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Crazy weapon fusion idea.....


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So you can fuse weapons of the same category (primaries, secondaries, melee, archweapons and sentinel weapons). There is no restriction on which 2 weapons in a category you want to fuse. Fuse the amprex with the ignis or the stradavar with the hek or athodai with the magnus, whatever you want. But there are certain..... restrictions:

  1. Fused weapons cannot be fused a second time, so if I've fused my ogris with my gorgon to make..... the gorgis or.... orgon, then I can't fuse it with anything else.
  2. If one or both of the selected weapons have some quirk, like the plinx has a rechargeable battery or the quantz releases an electric proc when its magazine empties, then there is a 50% chance for either one of the quirks to pass over onto the end fused..... quannix. If your fusing 2 weapons and one of them has no quirk, then the end result has a 50% chance to either have no quirk or a quirk.
  3. Kitguns, zaws, kuva and prime weapons are excluded from this system. Kitguns and zaws to avoid normal warframe weapons to gain access to exodias and paxs. Kuva because the increased mastery and already valence fusion system would be... more confusing. Prime weapons because fusing them with normal variants or even fusing them with other prime variants.... sorta gonna ruin the lore.
  4. Players will need to craft a fusing mechanism. the crafting requirements shall require 4 built orokin catalysts. Now here's the interesting bit: if you have fused two weapons using the mechanism, say the tiberon and the daikyu but you didn't like what turned out, you can revert it instantly and both weapons shall have the fusing mechanism permanently engraved in them. So if you decide to fuse them again, you don't need to craft another fusing mechanism since they already have one engraved in both of them. And this is applicable for all weapons in that category that have a fusing mechanism, suppose I have one already engraved in my fulmin, then I can fuse the daikyu or the tiberon with my fulmin. However, if I revert any fusion, then those weapons shall have a cool down of 48 hours placed on them, before I can fuse them with anything else again.
  5. For any 2 weapons that I fuse, the riven for each weapon has a 50% chance to be applicable on the end result. So if I fuse the nikana and the penant, then there is a 50% that either nikana rivens and their disposition would be applicable and a 50% chance that the penant rivens and their disposition shall be applicable.
  6. Weapon specific mods are not applicable on the fused result, like the formorian accelerant on the drakgoon or magnus's or obex's or marelok's etc.

Alright, so how will the fused end result look:

Utility features: Ammo type, Projectile speed, Noise level, Fire rate, Accuracy, Magazine size, attack speed, range, combo duration etc. Each weapon shall randomly 50% of their features to the end fused weapon. So ammo type of one weapon may be taken, noise level of the other, magazine size of the other etc. 

Attack features: Critical chance, critical multiplier, status chance, base multi shot, punch through, damage falloff etc. Now there is a guaranteed chance that the end fused weapon shall have a greater value for any 1 feature (CC, CD, CD, SC or Multi, fall off etc.) than the values that were present in the original 2. For the remainder features, it works the same as with the utility features, each weapon contributes 50% of their stats to the end result, so CD of one and multi of another etc.

Damage types and total damage: If weapons share damage types then higher stat one shall be exchanged, however, the fused weapon will never have more total damage than any of the original 2 weapons that were used. If weapons possess varying damage types then there is a 50-50 chance for those varying stats to crossover. However, the end fused weapon will never have more damage types than were present in any of the original 2. Suppose you decide to fuse the synapse with the strun. Since neither of the 2 share any common damage type, therefore, the result could be just corrosive, just corrosive and puncture, just corrosive and slash, just slash and puncture, just impact and slash, just slash etc. But it will never be corrosive, slash, puncture and impact. Now lets suppose you decide to fuse the braton with the strun, since they both share the same damage types and the strun has the higher damage numbers, it will crossover.

Alt/Secondary fire: Weapons with alt or secondary fire modes have a 50% chance to be picked i.e. if I'm fusing the drakgoon with another weapon, then there is a 50-50 chance that its charged shot features shall be taken into consideration and not its normal attack mode and vice versa.

Weapons with radial damage: If any one of the two weapons has a radial effect then it has a 50% chance to cross over completely (maintaining all stats except for the AOE radius) radius for radial attacks is capped at 2 meters.

My intent is for this system to be specifically for intermediate to expert players, to do experiment and find ways of making weapons that are forgotten..... back into use.

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I have no words beyond... no
This is much too complex to ever consider adding, not even considering the massive amount of balance issues this presents. Warframe needs balance, not more power-creep.

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Well, well, well... so if we fuse a Grakata with a Tonkor, we may have a potato launcher with the magazine size and firerate of the Grakata or a rifle with the firerate of Grakata et the magazine size of the Tonkor ?


How to say...

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The one place in the game where I could see this being practical is in Railjack weapons. Due to the limited number of these introduced to date.

Resulting in a weapon that represents a 50% midpoint between their respective stats, rather a slow creep upward in overall stats.

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