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The Gradivus Dilemma Has Ended, Tenno


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Congratulations DE.  Let's just play this event off as if nothing happened.  YOU OWE US ANOTHER APOLOGY.  The event was horribly grineer sided.  EVERYONE AGREES WITH THIS.  The bugs I encountered fighting with the corpus were alone enough to make me not bother with the 100 missions.  I mean what is the point if I can't even finish a mission because the rollers keep bugging.  You should have had this event tested before it even rolled out.  


Time to make it right DE, this event has to be your worst failure yet.


If you feel the same vote me to the top.


Shhh, hey, it's okay. You stuck with your principles but were outnumbered. You were very brave. You did a good job.


It's okay.

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 Actually this was a good event cause it allowed people who could not jump on during the weekend have actual time to play and get some of the awards.

Only reason for me.


Otherwise it was very tedious and mind-numbing after the first 20-25 missions. Can only take so much of doing the same linear levels over and over and listening to the same voice overs. The atmosphere and excitement the missions brought died out quickly as well once their simplicity became really apparent. Either way, lessons learned. 

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Congratulations DE.  Let's just play this event off as if nothing happened.  YOU OWE US ANOTHER APOLOGY.  The event was horribly grineer sided.  EVERYONE AGREES WITH THIS.  The bugs I encountered fighting with the corpus were alone enough to make me not bother with the 100 missions.  I mean what is the point if I can't even finish a mission because the rollers keep bugging.  You should have had this event tested before it even rolled out.  


Time to make it right DE, this event has to be your worst failure yet.


If you feel the same vote me to the top.


Yes DE congrats on a awesome event. And unlike this crybaby I mean it. The only apology you owe is for making us deal with these crybabies by not just suspending their posting privilages for a few days. 


Cut it with the damn hyperbole, very few people agree with you actually. And it seems you forget that this ENTIRE GAME is still in beta.

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Thanks for the event, DE!

We received hundreds of thousands of credits, reactors, catalysts, forma,a bp that would've cost us 250k credits to buy plus we're getting two free weapons....and the sheer volume of people complaining about unfairness, "rigging", and not getting what they worked for...boggles the mind.

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Nobody forced you to participate. Some of us loved this event!

Were you born yesterday?


The event was fun and intuitive, but it was the same thing over and over. It's not just that; the constant fighting between both sides about how unfair or rigged this event was or who's side was better, et cetera.


I enjoyed this event, but a lot of people ruined it for me.

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Grinners ,there nothing to be proud of with 65-70% players supporting grineers, you did nothing more than corpus players.. (100+ missions for most people)

i am not even talking of thoses who supported both side to get all the best rewards..

kinda sad to reward big the cheapest and greediest players...other thoses who stick to a faction...

You sound upset.


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sigh... and I was literally 2 missions away from the tier 2 rewards...

is there any way to extend it even a little? It gets rather difficult to run 100+ missions while in school. I hope these tier 3 weapons won't be event exclusives. I wouldn't mind finding them on some random boss in a few weeks :)


yeah... even when it´s a week and a nonlifer would say that you only need to spend 4 hours on it im 4 points short because it was instantly removed, nice info that it has come to an end but a redtext which would display that the last hour is ongoing would be quite nice i think.


i disliked the event, totally, it was unbalanced because most player picked grineer, can´t say how disappointed you could be by the rules put up for the rewards. it just say that you get S#&$ and nothing more for the time you wasted because you´ve choosen to support Corpus, 96 runs for a badge a melee weapon and a  secondary bp. that i couldn´t even finish the last runs additionally makes me a bit angry but i thought that it would be ongoing till the last planets would be won by grineer.... nope not really only crap for those who cooperated with corpus

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I'd like to congratulate the corpus supporters, because even in defeat they managed to -partially- reach their goal: weakening grineer invasion.


Even though the despicable grineer conquered the mars colonies, they did so at great cost. Now that our fellow tenno are safely in our hands, we may turn against Sargas Ruk, and free the colonies.


Great job everyone.


I do mean EVERYONE.

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