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The Stalker Is Getting Out Of Hand


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Right now, I am terrified of stalker.  This is a damn good thing. 

I'm not. I just sigh when the lights flicker and prepare to revive.


You know when devs "overnerf" something? When something that needed a nerf is hit so hard it becomes one of the worst items in the game? Well, the Stalker is quite the opposite. They "overbuffed" him.

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I can deal with the fact that the stalker teleports to me, and that he is able to dispel all abilities. You can mostly avoid him by using cover and stuff. What really bothers me right now is how they scaled his level. Right now I can't even take down 25% of his shields with a maxed out forma-ed Flux rifle. The amount of damage he's absorbing right now is ridiculous.

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I always though bosses whit that dam ability that teleports yoou in front of him its bs (im looking at you Golem), yeah if it has a sertain efective range would be fine but how am i supose to attack someone from far away if all he does is pull me to him whenever i get beyond 3 meters from him, and they gave this S#&$ to Stalker? im sorry he was tough already whit dispel and he can get to you whit his own teleport and slash dash. he doesnt need this broken ability....

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He had teleport before this update... and this kind of event is probably a good thing, teaches you that life cant always be easy

He had teleport before this update... and this kind of event is probably a good thing, teaches you that life cant always be easy

GTFO, I'm not a bored millionaire brat. Life lessons from a video game, what's wrong with you?

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I wouldn't mind if Stalker's death is more rewarding. I have all his BPs and goddammit I don't need a Slash Dash mod..

Only if DE makes him drop BP everytime again, his isn't worth fighting anymore, he OverPowers bosses. He isn't a mini boss anymore. He also barely spawns now.

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They made the stupid decision to balance him based on the complaints that he was "too easy" for people with max ranked mods, Warframes and weapons.


I pity the newbie who comes up against the Stalker now - moreso than I did before.

THIS! DE should think about the many newbies before they go nerfing across the board. We have nightmare mod for a reason. Unfortunately, it's locked behind an RNG.

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THIS! DE should think about the many newbies before they go nerfing across the board. We have nightmare mod for a reason. Unfortunately, it's locked behind an RNG.

I've said this before, but again, balancing around the Min-Maxers is the single worst thing any developer can do. If it's a brickwall to normal players, it's merely a speedbump to Min-Maxers, and then they'll complain again how everything is too easy.

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I've said this before, but again, balancing around the Min-Maxers is the single worst thing any developer can do. If it's a brickwall to normal players, it's merely a speedbump to Min-Maxers, and then they'll complain again how everything is too easy.


That's because only the truly 'hard core' or the most desperate of casuals actually post on forums, and on forums, 'hardcore' outnumber the casuals by a factor of 5 to one.


ugh I keep forgetting to never visit the forums within a week of a new major update, because all everyone does is talk about how awful everything is.


I'll leave you babbies be then.

Case in point.

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I can't believe no one said this yet. Do you people even play the game? When someone told me the WF endgame were the forums they weren't joking apparently.



There's an easy way to deal with any OP stuff in this game, and it doesn't involve abusing the AI with metal boxes or any of that stupid crap. Wasn't that trick all over the forums back when the new mod system hit?


You seem to have to forgotten so I'll remind you again:



git gud


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I can't believe no one said this yet. Do you people even play the game? When someone told me the WF endgame were the forums they weren't joking apparently.



There's an easy way to deal with any OP stuff in this game, and it doesn't involve abusing the AI with metal boxes or any of that stupid crap. Wasn't that trick all over the forums back when the new mod system hit?


You seem to have to forgotten so I'll remind you again:



git gud


Case in point no. 2


Thank you for making this so easy.

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The problem I have with the Stalker right now is that only frames such as Rhino, Frost, and Saryn can even try to fight him. Even then they can only really fight him with stats. Trinity can work if only because of the heals. I had her on last night and Stalker attacked me I pretty much only lived because of Blessing + Rage + Quick Thinking. We had to kite him around for 2+ minutes with me shooting him with my 3xForma Brakk before he finally died.


Caster frames are pretty much DoA without a group and even then it's disproportionately difficult because he gets rid of the only advantage that the casters have; their abilities. These frames give up base power and things like armor for these abilities that Stalker outright nullifies. He moves very quickly making it hard to target him with guns and not only that very erratically as well, constantly teleporting around after whatever target he's decided to attack and moving around like a max sprint Loki at full tilt. Right now if you're not in a group it's disproportionately difficult to the point of you might as well just chalk it up as a burnt revive if he shows up and you're on a squishy frame. 


In a group it's mostly fine, his Dispel having a stun attached is a little obnoxious considering everything he hits you with staggers you if you're down to health. The fact that he instantly casts on you perfectly every time is also a little obnoxious but I can deal with it. I'd much rather see that ability be a radial something like Smokescreen sized that he uses after teleporting to you possibly. His dispel as it is now is rather obnoxious.


I'd love to see this guy as a challenging fight that didn't involve just broken mechanics and abilities that render a nice chunk of frames in the game pretty much unable to fight him without a group. But that's the rub, and returns to the sentiment that we need to have a balance between Solo and Co-Op in terms of difficulty.

Edited by LoneTonberry
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Look at what kind of damage the Stalker's weapon do. Now read the description of said weapons. Consider that he is, too, a Tenno.


Now put 2 and 2 together and you get why you'll know you're either screwed or able to take him on with your loadout. Sucks that you can't predict when he's going to show up to prepare accordingly though.


If all else fails, you see the light flicker, you're the target and don't want to lose a revive, you can always ESC + "Abandon Mission"

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Also why is his dispell a bad thing?  I mean most of the ults in the game just obliterate enemies, why is it suddenly unfair that you can't just spam them against this guy?


Because Loki, Nova, Vauban, (and other squishy frames I may have missed) has very little health and shields comparatively? And that was originally mitigated by their abilities? Which they do not have against the Stalker...

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I can't believe no one said this yet. Do you people even play the game? When someone told me the WF endgame were the forums they weren't joking apparently.



There's an easy way to deal with any OP stuff in this game, and it doesn't involve abusing the AI with metal boxes or any of that stupid crap. Wasn't that trick all over the forums back when the new mod system hit?


You seem to have to forgotten so I'll remind you again:



git gud



And by "git gud" you mean make sure you have a triple-forma'd clantech weapon with hard-to-obtain rare Rage/Quick Thinking mods on your tanky frame when Stalker attacks? God forbid if you decide to play something else or don't have any of those things.

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My Rhino just got basically insta-killed...

It is not maxed completely yet(And I'm kinda a noob admittedly), but my stats were(Imgur is down atm so no pic):

Full Iron Skin, 660 health/shield with 150 armor.

First hit took down my iron skin and half my shield, recast Iron Skin, then I ran like hell, aaand a second later I was dead...


And it was during the event, so dark room+stalker = invisible insta-killing enemy! Yippie!

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Getting one shot is no fun for a lot of people - his abilities are fine the damage is good; his slash dash does need to do less damage then what it is now - or maybe have it do the amount of damage equal to your shields so if you have 660 shield and 380 health and your shields are down to 1/3 you will be killed with his slash dash. Atm with his super boosted dash attack it does seem that a lot of players are having trouble with him - personally the only trouble I have ever had with him is when I was leveling a newly forma'd frame or recently I was being a twit and was trying to scan him rather then fight him O.o

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Getting one shot is no fun for a lot of people - his abilities are fine the damage is good; his slash dash does need to do less damage then what it is now - or maybe have it do the amount of damage equal to your shields so if you have 660 shield and 380 health and your shields are down to 1/3 you will be killed with his slash dash. Atm with his super boosted dash attack it does seem that a lot of players are having trouble with him - personally the only trouble I have ever had with him is when I was leveling a newly forma'd frame or recently I was being a twit and was trying to scan him rather then fight him O.o

I don't even bother using Iron Skin in missions since I saw him teleport up next to me and then instantly dispel it. This happened during the mission where you fight off Infested with Corpus as allies. It was that big open room right before the Infested Ship tileset.


So yeah, I couldn't hit the Stalker for S#&$ because of all my 'allies' and the enemy corpses still flailing about. The big issue is that before, level 45 enemies were midgame, now because of the change, he's beyond endgame and why the hell did he bring up Lech Kril when he spoke? I haven't fought that guy in ages. There needs to be a timer that resets. If you haven't killed a boss in a week, like Phorrid, he won't come after you trying to avenge Horrid Phorrid. Also for newbies, he shouldn't show up if someone in the mission is below Rank 3 or 4.

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And by "git gud" you mean make sure you have a triple-forma'd clantech weapon with hard-to-obtain rare Rage/Quick Thinking mods on your tanky frame when Stalker attacks? God forbid if you decide to play something else or don't have any of those things.

i have a generic build, excalibur with a braton. no crazy mods or anything.

as i said, git gud. dont just stand there waggling your gun at him waiting to get slash dashed. use cover and shoot him until he dies

Sent from my iPhone 5 :^)

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