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Many Enemies have bugged / unobtainable Codex scans [DE response requested]


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This issue has been addressed by several other posts but has yet to be acknowledged by DE.  It's also a relatively easy fix so... just do it.

[EDIT] This post has a lot of specific detail.  Everything there also needs to be addressed.

This post is in regards to trying to the Codex (found under esc -> profile -> codex).

First of all, the series of Juno Comba X enemies, even if scanning their vanilla variant, are only counting the codex scan for the Eximus. Some players have been able to work around this by using Ballistica Prime's charge shot to kill the variants, and then scan their ghost (which cannot be an eximus) in order to force the subsequent scan to count as normal. 

I have gotten this to work for all of the combas except for the Sap comba.  (I Killed a sap comba with ballistica prime, scanned the ghost, and it counted for the eximus variant).


This needs to be addressed, or their associated codex entries must be removed.


There are several other unobtainable codex entries that should have their outline removed from players' codex that do not have them completed, or a way for them to be scanned must be added.


The entry between flameblade and frontier butcher seems to not be implemented and is unobtainable.  This entry needs to be removed.



An entry for Jordas J3 Golem. exists as a shadow in the codex, but cannot be scanned anymore since its content was removed.  This entry needs to be removed from the codex, or a method for scanning it (e.g. make its corpse spawn somewhere, maybe on Deimos) must be added.  Considering other time-locked entries such as the zealoid are not in the codex, this should be reflected for the Jordas Golem as well.  The same should be done for the associated infested tumor (as seen in this post: 


There is also the matter of the vapos elite condor dropship and the Aquilla that are nigh impossible to spawn, although apparently this isn't a bug since the enemies do indeed exist.  However, I believe their ridiculously low spawn rate should be considered a bug.  This must also be addressed.


Finally, I want to point out that with the removal of raids way back when, rare/reinforced crates are essentially impossible to find let alone scan.  According to this reddit post, the spawn rate for rare crates is roughly 1-2%.  This means that it is expected for one to have to run 300 missions (assuming 1%) per storage crate to get the rare scans.  On top of that, the study found that the reinforced variants have only a 0.2-0.5% spawn chance.  Assuming the 0.5% spawn chance, this requires running more than 600 missions per reinforced crate.

I have more than 1100 hours and have found exactly one reinforced crate and around 12 rare crates despite having completed more than 6600 missions.   image.png

To top this off, with the release of zariman ten zero, there is a new pair of rare/reinforced crates that must be scanned for codex completion.  Worst part about this one is that you can't even use golden instinct to quickly find them (currently the only real way to have a chance at finding the crates) since the pinions get in the way. 

I advocate that something be done about these rare crate spawns.  Adding nigh impossible-to-acquire things to the game is bad form, and only serves to enrage your dedicated players who enjoy the game enough to want to finish it in its completion.

Really, each reinforced crate should also have its scan requirements lowered to ONE, and the rare crates maybe 2.


Lastly, as a request, make helios work with the Cross-Matrix Widget so he has a chance at 2x scans.  After all, he already works with the sol battery widget.


I will be bumping this post regularly until these issues are addressed by a DE employee.  It's astonishing the amount of posts with clear work and dedication to them go unaddressed.  Surely bugfixes should be a priority, and engaging with the community that takes the time to report them should be too.

Edited by sirz_benjie
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I found this post randomly and I agree with everything you mentioned. Some scans are impossible to get (Condrix, Ionix etc) as being event locked or removed from the game, and other are so rare, or bugged that it either doesn't count in the codex or the spawn rate is extremely low. Have a bump from me too ! I really want this issues to be fixed, it's not hard to do, but seems like DE mostly focuses on adding up new stuff instead of doing a pause and fix the current issues. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

You may need to be a bit more explicit about what the bugs are, and what you want fixed/changed (and put it in feedback).

If an item/enemy has been removed from the game, that's not a bug. They're unlikely to add the enemy back in (it could happen, though I'd suggest unlikely). 

Some things are rare. That's just the nature of the game. Also not a bug.

If you think a particular enemy spawn is bugged, i.e. something should spawn but isn't, that's a bug worth discussing.

It seems like there's a lot to unpack, and some/most of this is feedback. If you've got bugs to report, unless the bugs are directly related to each other, it's often best to make separate posts (as mentioned in General Bug Report Guidelines).

Perhaps you would simply prefer an option to hide codex entries which have been removed from the game? For those who were able to scan these things, they certainly wouldn't want those items removed from their codex.

Ps. Bumping a bug report without providing any extra details usually results in having the post locked.

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So as of now that I almost have every codex entry done, I wanna state that there are so many missing entries, unknown entries (as stated in the codex), or enemies that literally do not spawn. Here are few examples I came across while doing my scans, you can find all of them on the wiki and even more:

  • Deimos Swarm Mutalist MOA (Eximus too) used to spawn in old Deimos but as of now they do not - they still have their codex entry there,
  • Narmer Thumpers (aside from DOMA variant) - entries exists but these cant spawn because of the bounty level being too high and the only Thumper variant that can spawn is the DOMA,
  • Deimos Leaper - has a codex entry, showed up during Toxicity phase but was removed from the game and cannot spawn anymore,
  • Choralysts has a codex entry too, can be scanned but dont count in codex,
  • Temple Protector and Effigy - nobody tells you should probably scan them because *sigh* the Sands of Inaros isn't replayable,
  • There's a Juno Geminex MOA duplicated entry
  • Deimos Jugulus REX has no codex entry
  • Elite Exo Ramsled, Exo Skold Crewship, Elite Exo Gokstad Crewship have no codex entry,
  • Decaying Conculyst, Tyro Conculyst have no codex entry
  • A lot of Narmer Grineer units - and their eximus counterpart - have no codex entry
  • Corpus Targets in Orb Vallis bounties have extra variants, normal and eximus, and the spawn chance for an eximus is higher, no matter what bounty tier you are doing - also only the normal variant of these targets, at least some of them, can spawn and be accompanied hyenas


Some enemies, like the Vapos Elite dropship, Balliff eximus, Cindertresh Hyena, Deimos heavy units (Lepaer,Juggulus,Saxum) have such a niche gimmick to make them spawn that it's more exhausting than you think.

I did not mention the event locked entries because these are not considered a bug, yes they are no longer scannable but why do some of them still show in the codex even as "undiscovered", these should be hidden from view and only kept for those who already scanned them. The idea of "you should've played and scan them when you had the chance" is very stupid. I hope DE will add them again in a future event or some sorts, and the quests that are not replayable should be made so.


14 hours ago, (PSN)iuvenilis said:

Ps. Bumping a bug report without providing any extra details usually results in having the post locked.

^ I provided extra detailed information and bumped the post too, thanks :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2023-03-26 at 8:15 PM, (PSN)iuvenilis said:

Ps. Bumping a bug report without providing any extra details usually results in having the post locked.

So they'll lock the post intead of addressing the core issues? Pathetic. If that's true, so be it.  Ignoring issues from a devoted community is no way to act.

Also, the issues I brought up in the post are pretty self-evident.  Lots of entries that are literally impossible to complete, and many that are functionally impossible to complete (Play the game daily 2 years and never see a reinforced crate?)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2023-04-16 at 10:33 PM, sirz_benjie said:

So they'll lock the post intead of addressing the core issues? Pathetic. If that's true, so be it.  Ignoring issues from a devoted community is no way to act.

Also, the issues I brought up in the post are pretty self-evident.  Lots of entries that are literally impossible to complete, and many that are functionally impossible to complete (Play the game daily 2 years and never see a reinforced crate?)

Hello again, as I have now completed every scan in the game that is neither bugged, missing or not available anymore (yes even the rarest of the rarest crates), with the new Duviri update (which introduced lots and lots of bugs) nothing has been fixed, there are Narmer enemies in Archon hunt that have no codex entry, the same ol' missing entries you aforementioned, and I just noticed there is a new codex entry: Hollow Thrax Centurion which spawns in Lua conjunction survival and in The Circuit, yet scanning it simply does nothing, it doesnt count. On top of that it's counterpart Lua Thrax Legatus doesnt have a codex entry. 

Are we gonna do this year after year, player after player complaining they can't scan the enemies that ARE INTENDED to be scanned. @sirz_benjie this forum post will no longer receive any attention. I really don't understand why can't they take some of their time (after fixing the current Duviri bugs) and just throw a look at the codex and it's amazing mess. I dont know and still wonder how much time , or if ever, will the devs fix the codex. Have a great day!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2023-01-21 at 8:39 PM, sirz_benjie said:

It turns out that the wiki has a list of enemies who are not scannable / have complications.  (Their list is not complete, however).

DE please address these:


Feel free to edit the list on the wiki if you're sure something is bugged. Anyone can edit it. The bugged scans that I'm aware about are all on that list.
Unfortunately codex bugs seem to be extremely low on the To-Do list. But having an up-to date record of all codex bugs might help for the odd chance when someone at DE decide to fix them all.

On 2023-01-21 at 12:54 AM, sirz_benjie said:

I have gotten this to work for all of the combas except for the Sap comba.  (I Killed a sap comba with ballistica prime, scanned the ghost, and it counted for the eximus variant).

Did you try this recently? Supposedly this was fixed a year ago. (The posts you linked are also older):

Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)

  • Fixed Juno Comba Codex scans appearing as their Eximus counterparts.


On 2023-01-21 at 12:54 AM, sirz_benjie said:

The entry between flameblade and frontier butcher seems to not be implemented and is unobtainable.  This entry needs to be removed.

For your info, that's the bugged "Fortress Scanner". Scanning it counts as a regular corpus "Security Camera".

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There is unfortunately very little they get out of fixing bugs like this.  Which is a shame.  The developers clearly do not have any respect for their game.

@MailNeym, I did try the Sap comba recently.  That bugfix did nothing.

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  • 11 months later...
On 5/13/2023 at 2:33 PM, MaiNeym said:

Feel free to edit the list on the wiki if you're sure something is bugged. Anyone can edit it. The bugged scans that I'm aware about are all on that list.
Unfortunately codex bugs seem to be extremely low on the To-Do list. But having an up-to date record of all codex bugs might help for the odd chance when someone at DE decide to fix them all.

Did you try this recently? Supposedly this was fixed a year ago. (The posts you linked are also older):

Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)

  • Fixed Juno Comba Codex scans appearing as their Eximus counterparts.


For your info, that's the bugged "Fortress Scanner". Scanning it counts as a regular corpus "Security Camera".

Can we have it to where we increase the spawn rates of stuff like the jacket eximus and bailiff excuses as well as elite gas city corpus ships

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