to create a new one since this one is here. I'm just now getting into these pets and was wondering if cross breeding them will get you their visuals. I really like the spiky main and legs the slys get but when making one you can only get one or the other. Does cross breed allow me to get this look? If possible I wanna save myself the time from testing it myself if someone already knows.

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  • 1 month later...

Also necroing this thread, it seems.
Trading imprints now seems to be a thing for them (finally), so got a traded imprint from my buddy, who'd successfully bred all mutigens/antigens into her panzer. Put that together with an imprint of my panzer that had the look I wanted, and got the lottery of the child having the look I wanted with (supposedly) all the mutigens/antigens on it. However, if doesn't have all the polarities that it should from the resulting breed.

Wondering if this is a bug/feature, or I need to gild it to fix, or if I need to essentially breed it again to get it situated.

Seems the child got Naramon from my panzer, it's own initial Precept polarity, and both another Precept and a Vazarin polarity from the breeding.

UPDATE: Seems to have fixed itself in giving full polarities once I was gilding the Vulp. So, passing around fully bred vulp data for folks to then breed for chances at their desired looks is entirely viable, along with the added polarities making building the things less forma intensive.

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  • 1 month later...

I've a question. I wasted 23 Kubrow-Eggs for literally the same apperance. My goal was a full Mutagen/Antigen Pharaoh and in all breedings i got the same pola-order. Penjaga, Madurai, Vazarin, Naramon - every single breeding. I was looking for a Leptosam/Iranon but instead all final breedings was Monachod/Tethron

Is there a order whats dominant gene or ... ?

Dont say im unlucky.

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1 hour ago, Omega-ZX said:

I've a question. I wasted 23 Kubrow-Eggs for literally the same apperance. My goal was a full Mutagen/Antigen Pharaoh and in all breedings i got the same pola-order. Penjaga, Madurai, Vazarin, Naramon - every single breeding. I was looking for a Leptosam/Iranon but instead all final breedings was Monachod/Tethron

Is there a order whats dominant gene or ... ?

Dont say im unlucky.

where you mixing two diffrent apperances? 
its 50/50 between the two prints,  and the genes have be be visiually on the imprints to show up. 
it'll only pick from whatever tail the two 'kubrows' have showing  even if they 'carry' other things 

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb morningstar999:

where you mixing two diffrent apperances? 

Mutagen/Antigen = appearance or head and tail. :) Sorry.

So... yes i know its 50/50 but really - 23 pharaohs got all the same appearance?

My first step was a rank1 imprint (Leptosam/Iranon) + rank2 imprint (Chiten/Elasmun) = a pet with rank 1&2 Mutagen/Antigen and looks like a rank1.
Step 2 the same with rank3 & rank4 for a pet with both but looks like rank4.
Last step imprint of the first and the second and breed. Everytime the same. 4 Polarities and everytime in the same order (penjaga, madurai, vazarin & naramon). You understand what i say? 23 breeds and all the same? Even when i use from the final one imprints and a fresh rank1 i get the appearance of a rank4. There is no 50/50 in my eyes.

Oh and yes i tested different orders but everytime the same stupid last thing.

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  • 1 month later...

Here's an annoying thing for you: The imprints don't say what mutagen and antigen have been used on them. So if you got rid of the original pet you have no way to know what you made. So if you are like me who made 6 pets to prepare for breading all defences and got rid of them.... well let's just say I had to give up on that project for now.

There's also the question of whether the defences just give the benefits or if they also come with the weaknesses. I would assume they do but the terminology isn't clear and there's no way to test it with the defences not working. I made a chart to see what the benefit vs weaknesses would be. You can see how they potentially add up by using the tick boxes.


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