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Let's List All The Weapons Damage 2.0 Has "killed"


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With a Puncture and Slash mod, (along with the usual crit mods) the Soma is just as good as it was before. The only thing that happened is it lost it's ability to tackle high level Corpus.


That's not a nerf, it's simply a new system. Same goes with Acrid. No more god weapons, now they are specialists like they should have been.

Which ends up falling apart if the faction changes mid mission. Build for a heavy infested battle with lots of slashing and puncture incase the Grineer made things interesting? Too bad, Corpus show up and now you can do next to nothing against them.

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Obviously we're talking about how wep behaves. Not where and how its set.

I feel its logical that if I shoot in head it practically kills *(unless there's armor/shield to stop it) What would be illogical that if i shoot him straight in face with shotgun and he took less dmg than if I would shoot him where his armor is present and get more dmg there.


Suspended disbelief.


Regardless there IS a new correct way to mod according to the weapon and the enemies your up against. If you want to go over the hows and whys sure but frankly if your going to carry on about realism your on your own from here on out.

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Suspended disbelief.


Regardless there IS a new correct way to mod according to the weapon and the enemies your up against. If you want to go over the hows and whys sure but frankly if your going to carry on about realism your on your own from here on out.

Well if things haven't changed let's think back to the damage chart Steve posted a while ago for damage 2.0. For anyone who hasn't seen it these are the damage bonuses (assume that there is a 0% damage loss if I don't mention that enemy type).

Damage bonuses for:

-Impact does +50% vs Robotic and Shield and -50% vs Infested.

-Puncture does +50% vs Armor and Robotic and -50% vs Infested.

-Slash does +50% vs Flesh and Infested and -50% vs Robotic.

-Heat does +75% vs Flesh and +50% vs Infested.

-Cold does -50% vs Armor and +50% vs Shield.

-Electricity does -25% vs Infested and +50% vs Robotic.

-Toxic does 50% vs Flesh and -50% vs Robotic.

-Blast does +25% vs Armor and Flesh.

-Radiation does +10% vs Flesh and +50% vs Robotic.

-Gas does +25% vs Armor and Flesh and -50% vs Robotic.

-Magnetic does +75% vs Shield and +50% vs Robotic.

-Viral does +100% vs Flesh and -50% vs Robotic.

-Corrosive does +75% vs Armor and +50% vs Robotic.

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Try modding the flux rifle with fire or ice. It hits so rapidly that it procs with surprising amount of regularity, making it a fantastic weapon for stacking fire damage dot or crowd control.


These days you actually have to specialize into ice mods if you want to slow enemies.

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Personally I welcome this change; it has been far too long for the old "One weapon to murder all" system that render any weapon without armor ignore totally crap against anything (Damage 1.0 version)


This new system enables us to start thinking on what weapons with different mod loadouts to bring for different missions; At same time without making all those excessive weapon collection laying around only doing the job of collecting space dust =)

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This is an off the cuff impression, but I feel the Soma's recoil and spread were increased. Now it's less of a HK416, and more of a PKP Pecheng, to give an analogy.


Which, while an additional disadvantage rendered to the Soma, is still something I'm fine with - I just have to keep thinking of the Soma as a more accurate light machine gun rather than a less accurate assault rifle. :p

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Though some of the complaining is valid as well but such is the way of these kind of things. There is always something that gets hit the most. What people forget however, is that they were used to use over powered weapons to begin with and they were brought in lines with other weapons, they knew it very well deep inside that it was going to happen eventually but they wished it would not. Now it hit them and they can not be " godlike " anymore and suddenly those guns became weak since they are not the over powered guns they used to be and now all guns are pretty much in the same line in terms of power level.

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Call me whatever you want but any day that makes the overused / old OP weapons squirm and feel the pain is a good day in my book. There's nothing in this game I hate more than how overused the Acrid / Soma / Galantine are, it's like they're the only two weapons in the game! Come on! There's so many other great weapons you can use.

Though I'm happy with how Damage 2.0 is doing so far, its not perfect but is a huge improvement to see all weapons viable. 

With the old system you went "Oh, you wanna win? Here use, this this and this."

This system actually makes everything viable and it should nerf the overused weapons, otherwise everone ends up using the same things.

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