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Nerf The Brakk


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So I got the Brakk after 100 long missions, and I went to test it out. I absolutely slaughtered everything with nearly no effort. I put a day or two of work into getting this hand cannon, but what about the people who farmed much longer for the now weaker bronco prime? This is a huge problem in Warframe, because no matter how hard I work to get something, something stronger will come out and make whatever I have obsolete. So my proposal is to nerf the brakk to be a little worse than the bronco prime.

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So I got the Brakk after 100 long missions, and I went to test it out. I absolutely slaughtered everything with nearly no effort. I put a day or two of work into getting this hand cannon, but what about the people who farmed much longer for the now weaker bronco prime? This is a huge problem in Warframe, because no matter how hard I work to get something, something stronger will come out and make whatever I have obsolete. So my proposal is to nerf the brakk to be a little worse than the bronco prime.


Event weapons have always been strong....doing 100 missions for something worse than bronco prime (and thus useless) is not an option for most.

Also if you are asking to nerf the Brakk...why aren't you yelling Acrid OP as well? The acrid can deliver up to 4 (!!!) times the dps of a Brakk. The Brakk doesn't even have the single target dps of the Hikou/Despair.

You are basically asking something that is FOURTH in line to be nerfed while disregarding the other weapons. 


Also...Bronco prime...farming longer? I don't remember having to run 100 freakin' missions for my Bronco Prime...I had it after like 10 at most.



Stop the outcry for nerfing if you can't even see things in perspective =_=" 

TL;DR : Not sure what you are smoking, but Bronco Prime takes only 10-50% (based on your luck) effort of what it took to get the Brakk. It deserves to be stronger...and it's not even close to the strongest sidearm.... so get outta here please

Edited by Shehriazad
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Bronco prime:

- EASIER to obtain than Brakk. I got the damned thing without actually trying.

- Not an exclusive weapon


- Have to have taken part of an exclusive event where not only did you have to do 100 missions and complete them, but the Grineer had to win.

- Event exclusive weapon, liklihood of seeing it again is not good.


If the brakk was weaker than bronco prime, then where's the interest in obtaining these weapons if they're going to be overshadowed by something else?

Edited by Pizzarugi
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Apart from the cliché response, wait for the Armour 2.0 changes, I am also going to say three more things.


This weapon is an event exclusive for now, so it is not accessible to everyone.


Also, there are many who don't care about how much power a weapon has, but how fun it is. Some people will continue using Bronco Prime or other secondaries, just because they like it.


And at the end of the day, it's a PvE game, it won't hurt too too much if something is OP.

Edited by Vorigan
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oh,here we go again,when a weapon comes out ALWAYS there's someone complaining "OMG it's too OP nerf it plz" or "OMG it sucks pls make it OP"

damn man,stop whining,the brakk is fine and newer people will never get the brakk but could get the bronco prime,so it's fine that it's better.  :D

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no better way to say what i think of this thread, everytime an event weapon comes out, there will be someone who will want it to get nerfed, let me telll you something, if you want to do 100 missions or more, about 500 minutes of playing to get a weapon that is worse then a weapon you already got or farming for, why would you keep any event weapo? They should be spaciel and strong, because ppl worked hard foe them, and they ahouldent be compared to other weapons because you cant say dont get strun get strun wraith right? And besides, lets say you got brakk, you dont need to farm for bronco prime anymore! Now lets say you already got bronco prime, you can either keep it because it has an awesome look and its a prime, or sell it for the slot and say thank you for getting a weapon that is 100% better
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So basicly no one that replied agrees with the OP. Lol... i don't either. 

I'm so sick of people asking for buffs and nerfs on weapons all the time while not putting things into perspective.


It's an event exclusive weapons, it's supposed to be OP if not, in par with the other good weapons in the game. Is this your first event!? Really?

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So I got the Brakk after 100 long missions, and I went to test it out. I absolutely slaughtered everything with nearly no effort. I put a day or two of work into getting this hand cannon, but what about the people who farmed much longer for the now weaker bronco prime? This is a huge problem in Warframe, because no matter how hard I work to get something, something stronger will come out and make whatever I have obsolete. So my proposal is to nerf the brakk to be a little worse than the bronco prime.



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No. The Brakk is a powerful weapon that we received for playing, honestly, way too many missions in a short time period. In addition, I had to craft the damn thing because I supported the Corpus. And I had to put my own catalyst on it. We have worked hard to get the Brakk and it is appropriately awesome.

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Elitist nerf proponents... Elitist nerf proponents everywhere!

Seriously, though, how can you justify nerfs based on the amount of effort you put into acquiring a weapon when...

a) The amount of effort varies for each and every player on account of RNG?
b) The amount of effort varies for each and every player based on the weapons, Warframes, and teammates they have access to?

Don't get me wrong: I'm all in favor of appropriate nerfs. Like nerfing/buffing all existing weapons onto a relatively equal playing field, where one type of weapon doesn't completely overshadow the other. (e.g. Acrid, as opposed to any other semi-auto pistol for mid-range.) It's okay with me to have some things be stronger or weaker than others of a similar nature, but not to the point where one is viable and the other isn't.

On the other hand, I am staunchly against nerfing something just because it irritates you by encroaching on the territory of your pet favorite.

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So I got the Brakk after 100 long missions, and I went to test it out. I absolutely slaughtered everything with nearly no effort. I put a day or two of work into getting this hand cannon, but what about the people who farmed much longer for the now weaker bronco prime? This is a huge problem in Warframe, because no matter how hard I work to get something, something stronger will come out and make whatever I have obsolete. So my proposal is to nerf the brakk to be a little worse than the bronco prime.

waaaaahhhh my toy isn't the best in class anymore waaaaaaaaah <--------------thats all i got from this

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So I got the Brakk after 100 long missions, and I went to test it out. I absolutely slaughtered everything with nearly no effort. I put a day or two of work into getting this hand cannon, but what about the people who farmed much longer for the now weaker bronco prime? This is a huge problem in Warframe, because no matter how hard I work to get something, something stronger will come out and make whatever I have obsolete. So my proposal is to nerf the brakk to be a little worse than the bronco prime.


Oh for F sake.

Why the hell are you people always yelling "NERF IT"?

I did 100 missions during the Gradivus Event. It took a lot of my time.

If it gets nerfed, I get pissd off. I weren't sitting many hours in front of computer to get some crappy weapon. It took a lot of effort and that's why it's good.

I'm having fun using the Brakk. Changing something in the gun could ruin it.


You don't like the gun, you think it's OP? Stop using it and don't bother us with your complaining

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what some of you nerfqueens do not seem to realize, is that JUST because a new weapon comes out, does not mean that in the process of that weapons release were the stats, functionality, or overall usefulness of YOUR FAVORITE WEAPON reduced.


This "my <insert weapon name here> is useless now!" garbage has got to stop. It doesn't even come close to ANYTHING resembling anything along the lines of a sane person's definition of sensible logic.


What you want is stagnation, not balance. you want YOUR toys to be the best, and no possible way for someone else to have anything superior, because as this is a pve game, it really shouldn't effect you considering that nobody is playing a grineer and hoping to gank you in open world.


How anyone could want nothing but the current situation to remain the same forever, is beyond me. New things are going to come out, some will be really powerful, others not so much. If you want stasis in a game, go play a single player with no DLC, because that's what you are asking for when you make posts like the OP in this thread.


STOP making nerf threads. post your thoughts, in terms of how you felt the weapon played out. THAT, is feedback. THIS thread started out as nothing but a cry for attention, as most nerf threads are that don't give sensible reasons as to why changes should be implemented.



TL;DR: Go play Mario if you want games to stay the same without constant additional content or changes.

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