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The Prime Access Discussion and Feedback Megathread


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Exclusive pack is exclusive.


How would you feel if i could buy Excalibur prime, Lato and Skana piece by piece from the market?


Confused because DE stated those pieces will only ever be available via founders while were discussing the next few years of prime releases and how exclusive content will develop in these packages. If they're going to release exclusive content it should be Tier one stage and not Tier 3.


The current kick to the crotch Ember Prime system expects people to fork out £91 every 3-4 months for exclusive content that's not obtainable via plat. A currency specifically developed to be used to obtain exclusive content.

Edited by Blowfist
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Ha! Sell the Scarf at $5-10 or better still, with platinum like about 150 during this time period. At least it makes sense. After all, platinum itself is cash-exclusive.


It's supposed to be rare, not something tons of people have. Making it very expensive would keep it rare, but let people who don't want/need the whole pack get it.


Personally, I don't care about exclusives and wouldn't care if they sold it for $10 forever, but some people like having stuff nobody else can get and they are willing to pay more for it... and more $$ for DE = better game so it's fine with me if they make it limited time, super expensive.

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I have said that this would be wishful thinking and only prove to show the Devs appreciation towards their founding member. No it wouldn't be $20, $30, or $40 bucks because they would still need more of an income also they would show way too much favor towards the Founders which is why I said $50 or $60. Its still a good price way more than should but means we are still there willing to support the growth of the game, because we enjoy it and see its potential. This is still a business so no we should not get anything free for being founder nor should we get huge discounts . We were never given the benefit of having promotions or discounts which is why there should be a compromise one in which we all agree on which is NO PLAT in the bundle or the frame or weapons only the cosmetic exclusives. Why not allow the price to be higher and around the  $50 or $60 it is not much to pay every 2 or 3 months more so compared to $140 and only very few would argue against it as from their view we just over paid almost half for only cosmetics while everyone else paid more for the cheaper plat and gear. The cosmetics should NOT be allowed to buy individually should be all in a bundle. If this works its a privilege not a right we were entitled to just because we are founders.



So my suggestion is a Prime Access Cosmetic bundle $50-$60 bucks that changes every 2 or 3 months. No platinum only the exclusives meaning we can never obtain them again after its over. Remember this is a privilege NOT an entitlement we have to be kind and respectful for this to work not whine or complain saying I/We deserve this etc.... if it happens its cause Devs see it from out view point meaning we have too much plat we still want to spend money but not on in game items nor plat just the exclusive cosmetics so why not offer up almost half the asking price seems completely fair to me, Devs, and to the non founder community. It also open a market in which, ball parking it here, 70% of all the founder would buy compared to maybe 20% who would buy the pack now this is speculation all guessing ill do a real test asking founders online in the council chat privately if needed.


A poll should be open allowing founder to state their in game name and founder rank maybe with enough digital signatures we can do something about it. Try to bring this topic into more founders eyes I want to hear it all doesn't matter if you support, neutral or against this claim I want to hear reasons and so would the Devs.

Edited by AllanIncubi
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Exclusive pack is exclusive.


How would you feel if i could buy Excalibur prime, Lato and Skana piece by piece from the market?


If they really did that during that time period, and sell them by platinum only. Sure, why not. After all, its "Founders pack". A founder is someone who is there from the start. The difference should be in time only.


It's supposed to be rare, not something tons of people have. Making it very expensive would keep it rare, but let people who don't want/need the whole pack get it.


Personally, I don't care about exclusives and wouldn't care if they sold it for $10 forever, but some people like having stuff nobody else can get and they are willing to pay more for it... and more $$ for DE = better game so it's fine with me if they make it limited time, super expensive.


We are humans, we love exclusivity, we all like being 'someone special'. In the case here, they could still keep it rare, by selling it in a separate package or via high amount of platinum only and not selling them again. I mean that's what platinum is for isn't it?


Take Snipetron, Snipetron Vandal for example. I don't have them, and I didn't mind. I wasn't playing during that time and now they are rare. That's fair enough. The only exclusivity should be time here.


Confused because DE stated those pieces will only ever be available via founders while were discussing the next few years of prime releases and how exclusive content will develop in these packages. If they're going to release exclusive content it should be Tier one stage and not Tier 3.


The current kick to the crotch Ember Prime system expects people to fork out £91 every 3-4 months for exclusive content that's not obtainable via plat. A currency specifically developed to be used to obtain exclusive content.


This is exactly what I wanted to say. You buy platinum with cash and yet they are still items which can't be purchased with it.


*Insert "you have no power" .jpg here*

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I have said that this would be wishful thinking and only prove to show the Devs appreciation towards their founding member. No it wouldn't be $20, $30, or $40 bucks because they would still need more of an income also they would show way too much favor towards the Founders which is why I said $50 or $60. Its still a good price way more than should but means we are still there willing to support the growth of the game, because we enjoy it and see its potential. This is still a business so no we should not get anything free for being founder nor should we get huge discounts . We were never given the benefit of having promotions or discounts which is why there should be a compromise one in which we all agree on which is NO PLAT in the bundle or the frame or weapons only the cosmetic exclusives. Why not allow the price to be higher and around the  $50 or $60 it is not much to pay every 2 or 3 months more so compared to $140 and only very few would argue against it as from their view we just over paid almost half for only cosmetics while everyone else paid more for the cheaper plat and gear. The cosmetics should NOT be allowed to buy individually should be all in a bundle. If this works its a privilege not a right we were entitled to just because we are founders.


The way I look at it is this: allow anyone whom have bought a previous founders pack or any pack from any Prime access to have the ability to purchase a 4th tier containing exclusives-only at a reasonable price.


That way, DE doesn't loses income from new players or anyone whom have never bought a pack, and yet giving an incentive, an alternative/option if you will, to contribute more as the game progress and grow.

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I quite like ember, and i like primes, and the deal is pretty good. I'm just waiting till next month to buy the pack. Far more fun than having to grind tons of Void ones. I don't think it's that overpriced, cheaper than a night out depending, and i'll get a lot more value for money out of the pack.


People will moan if you charged it for 1 platinum. In fact they would moan if you gave it for free with 1 platinum bundled in because then they would want 10, 100, 100000 etc...

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Tier one - Credits

Tier two - Plat

Tier Three - dollars/sterling/etc


My understanding was that the founders was unique in that we had been given access to the design council and a few unique weapons. They wouldn't be obtainable again and we also had plat to obtain items that can't be purchased with credits and a pay2rush scheme.


A good and fair system.


Then the Prime Access came along and a new tier of dollars/sterling was introduced that negates plat with exclusive content that you didn't event put in tier one, you put it in tier three. The gear is only cosmetic but for me this is a step away from the livestreams, design council, tweets and community interaction and more towards the EA business model.


The Greedy milk business model.



DE - hey do you like playing warframe?

community - I sure do!

DE - Well here's instant access to all the new prime gear!

community - But I actually want to play the game and earn those prime pieces with friends.

DE - Oh you do, mmmm (starts rubbing nipples) well we've put exclusive content in the package.

community - Is it Tier 1?

DE - Nope, its Tier 3, dont you want it? (nipple rubbing intensifies)

community - But I already bought plat and the founders package so I could obtain unobtainable items.

DE - Mmmm that's too bad.. Mmm yeah you'll need to spend £91 (group nipple rubbing commences)

community - Please be gentle, I like to get kissed before i get...



If you want all the exclusive content that DE releases you can expect to pay £273 a year (three prime releases a year). The tier three reward should exist for those new or wanting/needing plat. It shouldn't exist to rob your community.

Edited by Blowfist
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It's not Pay 2 Win anyways. Those people who say that are just misguided and we can do without them on Warframe anyways. There's very few things that are exclusive that also affect the game, which are mostly retired weapons and the Prime stuff from the Founders package which results in exclusive mastery points. This package has entirely cosmetic exclusive things in it, such as the Syndana and the gold robot thing.


Buffing Ember would just make Prime Access hate even worse (if there is any hate of it anyways) because then the Prime Access reward is also buffed, so people who don't have Ember Prime see those that do have Prime Access as paying their way through the "better" equipment - because Ember's just been buffed. If the frame is crap, then people won't complain about it as much, because who cares if someone paid £30 for early access to a frame that's crap anyways?

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I see someone watches South Park. I agree, it was very much implied that high level founders wouldn't really have to pay real money for anything again as long as they used their plat wisely. If people want to spend more money for things they can get for free, that's fine, but the syndana should be available for plat.

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The way I look at it is this: allow anyone whom have bought a previous founders pack or any pack from any Prime access to have the ability to purchase a 4th tier containing exclusives-only at a reasonable price.


That way, DE doesn't loses income from new players or anyone whom have never bought a pack, and yet giving an incentive, an alternative/option if you will, to contribute more as the game progress and grow.

 The only problem with this idea is people will buy the lowest tier set then just buy the exclusive pack so DE would rarely get the amount of the full Prime Access. It should strictly be founder and MAYBE just maybe people who have bought large amounts of plat before. You could be more detailed on how much the 4th tier would be and if you have to buy a certain tier before the 4th is unlocked. Honestly it should be founders and as I said maybe those who purchased large amount of plat. We really do need a subscription deal would make things like this easier. Ill get a petition going and hopefully it goes well. If you support the cause send people here to read all pages and give their input then sign the petition if they agree


@DE/GM may we move this to the feedback section?

Edited by AllanIncubi
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I too would love for the scarf to be purchasable in the market, I have a lot of platinum lying around and this scarf is the kind of thing that I am willing to spend my plat on... Plat is the in-game counterpart for real life currency so using plat to purchase it is technically using real money. I don't see why I would need to spend another $140 for the scarf. If DE is going to release these items that are 10x cooler and putting them as exclusive items then isn't it like they are just catering to the rich people? So if this is the business technique of DE which is to make the target audience the rich people they are going to lose out eventually... making the scarf purchasable will make more people (low and middle income) purchase small amounts of plat as well and the amount of money they make will not lose out to making the packages $140 because I really believe not a whole lot of people will buy it


Maybe we can make enough noise to let them know what is going on

Edited by Chromabanana
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Yeah I'm so disappointed about it. I'm already deeper into my pocket than I've ever been for a game. I want it bad but I also wanna earn Ember Prime... ugh.


I want to earn the weapons and Ember Prime. (I mean @(*()$ for real. I literally look down on players who buy Warframes.)

I have no use for the boosters, icons, or plat.

All I want is the TItan prime and Syandana.


Very disappointed. *edit* I'm actually getting madder and madder the more I think about this.*edit*


I want to find out exactly how much I spent on Warframe. Is that saved somewhere in my profile?

Edited by ZombieX13
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@Chromabanana the reason why it wouldnt appear in a store for plat is because its an Exclusive item also DE does not make enough money but just hoping to sell exclusive items for plat in order to make a profit or break even, educated guessing here, they would have to make those exclusive items cost around 450-1000 plat. It should just be another bundle a tier unseen by most except by an selected group in which you purchase those exclusives and only exclusives all together for little less than half of the original price.


@ZombieX13 I am unaware that you can see how much money you spent but just calculate it from how much the Master Founder pack was + any platinum you bought. I would roughly say that most Master and up Founder has spent around $250+ easily into this game.


Bring awareness (do not spam, nor spread hate) and give them this link to this topic. I mentioned ill be posting a petition that will be given to the DE that would require you to state your name and rank.

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@ZombieX13 I am unaware that you can see how much money you spent but just calculate it from how much the Master Founder pack was + any platinum you bought. I would roughly say that most Master and up Founder has spent around $250+ easily into this game.


The thing is I bought everything on a coupon or sale. It's hard to tell.

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@Ra9una The reason why I said $50 or even $60 is because if too low it will cause issues with other players who may only want vanity items or just want to start an argument plus its a way to show we still love and support our Dev and Warframe greatly those cosmetics are an incentive not an award given out. At $50 I dont see many attempting to argue plus realistically its a business and everything in the Exclusive Bundle we want is just that Exclusive meaning never again can it be gained. So we would be paying for items, showing our appreciation and donating money to keep them afloat. $50 really isn't that bad $50 every two or three months sounds good to me and others. Could always start a Warframe money jar ;P 

Could you please elaborate, I'm not exactly sure I understand the first part.

As far as supporting the Devs goes, I'm all for it, don't get me wrong. I realise that there needs to be some income from a free game, I'm certainly not arguing that. 50 just seemed a little much to me. As for exclusivity, I do have to admit, I'm somewhat bitter every time something exclusive comes out, even when I get it. but that's unrelated and really shouldn't play any part in my opinion of the marketing.


I really don't see why so many people seem to think they're entitled to extra stuff because they bought an unrelated pack.

We got what we paid for with the founders packs. We got our shinies and platinum, that's it, that's all that was agreed upon. There was no mention of discounts on future packs or anything like that.

You don't want to pay for the whole pack? Fine. Don't. You don't have any obligation to. Just like DE has no obligation to give you discounts on unrelated things. Missing out on a scarf and a more useful resource drone isn't going to kill you.

Being a Founder doesn't mean you're super special. There are tons of founders. It was available for months. At the moment founders are the only ones with access to the design council (although everything there inevitably gets leaked anyway) .

I don't anyone thinks they're, "entitled", to anything. At least I hope not. The thing that seems to be bothering people, is that the prime access is a sort of consolation prize for people who are new or couldn't buy founders for whatever reason and the exclusives are, arguably, much better. That's all. In no way are founders entitled to anything more.

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The only reason why it's so costly, is because of the insane amount of Platinum they slapped on it..
That, or they are just money-hungry.

Man, I couldn't care less about the profile pictures, or the primes... or even the Boosters (man, things go too quick)
Just the exclusive items, for, what, 40-50 euros? I'd still think it's overpriced, probably still complain, but I would have payed for it.

Edited by ShiroiHasu
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The thing is I bought everything on a coupon or sale. It's hard to tell.


if you’re a steam user it's pretty easy. You go into your transactions section and look for all the money you've spent on Warframe through the steam wallet system :D. I myself have put too much in but I have the incoming and this game is just so good :D.

I think being a WoW junkie is slowly switching to a Warframe junkie :D , just wish the price for supporting wasn't steep and didn't stack up so quick and being limited in by Platinum packs or by Prime Packs :D, oh well back to the old man cave of shame!!!! 

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