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The Stalker Is Getting Out Of Hand


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Personally, all that I see that needs to be fixed about him is to make him stop spawning in mastery tests. That's it. I've killed him once since the update, and once before. He is indeed much harder, but beatable and in some ways predictable. Just not solo-able, which was never an aspect of him anyways unless you had mad buffs before he could dispel.


Really, I think he's a tad bit strong where he is, but he's not through-the-roof bad. Unfair to meet alone. Chilling fun once you're in a group.

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You know what would be a total nightmare, yet curious to see? Both the Stalker and the Harvester spawning at the same time, after the same player.


Just by a stroke of bad luck (or good luck for those hardcore types), he pops on you in the same mission, same time. Both broken, both overpowered, both on to you.




Are you scared yet?

Are you mashing them Alt+F4 keys yet?

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Fighting stalker on my loki = keep dreaming

Fighting stalker on my full tank frost = ez mode


It's not so much the scaling or the hp or damage but the way the fight works. I always carry my strong secondaries with me so he melts pretty easy, if I get a chance to hit ogris to his face he's done for, but when fighting him with non-overpowered builds-frames-whateverhaveyou then he's out of hand. 

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Stalker should be hard, but the current state is nigh impossible for most warframe and weapon combos.

Stalkers attacks are way too fast, unnoticeable and instakills players.


Easy fixes to the damage:

Make his first attack remove your shields completely and unable to regen. This way you know you got hit and should react and fast.

Make his follow-up attacks deal a % amount of health damage. This means weak frames are on the same ground as full tanks and they aren't instagibbed.


My last encounter with the Stalker was with Ember. I got teleported next to him and died before I could even move. That's just cheap.


After that encounter, I have been running with maxed out defensive stats on my Rhino with Akboltos specced specifically to take down Stalker. He hasn't spawned in a week even though I have killed the required bosses.

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 He still spawns at level 30 for me...


also yeah I don't like that teleport skill of his, IMO its just stupid.


 I was so ready to fight him once the lights flickered, was ready for the challenge. BAM, Teleported right to him and knifed then dead. Thats no challenge -_- and I was really frankly annoyed by that.



  Now when he doesn't do that stupid teleportation move, he is actually pretty fun to fight.


 As for fighting him in groups, when the flicker happens i'll simply tell everyone "stalker, on me". 

Edited by Shekho
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Another thing they need to do:  Either give his dispel limited range OR require LOS.

I got him stuck off of a ledge in an area I couldn't shoot him and he couldn't get up to me and his AI apparently wasn't using teleport.
No matter how far away from him I got I couldn't use any self buff skills as they would just be dispelled and I would be hit for 100 damage and staggered.  It was pretty ridiculous...

Running away normally isn't a choice but even when you can it doesn't stop him from annoying you for the rest of the mission.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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Another thing they need to do:  Either give his dispel limited range OR require LOS.

I got him stuck off of a ledge in an area I couldn't shoot him and he couldn't get up to me and his AI apparently wasn't using teleport.

No matter how far away from him I got I couldn't use any self buff skills as they would just be dispelled and I would be hit for 100 damage and staggered.  It was pretty ridiculous...

Running away normally isn't a choice but even when you can it doesn't stop him from annoying you for the rest of the mission.


If that was his only ability it would be kinda acceptable. I really hope that in the future we will get a strong/challenging Stalker that does not depend on loads of Shield/Health and "ignorance" (to our abilities) but dynamic movement and an AI worth fighting against. But that is not something easy to accomplish - he is not even a Boss fighting in the same room all the time so they would have to prepare the AI for any landscape. Again, if they ever manage to do that, properly tuning it for all and every boss will be a piece of cake.

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Y'know, for the Stalker, I don't think the problem is so much that he's hard.
Yes, he's tough to beat. He isn't entirely unbeatable.


The problem isn't that he doesn't really properly scale.


The problem is that the rest of the game is so damn easy, he comes completely out of the blue to crush you.

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I would say the problem definitely is that he doesn't scale well at all (in addition to his OP abilities and tankiness that puts a lot of bosses to shame as well as a few other ways he breaks the game).

I've seen him be level 45 while everyone in the group had between level 10 and 16 gear equipped because we were leveling everything at once in an infested survival mission. Enemies were level 16 when he spawned and there was pretty much nothing we could do to scratch him.

I would call that poor scaling that definitely needs to be improved.

I did find one way to render him harmless...though its hardly practical or even possible with the majority of weapons and happened by accident during a mission.

I accidently blew up a Valkyr that I was leveling with a mis-bounced penta grenade. The stalker(targeting me) spawned while I was bleeding out and he just stood there not doing anything or being affected by anything.

Again, while its not practical, if you can time it well there is another way to prevent him from stealing a revive.

In all seriousness though his abilities and AI need a complete overhaul.

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I would say the problem definitely is that he doesn't scale well at all (in addition to his OP abilities and tankiness that puts a lot of bosses to shame as well as a few other ways he breaks the game).

I've seen him be level 45 while everyone in the group had between level 10 and 16 gear equipped because we were leveling everything at once in an infested survival mission. Enemies were level 16 when he spawned and there was pretty much nothing we could do to scratch him.

I would call that poor scaling that definitely needs to be improved.

I did find one way to render him harmless...though its hardly practical or even possible with the majority of weapons and happened by accident during a mission.

I accidently blew up a Valkyr that I was leveling with a mis-bounced penta grenade. The stalker(targeting me) spawned while I was bleeding out and he just stood there not doing anything or being affected by anything.

Again, while its not practical, if you can time it well there is another way to prevent him from stealing a revive.

In all seriousness though his abilities and AI need a complete overhaul.

he is pretty much a scumbag deadpool....great just what warframe needs a ninja that never shuts up and is op


if i wanted to fight deadpool i would play marvel vs capcom .....but i'm not i am playing warframe so that lil d bag deadpool needs to stop breaking 4th dimension  and invading other realities and time even if he is hideing in the stalker frame

Edited by DragoXXVIII
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Wanna give a fair fight with stalker DE? give us Stalker warframe at the same stat,Shield,health and ability which I'm sure he has more than 4 and the dread which can 1 hit kill me while having HP and shield more than 1200 becasue I already maxout redirect,Vitality and vigor and I might not mention that I was using Oberon ! I was shooting him from range after I ran from him because of his teleporting skill and I'm thinking my frame could take his shot ,well atleast 1 SHOT!! and I got 1 HIT KILL!!!!!

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Just faced Stalker literally about 20 minutes ago as Valkyr going my regular health stacking and powerhouse loadout, with Soma, Akvasto, and Dual Kamas.
Managed to unload a couple of rounds on him, but with 150 shield, 660 health, wasn't enough cause just 1 ARROW, JUST ONE, I go from 150S,660H to 0 shield, 23 health, with slash proc finishing me.

Either he's way too powerful or scaling isn't right over here.
He doesn't need a nerf, he needs a full blown overhaul.

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Wowie zowie, It's been that long since the last post?



Anyways, were you Solo or with a group?


I mean either way, if you decide to Solo Stalker (Either directly in solo mode, or online [your team just ignores him]), your most likely going to die unless you have quick thinking *pun* *no really you'll still die*


I think Stalker, as you think, needs a complete overhaul from Stats, Abilities, and most importantly, a learning AI.

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Wowie zowie, It's been that long since the last post?



Anyways, were you Solo or with a group?


I mean either way, if you decide to Solo Stalker (Either directly in solo mode, or online [your team just ignores him]), your most likely going to die unless you have quick thinking *pun* *no really you'll still die*


I think Stalker, as you think, needs a complete overhaul from Stats, Abilities, and most importantly, a learning AI.

Went solo so I could face the Harvester. I faced Stalker first, got my &#! kicked, then Harvester spawned the mission right after.

I recently faced the Stalker again and the same crap happened to me. Except he depleted my shield with just 1 Despair, and got stomped yet again by 1 arrow.

(Uh guys, they should nerf his teleport and dispel just a tiny bit cause him TPing every 5 seconds doesn't help.

Also I got 2 videos of both occurences (both with 5FDP playing lol)

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This thread should be restarted if its even still necessary. The stalker has been buffed, reworked, and nerfed since the time this thread began.

I currently find his strength proper. Though elements of the event and combat could still use polish to give a more exciting combat experience.

I know he's supposed to be hard but there's a difference between difficult and death sentence. At least difficult games like Dark Souls have enemies that can one shot you, you normally have a chance to dodge or play tactically and still beat them. Here Stalker can just teleport and immediately smack you with a dash in the course of about 2 seconds without the person even realizing what just happened.

Also, solo is almost garaunteed death sentence.

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Stalker's problem is that he's not balanced correctly around Warframe abilities: the most nonstandard(and possibly overpowered) features of the game that provide you with interesting, non-standard gameplay options.


Currently the Stalker can be represented as somebody in a D&D game who flat-out ignores the dice rolls entirely and just says "my character stabs your character in the face", to which the other person says "but you need to roll for hit chance and perception in order to anticipate my dodge maneuver", and they reply with "no" and kill them anyway. Alternatively, he could be the kid on the playground who states in a play-fight that they're immune to bullets because they have an impenetrable shield and can't be killed because some stupid child logic blah blah blah you get where I'm going with this.


Stalker should not have flat-out immunity to abilities because those are our major distinguishing features as player characters(other than weapons that NPC's simply can't or don't use) and tries to force a pseudo-Conclave session in the middle of a PVE game where one guy has all of the cheat codes turned on. Give him large resistances to abilities so things like slowing him with a Snow Globe are still viable strategies, but obviously without making the fight a pushover.


The game is balanced around only 4 player characters versus (potentially) hundreds of enemy NPCs, so abilities have somewhat of an AOE or group focus. To use these abilities on a single target is hilariously overpowered (given certain circumstances) and before Stalker was given immunities to the strongest abilities like Blessing it was a complete joke because you held all of the cards, and the game treated him like nothing more than a single beefy enemy instead of a pseudo-player character that you could walk all over.


I hope that made sense. TLDR revert Stalker's immunities to flat resistances like 65%.

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After getting 2 shotted by the stalker on my tanky Rhino in a solo game, I got 1-shotted on Nova while leveling her, despite running away like a girl to my team mates for help; I died just the same before they could do anything. It has also happened a few times where a team mate would ask for help as a Stalker is spawning on him, but they instantly die before anyone can do anything.


It simply is not fun. I just do not understand what is expected from us. Just waste revives? Is that it?

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Stalker continues to be consistently inconsistent. He either dies with relative ease or one shots me, regardless of loadout.


Edit: Just faced him again, during a nightmare alert with no shields, on Trinity (who has no armor). I'm pretty sure you can imagine how that went when he was level 60.

Edited by Leuca
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Don't stand still vs Stalker, don't run in a straight line, use the enviroment, especially boxes/obstacles.


The issue is that even with these tactics, Stalker's OP cards (Teleport + Slash Dash, Dread/Despair/Hate Dispel) are always a chance shot. You either get lucky and avoid them, or get curbstomped into the ground. It's usually the latter, especially if your taking him 1-on-1.


I mean, I've held my ground against Stalker for a pretty good time, using zig-zag and side to side strafing tactics just to see how far I could get against him. The gameplay mechanics (rolling while falling, glitchy parkour, etc) will eventually trip you up unless Stalker pulls out his OP abilities on you first.


So in short, even though these tactics are good, they almost never ensure a win against Stalker. Kind of what Chaosrain said back up there.

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Jesus Christ, man up.

I'm sorry, but how? Stalker provides no challenge. The abilities that define a Warframe? He just either ignores or cancels with a guaranteed stagger. He can use his Dread at full power while still holding his Despair because he ignores the weapon switching animations. If you use Shade (something most do on high level content since sentinel weapons are horribly weak) then you will die because he'll just chain-stagger you to dispel Shade's cloaking. You can roll, run, jump around as much as you want, but every second not spent attacking him is time he gets with free attacks on you. He also can spam teleport and pull without line of sight, negating fancy movements. He gets 450 base shields and 200 base health. His stats scale pretty much off of that, it's why his shields take forever to bring down, and if he decides to use Absorb during the fight, he'll replenish all of his shields before the ability goes off.


You tell someone to man up when they go up against Ornstein and Smough or The Four Kings in Dark Souls, or in EVE when someone mentions how they got backstabbed in a corporate warfare backstab. This crap though? There is a world of difference between something being genuinely difficult and just straight-up unfair/punishing.




Oh look! It's this video again, and of course it's still relevant.

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