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Commodore Prime suit is too shiny


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Well, I bought Zephyr Prime access a bit long ago, and I've been thinking about posting this for a while and finally, here I am.

Commodore Prime looks really good, but I didn't expect it's golden accents to be THIS shiny, it makes the color of it barely visible and looks really bad when standing next to prime frames.6dGaWUc.pngfvc9cEC.png

Even while playing while wearing the suit, it looks a bit better, but the problem's still there:HRtgEzz.png63bywOU.png

With correct lighting, it can look a LOT better in captura, though, but only because the accents are literally glowing:n0xazrG.png

Please, at least advertise it correctly, or fix it and match the gold textures with other prime items in the game. Neither Zephyr Prime nor Tibor Prime Kavat armor are that shiny, let alone the Kronen and Tiberon Primes, and all of the other prime objects.


Golden accents of Templar Prime look similar on prime Access poster too, but in-game, it's textures are normal


Apologies for really long post, thanks to the images, but I really like the details and general design of the whole commodore prime suit, and please, fix this, am I only one having a problem with it? I really don't want my 20 bucks to go to waste.


__________ UPDATE __________

Alright, I decided to take more screenshots, let's start with Bishamo armor:


Now Zephyr Prime alongside Commodore Prime:


Operator suit's accents are literally GLOWING in the dark. Shadows aren't applied to them.



It's definetely a shading bug, can't believe nobody has ever said anything about it before. Commodore Prime looks ABSOLUTELY perfect in every way but this. This has to be fixed, DE I'm begging you. It doesn't look good next to prime frames and while playing in-game, so please, I paid 20$ for it.

DE, if you fix it, you have my word, I will buy BOTH Equinox Prime AND Wukong Prime Accessory Packs when they get unvaulted.

Apologies for even longer post after edit.

All complains aside, here's a cool profile of Bishamo helmet I took meanwhile:


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9 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

I dont see issues with the Metal effects, i actually like it pretty shiny. My only issue with the Commodore was some changes made to the Greaves which really downgraded its looks.

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Changes made to the Commodore Greaves


How it SHOULD currently look:

I love the Klingon aesthetic of those boots 😻

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On 2022-08-31 at 9:43 PM, LillyRaccune said:

Wait... so you think the gold is too shiney? And did you try using a darker colour on the gold?

I like the classic white and gray, with golden accents and blue energy color, and I never use any other colors on accents, but that's not the point.


My point is that it's literally a bug, it shouldn't be like that, the shadows aren't applied to the accent which causes them to emit light like a fricking energy color. But the worse: in the Prime Access poster it looks just like other prime items, no extra shine and sparkles and glow. Literally every single other prime item has simple, moderately shiny golds, but this one? This one's different and isn't even shown that it is. If I knew it before I wouldn't buy it. Damage is done and I'll have to enjoy it somehow because I'm concerned that chances of DE will fixing it are slim to none, probably.


But if they do, they should either change the prime access poster, or better- change the in-game textures and make it looks like a normal prime accessory and not a Mesa Prediso skin

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Did not understand at first what you meant, but as soon as I logged in yesterday to check something in game it was apparent in the market diorama.

It seems the metallic properties of the gold material changed at some point relatively recently, because I don't remember this being an issue a few months ago?

Anyways it would be cool if DE could take a look at it indeed. Also at something going on with the Saita Prime sleeves, which changed with Saint of Altra IIRC and don't follow its own suit suit properties.

DE plz, we pay good money to support you ;w;

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Updated the post.

Anyway, who can I tag from DE? Megan, Rebecca, Geoff, Marcus? I don't really know who's responsible for what so I don't wanna tag the wrong person.


On 2022-09-02 at 1:00 PM, mycroft_ said:

You can request a refund, and not buy it again unless they fix it.

I can't, sadly. I've already had it for a while, I've got experience with it, and they don't accept refunds for that. It's partly my fault too because my slow a$$ didn't react on time. I'll just wait till they see this post and fix it.

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3 hours ago, MirvelPirvel said:

I can't, sadly. I've already had it for a while, I've got experience with it, and they don't accept refunds for that. It's partly my fault too because my slow a$$ didn't react on time. I'll just wait till they see this post and fix it.

I hope that happens for you.

I've lost hope that they will fix things like this after some of their previous responses to issues like this. It seems to me that they have decided not to bother resolving cosmetic issues properly, because it's harder than doing nothing. It would be great if that attitude, and that set of policies, changed.

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