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Innodem rework. Innodem in need. Innodem need the buff


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Right now, innodem is far away in stats in comparison to other daggers even if compare while incarion form is active.


Just from the stats. We have mod condition overload that makes the weapon with base 70 dmg and 360 dmg one shooting heavy guard lvl 300 with bleed tick dmg proc  if we first primer the enemy so sheeve that has 90% dmg weight as slash will be better than innodem that has has only 50% slash. Even the lvl 300 heavy gunner will be ready to encounter after 1h survival mission and most people dont play that long mssions so they will never see the difference in dmg beetween these two weapons if they mod accordingly and synergise their weapons. To bring innodem to similar chance to proc slash as sheeve we would need one more slash weight increasing mod.



If we use balla, peye and ekwana jai 2. We will have similar slash weight, similar overall stats,  but there will be big difference in attack speed with just arcane strike:

(arcane strike 60% and base 1.25) 2 (balla) vs  1.68 (innodem) (0,75 x (65% from incarion+60% from arcane strike).

So to have similar attack speed we would need one more mod slot for attack speed mod instead of bringing dmg higher. And zaw balla can use exodia arcanes, which innodem cant so it cant use exodia contagion, cant get energy from heavy attacks, cant use exodia force that doubles the dmg of the weapon, and apply blast dmg status effect on enemies which buff condition overload.



In comparison to karyst prime (also used example 4th, and we have prime variant of karyst so lets compare to the prime one) it would need one more mod slot to get viral dmg to futher buff the bleed dmg procs.



Normaly we would use dagger with argonak amalgam mod. It works best with electric and gas status effects cus they are area dmg so we dont need range on our dagger to remove the armour  and kill the whole group with that area of dmg status effect. Rumblejack with electric and karyst prime with gas would have 1 mod slot adventage over the innodem.



The air aim glide attack throws projectiles that deal radiation dmg. Ofc it is best to use with the incarion evo IV buff Swooping Lunge. But the Swooping Lunge will not even proc once cus it deals radiation dmg. Also dmg is lower than just using it on ground with stances, and the radiation dmg will make enemis attack each other uncontrolable way so if u are using invsible warframe the enemy can kill u by mistake so like the bombard or any other enemy. This is fixed if we use rakta dark dagger that also procs radiation on enemies. But rakta dark dagger can proc it while using stance dmg multiplayers and every hit on the radiated enemy will give us shields so we will not die from enemies cus we could utilize shiled gating mechanic of invcibility time frame of a little over 1 sec that we can execute at least one full combo with rakta dark dagger and get the shileds back to not die that we cant with innodem.



That are all the weapons that are better than innodem right now from just daggers, so same melee type as innodem, even if innodem stats are worse even if we consider incarion form buffs that cant even be refreshed like praedos.

To balance the weapon, just:

1st make it base attack speed at 1,05 to make it viable option.


....and buff the status chance to 26 so we can have 40% status chance with weeping wound mod to proc second status effect, so we can get higher chance to proc bleed proc if second status procs with slash status on hit on the enemy outside of the stance forced procs.

3rd instead  of attack speed buff from second evolution make it: ,, change radtion dmg type from aim glaide projectiles to slash dmg". Then we can synergise it with 4th evolution and at least make the aim glide projectile usefull.

4th on evolution 5th just make 50% heavy efficiency as a base after activating the incarion form cus of the synergy with focus energy to get to 90% heavy efficiency and get electric dmg status type to actually use it with argonak amalgam mod.

5th incarion form should be refreshable the same as praedos.

This way the weapon will be balanced with other weapons from same category and outside of it.

Not 1 mod slot away, not useless if we use invsible frame, not slow and boring to use.

Of course, still not the best and OP, cus balla zaw still will be superior cus of the exodia arcanes, but at least instead of higher dmg and attack speed of the balla, we will have higher range in incarion form if we decide to use slash build. Thank you everyone who reads my comment/topic about that weapon and please vote it up if you think that DE should rework innodem.

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I would love "Skyborne lunge" to actually lunge towards aerial targets (like archwing) instead of simply increasing range.   Movement momentum of bullet jumps and elevation difference makes it really hard to hit enemies...usually just not worth it, and doesn't even look good.  


Also, aerial projectiles are pain to use because its too easy to trigger slam. 

Imo, Aerial melee would feel much better if Slams were moved to Heavy attack button (tap=normal slam, hold = heavy slam).   That way you could spam aerial melee looking down all you want.


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38 minutes ago, Kainosh said:

Also, aerial projectiles are pain to use because its too easy to trigger slam. 

Imo, Aerial melee would feel much better if Slams were moved to Heavy attack button (tap=normal slam, hold = heavy slam).   That way you could spam aerial melee looking down all you want.


I beleive it is easy to make/fix to add a code thing to innodem that when u arent aim glidng then u can melee slam and if u are aim gliding u cant melee slam

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27 minutes ago, ---Bladek said:

I beleive it is easy to make/fix to add a code thing to innodem that when u arent aim glidng then u can melee slam and if u are aim gliding u cant melee slam

Yeah, that will work....but i would like it as an option for all melee weapons. 

As in "disable Slam attacks during Aim glide on/off".

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  • 2 weeks later...

The main problem I've noticed is that unlike the praedos, you can't refresh the incarnon form, which means you have to wait until you lose the form to reactivate it. If it weren't for that, it would actually be quite comfortable to use, unfortunately this is not the case.

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On 2022-06-16 at 9:40 PM, Kainosh said:

Also, aerial projectiles are pain to use because its too easy to trigger slam. 

You can hold down button (using WSAD -> S).

On 2022-06-16 at 10:21 PM, ---Bladek said:

I beleive it is easy to make/fix to add a code thing to innodem that when u arent aim glidng then u can melee slam and if u are aim gliding u cant melee slam

On 2022-06-16 at 10:54 PM, Kainosh said:

Yeah, that will work....but i would like it as an option for all melee weapons. 

As in "disable Slam attacks during Aim glide on/off".

Using Ghoulsaw you slam attack & do normal attack. I thought about "block + slam" would result in "slam + block combo".

Then I've used few melees with huge range or projectiles then I thought why aim gliding won't disable slams. It's more natural that way rather than doing only-one ghoulsaw change.

Well... Ghoulsaw could still get that unique change.

9 hours ago, EversylScht said:

The main problem I've noticed is that unlike the praedos, you can't refresh the incarnon form, which means you have to wait until you lose the form to reactivate it. If it weren't for that, it would actually be quite comfortable to use, unfortunately this is not the case.

Wait... you can refresh Praedos'?

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8 hours ago, quxier said:

You can hold down button

I need to glide forward between shots....  Holding "backwards" makes me stop.

But, if Slam is disabled when gliding, i will be able to use Aerial melee on the move without slamming down.   That is important coz most aerial targets dont stay still, they tend to float away.

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45 minutes ago, Kainosh said:

I need to glide forward between shots....  Holding "backwards" makes me stop.

But, if Slam is disabled when gliding, i will be able to use Aerial melee on the move without slamming down.   That is important coz most aerial targets dont stay still, they tend to float away.

I'm using range (Primed reach, sometimes +2 conditional mod) on most melees. I hit them few times and go to ground. Probably not all melees are good for aerial combat but the one I've used don't have problem with "floating away enemies".

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5 hours ago, quxier said:

I'm using range (Primed reach, sometimes +2 conditional mod) on most melees. I hit them few times and go to ground. Probably not all melees are good for aerial combat but the one I've used don't have problem with "floating away enemies".

Well....Duh.     With certain weapons you dont even need to jump. Their hitbox is large enough to hit flyers.

Mods, unfortunately, cant help with my issues.    I want to aim aerial strikes directly above and below, while maintaining ability to freely glide in any direction i need.

Bullet jump/double jump reset on aerial kill would be welcome too, so that It was possible to stay airborne and dash to next target.

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