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Just How Ready Are You? The U11 Anticipation Megathread


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Doesn't really mean as much given that I as a German for example couldn't care less about thanksgiving. There's always local holidays and unless they affect the devs directly, it doesn't really matter that much.

this is true. but sadly a lot of companies know that catering to Murika is a good decision since it has the largest consumers base. its what murikans do; CONSUME 

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Renan Ruivo confirmed (he gets inside info since he's a CM I guess) that the event will drop WITH the update so either the event isn't this week AND U11 isn't this week or they both are tomorrow. Quit posting anything otherwise, you're wrong. source

So basically it's tomorrow unless something goes really wrong (it usually does).

Just keep your pants on (your head) and wait for it.

Edited by VegetableBasket
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I am so pumped, so excited, so jacked, so READY for tomorrow and praying for the update. Not for new weapon, new warframe. But for changes that must have been done ages ago. Oh and codex!

I swear I'll S#&$ myself if it's not tomorrow.

...And I'll S#&$ myself when it finally comes out so yeah... better get some diapers ready.

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Well iirc the livestream said the Alad V. thing would be done via an event, so I'm thinking they're releasing the event and the update at the same time and through the event we will unlock content in the update (this is somewhat conjecture tbh).  If this is the case, it is most likely not this week since we haven't received a transmission from the lotus - then again we still have a few hours to receive said transmission which generally proceeds the start of an event. 

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Pretty sure the event thing meant the implementation of the event we did a couple of weeks back w ith the two nodes competeting for like conquering etc, the event you might mean was hinted at a future event were randomly infestation would spread and try to take over nodes (I think its not in u11, but you might wanna recheck the youtube video off that live stream to confirm)

,i suppose, as someone else said,that they will do like this "do Salad V hide and seek event" make it last till next wednesday,when event ends release U11 (i remember you that Scott likes when we suffer xD)

anyway,am i the only one who wants really badly glaive prime out of the other things?

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,i suppose, as someone else said,that they will do like this "do Salad V hide and seek event" make it last till next wednesday,when event ends release U11 (i remember you that Scott likes when we suffer xD)

anyway,am i the only one who wants really badly glaive prime out of the other things?


You're not the only one.  Glaive Prime will be new flying hotness.  My Whirlwind and Powerthrow are ready.  XD


If we get an event tomorrow leading up to U11, I'd dig it.  We could always use fresh skulls to crush for greedy milk.  

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Event this week, to introduce update the following week, that's what I got from the livestream.

The "this week" part is speculation, but they did say an event would precede the update, with us helping "someone" locate Alad V.


Guessing something similar to Phobos, where we fill some event bar to show we have found the new Gas Planet missions, then they unlock.


That would actually be a great move by DE, if the update is actually ready now, but while we trash an event, they refine and tweak and hotfix the update internally before we get it.

This would be brilliant as well!

They release Armour/damage 2.0, and the event, thus making us do 2 tasks, rebuild our builds for the new system, AND complete an event. This would potentially be the most difficult event to date because of that specific reason.

Certainly would be awesome.


Actually, last update proved that it's exactly opposite - U10 had been literally ninja-deployed: no ETA, just a Twitter post and short YouTube movie few hours before.

But really - it will come when it's ready. We don't need another rushed content just because community is impatient.

Interesting, but the video came out something like 8 hours before the update, so there was a liiiiiiitle bit of a fuss.


I want a working piece of content to. I would rather wait and get the best product than be impatient and get something that infuriates me every day.

Tbh, they Steve or Scott did say Damage 2.0 is ready (Don't ask me when, I can't remember, but he did say it somewhere), similarly to the Gas City tilesets.

Just like you all, I can't wait for U11, but I do not want to receive it if its riddled with bugs and crashes!

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You're not the only one.  Glaive Prime will be new flying hotness.  My Whirlwind and Powerthrow are ready.  XD


If we get an event tomorrow leading up to U11, I'd dig it.  We could always use fresh skulls to crush for greedy milk.

My glaive mods are ready xD,aand DAMAGE 2.0 coming with U11(confirmed by Overlord DERebecca,a.k.a The Lotus)

So it will be new flying hotness with elemental combinations!! *thinks about it* OMFG can't wait aaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!

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Someone should check and see when Darvo's Deals ends. IIRC, there's a timer; I'd look right now but I'm at work.

Based on what they've said, my money's on Darvo as the guy we're helping during the event, seeing as how he's our bridge between the corpus and the Tenno. I think it's more than simple coincidence that he appeared just before this event, and I bet his timer runs out today or tomorrow. IIRC, he did the same thing before... Arid Fear? Do I have that mixed up?

To back that flimsy evidence up, I'll provide more flimsy evidence: Steve said "It's going to be a busy weekend" during the live stream before being shushed. We weren't even supposed to know that the event was happening, that reveal was actually a slip-up in itself. My guess is that they put the finishing touches on U11 and the event this past weekend, and we'll be getting both tomorrow. If they're radio silent until then, it could be that they're just trying not to show their hand too early.

I'm good either way. It's gonna be fun times tomorrow, or I'll have another week to level up Nyx, Loki and some of my weaker weapons.

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