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Mission fail under stats


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7 hours ago, Bluedragon66 said:

OK, thanks for the advise. The main reason I want the weapon hate is because of mastery points. Another minor reason is for completion sake.

If your main concern is Mastery then I would encourage ignoring Hate entirely.  There are so many other ways to get Mastery, so many that you can achieve the highest Mastery level in the game without ever getting Hate.


7 hours ago, Bluedragon66 said:

Moreover I heard "horror" stories of players having 1000 and more hours in thee game and still not getting the "Hate" blueprint to drop. There are others as well who blew 20 to 30 Stalker beacons and the blueprint have yet to drop for them!

I think what might help is to put these stories in perspective.  Whether the drop rate of an item is 90% or 1%, it's possible to get an item on your first drop, and it's also possible to not get it after 100 drops.  That's just the way random numbers work.  It's unlikely that these outcomes will happen, but when you have millions of people playing rolling dice, even the most unlikely results are going to happen to quite a few people.

Sometimes people get lucky, sometimes they get unlucky.  And remember, the people who have "average" experiences seldom tell their stories, because their experiences are average and not worth talking about.  But when people have a really bad time, those stories are a lot more likely to be told.  So don't put too much stock in the stories you hear, because often the stories you hear aren't representative of all of the stories that have occurred.

If you really want to get data on what a farm will be like, you want to look at the drop odds.  But even then, just use it to give yourself an idea of what to expect, because probability is incredibly unintuitive and hence it's very difficult for most people to wrap their heads around.  Hate has a 2.77% drop chance, and what you should take away from that is that every time you fight a Stalker, it's unlikely that it will drop.  But eventually it will.

If you genuinely get into Warframe to the point where you're going to want to collect everything, you'll spend well over 1000 hours playing the game.  And in that time, just by playing the game naturally (not even specifically farming) you'll end up fighting the Stalker hundreds of times.  If you just play the game, by the time you would genuinely need to care about having Hate to finish your collection of every last weapon, it's incredibly unlikely that you wouldn't already have it.

So my genuine advice is to simply forget about Hate.  There's no need to actively farm it  and indeed, I wouldn't recommend anyone actively farm something that has a 2.77% chance of dropping; that's so low that an active farm is more likely to leave you burned out than anything else  because if you play the game long enough it will eventually just fall into your lap. 

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Hate was the last stalker weapon I needed. In fact, aside from new weapons coming out, Hate was the last weapon I needed period. Did eventually drop for me though but was about 750 days in. As has been said just ignore it and it will drop eventually as you get marked by stalker almost permanently, especially if you do sorties regularly. Try not to get obsessive with anything in this game, mix it up a bit, or your mental health will take a hammering. Good luck mate!

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2 hours ago, (PSN)Unstar said:


So my genuine advice is to simply forget about Hate.  There's no need to actively farm it  and indeed, I wouldn't recommend anyone actively farm something that has a 2.77% chance of dropping; that's so low that an active farm is more likely to leave you burned out than anything else  because if you play the game long enough it will eventually just fall into your lap. 

I concur. Trying to farm low drop chance stuff (looks at vengeful revenant, war bp, legendary cores, nodus parts, ash parts, etc) is how you end up with forum topics like “I quit after 2.5k hours cause this one thing.”

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29 minutes ago, (PSN)CommanderC2121 said:

I concur. Trying to farm low drop chance stuff (looks at vengeful revenant, war bp, legendary cores, nodus parts, ash parts, etc) is how you end up with forum topics like “I quit after 2.5k hours cause this one thing.”

Because of Archon Hunts, it shot up the chances of seeing Vengeful Revenant. I have never seen it in all my time playing but Archon Hunts got me four of them. 

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On 2022-11-19 at 10:09 PM, Bluedragon66 said:

However, in my current account, I made a mistake of buying a single smoke colour template and now I can't buy the "What Stalker" bundle. And I only do not have the hate blueprint from Stalker. As I have completed the 2nd dream, to get the blueprint now is going to be very tedious as I can't even use platinum to buy the weapon.

15 hours ago, Bluedragon66 said:

Moreover I heard "horror" stories of players having 1000 and more hours in thee game and still not getting the "Hate" blueprint to drop. There are others as well who blew 20 to 30 Stalker beacons and the blueprint have yet to drop for them!

Hate is okay, Despair is crap, and neither are worth the plat you'd spend. You're honestly better off having only bought the colour palette. Dread is good, though, and drops all the time. Missing out on one or two weapons isn't going to hurt you in the long term (i.e. mastery rank) at this point and is not worth restarting for.

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I would like to update you guys of my latest situation. I contacted support with regards to this issue and they were willing to remove the smoke color template my inventory. Now I can purchase the What Stalker bundle for 800 platinum!

In case you guys are wondering, I tried my very best for Stalker to show up for the last few days (he did not show up) and sold all my prime parts for ducats in preparation to buy the Stalker beacon in the next couple of weeks.  But after having over 3,000 ducats for my endeavor, I can now safely spend my ducats on other things when Baro comes around in a about a weeks time.  My mental health is at peace now.

Of course, I am not going to rush to buy the bundle when I get the necessary platinum.  I am still going to try to farm Stalker in the next couple of weeks and hopefully he will drop the hate blueprint. But I must say that my options have been increased greatly on what to do with my ducats and I can now get the hate weapon whenever I feel like it!

I must say that support has been great! It took them 3 days to reply though! So if anyone else is having the same issue, you can contact support about this.

Hope this information helps!

PS: Yes I am aware that to spend 800 platinum on the bundle is just not worth it but if one has been trying to farm the blueprint for ages, this will be a last resort.




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On 2022-11-19 at 3:40 PM, Bluedragon66 said:

OK, as most of you veteran guys are aware, there is an annoying bug in the game where if you kill a specter on any junction, most of the time, it will result in a mission failure notice on the screen. However, you can still progress and get the credits.

The question is, under our stats in the profile section, does this raise the number in the "missions failed" states? Or would there be no change in the number despite getting a mission failed notice after completing the junction?


Anyone noticed any difference in the stats? Thanks.

I've not really paid much attention to my missions failed stats in a long time, as this game does have a few bugs that leads to mission failures for a variety of reasons beyond a player's control, from falling through the floor and not being able to get back on the map, not even with the unstuck command, to getting glitched and being unable to attack or use powers, to trying to join a game with others, not getting connected at all and then being greeted with the "mission failed" screen back in the Orbiter and so on.

I've gone through a bit of the thread and I wouldn't recommend starting a new account with the idea of being able to keep a nice clean record, because the bugs will get ya.

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I've completed 10k missions with 344 failed and 774 quit
Now from these i've legitimately failed only around 10 and quit 30(19 were quit because bug prevented me from finishing mission and 1 because i had to save neighbor from death to heart attack, i literally never ragequit). Which would mean the stat accuracy is like 0.5%
So yeah... the spectre juction bug is  LEAST of concern for stellar record. There are like thousands of other bugs each patch that will completely ruin your stats.

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