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Oull requiem



5 answers to this question

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3 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Is oull still a thing? I have opened a ton of req relics and never got one a d the dozen relics i still have don't have pull as a reward. Just curious if oull was removed from the game? Or where/how do you get it?

What made you think they come from Requiem relics? They don't show as one of the possible rewards. You might want to familiarise yourself with the wiki to help avoid this type of situation in the future.


Drop Locations


25% drop chance when the Kuva Lich or Sisters of Parvos flees after using the correct Requiem Sequence. This Requiem only drops for the person whose Lich/Sister is downed. Transmutation from 4 existing Requiem Mods.

Note that, transmuting 4 defiled oull mods will not guarantee a new oull mod afaik.

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As others have mentioned, you get them from Sisters/Liches themselves. You can also transmute them from Defiled Requiems. At least last I checked. Also, for clarity, they did receive a visual make over at some point as well. Like if you remember having a bunch of Oull, and recognised its symbol, but can't anymore. Now Oull is animated graphic that changes to other symbols, instead of having its own unique symbol. 

Some people found Oull confusing?!? So they made a visual change. Personally I liked the older look more, but hey. 

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