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Railjack armaments might as well all be cooldown based


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Seriously. I don't think there's a point to actually tying the Railjack abilities to the pilots energy pool. There's several ways of basically trivializing the intended ressource management entirely, including using energy restores, Hildryn or Lavos or Zenurik Wellspring.

I don't think anyone genuinely even uses the energy restore from the forge, simply because there's ways to do it either more quickly, or for cheaper.


I believe it would quite simply be more consistent and balanced to set each Railjack ability to a cooldown and just make the Railjack work for everyone like it does for Lavos. This would also help to reduce instances of people just spamming the hell out of high-cost abilities like Seeker Volley to wipe the battlefield clean. Granted, some of the cooldowns as they are on Lavos could do with a bit of re-adjusting, but I genuinely think it's a better system.

Side note: One of these days, getting a proper Railjack tutorial that guides you through the various parts of the ship and shows you how to use them would be neat. Back when I built mine, I failed like half a dozend missions before I found out that you can actually get more Revolite at the forge to repair your ship.

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19 minutes ago, Darthplagueis13 said:

Seriously. I don't think there's a point to actually tying the Railjack abilities to the pilots energy pool. There's several ways of basically trivializing the intended ressource management entirely, including using energy restores, Hildryn or Lavos or Zenurik Wellspring.

I don't think anyone genuinely even uses the energy restore from the forge, simply because there's ways to do it either more quickly, or for cheaper.


I believe it would quite simply be more consistent and balanced to set each Railjack ability to a cooldown and just make the Railjack work for everyone like it does for Lavos. This would also help to reduce instances of people just spamming the hell out of high-cost abilities like Seeker Volley to wipe the battlefield clean. Granted, some of the cooldowns as they are on Lavos could do with a bit of re-adjusting, but I genuinely think it's a better system.

Side note: One of these days, getting a proper Railjack tutorial that guides you through the various parts of the ship and shows you how to use them would be neat. Back when I built mine, I failed like half a dozend missions before I found out that you can actually get more Revolite at the forge to repair your ship.

i never liked using railjack abilities on warframes with energy due to it draining their energy pool that would be more useful on the ground part of the mission.

i 100% agree that abilities should just be cooldown based.

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8 hours ago, Darthplagueis13 said:


I mean this Game Mode is Already Even Dryer than Steel Path and you want them to Nerf it even More ?

If you want to be the only Person Playing Railjack then so be it... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

4 hours ago, Frendh said:

I am strongly against it. If I wanted cooldowns I would bring lavos into railjack. Stop removing variety. I do not want to play like you do.

Sadly that's pretty much how many Of these Threads Go.... "Force Everybody To Play My Way."....

One of the Reasons why this Happens is Because this is a Co-Op Game and The way other People Play Affects Everyone Else in the Team....

But if the only Solution is to Force Everybody to play the Same Way then Railjack is going to be A Solitary Experience Anyway by Virtue of Everybody doing Something Else....


On an Unrelated Note.... Seeker Volley is Bugged Right now and is not Giving Any Affinity to the One Using It....¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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at this point i'm pretty sure that this is exactly what DE wants.

every single time they add systems, they have an obvious "right" answer to them (be it from a frame, weapon or trough a mod/school), that is so far ahead of the otheroptions that it basically feels like cheating. there's no way that the devs didnt just realise this, so it had to have been intended.

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