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The Gradivus Dilemma Has Ended, Tenno


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Shame your grammar isn't up to par. I shudder to think of what the professor thought of your thesis, when you're showing the grasp of basic English I'd expect from a young child.


Regardless - the burden of proof is upon you. If you want us to believe all of these poorly-woven lies, you're going to have to man up and provide some backing to those claims. Otherwise, you're simply another deluded child on a small cornet of the Internet, desperate for attention and willing to go to some fairly absurd lengths to get it. Nobody cares who your parents are, where they work, what your major is, or what your aspirations in life are - keep it to yourself, or else make a decent standing for your point, with some evidence to back it up.


If you can't do that, then I invite you to out, with the emphasis on getting the hell.

im not an english student and this isnt english class if you want formal writing tell me and ill revise it and do all that S#&$. were on a forum you grammar nazzi. i hate you too much to read your second paragraph, stop replying to my posts please.

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Alright Kirito, I have saved Asuna for you. I hope your happy. and i have yet to find my beloved xaresia from the cryopod survivers. i will be busy searchig fo her so i wont be available for quite awhile. Alad the fifth, So help me by the gods if you have harmed or altered xaresia with the zanuka project in any way im gonna relocate your eyesockets to your bung hole! Your gonna get yours ALAD

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deagin, on 30 Oct 2013 - 10:37 PM, said:


i shouldnt have to go to any media site or even warframes site. all we needed was timer similar to the random alert missions. its simple programming that created a huge ammount of user error that DE should have seen coming. almost all programming conventions teach the programmers to use "robust" code. meaning you make your programs to ward off any form of error. not having that timer created user error. IE its all DE's fault and considering how much money i have put into the game i should feel free to give my input on how to make the game better without getting ridiculed by trolling forum%&^s


Cry me a river Oggg plz baby blue ;)

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I don't know man, I'm an ex-navy seal f22 pilot with two supermodel girlfriends in a polygamous relationship and a net worth in the millions. His story sounds legit.


6 potatos vs 4. 6 potatos vs 4. 6 potatos vs 4.

im feeling the sarcasm. but im not ruling your story out, i like to believe people. 


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First off, thank you DE for the best event yet. And, despite the MANY posts stating otherwise, a really big THANK YOU for allowing the event to run the full course of the week, as planned. I was a little leery of this at first, and got my 100 missions done on Monday night just in case (once bitten, twice shy... darn Sling-Stone Event...), so I was very happy to see that your "returned to form", a la the Fusion Moa Event, by even going so far as to letting it run 2 hours long. Very nice!!!


Secondly, even though there were a plethora of connection and stability issues (I have had no less than FOUR CTDs since the Event was patched in, and I have never CTD'd since starting the game in April), I wanted to say THANK YOU for making this Event SOLOABLE! Yes, after getting "left in the wake of a rushing Nova" once too often, I tried it solo. And with my L15 un-potatoed Mag, was able to devastate many a Grineer all by me lonesome. Every Bombard deserves a good Pull every once in a while, followed up with a nice Ignis-blast in the arse. I easily did 50% of my runs solo, so that was nice (even when Stalker showed up... I was actually kind of grateful for that, as he cleared the doorway of stuck Moa so that I could progress once I polished him off).


However, on to a few leetul issues:

Battle Pay: Srsly? @yuikami had the perfect pic to sum up what was going on with the first three missions, where Alad V realizes that Tenno want Resources instead of Credits, and offers 3 Neurodes to the Grineer's 150K cr, and then slams his head trying to figure out why he lost. And it was like that throughout the event, with the exception of Catalysts, which I think were the only Conflicts that the Corpus actually won.  So it is very funny to me that people are saying that those of us who supported Corpus were greedy.  Grineer almost always had better rewards, even when it came to Alternate Helmets.  And don't get me started on them offering Mutagens.  "We want you to fight for us, so we went to the Orokin Derelicts, broke through the key wall, and brought back Mutagen Samples, which we carefully crafted into Masses so you don't have to, so you can claim the only new weapons available in your dojo."


Commitment Factor in Score: I don't know how DE could have thought this event was going to be balanced when it started off so imbalanced, and with the message from the top (to the clans) of "COMMIT OR LOSE!"  So, 25 missions in (or more), and you expect people to pull up stakes and switch sides?  Not likely.  I did, but that was because I finally read through all the lines as to what the lore behind the Event was really about, and my inner-Jedi took over.  Our fellow Tenno brothers and sisters would GLADLY give their lives to stop genocide.  There is Sacrifice in every war.


Armament: Did I get taken by surprise by having a few flux rifles fired at me simultaneously during the early missions? Yeah. Once. Was able to avoid that the next few runs. But even after running with the same pub crew for 4 missions in a row, were still were overtaken when we ran into THREE Bombards with two Heavy Gunners at their sides. Let's face it, this was not an even-handed battle, not by any stretch of the imagination. Those who did Corpus-only missions for their entire 100+ need to be applauded for their effort, since fighting with the Grineer was cake in comparison.


End Goal: In the end, what were we truly fighting for? A badge. That is it, my brothers and sisters... you were fighting for a badge. Esp. since you most likely got at least one catalyst in this event, and weapon slots are not much of an investment (or you can finally delete the Cronus you were hanging on to for nostalgia just because it was the "first weapon I crafted in Warframe... ever!"), and you should have enough resources to craft the Brakk or Detron, depending on how the tide turned. Once I realized this, and what that badge stood for, I realized which side of this conflict I should be on.  I am only wondering what the badge will look like.  My original wish was that it would be more of a "Anti-other faction" badge than a "pro-faction" badge, which would be much "easier" to wear.  Now, my thinking, due to the in-game indicator when selecting Corpus (the Circle inside the Triangle inside the Circle) is the bee hive logo on the flag in Cloud City at 1:22:02 in Livestream #16. Look it up!


And to that one guy who asked why anyone would wear a "loser badge"... I will gladly replace my Master Founder badge with my Jedi-Corpus badge, showing that I stood for upholding balance in the system over personal gain.  

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I have intercepted a message from the Corpus board to Alad V. They have grown tired of bankrolling Alad V's war effort and have withdrawn their funding. This has left Alad with no other option than retreat. Sargas Ruk is already readying his victory speech. This battle is over.


You have all done well. Those of you who supported the Grineer have given me the time I needed to locate our sleeping comrades. A recovery team is already travelling to retrieve their cryopods. Those that supported The Corpus have slowed Grineer aggression. Though the Grineer ultimately emerged victorious, they did so at great cost.


The time for partnerships with these warlords has ended. We are no longer forced to support them in their petty conflicts. We must return to our stated goal of bringing balance to the solar system.


The Lotus


Wtf... it said that it ended at 4pm... im still 60/60 on grineer and corp... thanks alot now i dont get the catalyst and slot ..>

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Alright Kirito, I have saved Asuna for you. I hope your happy. and i have yet to find my beloved xaresia from the cryopod survivers. i will be busy searchig fo her so i wont be available for quite awhile. Alad the fifth, So help me by the gods if you have harmed or altered xaresia with the zanuka project in any way im gonna relocate your eyesockets to your bung hole! Your gonna get yours ALAD

I hope she wasn't a Mag, given what got revealed in the council a day or so ago. :(

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I think people forget that corpus supporters are annoyed about not getting the Detron because they grinded out 100 corpus missions because they wanted the Detron.

It's pretty unfair to make someone work for something then slap them in the face with something that they didn't want at all instead of what they worked for.

Especially when the reasons for giving them something else were entirely out of their control.

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First off, thank you DE for the best event yet. And, despite the MANY posts stating otherwise, a really big THANK YOU for allowing the event to run the full course of the week, as planned. I was a little leery of this at first, and got my 100 missions done on Monday night just in case (once bitten, twice shy... darn Sling-Stone Event...), so I was very happy to see that your "returned to form", a la the Fusion Moa Event, by even going so far as to letting it run 2 hours long. Very nice!!!


Secondly, even though there were a plethora of connection and stability issues (I have had no less than FOUR CTDs since the Event was patched in, and I have never CTD'd since starting the game in April), I wanted to say THANK YOU for making this Event SOLOABLE! Yes, after getting "left in the wake of a rushing Nova" once too often, I tried it solo. And with my L15 un-potatoed Mag, was able to devastate many a Grineer all by me lonesome. Every Bombard deserves a good Pull every once in a while, followed up with a nice Ignis-blast in the arse. I easily did 50% of my runs solo, so that was nice (even when Stalker showed up... I was actually kind of grateful for that, as he cleared the doorway of stuck Moa so that I could progress once I polished him off).


However, on to a few leetul issues:

Battle Pay: Srsly? @yuikami had the perfect pic to sum up what was going on with the first three missions, where Alad V realizes that Tenno want Resources instead of Credits, and offers 3 Neurodes to the Grineer's 150K cr, and then slams his head trying to figure out why he lost. And it was like that throughout the event, with the exception of Catalysts, which I think were the only Conflicts that the Corpus actually won.  So it is very funny to me that people are saying that those of us who supported Corpus were greedy.  Grineer almost always had better rewards, even when it came to Alternate Helmets.  And don't get me started on them offering Mutagens.  "We want you to fight for us, so we went to the Orokin Derelicts, broke through the key wall, and brought back Mutagen Samples, which we carefully crafted into Masses so you don't have to, so you can claim the only new weapons available in your dojo."


Commitment Factor in Score: I don't know how DE could have thought this event was going to be balanced when it started off so imbalanced, and with the message from the top (to the clans) of "COMMIT OR LOSE!"  So, 25 missions in (or more), and you expect people to pull up stakes and switch sides?  Not likely.  I did, but that was because I finally read through all the lines as to what the lore behind the Event was really about, and my inner-Jedi took over.  Our fellow Tenno brothers and sisters would GLADLY give their lives to stop genocide.  There is Sacrifice in every war.


Armament: Did I get taken by surprise by having a few flux rifles fired at me simultaneously during the early missions? Yeah. Once. Was able to avoid that the next few runs. But even after running with the same pub crew for 4 missions in a row, were still were overtaken when we ran into THREE Bombards with two Heavy Gunners at their sides. Let's face it, this was not an even-handed battle, not by any stretch of the imagination. Those who did Corpus-only missions for their entire 100+ need to be applauded for their effort, since fighting with the Grineer was cake in comparison.


End Goal: In the end, what were we truly fighting for? A badge. That is it, my brothers and sisters... you were fighting for a badge. Esp. since you most likely got at least one catalyst in this event, and weapon slots are not much of an investment (or you can finally delete the Cronus you were hanging on to for nostalgia just because it was the "first weapon I crafted in Warframe... ever!"), and you should have enough resources to craft the Brakk or Detron, depending on how the tide turned. Once I realized this, and what that badge stood for, I realized which side of this conflict I should be on.  I am only wondering what the badge will look like.  My original wish was that it would be more of a "Anti-other faction" badge than a "pro-faction" badge, which would be much "easier" to wear.  Now, my thinking, due to the in-game indicator when selecting Corpus (the Circle inside the Triangle inside the Circle) is the bee hive logo on the flag in Cloud City at 1:22:02 in Livestream #16. Look it up!


And to that one guy who asked why anyone would wear a "loser badge"... I will gladly replace my Master Founder badge with my Jedi-Corpus badge, showing that I stood for upholding balance in the system over personal gain.  

I actually respect you a LOT for how well you took this, I don't see very many corpus supporters who aren't butthurt that they lost, and are instead standing by their principles. 

personally I sided with grineer because, Enslavement of what exactly? more corpus? who want to dissect us for a superweapon? no thanks. I decided to remain loyal to the tenno, and instead ensure chaos among both sides, fighting for the grineer to save our brothers, while getting Ruk to lower his guard about us thinking his men were more competent than they really were. 

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You won't get far in the professional world if you treat your coworkers how you treat people on here.  Getting a job in the professional world is all about contacts.  The computer development world is smaller than you may think.  It is an uphill battle if no one likes you.


Just a friendly piece of advice from a programmer.

im aware of the way the programmers conduct themselves im at my dads office alot getting help and even get to walk about the lab talking with the EEE's. i dont treat anyone like this in real life but seeing as the internet calls for a different level of formality especially when someone is trolling you on a forum doubting the things happening in your life i act as such.

the computer development world is still probably bigger then you are thinking though. and lets not forget bill gates and steve jobs both climbed uphill against IBM outwardly challenging them as garage based programmers. so i like to think of this sentiment as drive sometimes even to fellow programmers.

thank you for the advice though.

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With the other Corpus leaders restricting his funds they have shown that needlessly putting civilians on the line is not a good business strategy, Alad's possition is weakend, he will have a hard time trying to pull such a stunt again in the future and his Zanuka project will be delayed until we can further investigate what it is and how to stop it, should it come to be.


And we got our ancient comrades back.


Also i congratulate everyone who kept fighting with the Corpus giving the Grineer heavy losses.


Now we just have to clean up some Grineer activaties on Mars. I pulling some attacks at Phobos to force him into pulling back forces from Mars.

You get a +1. I wish more players thought like that instead of whining endlessly. 

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i shouldnt have to go to any media site or even warframes site. all we needed was timer similar to the random alert missions. its simple programming that created a huge ammount of user error that DE should have seen coming. almost all programming conventions teach the programmers to use "robust" code. meaning you make your programs to ward off any form of error. not having that timer created user error. IE its all DE's fault and considering how much money i have put into the game i should feel free to give my input on how to make the game better without getting ridiculed by trolling forum%&^s

Saying 'they need a timer' and saying this event did not end when you expected it to even though it ended pretty much when they planned to end it, then blaming them for a it are two very different things. It seems you have been having an argument with me internally and forgetting to fill me in.

Anyway I'm done arguing this point since you are intent on blaming what you admit to be user error on DE and have now resorted to petty insults.

I could just as easily say 'considering I have put almost $100 into the game I should be entitled to discuss and refute unfounded non constructive complaints with facts' but instead I'm going to take the smart move and leave to go enjoy not being insane.

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I have intercepted a message from the Corpus board to Alad V. They have grown tired of bankrolling Alad V's war effort and have withdrawn their funding. This has left Alad with no other option than retreat. Sargas Ruk is already readying his victory speech. This battle is over.


You have all done well. Those of you who supported the Grineer have given me the time I needed to locate our sleeping comrades. A recovery team is already travelling to retrieve their cryopods. Those that supported The Corpus have slowed Grineer aggression. Though the Grineer ultimately emerged victorious, they did so at great cost.


The time for partnerships with these warlords has ended. We are no longer forced to support them in their petty conflicts. We must return to our stated goal of bringing balance to the solar system.


The Lotus


anyone else notice this is The_Lotus? hey DE what happened with rebeccas original account on here?

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OK i see all lot of complaining is going on here and I did complain all little to in my Last Post.

So i just want to say that this was still an awesome event with great reward and very helpfull too.


Forma ( pretty rare Item wich is usualy purchaesed in the Market )

Mutagen Mass   ( wich is 1. expensive and Time intensive too craft ) x5 Times

Fieldron  ( the same than MUtagen Mass)


The Event itself was a good Idea thoug, I had lots of fun.


All the Item's i got an the Credits too, have helped me to make very good progress in the game.


So Thank you for this Event.

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I read what you said. The information was clearly visible from the get-go. It was not a late edit. It was there from the start. You shouldn't be blaming anyone but yourself for not seeing it.

My comment was useless as well? I clearly showed you where it could be found. Where it was from the start. 

The information was also on the front page so your claims that it wasn't in a just place are completely unfounded.


Ok I see we have problems communicating.... That little link you are talking about, NEVER SHOWED UP in my in game menu. Similar links, like a letter from the Corpus telling me to fight for them and forum threads, DID show up (as if those were the important ones!). So clearly, I didn't get the link, and clearly, it wasn't handled right.


Now, you just said it yourself..... Front Page! Front page of what may I ask? The site right? Did I not just mention that I am not in a mood to be flying around on sites? I popped into the news update section and obviously it is not the link that you sent me. I clicked on whichever links were posted in the game menu to the left and none were the one you sent me which is obviously much clearer than ANY link I came across. I even popped into the wiki because whenever I have a question on the game hey, its a great place to find answers. This proves I also looked into it more than I should have.


Missing out on news on the front page of the site of the game is $&*&*#(%&. I was not aware till now that I had to go there as well just in case I missed something everytime a new patch or event comes out. I was under the impression the links in the game were more than enough. I clicked on the icon of the game, to play the game. Being redirected from within the game to a browser is bad enough, if those redirected links are not the ones I am looking for then we have a problem, simple. I am not obliged to (after clicking the links in the game) also look at the site, check the forum, log on to a facebook page or who knows what else. Tell me in game or dont tell me at all. This is simply a sorry excuse and I stand by it. I logged into the game after work hours to play, not surf the internet and search in my browser. At which point, a day later, I even looked into the wiki which at the time did NOT have those extra details. Soorryyyy I was under the impression that the wiki is enough in such occasions and didn't think to go the home page of the site. Which, by the way, is always going on about platinum and I was once again (wrongly from the looks of it) under the impression that the forum (where the actual updates are posted) and the wiki were enough.


Anyway, this is blowing up out of proportion more than it should. I get bombarded with other notices that are not as important as this one all the time, and this one was not obvious.


And again I stick to the fact that you simply did not read and/or understand my post. Here it goes once more, I didnt say it was NOWHERE, I said it was NOWHERE OBVIOUS. I am playing a game, not in a mood to be searching the internet for that game! It's bad enough that every time we are redirected to the forum with every single news on the game, now it is my fault I was redirected to different links and never on the main page? My fault I am guessing also that it didn't occur to me to check the game site instead of just go through the game right? Silly me. And here I thought I was off the browser and in the game.... Should keep in mind next time to look on every damn possible place to be sure I get the news.


p.s. An ingame description is what any sane developer would do for this kind of thing. What is it with this new practice all developers have where everything they post is on a damn web page? In game people, IN GAME. Even the load up screen should have these details. Hate this trend. I want to play the game, not look into your site guys, how else am I supposed to explain this? The site is meant to be for a detailed read on updates and forum threads, not every single damn thing about the game that should be present in the game. That is my take on it, that is how I would design a game, and that is what I believe to be correct. It is obvious many will not agree, but if I am not to share my own opinions even on something like this then wtf is the point to a forum period? It isn't whining, it is a basic thing I am tired of doing. Being redirected everytime I log into the game to a browser. This has to stop. Like I said, the browser should be for all the extra details, not the main things with regards to the game itself. Next thing I will be needing to open a browser for every mission to see what it gives me. No.... Just, no.


And that is my honest opinion on how it should work. Agree or disagree, I am simply stating how I would prefer it. If it never happens I couldn't care less, I did not complain about the game itself I love it. I obviously couldn't care less if this never changes I will still play the game because like I said, I love it. I still have opinions though. And no "it was were it should be" will change my mind. I do not agree with the places everyone decided "it should be" and that is the point. No need to blow this even more out of proportion, I think I stated my side to the story well enough.

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Saying 'they need a timer' and saying this event did not end when you expected it to even though it ended pretty much when they planned to end it, then blaming them for a it are two very different things. It seems you have been having an argument with me internally and forgetting to fill me in.

Anyway I'm done arguing this point since you are intent on blaming what you admit to be user error on DE and have now resorted to petty insults.

I could just as easily say 'considering I have put almost $100 into the game I should be entitled to discuss and refute unfounded non constructive complaints with facts' but instead I'm going to take the smart move and leave to go enjoy not being insane.

user error is prevented by good programming. that is my point. a timer in the actual game right above the normal alert mission timers. how is that nonconstructive? ive seen like 30 people in all kinds of different time zones on the forums today having the same problem. my idea solves it. if they had a timer all along, i wouldnt have been left to believe it was the normal daily login timer. just like the dude sweden wouldnt have thought it meant 4 am. or the guy in russia or anyone for that matter. because all who participated in the event would have seen a timer counting down on the left (5d 3h 20m type) that would not have affected time zone or when they decided the event would end, daily login timer or not.


and it could all be done without even opening your browser. that sounds like a better GAME to me.

Edited by deagin
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I have intercepted a message from the Corpus board to Alad V. They have grown tired of bankrolling Alad V's war effort and have withdrawn their funding. This has left Alad with no other option than retreat. Sargas Ruk is already readying his victory speech. This battle is over.


You have all done well. Those of you who supported the Grineer have given me the time I needed to locate our sleeping comrades. A recovery team is already travelling to retrieve their cryopods. Those that supported The Corpus have slowed Grineer aggression. Though the Grineer ultimately emerged victorious, they did so at great cost.


The time for partnerships with these warlords has ended. We are no longer forced to support them in their petty conflicts. We must return to our stated goal of bringing balance to the solar system.


The Lotus


LFM Tethys.

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