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grendel rework/buff idea


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this some my idea for grendel for possible grendel rework / buffing of the frame to make him more useful and sorry if my stuff is hard to read my not very good with spell or grammar

passive - change the passive to increases grendel power strength by bit for each enemy in his belly wind he full aka wind has 40 alive enemy in his belly gain extra 100% power strength 

reasons why - this not so much of remove current is be add to feast witch can now be increase with power strength

feast - add the his current armor passive long with increase health by 50 per enemy and gain 10 health a regen per enemy all also be effect by power strength mods is well and increase his size up max of size of a necramech with similar function for necramech size and door aka they go throw top part door frame and created sparks like just smash throw it long with decrease the energy cost of feast so at max enemy be 40 it own drain 15 energy sec and can reduce with normal effective and duration mods like how other channel Abilities work

reason why - with current game change that effect him like reduce how many enemy consume 40 so game don't crash and with add of overguard system grendel gone from some that can consume whole room and storage in belly to some cant do that even more for more pain enemy like Eximus units is need damage be for can even consume witch is good change is balance i just think with current change it give more way you increase the frame power and make some like power strength more use on him is people normal just consume is many enemy can or at less i do then shotgun them all out once for massive damage way more then 3 can ever do the increase size is more just where got idea from is other game call skul the hero slayer and one skull you can get in it call ghoul witch get strong and bigger with each meat collect from attack and kill enemies 

nourish - witch change to his feast Abilities this make this Abilities main good for instant healing i though tiny change to it wood nice and fitting witch be enemy Eximus units that in belly will be target first with this Abilities and give you they eximus effect for duration of Abilities this can problem new augment for him vs passive for Abilities but still think some that petty nice to have it last is long is normal buff do is well

reasons why - i feel like it just very fit like how was old Abilities was but lot more useful now this don't need that many change and this really can just new augment for him vs some Abilities do normally so that up to you really all stuff i say is any way

Regurgitate - with change list above this Abilities come way more use is you wanna keep 40 enemy in belly at all time if can for buffs so spit one out and then eat him back up or new one is more idea then spit everything up like how people normal do for his damage but wood give few more change i increase damage of this Abilities basic on how many enemy he has in his belly and give the impact zone 5 meter aoe to it make where deal heavy damage and if don't kill target in one hit toxin should from aoe should do so if too strong i problem reduce toxin damage to 50% of total damage from the Abilities so direct hit target still same 100% damage why enemy that get hit by aoe don't

reason why - no really use this Abilities at less i know is wanna damage Abilities i use his 1 hold down to spit them all once in shotgun like effect and petty sure most people do this is well is it his basic damage he has in his kit and witch change my put here long change to this Abilities it self this make way more useful then how the frame current Abilities is

Pulverize - the Abilities can now pick up enemy if roll over them add them to your belly also wood try to increase his control in this form to be more smooth is i find control him in this form why is very pain at time is very slow just move to take right turn wind try go throw title set that are not open world also if do go size increase base on how many enemy you have in belly increase the size of Abilities so basic become a living flesh boulder this just nice qol change to make 

reason why - just make the Abilities feel better to use and add into hit way to refuel with need get out of this form to consume someone


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Another day, another Grendel rework that includes changes to Feast that are not necessary and encourage Grendel gameplay that is not consistent with the intended use for the frame...

Grendel is the gluttony frame. Think of it like this... You can eat a slice of cake and feel fine. The more slices of cake you eat the worse you're going to feel. Eventually you'll make yourself puke if you eat enough slices of cake. This is how Grendel works. He can eat a few enemies without much issue, but if you start sucking up the whole map you're going to be forced to puke them up. 

He is not intended to be storing enemies in the stomach. He is intended to suck up enemies and use them to fuel his powers...



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Wasn't the biggest issue Pablo brought up about Grendel in regard to the concept of temporary removal of enemies with abilities like Feast?

I'm still of the mindset that it should be changed to stockpile a more standard alternate resource that can be used to fuel his other abilities to make the frame a bit friendlier to use.

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9 hours ago, Raarsi said:

Wasn't the biggest issue Pablo brought up about Grendel in regard to the concept of temporary removal of enemies with abilities like Feast?

I'm still of the mindset that it should be changed to stockpile a more standard alternate resource that can be used to fuel his other abilities to make the frame a bit friendlier to use.

Yeah, holding the map hostage in his stomach is a concern.

Maybe he can hold bodies for fuel instead of enemies, but change the Feast vacuum to strip shields & armor, pull enemies closer in like Nautilus' Cordon, and make them drop their weapons like Spellbind (having them go back to fetch their gun is a form of neat CC IMO).

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Grendel is an amazing frame. He has the single strongest CC ability in Warframe, he is able to completely remove up to 40 enemies at once from the fight. So having a large energy drain on his Feast is needed so that you can't just keep this many enemies hostage and away from your team. 

However, I do understand why people don't like him. He isn't a frame that can be played as casually as others. Due to the ramping energy drain, him needing enemies to fuel his other abilities and parts of his other abilities being weak, he requires actual learning to play. 

I am currently coming up with a rework idea for Grendel where he gets more rewarded for killing the enemies in his stomach to fuel his kit rather than just holding them hostage. 

I love him to pieces and I want him to get the love he deserves. 

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 He is extremally misunderstood. All he really needs is a range (to the aoe) + Damage buff to his 3 or make the aoe linger like Oberons 4 augment does and catapult to be baked in to his 4 and his 4 augment do something to make you focus on using it. Ive said for a while he should be a loot frame so maybe his 4 could loosen up more loot from the enemies inside.


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On 2022-09-02 at 10:38 PM, PsiWarp said:

Yeah, holding the map hostage in his stomach is a concern.

Maybe he can hold bodies for fuel instead of enemies, but change the Feast vacuum to strip shields & armor, pull enemies closer in like Nautilus' Cordon, and make them drop their weapons like Spellbind (having them go back to fetch their gun is a form of neat CC IMO).

You can not "hold the map hostage". Most players don't even have the skill to do such a thing, and if someone spent 4 to 8 forma on some super trolly "steal all enemies and hold them" build....the energy drain would eventually make him spit it out.

Let's break this down so misinformation doesn't get spread:

To "eat the whole map", you'd need duration, efficiency, and range. Corrupted mods take care of this. You can't have high amounts of all 3 of those stats. 

"But what if a premade team with Spectrosiphon is in my group?" Highly unlikely and rare, as you could leave the mission, reenter, and rarely see them again. Anyone coordinating something like this would be invite only.

Just curious...have you actually seen a Grendel with an "eat the whole map" build?

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Of course he can't, that's why the energy drain ramps up to ridiculously unsustainable amounts.

We're talking about any changes to his Feast should keep in mind the potential to remove enemies to the point it resembles roomwide nukes, leaving no enemies on screen left to fight.

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i did think i get this many talk about also i understand point some people like the idea of this frame eat whole map even also for person talk about feast and why should be change this more change to passive then any thing i just add to Abilities is last time i check you can increase you passive with power strength and just though wood now for be effect by power strength now see how the whole cap bit also for feast energy cost ye i do agree it should be too low but should still get decrease a bit so you can hold 10 enemy at less with no effective mod on is again they your restore i do like idea of use corpses vs actual living people problem with this idea is wood just mean nekros and grendel are fight over the same resource with not good thing you don't wanna have find other player for use your Abilities this all case for wind bring 2 player bring same frame to mission like how two nidus normal fight over enemy and teammate to build up stacks for his kit this why my guess people hate grendel because he can just take lot enemy from people stop them from kill or maybe because slow down of the mission bit but last i check mission in his belly don't count to defense enemy so if grendel consume the last enemy for defense mission they mission go to next wave

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