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Warframe speculation: Joe mad's werewolf


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On 2022-11-21 at 6:40 AM, MadxWorld said:

Naaah, she fully got change. Nothing in "that" looks like a wolf to me, she looks more like a dragon than a wolf. The only thing that looks like a wolf are her legs wolf heads, the shoulders look more dragon than wolf.


She’s still wolf themed, she’s just no longer werewolf themed.

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40 minutes ago, (PSN)FunyFlyBoy said:

Her head never looked like a Wolf. All you people saying it does in the concept art are more blind than a Starnose Mole. Voruna's looks like a Xeno Queen on her head sculpt in the initial concept art, not some Wolf-Infested thing. 

the video that was shared gave a very fair overview and still all this fuss... Her bundle comes with a Voidshell skin which correct me if wrong pending the upcoming Prime Time stream we have not yet seen, and an alternate helmet. Really give them a chance.

I'm a big Xenomorph fan and for me no. Her head cresting in face-on may be similar to the First Acheron Queen to some but overall not for me. Her draconic design to use everyone above, well initial plan was to pair Warframes up; Yareli and Hydron, Protea and Vaubahn we even have Nyx and Excalibur sharing a similar default body design - her being a partner to Chroma is still in that vague philosophy

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12 hours ago, (PSN)Claudija said:

I'm a big Xenomorph fan and for me no. Her head cresting in face-on may be similar to the First Acheron Queen to some but overall not for me. Her draconic design to use everyone above, well initial plan was to pair Warframes up; Yareli and Hydron, Protea and Vaubahn we even have Nyx and Excalibur sharing a similar default body design - her being a partner to Chroma is still in that vague philosophy

Someone correct me if I'm wrong about my Chroma thoughts.

But do you think the correlation between Voruna n, Chroma is that their hunters?  Like Chroma "hunted" for his dragon pelt?  Or at least they're both wearing something wolf heads/dragon pelt.

What do y'all think?🤔    

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

Someone correct me if I'm wrong about my Chroma thoughts.

But do you think the correlation between Voruna n, Chroma is that their hunters?  Like Chroma "hunted" for his dragon pelt?  Or at least they're both wearing something wolf heads/dragon pelt.

What do y'all think?🤔    

hmm they do say she's hunting something on Lua soo yup you could be onto something there

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15 hours ago, (PSN)Claudija said:

well initial plan was to pair Warframes up; Yareli and Hydron, Protea and Vaubahn we even have Nyx and Excalibur sharing a similar default body design - her being a partner to Chroma is still in that vague philosophy

That's just...not been a thing at all. Frames were never planned in pairs. The closest thing to that is DE saying they wouldn't do straight gender bending of frames (The initial female Ash and male Ember concept art) but would do off shoots of the main theme, which is what Protea/Vauban (Both are engineers, but do it differently) and Hydroid/Yareli (Water, but one is Davy Jones and the other a Sailor Scout) are. Excal and Nyx are not paired like that. Maybe in initial concept, but not in release.

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11 hours ago, Atsia said:

That's just...not been a thing at all. Frames were never planned in pairs. The closest thing to that is DE saying they wouldn't do straight gender bending of frames (The initial female Ash and male Ember concept art) but would do off shoots of the main theme, which is what Protea/Vauban (Both are engineers, but do it differently) and Hydroid/Yareli (Water, but one is Davy Jones and the other a Sailor Scout) are. Excal and Nyx are not paired like that. Maybe in initial concept, but not in release.

still a male female pairing; even in theme. Still having pairs already and those here on she looks like a dragon when Chroma was originally a dragon- shared theme.

I just think that everyone needs calm down until Nov 24th when the Prime Time stream will hopefully show her abilities, tease if not show the frame in action and her Voidshell suit so folks here can really have something to moan about :p

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1 minute ago, (PSN)Claudija said:

still a male female pairing; even in theme. Still having pairs already and those here on she looks like a dragon when Chroma was originally a dragon- shared theme.

I just think that everyone needs calm down until Nov 24th when the Prime Time stream will hopefully show her abilities, tease if not show the frame in action and her Voidshell suit so folks here can really have something to moan about :p

We should be getting a devstream on Friday as it’s the last Friday of the month.

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23 hours ago, (XBOX)GearsMatrix301 said:

We should be getting a devstream on Friday as it’s the last Friday of the month.

DE posted it now, Mon 28th which is just 2 days before Voruna joins us. I still think this thread is going to explode either way as they reveal her abilities and show her in-game

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3 hours ago, (PSN)Claudija said:

DE posted it now, Mon 28th which is just 2 days before Voruna joins us. I still think this thread is going to explode either way as they reveal her abilities and show her in-game

I'm excited I'm excited I'm excited I'm excited I'm excited I'm excited I'm excited I'm excited, SHE'S ALMOST HERE !!!  😘👍👍💗🐺 


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39 minutes ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

I'm excited I'm excited I'm excited I'm excited I'm excited I'm excited I'm excited I'm excited, SHE'S ALMOST HERE !!!  😘👍👍💗🐺 


d'aww you have cute lil' paws there. I'm with you though, really looking forwards to her and seeing Baruuk Prime I think is next Access

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13 minutes ago, (PSN)Claudija said:

d'aww you have cute lil' paws there. I'm with you though, really looking forwards to her and seeing Baruuk Prime I think is next Access

Some folks think Baruuk's coming a bit sooner to boost sales or something, 🤔 My theory on it however is, DE wants Ms. Wisp prime ready for Tennocon 2023. (Hot girl summer and all 😉)

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18 minutes ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

Some folks think Baruuk's coming a bit sooner to boost sales or something, 🤔 My theory on it however is, DE wants Ms. Wisp prime ready for Tennocon 2023. (Hot girl summer and all 😉)

DE goes by a male-male-female-female-male-male pattern for prime warframe releases. Khora and Revenant were the last two, so the next one will have to be another male warframe to maintain the pattern. That warframe would most likely be Baruuk as he was the frame released after Revenant, though they do sometimes go out of order such as Garuda Prime coming before Khora Prime.

Hildryn and Wisp will be the most likely primes to come after Baruuk.

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

Some folks think Baruuk's coming a bit sooner to boost sales or something, 🤔 My theory on it however is, DE wants Ms. Wisp prime ready for Tennocon 2023. (Hot girl summer and all 😉)

Baruuks next due to the M,M,F,F release pattern of frames.

Then it’ll be Wisp and Hildryn, then Gauss and Grendel, Protea and probably Xaku, Lavos and Sevagoth, etc.

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16 minutes ago, (XBOX)GearsMatrix301 said:

Baruuks next due to the M,M,F,F release pattern of frames.

Then it’ll be Wisp and Hildryn, then Gauss and Grendel, Protea and probably Xaku, Lavos and Sevagoth, etc.

I think Wisp Prime Access is going to sell silly amounts as she's popular and still a very solid Frame even now a year is it? Since she was released

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2 hours ago, Alchemist_Moth said:

DE goes by a male-male-female-female-male-male pattern for prime warframe releases. Khora and Revenant were the last two, so the next one will have to be another male warframe to maintain the pattern. That warframe would most likely be Baruuk as he was the frame released after Revenant, though they do sometimes go out of order such as Garuda Prime coming before Khora Prime.

Hildryn and Wisp will be the most likely primes to come after Baruuk.


12 minutes ago, (XBOX)GearsMatrix301 said:

Baruuks next due to the M,M,F,F release pattern of frames.

Then it’ll be Wisp and Hildryn, then Gauss and Grendel, Protea and probably Xaku, Lavos and Sevagoth, etc.

Pretty sure they know, what they mean is they think DE is releasing Baruuk early to make it possible for Wisp be released at the next tennocon.

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3 minutes ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:


Pretty sure they know, what they mean is they think DE is releasing Baruuk early to make it possible for Wisp be released at the next tennocon.

Khora was to have been before Garuda but tactical move on swapping so Khora was the Tennocon reveal. This time though Hildy was released first it just happens to fall neatly for them ;p

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On 2022-11-23 at 6:26 PM, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:


Pretty sure they know, what they mean is they think DE is releasing Baruuk early to make it possible for Wisp be released at the next tennocon.

Thank you.👍

And I am aware of the M,M,F,F, thing all, I just really thing if there's one frame to drop next year for Tennocon it's Wisp prime, I mean come on, all the eyes on Tennocon and its Wisp they'd make so much money that way.🍑=🤑 

Or they could release Baruuk in January and depending on when DE plans to have Tennocon next year June/July (I'm aware it's been July) they could stretch his run a bit, if it does turn out to be in July that way Wisp prime is shown on Tennocon 2023. 

I was hoping for Grendel prime for xmas next year but if DE did this then I'd say Grendel be released in October so he can be the great pumpkin man or Ogie boogie, though they'll probably choose to go with Gauss since he's more popular like Wisp and it would make for a more profitable Year.

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On 2022-11-23 at 6:26 PM, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:


Pretty sure they know, what they mean is they think DE is releasing Baruuk early to make it possible for Wisp be released at the next tennocon.

They won't do that.  It's highly likely that Wisp will come out on time and Tennocon will have something else. Wisp will bring money 100% but I think it would be wise to release her on schedule and maximize on that vs delaying it and upsetting players. 

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6 hours ago, (XBOX)RelsWhisper said:

They won't do that.  It's highly likely that Wisp will come out on time and Tennocon will have something else. Wisp will bring money 100% but I think it would be wise to release her on schedule and maximize on that vs delaying it and upsetting players. 

They did it with Khora. Khora was released before Garuda yet knowing all the buzz and anticipation for her- Khora was moved to the Tennocon reveal and Garuda was Primed first. It's just this time Hildryn was released before Wisp so her being out in Spring then Wisp as the Summer release is following the regular pattern- just lucky that Tennocon happens to be in Wisp's window

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On 2022-11-24 at 4:24 AM, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

Thank you.👍

And I am aware of the M,M,F,F, thing all, I just really thing if there's one frame to drop next year for Tennocon it's Wisp prime, I mean come on, all the eyes on Tennocon and its Wisp they'd make so much money that way.🍑=🤑 

Or they could release Baruuk in January and depending on when DE plans to have Tennocon next year June/July (I'm aware it's been July) they could stretch his run a bit, if it does turn out to be in July that way Wisp prime is shown on Tennocon 2203. 

I was hoping for Grendel prime for xmas next year but if DE did this then I'd say Grendel be released in October so he can be the great pumpkin man or Ogie boogie, though they'll probably choose to go with Gauss since he's more popular like Wisp and it would make for a more profitable Year.

Good for you, 2203 is a bit late isn't it? ;)

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16 hours ago, (XBOX)RelsWhisper said:

They won't do that.  It's highly likely that Wisp will come out on time and Tennocon will have something else. Wisp will bring money 100% but I think it would be wise to release her on schedule and maximize on that vs delaying it and upsetting players. 

Well, if Baruuk is released December then a three-month run would Dec, Jan, Feb or if its January then Jan, Feb, Mar.

Which leaves Mar, Apr, May or Apr, May, June  for the Frame after Baruuk, then there's either June, Jul, Aug or Jul, Aug, Sep for the second Female Frame.

Depending on when Tenncon 2023 is, June or July my point still stands Wisp Prime makes the most sense and is DE's best choice for capitalizing on Tennocon's viewership IMO.  

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