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Corpus Elite H4Xx0R


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Just little thing about the corpus elite soldiers (the flux rifle ones):


They always have a 100% accuracy on you and never miss you no matter how fast you are, this combined with the uber damage of their flux rifle is a bit unfair to non-rhino players as you pretty much die when 2 or more shoot at you at the same time.



I suggest either an exp reward increase for killing such a strong unit or a nerf in their accuracy as it gets annoying to fight against aim-botting bots. Maybe a small delay on their target updating would do, so that you can evade them.

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If only there was a way to not charge headlong into them...

In all seriousness, they are lethal. I keep shield strength, recharge, and health mods equipped for every run. "Duck and Cover" is a viable tactic. Also, Flux them right back for fun and profit.

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almost every enemy has 100% accuracy in the game, running faster doesnt help. the only reason why other enemies arent hitting you is their shots have spread or travel time, and elite crewmen doesnt have that. if anything all enemies should have some reaction time and shouldnt be about to keep their shots on target if we're moving.

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This is hilarious. All guys supporting Grineer hate the Corpus's most powerful unit and all the guys supporting Corpus hate the Grineer's most powerful unit whilst at the same time saying their faction's units need a buff.


However I kinda do agree, far too accurate and long ranged. How about making it overheat rapidly or having it gradually build power as it is hitting you?

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i'm pretty sure is not worse than having 4+ Napalm Greenier spawning randomly in the same room with you :A


but seriously im using Rhino with Iron Skin(no corrupted mods)and it doesn't last at all when facing Corpus Elite, same with Greenier Eviscerator,i wonder why devs haven't buffed Rhino's Rhino Skin or added damage type resist,i just imagine how frustrating must be use any other Warframe...

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The elites have just made me a better playe. Mobility is key, rolling into cover, wall running and strafing even in circles can throw their aim, and when you do these things you can see that they do have reactions updates that are slower than you. Not by much though but it's something

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Well, I do the event with rhino so I died only once so far in more than 100 missions, but my teammates die like flies, also there is not much cover, especially if you enter the corpus ship there are most of the time more than 20 corpus just shooting. 4 corpus elites can get a 1500+ iron skin down in a second, and the beam can hardly be dodged with normal frames because youre dead most of the time before you can run to the side.


Yeah and even if youre a rhino with +80% power strength iron skin and 1200 shields you die incredibly fast by those elites, a lvl 50 corrupted heavy has the same power (but not that much accuracy!)



Its true that enemies basically all have 100 accuracy, but the elites are the only ones without weapon spread AND hitscan.

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They are weak as F***. Seriously. Any decent weapon one-shots them regardless of where it hits and you can dodge them or outrun them. And they aren't anywhere near the level of OP that scorches are, let alone Napalms.



Oh god I die fast if I charge head on 40+ level enemies without dodging and pressing numbers repeatedly does not save me... waaaah!

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Oh really? Should I begin about Napalms and Bombards?


Napalms and bombards have a different problem: napalms damage radius is much bigger than the visible explosions and the bombards... well they are quite easy to dodge and to kill?


Corpus elites cant be dodged in any way as they have a hitscan weapon and 100% accuracy.


They are weak as F***. Seriously. Any decent weapon one-shots them regardless of where it hits and you can dodge them or outrun them. And they aren't anywhere near the level of OP that scorches are, let alone Napalms.



Oh god I die fast if I charge head on 40+ level enemies without dodging and pressing numbers repeatedly does not save me... waaaah!


I never said that they arent weak, but they dont reward us enough for the grade of difficulty they are to us. I can just rhino stomp and kill half the map, but what does a Nekros or a Loki? I tried to outrun them multiple times but they kept hitting me, no matter how fast my frame was, also outrunning is hard when you got knocked by a shockwave MOA or are under fire by 3 techs, corpus elite pretty much never come alone.


Also, for weak shield frames: one elite is enough to kill one very fast, I have my maxed redirection, I have my maxed vigor, I have my iron skin. But what should a newer player do in your opinion?

Edited by Genoscythe
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