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Is This Common Or Is It Just This Guy Being A D*khead?


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Hi guys, I am just wondering what I did wrong this one time. So basically, I am new to this game and was in this boss mission. This "pro" guy joined my game and seemed to have one of those better weapons. He was running super fast and I followed him to the boss. He ran way ahead of me and got killed by a boss pretty quick in the middle. I play Loki and I used invisibility and tried to revive him. By the time I got to him, he died from the boss and said "f*** new players." He revived and got the boss to half HP with his pro gun and stopped attacking. I kept on shooting at the boss because I wanted to finish the mission. The boss shot at me and killed me in a few hits. He ran passed me and didn't revive me, so I figured he wanted me to die since he stopped attacking halfway.


So are a lot of "pro" players like this? From my experience so far, people try to help fallen comrades up. I am just kinda mad that I tried to help him but he left me for dead.

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That is just an individual $&*^ head, and a bad one at that.


*edit to clarify a bit*


It is not THAT uncommon to run into someone who will rush ahead and solo a boss.  Though some more recent changes seem to have slowed this down somewhat.  Most players who are returning to a boss for either resource drops or blue prints, if the boss is lowish level, they may hurry but give newer players a chance to keep up.


Flat out leaving a player behind then dieing to the boss he thought he was going to solo and then blaming you for not rezzing him?  That is just a $&*^.  They are around but not too common.

Edited by Wahooo
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Pro? This guy definitely is not pro. From the sound of it, the proper word would be "Elitist."


Anyway, don't bother with people like that. They aren't worth making a thread about. All that matters is that you tried to help him and you tried carrying on despite his attitude. While you kept trying, he gave up. In my book, you're the pro player, not him.

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 He wasn't 'pro' anything. Just a gigantic prick. The real comedy is that he probably thought he was in the right.


 And it is less common then people tend to think - the problem is that it is easier to remember a few encounters with massive tools then it is meeting generally cool guys.


 Just keep doing your thing. You didn't owe him a revive. If he is a big enough man to rush down the boss alone he should have been a big enough man to kill it solo.

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It seems like, unless you are playing with people you know, groups are all over the place. Many try to push the mission as fast as possible, and refuse to wait for the rest. It sounds to me like this guy was unusually rude though. And sometimes you luck into a really good group that will discuss a tactic or want to really work it as a team.

Sorry you had a bad experience. I think the best solution is to find a clan of a size comfortable to you so that you can build up a sense of team work. Check the clan forums, there are a lot of great ones out there.

Edited by Remitevji
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Eh some of the community is good, some is terrible.  It's a F2P game so you get an absurd number of scrubs (which is going to get worse now that Bigpoint is pushing warframe...) and little kids who can't afford to buy games.  Hang in there, friend me if you need somebody to help you out idm running with bad or unranked equipment if you want somebody to run with on a level field. 


Oh, also make sure you report the jerk.

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HA! Pro players

sadly, and I have been known to do this, the way match making is set up, people can get paired with rushers and new players can be paired with more experienced players all the time


he was being a #$&(% to say that but rushing to a boss to get a material or blueprint isnt uncommon sadly. It is common curtsy to help fallen players no matter their rank.


Personally, I will rush to the boss but wait outside the room before fighting them just to make sure everyone is present.

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Pro? This guy definitely is not pro. From the sound of it, the proper word would be "Elitist."


Anyway, don't bother with people like that. They aren't worth making a thread about. All that matters is that you tried to help him and you tried carrying on despite his attitude. While you kept trying, he gave up. In my book, you're the pro player, not him.

I can only agree 110% with this post

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We have a term for these idiots. It's "rushers". A ton of things the devs do with the game are merely effort wasted to make these idiots HAVE to play intelligently.


That's not to say the dev team's efforts are in vain, but, honestly, how often should they have to spend time designing things SPECIFICALLY to stop people being stupid?


So, yeah. Welcome to Warframe, I'm sorry you've met one of the people we dislike so very early in your career. Please don't think poorly of the rest of us for it.

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Based on experience most players aren't too kind and it's easy to set them off. Then again if you treat them mutually they won't bother you, also I enjoy how you said "pro" if this guy is rushing and can't back himself up that's his mistake it's basically like playing solo if you rush, you better be able to solo the boss. In my opinion it's best not to talk to players unless they talk to you and what boss was it? Just curious.


Just a quick edit not to just bash the whole community, but there are some nice players out there that are worth putting on your friends list, but honestly it's not too common in my opinion.

Edited by WARFLEX
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Pro? This guy definitely is not pro. From the sound of it, the proper word would be "Elitist."


Anyway, don't bother with people like that. They aren't worth making a thread about. All that matters is that you tried to help him and you tried carrying on despite his attitude. While you kept trying, he gave up. In my book, you're the pro player, not him.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Dont let it get to ya mate. Keep playing and have fun. There are a ton of fantastic people in this community and are awesome fun to rock round with in game............then there are the few like this person. Waste of space.

Cheers Tenno

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We have a term for these idiots. It's "rushers". A ton of things the devs do with the game are merely effort wasted to make these idiots HAVE to play intelligently.


That's not to say the dev team's efforts are in vain, but, honestly, how often should they have to spend time designing things SPECIFICALLY to stop people being stupid?


So, yeah. Welcome to Warframe, I'm sorry you've met one of the people we dislike so very early in your career. Please don't think poorly of the rest of us for it.

Woah! Any decent rusher would have finished the boss and marked the drop. Give us some credit. That guy was just bad.

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My clan mate and I are usually on FaceTime when in game, but I've never minded talking to other players. Another way to avoid the rushers is to look on the in game chats for groups doing missions you are interested in. Setting it up before launching really helps avoid the d bag factor.

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Based on experience most players aren't too kind and it's easy to set them off. Then again if you treat them mutually they won't bother you, also I enjoy how you said "pro" if this guy is rushing and can't back himself up that's his mistake it's basically like playing solo if you rush, you better be able to solo the boss. In my opinion it's best not to talk to players unless they talk to you and what boss was it? Just curious.


Just a quick edit not to just bash the whole community, but there are some nice players out there that are worth putting on your friends list, but honestly it's not too common in my opinion.

It was the Saturn map with the robot in the middle. Not sure what's it called.


EDIT: Anyway, thanks for your time, guys. I can sleep well tonight. :)

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