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Mirage's Eclipse applies the effect to your frame as well as armor and syandana. Why does no other effect do this?


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Seriously, it looks so much better when the effect is applied universally to your frame as opposed to just the base & helmet. Why don't other effects apply universally as well? All it would take is changing the level at which the visual is applied, not that hard if you've already done it with one effect.

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Yeah. Sometimes I wonder as well why that's not the case since most of the effects are simple screen space shader overlays, that's technically rather easy to apply on everything then. And it does really look weird sometimes especially with the void buff when you crack relics since this one is really hard to miss D:

Also I believe if it's still not fixed but Hydroid's 2 ability augment, the anti debuff buff used to have a nice watery effect on your frame, and it kinda was my main reason to play with it in the past xD but at some point it was just gone :c

Also speaking of Mirage's eclipse, even this one is very inconsistent, when the buff is applied for example on corrupted spectre allies they turn into a very bright orokin blue no matter what's your energy color. It's not a big deal that random spectres are kinda bugged. But at least, warframes could handle buff visual effects better in general though.

Effects like these could definitely get some more love.

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doesn't surprise me, considering that Eclipse's actual function is not as consistent as it should be: there's been many times where I stood in bright light without a damage buff, and the moment I need the defense buff i go to a darker spot and still have damage instead of damage reduction... I'm not even a Mirage main by any means, but I've noticed this a LOT.

it also doesn't help that, prior to working on Soulframe, Steve couldn't leave the tileset lighting alone for more than 5 seconds. wouldn't be so bad but I don't think he took into account how Mirage's main form of survivability literally depends on the lighting.

at this point I'd rather they make Eclipse a tap/hold ability, so that you can have both buffs on command, instead of having to hope you're in the right place at the right time. 

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13 hours ago, Djolltax said:

Seriously, it looks so much better when the effect is applied universally to your frame as opposed to just the base & helmet. Why don't other effects apply universally as well? All it would take is changing the level at which the visual is applied, not that hard if you've already done it with one effect.

Wait doesn't Wisp's invisibility affect her entire body? 

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3 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

Wait doesn't Wisp's invisibility affect her entire body? 

It does, I just finished a mission with her and my Repala syandana was very much aglow.

What's strange is that certain effects apply inconsistently to syandanas. For example, the Kudzon Ephemera will show up on the Cumulus and Suparna syandanas but not others (at least as far as I could find).

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4 hours ago, Corvid said:

It does, I just finished a mission with her and my Repala syandana was very much aglow.

What's strange is that certain effects apply inconsistently to syandanas. For example, the Kudzon Ephemera will show up on the Cumulus and Suparna syandanas but not others (at least as far as I could find).

As someone who uses her 2 a lot, that's what I remembered. Ty for verifying.

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  • 2 months later...

I've said the samething, just make her ability tap/hold rather than lighting based. I mean she has an ability to create(bend) light to make it bright (prism). No sense in basing her off tileset lighting. I wish someone with enough clout/pull would get the teams attention about it. She's a weapons expert let her be the expert.

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On 2023-07-04 at 1:22 PM, Captain_Dark21 said:

I've said the samething, just make her ability tap/hold rather than lighting based. I mean she has an ability to create(bend) light to make it bright (prism). No sense in basing her off tileset lighting. I wish someone with enough clout/pull would get the teams attention about it. She's a weapons expert let her be the expert.

Then nobody would ever use another damage ability ever again...

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1 minute ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

Then nobody would ever use another damage ability ever again...

It would be capped for other warframes. But there are plenty of warframes who's abilities can clear entire tiles. Currently no sense in limiting her and at the rate they nerf weapons anyway she would at least be able to get them back to pre nerf status when using her.

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On 2023-04-03 at 3:32 PM, Djolltax said:

Seriously, it looks so much better when the effect is applied universally to your frame as opposed to just the base & helmet. Why don't other effects apply universally as well? All it would take is changing the level at which the visual is applied, not that hard if you've already done it with one effect.

Because DE doesn't remember, and the person that did it didn't write down how they did it.

DE has no best-practices bible so they keep making the same mistakes over and over.

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