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Something missing from Madurai now


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So... aside from all the very legitimate complaints about Void Sling mechanics and the cooldown on Void Strike, I have one complaint about Madurai for something that's flown under the radar...

We don't have the AOE blind from exiting Void Mode anymore. Now, on the one hand, I'm glad I don't have that eating away my Operator energy (whether I wanted to blind or not).

On the other hand, that AOE blind effect was a life-or-death difference for fighting against normal enemies with my Operator. Without it, I'm missing a key mechanic to help survive with Madurai! Great, I can use Void Strike to boost my damage, and the contamination wave thing to.... boost my... damage... again... just for less. Cool. Cool cool cool cool.

The contamination wave needs a blind effect. That one minor change would be a big deal for Madurai.

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Instead of completely redoing the trees, they should have assigned the existing ones to ability bars so we could activate and deactivate them. Don't want to use blind for now? Just press a button to turn it off.

It is also a shame they removed additional effects from void dash. It was cool to leave a trail of fire behind. 

Some abilities required changes and/or buffs, but right now the focus feels gutted out of everything that made it interesting.

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Though I don't mind Madurai, which is characterised as the school of 'Run headlong into enemies and bust things up' lacking significant defensive options, in practice you are right. After all... in practice you usually need at least some measure of assurance you won't die immediately to actually use that aggression. Whilst possibly not a full blind, a stagger or other stun (maybe that 'Sickness' animation that plays for Saryn's Miasma?) for a short time after getting hit would work well and still fit the themes of 'Overwhelming power' or Contamination in the first place.

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12 hours ago, Loza03 said:

Though I don't mind Madurai, which is characterised as the school of 'Run headlong into enemies and bust things up' lacking significant defensive options, in practice you are right. After all... in practice you usually need at least some measure of assurance you won't die immediately to actually use that aggression. Whilst possibly not a full blind, a stagger or other stun (maybe that 'Sickness' animation that plays for Saryn's Miasma?) for a short time after getting hit would work well and still fit the themes of 'Overwhelming power' or Contamination in the first place.

You know what they say: The best defense is a good offense, and the idea of overwhelming the enemy with a blind, stagger, or stun effect (or even literally setting them on fire, which includes a "panic" animation) is certainly a good offense.

Previously Madurai had both a radial blind effect and the ability to leave trails of fire behind everywhere they dashed, both of which added to the school's ability to survive through sheer savagery.

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