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It's Time (To Separate The Alt Helm From The Stats They Modify)


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Good luck Rue, and you have my support on this! I love the Manticide Helm on Nyx, but I use Vespa because 15% Power efficiency, I don't even need to explain.


If they call the impending new skins Chassis, then Systems would be the perfect name.

Seeing as Helm, Chassis, Systems are the three parts to build a 'frame, and then you can replace the default versions of each with cosmetic Helms and Chassis, and stat-affecting Systems that have no visual effect.


^...^7 good luck! We're behind you




^ exactly what I was trying to suggest, thanks for doing it more concisely than I did. :) 




Sounds good then. :D I hope they consider it. I also can't wait for the skins. :3 I hope they bundle it cuz I'm buying all of em!


This sounds very similar to the Helmet Mod ideas I've been throwing around Region chat and Council chat the last few weeks.

I'm okay with that as long as they do not need to rank it up.



I'm kinda thinking of making all these chips or systems available to everyone from the get go. All the kinds. These can serve as preludes to the mod system. 


So you like the efficiency bonus, there actually exists mods than can grant more! Go forth and collect em all brave tenno!




Also I was thinking of making them add a prefix or suffix. "+15% power strength  and -5% Armor" can be "Vicious" or "of Viciousness" So when you equip it in your vanguard rhino helm it'll become a "Vanguard Rhino Helm of Viciousness" or a "Vicious Vanguard Rhino Helm" (but no, i do not want to have to plus it so it becomes a +9999 Vicious Rhino Helm)


lol it's starting to sound like this certain dungeon crawler I know... :3


Alternatively we could call these chips "modes" so "+15% power strength  and -5% Armor" can be "Obliterate" and your Rhino can be "Rhino in Obliterate mode" lol

"+15% power efficiency and - 5% armor" can be "Barrage" and so on.


Sounds cheesy though



Original post updated.

Edited by _Rue_
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Alternatively we could call these chips "modes" so "+15% power strength  and -5% Armor" can be "Obliterate" and your Rhino can be "Rhino in Obliterate mode" lol

"+15% power efficiency and - 5% armor" can be "Barrage" and so on.


Sounds cheesy though



Original post updated.

I'd love to have a Rhino in Obliterate mode. But there also needs to be one for Volt called electric jesus pinata mode. 

For seriousness now,

Maybe if you tuned down the naming conventions it'd be more realistic? Come up with more basic terms. 






Try and be as generic and wide ranging as possible. So say an Agile mode is one that focuses on boosting mobility while reducing defensive parameters. While a, for lack of a better term, Physicality mode increases mobility while reducing  energy based parameters like efficiency or energy max.

So you've got, I think, 4 areas. Mobility(speed and stamina), Defences(armour, health, shield), Energy(Efficiency and energy max), and Abilities(Power strength/Duration/Range).  

Totalling at 16 different modes, I don't think it would be too bad, especially if they're locked to each frame(So a Rhino and a Loki both have an agile mode, but they each get different stat tweaks). And if you're making them applicable to all frames instead then maybe subdividing them into different chips. Like an Agile1 chip, Agile2 chip. Each chip activates the Agile mode, but one increases speed and reduces health, while the other increases stamina and reduces armour. 


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I'd love to have a Rhino in Obliterate mode. But there also needs to be one for Volt called electric jesus pinata mode. 

For seriousness now,

Maybe if you tuned down the naming conventions it'd be more realistic? Come up with more basic terms. 






Try and be as generic and wide ranging as possible. So say an Agile mode is one that focuses on boosting mobility while reducing defensive parameters. While a, for lack of a better term, Physicality mode increases mobility while reducing  energy based parameters like efficiency or energy max.

So you've got, I think, 4 areas. Mobility(speed and stamina), Defences(armour, health, shield), Energy(Efficiency and energy max), and Abilities(Power strength/Duration/Range).  

Totalling at 16 different modes, I don't think it would be too bad, especially if they're locked to each frame(So a Rhino and a Loki both have an agile mode, but they each get different stat tweaks). And if you're making them applicable to all frames instead then maybe subdividing them into different chips. Like an Agile1 chip, Agile2 chip. Each chip activates the Agile mode, but one increases speed and reduces health, while the other increases stamina and reduces armour. 


wow. that's something to consider! Thanks! 

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Taking LukeAura's and your idea  _Rue_ about naming chips and putting my own spin on it. This is what I come up with.
Ignoring the negatives and different variables for different frames these are the stat boosts we get:
Stamina Max
Movement Speed
Health Max
Shield Max
Energy Max
Power Efficiency
Power Strength
Power Range
Power Duration
Instead of grouping them by idea and giving [name]1, [name]2 I'd prefer just generic names for each type of positive effect alone. I also think they should continue to be restricted to certain warframes like the helmets are now so you can't slot an Ash chip of increased stamina max into say a rhino. Separating the chip by warframe will make it easier to balance the values they are given. Can you imagine a nova with the rhino vangaurd stats? +25% movement on ha nova would be crazy on top of the bonus you can add from mods.
so you'd get something like
Agile (stamina max)
Swift (movement speed)
Vigorous (health max)
Bulwark (shield max)
Enduring (armour max)
Vibrant (energy max)
Efficient (Power efficiency)
Focused (power strength
Reaching (power range)
Lasting (power duration)
The reason I suggest just naming based on the positive attribute they increase instead of the combination of positive and negative is the more combos you make the harder it's going to be to name and remember them.
ps. I'm not attached to any of the names I proffered they're just things I could come up with off the top of my head.


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I agree with almost all of this, and you get an upvote from me.


The only thing I wouldn't agree on is making the chips available from the get go. The best solution imo would be to have the chips available for plat, with the helm or separate, and in alerts just like the helms are now. This would add another collectible to the game, since giving players in game items reduces play time, which is bad for DE. Also having them for plat would add a small revenue from people that don't want to wait for the alert.

Edited by Azariahz
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This gave me an idea.

There are very few mods for sentinels so it will surely be more in the future. The sentinels could get an aura slot and the auras stats would be the same as the alternate helmets stats. This would ofc make it possible to get vanguard helmet stats on Loki and the effect would disappear if the sentinel die. I see some backdraws with this but there are maybe solutions?

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I agree with almost all of this, and you get an upvote from me.


The only thing I wouldn't agree on is making the chips available from the get go. The best solution imo would be to have the chips available for plat, with the helm or separate, and in alerts just like the helms are now. This would add another collectible to the game, since giving players in game items reduces play time, which is bad for DE. Also having them for plat would add a small revenue from people that don't want to wait for the alert.


But people who have a helmet already have the cosmetic and the stat aspects.

If the update that implements this removes all of the stat aspects some people would feel robbed, because they only ever got the helmet for the stats.


This gave me an idea.

There are very few mods for sentinels so it will surely be more in the future. The sentinels could get an aura slot and the auras stats would be the same as the alternate helmets stats. This would ofc make it possible to get vanguard helmet stats on Loki and the effect would disappear if the sentinel die. I see some backdraws with this but there are maybe solutions?


Yes and No,

Yes to giving sentinels auras that buff their warframe.

No to changing the helmet ups/downs into sentinel auras.

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But people who have a helmet already have the cosmetic and the stat aspects.

If the update that implements this removes all of the stat aspects some people would feel robbed, because they only ever got the helmet for the stats.




Then for those that already have the stat altering helms they get a free systems/chip/whatever if the system is implemented.


They get a choice of keeping the helmet or keeping the stats (which could be awkward to do so I'm doubting they would) but  not both.


This gave me an idea.

There are very few mods for sentinels so it will surely be more in the future. The sentinels could get an aura slot and the auras stats would be the same as the alternate helmets stats. This would ofc make it possible to get vanguard helmet stats on Loki and the effect would disappear if the sentinel die. I see some backdraws with this but there are maybe solutions?


As a rhino vanguard user, my instant knee jerk response to this is along the lines of "oh hell no". My more reasoned response is that sounds like a very bad idea to me. It's so difficult to keep low level sentinals alive and there are so little options available to us to protect them. They don't duck when we duck, they can't shake off shield leaches, and I don't even want to talk about what happens to them if you get knocked down into a crowd of monsters or run into a couple napalms. Not to mention that even with high level sentinals they can be taken out with bad luck.


So like Trenggiling said no to putting the helmet stats as a sentinal aura, but if sentinals had more of their own aura buffs (or debuffs to enemies like coolant leak) that would be cool.

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  • 3 weeks later...

lol indeed! Excalibur prime+immortal skin+avalon or pendragon=vanilla excalibur lol

Honestly the one I was thinking of the most was Mag. I think her prime helmet is beautiful, but when you've polarized mag prime as many times as I have to maximize pull giving up the extra range from the coil helm(which I think is hideous) would be pretty ridiculous, even after the LoS nerf.


Edit: oh, and that new ember helm is pretty damn sweet as well, but I can't justify giving up the extra energy.

Edited by RedDirtTrooper
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I don't like it. I want to see more varieties. It would be boring because people would just go with trend and equip the better looking helmet with the better stats. If you really want the stats, then you have to look a certain way.

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I don't like it. I want to see more varieties. It would be boring because people would just go with trend and equip the better looking helmet with the better stats. If you really want the stats, then you have to look a certain way.

you are free to use the less mainstream helms. What you want is to take away the choice of people. Essentially, all we want are options and choices.

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I don't like it. I want to see more varieties. It would be boring because people would just go with trend and equip the better looking helmet with the better stats. If you really want the stats, then you have to look a certain way.

different people will think different helmets look "best". That's the whole point. Right now I feel pressured to use the one with the better stats for my build even if I don't like the way it looks at all. Splitting it up would actually encourage the use of different helms.
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  • 3 weeks later...

This isn't a bad idea at all. I like some helms for stats, but a lot I like for cosmetic reasons, and a few vice versa. I do think a helm given power needs to stay with the frame though. Some frames getting other helmet powers may cause issues.

Edited by Crewell
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  • 2 months later...

+1 I've heard of this idea before, its a great one in my opinion!

I'd love to have the massive energy boost of Ash's horrible looking '3D Goggles' helm while wearing his amazing looking Scorpion helm!

Would also actually finally make some SENSE of how the PRIMES are and how we dont use their helmets..


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