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A Summarization Of Why The War Is Rigged.


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Warbros is under a 1000, i believe. Anything above that is the highest tier, moon tier i believe. If anything's ridiculous, it's that we, warbros almost "single-handedly" turned this thing into a grineer steamroll competition.


We, warbros, are dedicated. Take AceViper as an example - he wanted to have fun, and he had/has his fun.

A lot of the old, dedicated members quit. We're just... okay, i'll say it, but i don't want to sound arrogant: "good".


Dedicate yourself more, try harder, i really want good competition. However, your "whining" isn't really helping your case. You are here, posting about how the corpus are too underpowered and losing - when you could play the game and have fun.


Then maybe I'm getting you mixed up with that ridiculous 17k clan they had to split into a bunch of branches. Too many "Bros" around. Warbros, Broframe, whatever. Same thing IMO.


Either way, I have an IRL job (that I Just got home from...), I had work Friday (missed out on a Forma because the battle was apparently won within 2 hours), etc, etc, etc.


And I'm typing this as I'm waiting for supper to get done, can't exactly just log onto Warframe and end up having to stop in mid-mission.


Translation: Some of us have lives away from the computer. I know that's hard to imagine, but please try to bear with me.

Edited by Xylia
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Then maybe I'm getting you mixed up with that ridiculous 17k clan they had to split into a bunch of branches. Too many "Bros" around. Warbros, Broframe, whatever. Same thing IMO.


Either way, I have an IRL job (that I Just got home from...), I had work Friday (missed out on a Forma because the battle was apparently won within 2 hours), etc, etc, etc.

You are mixing Warbros with BROFRAME, most of all. BROFRAME is the... not so pleasant company we have on the Grineer side.


I also have a job, i get my payment perhour and i do not have a lot of free time. Yet i keep pushing when i can.

I'll say it once and probably a thousand times more: Try harder.


Are you implying we don't have lives out-side of the computers?

I'll have you know: I'm a college student, i have a fulltime job, and still have enough time to have fun and push while supporting my family because of reasons i'm not going to write down.


Bottom line: You have time for what you WANT to do. We're not going to let up because you're too "casual".

Edited by Sakatox
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Did you read Reason #4 in my OP?


And if people were REALLY playing to the story, then we'd have people trying to balance the war out. Think about it -- if the Tenno help the Grineer Curbstomp the Corpus, then the Grineer will literally turn right around and bring their full might to bear against the Tenno which does not help us in the long run.




If the Tenno made the Grineer pay for every inch of their victory (or if they did the same to the Corpus), then both sides would be weakened very heavily and it would have been a Pyrrhic Victory of epic proportions and both sides would be very heavily weakened and forced to back off and recoup their losses.


But sadly, the game mechanics don't support this (lack of 'balance' rewards) and the playerbase doesn't seem to understand (more like they probably simply don't care) about the actual lore behind this.





Okay so you're going to call me "Bitter" because I'm disappointed that DE pitched a "Power Struggle" to us and instead gave us a Curbstomp Battle that was decided at the very beginning?


Ok, fine, I'm bitter then.


Nobody enjoys a war movie where there's no question in who's going to win or how they're going to win. Everybody knew Rambo was gonna win and come out alive, the exciting part was more of "HOW is he gonna beat all of those guys?". What we have here is a "Yup, Grineer are gonna win, nothing to see here. *yawn*" type thing, unless DE pulls something weird at the very end to suddenly tip the scales over... but then if they do that, then we'd have the hordes of Grineer supporters whining about it, that'd probably hurt the game as a whole if they didn't let them win.


Ah as a tenno in this war the smart thing to do is side with the Grinnies and save more Tenno to aid us in the future. Not only that but the enemy of my enemy is my friend so siding with one side to wipe out another makes far more sense to me as fighting both sides hasn't done a great deal yet so wiping one out and then  going for the other in a weakened state is a much better idea. 

As for your points they are all valid in my honest opinion I just enjoy the event anyway :).

Hope you end up enjoying it anyway!

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There's really no contest at this point.  Earlier it seemed like the Corpus were pulling through on a world now and then, but signing in today everything is red.


I give up.  I was 50 missions in for the Corpus, but theres no real point, is there?

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Allow me to add 2 other reasons why the war is rigged.

1: Rollermines jump off the level.

2: Corpus moas block the only path forward and cause you to fail the mission.



I'm not sure if there's any way to fix this feasibly, but it would be very appreciated. T-T

Edited by notHunky
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Allow me to add 2 other reasons why the war is rigged.

1: Rollermines jump off the level.

2: Corpus moas block the only path forward and cause you to fail the mission.


I'm not sure if there's any way to fix this feasibly, but it would be very appreciated. T-T


This.^  sigh


Great post Xylia, thanks for bothering to make a summary for all those shouting "You're just another butthurt Corpus supporter, your arguements are invalid".

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For me, the only thing they could have done is shroud what we lose by fighting for the corpus and possibly make us lose access to phobos if the grineer won.


but y'know what? I'd -STILL- rather fight for the grineer. they're a more interesting faction, Ruk is a bonafide Bad-a** and aladV is a nincompoop in a funny dress trying to act all cool while trying to make money off my efforts.


I'll gladly brofist ruk & shoot alad in the face

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Man does this community love to *@##$ about everything.

The thing is, most of you will get the S#&$ty sidearm that's probably a reskined Lex or something, and the BP for the other sidearm that you can craft, upgrade and potato for free. And if you don't get it? No real loss other then you don't get to hang with the cool kids with their shiny new toy that will go out of fasion in a week. Oh, and you will eventually get a new event with new prizes. Free stuff. I even bet that they will do something extra special for xmas, probably a giveaway of sorts.

I can bet that even then, people will *@##$ about it...

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I'm on the side of the Grineer, but... Ick.


The elitism in this post just made me vomit in my mouth a bit.

Elitism or not, that's the gist of it. I didn't tiptoe the issue, because there's no need to.


It all boils down to this: do you want to "waste" time with Warframe, or not?

We do, you don't, that's also fine, but we should be rewarded for our dedication, not punished as the thread supposedly suggests.


"Elitism" would be: git gud.



You're not being elitist enough.


Try harder. 

Are we attacking persons now? This does not relate to the topic, and attacks my personal qualities instead of addressing my points in a speedy fashion. How is this being elitist? Were you barred from Warbros? No. We are good, and we are not ashamed of that. Join us in the event, and be good. It's up TO YOU!

Edited by Sakatox
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Siding with grineer is balance.


Tenno blew up all their Fomorian super dreadnoughts that would have annihilated corpus outposts with ease. How conveniently and quickly we forget.


Sorry Xylia but your post is a giant wall of fake justified "I didn't get a supercharged Detron, so based DE's am based".


You're also either incorrectly ignorant or deliberately falsifying evidence, because the two largest alliances in WF sided with the Grineer before the event even started so the stuff conspiracy pretty much falls apart right there.

Edited by -Kittens-
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Just in regards to the Lore/Colonists thing.


I don't think the colonists are non aligned civilians as such, more like non-military Corpus. Someones got to be in a factory making all those Moas.


I also don't think that the Grineer are helping us free our fellow Tenno, it's just that getting them for themselves isn't a priority for them. The plan is the Grineer army gives the Corpus a kicking on Mars, we help them, they don't make any attempt to grab the cryopods, and some of us go off and get them while the Corpus are distracted.

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You're also either incorrectly ignorant or deliberately falsifying evidence, because the two largest alliances in WF sided with the Grineer before the event even started so the stuff conspiracy pretty much falls apart right there.


If you are going to accuse me of falsifying evidence, you better tell me what evidence I supposedly "Falsified" and how/why ti is False, with proof to back it up.


And way to completely miss the point, buddy.


the two largest alliances in WF sided with the Grineer before the event even started


Well, durr.


Doesn't matter if they did so before, or after the event started, it is still stupid that the whole damn war is decided by two clans/alliances that are a large collection of no-lifer people.

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Siding with grineer is balance.


Tenno blew up all their Fomorian super dreadnoughts that would have annihilated corpus outposts with ease. How conveniently and quickly we forget.


Sorry Xylia but your post is a giant wall of fake justified "I didn't get a supercharged Detron, so based DE's am based".


You're also either incorrectly ignorant or deliberately falsifying evidence, because the two largest alliances in WF sided with the Grineer before the event even started so the stuff conspiracy pretty much falls apart right there.

Correction: Siding with the Grineer is not balance.


We blew up the Fomorians because they were going to wipe out the Corpus and take all their resources. The corpus aren't all that great at military, and Tenno are meant to keep the balance of the Origin system. Remember why we were awoken? Because the Grineer were spreading and taking things for themselves. They were tipping the balance onto their side, and we rose up to stop them.


Anyone who sides with the Grineer in this is looking to get the sleeping Tenno back, fight a weaker enemy, or get the better battle pay rewards. Anyone siding with the Corpus is doing it because the Grineer shouldn't be any more powerful, liking fighting a tougher enemy, going for better rewards, or because they like an underdog.

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The OP has some good points, the one I agree with the most is the fact that the lore really is skewed vs going against the Corpus.  Like another poster said in another thread, 1 Tenno is worth like 1,000 Grineer or Corpus.  Who cares if the Grineer get more powerful if all they're doing is oppressing (maybe at that) Civilians we've never seen or heard of and probably don't care about or if we're getting More Tenno from the Corpus to use against the Grineer if/when they turn on us.


So the Grineer get more territory and resources, why would that scare me when we've liberated so many Tenno from the Corpus.  We can just use those new Tenno (who we care a LOT more about) to just cut down the Grineer to size.


We can just send out a few lone Novas to take care of the problem.  Maybe with a Rhino or Frost or Trinity to back them up if we want it done faster.


2 Tier-1 Warframes can blow up over a hundred Grineer in no time flat without breaking much of a sweat (hell, 1 top tier Warframe can do it, just slower), so why would we worry about greater Grineer influence?

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So the Grineer get more territory and resources, why would that scare me when we've liberated so many Tenno from the Corpus.  We can just use those new Tenno (who we care a LOT more about) to just cut down the Grineer to size.


We can just send out a few lone Novas to take care of the problem.  Maybe with a Rhino or Frost or Trinity to back them up if we want it done faster.

From the lore side of view. We the Tenno are small group that have been woken up and are kind of weak, but slowly getting stronger. In the game side of view, yeah we could always do that.

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As much as I do believe this even was very poorly executed, with painfully un-equal rewards in the beginning, I think there are a few lore reasons why the factions are un-equal. 


The Corpus are supposed to be more intellectual, and more into tech advanced, while the Grineer are supposed to exist for nothing more than to fight war. Yes, this means the Corpus should have some extremely powerful weapons, which they currently don't, but I don't think they should just be Corpus versions of Grineer AOE weapons, unless we are going to be seeing allot more of this faction choice. 


The above is also probably the reason the Corpus started off with such different rewards, which, again, in theory to lore, & the universe makes since, but in action in a game it is completely nonsensical to do so.


I don't know, really I am pretty annoyed at how they handled this, but at least this time I can see a few of the reasons behind why some of this was so broken. . . Not like when they put mutagen samples behind a key wall, that doesn't make a lick of since from gameplay, or from a lore point. >.<


Edit: Also, from a Lore point of view.... Why are Grineer even a choice? If the Tenno are supposed to just keep things in balance, and in turn be peace keepers, then shouldn't we be fighting only the Grineer to insure they do not become more powerful? Following this train of thought, we should be trying to stop them, to insure the safety of the "colonies" which are apparently civilians. Assuming this is the main reason Tenno exist, then surely the Tenno in the pods wouldn't mind being sacrificed for "the greater good," because they would presumably have sacrificed themselves to keep these colonies safe, & prevent the Grineer from becoming more powerful than anyone else.

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Well, durr.


Doesn't matter if they did so before, or after the event started, it is still stupid that the whole damn war is decided by two clans/alliances that are a large collection of no-lifer people.


At the time of writing, Warbros has 42,000 points.  A significant amount, sure.  But it actually only amounts to 420 people getting the tier 3 rewards if they're not going back and forth between the two factions.  420 people in a community this size doesn't exactly equate to an insurmountable obstacle.


If they've significantly affected the outcome of this event, it's because they were leaders.  Their legendary grinding ability is secondary to the aura they've got about them, and that made others choose their side.


Fundamentally, your problem isn't with the event - it's with human nature.

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Too little too late, Big clans were already locked into grineer by the time that change came and had a whole lot of time where pugs didn't have a snow flakes chance in hell at competing because of the added difficulty.

Well, not really "little", but it definitely was too late! (and I agree that taking into account the other 4 items in the list this didn't matter much).


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A HUGE portion of the playerbase aren't even trying for Leaderboards in most events. They do enough to get their rewards, and then they move on. Who keeps hacking at them even after their rewards are earned?


Clans trying for Leaderboards.


Warbros, and the other large clans who are locked into 1 choice, which was most likely Grineer due to the other reasons. Which earns more points? The masses of players doing "5 and then stop" or the few-thousand no-lifers doing hundreds of missions to keep their place on leaderboards?



Why not ask those players to grind out the corpus games then ?  

Anyhow I am in a tiny Stormclan vying for top 3 so I will just shut up :)

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At the time of writing, Warbros has 42,000 points.  A significant amount, sure.  But it actually only amounts to 420 people getting the tier 3 rewards if they're not going back and forth between the two factions.  420 people in a community this size doesn't exactly equate to an insurmountable obstacle.


If they've significantly affected the outcome of this event, it's because they were leaders.  Their legendary grinding ability is secondary to the aura they've got about them, and that made others choose their side.


Fundamentally, your problem isn't with the event - it's with human nature.


And warbros actually has more guys then that. I am surprised they have not broken 80k....

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The OP has some good points, the one I agree with the most is the fact that the lore really is skewed vs going against the Corpus.  Like another poster said in another thread, 1 Tenno is worth like 1,000 Grineer or Corpus.  Who cares if the Grineer get more powerful if all they're doing is oppressing (maybe at that) Civilians we've never seen or heard of and probably don't care about or if we're getting More Tenno from the Corpus to use against the Grineer if/when they turn on us.


So the Grineer get more territory and resources, why would that scare me when we've liberated so many Tenno from the Corpus.  We can just use those new Tenno (who we care a LOT more about) to just cut down the Grineer to size.


We can just send out a few lone Novas to take care of the problem.  Maybe with a Rhino or Frost or Trinity to back them up if we want it done faster.


2 Tier-1 Warframes can blow up over a hundred Grineer in no time flat without breaking much of a sweat (hell, 1 top tier Warframe can do it, just slower), so why would we worry about greater Grineer influence?

Maybe the Grineer get more units? A cluster grenade launcher unit with a crap ton of shields. A roller that becomes more rollers upon death. Nervos comes back. There are a lot of things that can happen from this.

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At the time of writing, Warbros has 42,000 points.  A significant amount, sure.  But it actually only amounts to 420 people getting the tier 3 rewards if they're not going back and forth between the two factions.  420 people in a community this size doesn't exactly equate to an insurmountable obstacle.


If they've significantly affected the outcome of this event, it's because they were leaders.  Their legendary grinding ability is secondary to the aura they've got about them, and that made others choose their side.


Fundamentally, your problem isn't with the event - it's with human nature.


I know I said Warbros earlier, but I was actually confusing them for the Multi-Clan Alliance that is BROFRAME. I read somewhere that they have 17k members or some-crap. That's........ a heck of a lot of people. Even if they JUST did their quota on each battle, that's 85,000 PER NODE. That is assuming everybody stops at 5 and everybody does 5 (actual results might balance out more).


And that's JUST Broframe.


That's not counting Warbros and a few of the other large clans.

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Maybe the Grineer get more units? A cluster grenade launcher unit with a crap ton of shields. A roller that becomes more rollers upon death. Nervos comes back. There are a lot of things that can happen from this.


We can speculate all we want, but in the end Lore actually doesn't matter.

Considering how little of it was actually injected into the game itself, rather then them telling us via chat and livestream, it's pretty obvious that lore is not a prevalent factor.

Trying to justify who is right because of an imaginary predictions of an imaginary conflict in an imaginary realm, in which NONE of those has ANY confirmation and/or details, has pretty much the same relevance as shipping Couples for [insert overhyped anime here]

Possibly even less so.

Even then Speculation of the ramifications are also irrelevant because they could literally be nothing. We have been given NO hint or implications that relate to anything outside of the tenuous lore standing.


In other words, who cares?

If you do, you shouldn't.

DE obviously doesn't. Otherwise they would at least HINT to what is going to happen to the game on a mechanical level.

Or even bothered to actively inject more lore into the game before this point.

All we've been told is that we get weapons, where no stats were detailed, If we Grind for X number of hours.


Why am I fighting for the Grineer?

Because it's a FACT that A majority of Grineer weapons suck. And I want Warframe to actually have good ones.


The Twin Gremlins are beat out by the Akbolto which came before and are pretty much the exact same.

The Machete and Gorgon along with numerous others are being retired.

A lot of the existing Marketplace weapons are nowhere even close to being anything beyond Mastery Points.

There are only Two weapons in the Grineer themed Chem lab.


One of the only Corpus weapon to be retired is the Snipetron, and IT got a Vandal version.

The Machete deserves the same fate, along with the associated Wraith/Vandal/Prime buff that is implied.

And while the Brakk is not guaranteed to be Useful. It come as a by product of the Machete Wraith being added, and it still has a CHANCE to be a good Grineer weapon.


Meanwhile, over in the Energy Lab, Most of the weapons in there are considered to be at a minimum functional at high levels, And getting even more powerful due to hidden passives with Electric Shield.

Meanwhile, the Prova already has 150 charge damage, and is not in Dire need of the Vandal buff.


To put it simply. Lore is irrelevant.

And the Grineer are honestly the best choice for the game mechanically as of this point.

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LOL... conspiracy theories abound.


bottom line, more people like grineer over corpus. more people are interested in the 100 reward for grineer over the corpus gun. a large percent are fickle children who can't pick a side. (read chat... "i'm a mercenary.. i don't have a side.")


this is definately not rigged, and i just hope that DE makes Grineer super strong as a "reward" for supporting them. they said the side that wins will be much stronger (in the lore sense anyways) but i hope it's a literal jump in grineer power.


then next time maybe people will be less inclined to just throw themselves one way or the other.


example: what if alad had one this battle and he developed a new stalker?! that'd be epic. plus we as a community would be able to earn new stalker weapons.  that would have been enticing huh?


either way, the political value of this event is epic. the rewards are a side product, but it really should be about the lore.


as for the whole clan thing it really should have just been +1 for fight period. i understand the negative balancing thing, but groups who care would have banded together. on a personal level it made sense, on a clan level not so necassary.

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