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U11: Known Issues


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Me and a friend get this bug A LOT. And despite all frustration it caused, we suspect one of the new mods to be the reason: Sawtooth Clip.


We've been farming mods for slash damage (mostly Rifle) on Kiste on Ceres and later Kepler on Phobos, since we also wanted that nice melee mod for poison damage, too. And we got it. But everytime we did, neither of us did receive any rewards. Not sure about others in our team, since they left almost immediately.


If it helps, I could upload that log file from the mission we just had (where said bug occured). Just unsure when it will be looked at if I'd just send it in via support... (which I'll do right away).

A fix coming for this, likely today!

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Wrong elements sometimes proc. I was using Lecta with a fire mod installed so its damage type had to be Radiation, but on rare occasions enemies start to burn (and it's not from the sentinel shooting, it was destroyed at the moment). The same occurs when using Synapse with Fire+Ice=Blast mods, on rare occasions targets either freeze, or burn.

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Nyx's Absorb will occasionally cause me to instantly die when it ends. This only happens when I've successfully absorbed a significant amount of damage.


Absorb will sometimes also fail to hit enemies that are obviously in range. This is very frustrating when it would have otherwise killed nearby heavy units.

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Being downed with the scanner still locks out your weapons in 11.0.7, reporting after testing in recent hotfix as is proper.


Furthermore, it has been mentioned in the other forum sections: Experience gained from kills, passive experience and just experience in general seems much lower than before update 11. It has been attributed to the level re-balance, even though the update notes clearly state experience was re-tuned to be proper again.


In general, leveling weapons and warframes seems much slower than before and it gets particularly noticeable if you do a good old session of 15 runs in Xini. At that point you really feel like you are leveling slower than before.

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While chatting, the UI in the background seems to react to the mouse, wildly.

In arsenal, the character is spinning like crazy, the starchart jumps to an empty region (and it's damn hard to go back if you have your zoom out button locked somehow...



Enemy dead bodies tend to stay, but in a strange manner. Heads floating for example - also Rhino's stomp creates dozens of bodies midair, dead and alike, blocking damage. It would be nice to be able to destroy dead bodies with concentrated damage (eg. not aoe) though that might cause problems to Nekros... actually no, since it already seems like I can desecrate the bodies for a few seconds even after they've disappeared.


Phantom mods

There are still some cases that treasure room (both void and normal ones) containers drop a mod drop that actually gives nothing and only the one breaking the container sees.



We all know the feeling when some of our loot falls into the depths of a grineer ship or such. The mechanic that helps us up from such depths (or some form of it) has been applied to the items too, relocating them to the game area when they fall out of bounds. But it seems after u11 (was it like this before?) some of that loot relocates straight to the mission's starting area which in cases is no longer accessible:





Evil fencejump

The new "fencejumping" move (where you hurl yourself over smaller objects, railing etc.) still bothers me, makes parkouring near rails depressing (I mess up even more than usually) - it would be nice to make it only trigger if we try to jump over such railings (or objects) without run. With run, we simply jump as before.


Intro cinematic without us

After U11 hit my intro cinematic (us jumping down from the vents) ended up buggy with me not doing the animation and my weapons floating where I will stand as if I stand there, just not shown (because I guess I do stand there :) ).



Edited by K_Shiro
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