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Everything posted by Mieo_Mio

  1. Kinda too little too late. Adding post content to a major quest comes off as a desperate attempt to stay relevant. I think most players would see it as such. I did enjoy NW, but by the end of it, I was ready to get back to the grind. The NW, starchart seemed to promise a whole new B-side expansion. I must admit to feeling ripped off finding only 3 or so nodes were actual content. And that the burnt out Murexes don't really mean anything other than "I beat the NW campaign."
  2. Limbo. It should have been pretty obvious. Titania would have worked well also. Granted its not easy unless you know the paths they take.
  3. Octavia. Her range is impressive when built for it. Damage is blocked by static collision, but not by dynamic collision (Mallet / resonator damage will go through a doorway if it is capable of being opened.)
  4. Higher level bounties typically have committed players. Do low level stuff on your own.
  5. Stack it with Coaction Drift, and Zenurik Wellspring. It's still worth it.
  6. I don't bend myself over backwards trying to capitalize on the system. Honestly. I only use about 6 or 7 warframes total. Which in turn means getting an invigoration unlikely. It's probably for the best, having a well decorated dojo. Typically, I sit in the chair for either SP or Archon hunts.
  7. You know Star Fox: "Do a barrel roll!" is the only time I said, "no" to a videogame.
  8. Never use an AI pilot. They cause Far more problems than they solve. Not to mention they frequently screw up your capital ship big gun aimed shots. My crew is elite, and the gunners are highly effective. I dare say better than most players. "Intruder Stasis" is a highly desirable mod and very effective. It makes your defenders very likely to resolve the boarding parties. On their own. I don't know where your intrinsics are but you might want to work them equally. A lot of players bemoan piloting, but I've found it useful. In increasing piloting skill you move much faster / maneuverable. This is were AI gunners really start to show their teeth. (Better than players) the AI can cope with rapid movement. And even erratic flying really does not affect them much. Found it funny another user mentioned the Ogris... I have the same thing assigned as well, with napalm.
  9. As long as you don't break the skeleton rig... go to town.
  10. I think every player who has logged 1k+ hours in Warframe really needs to be honest with themselves. Will Warframe ever have an endgame? -No Will the developers ever support a mode where the top 5% of the player base will feel adequately challenged? -No Is it time to move on to another game for those 5 percenters and relegate warframe to a semi-annual check in? -Yes
  11. I would like it's summons to be 3 different types of sentients with a hold rotation like Wisp. Perhaps an augment. Heh, summon a Bloated Condrix... now that would be a good challenge for DE.
  12. Must be a Loki main bored with the game.
  13. Without the benefit of knowing how their engine works a derivative (or fork) of Unreal (heavily modified) is my understanding. I can't say for sure. It may be missing a sprite layer? (When looking at both images together) I get what you are seeing. But if the skybox was actually missing chances are that you'd only see a flat fog value or pure black. My earlier point was even if it did not have a detailed backdrop, it was not a flat tone. Something was present where the sky was concerned.
  14. It has a sky box, it's just missing enough details to make it look abstract, that's all. There is modulation of color and value indicating a color map.
  15. Of course the "Chassi" for Wisp "had" to be the rare drop... ( ) )
  16. Don't get me wrong, I like both IP's, but trying to put the "All Spark" and the "Void" in the same universe just does not compute to me. imo Followup: Tau... hmmm let me meditate on that for a moment.
  17. Michael Bay-esque.? Yeah, I don't think so there pal. Apples and oranges both in terms of style and substance. I don't seem much common ground at all. That is to say "none".
  18. ^ This. How would this be profitable for DE without infuriating nearly every player?
  19. Another option is Helene on Saturn. Depending on where your starchart progress is. Yes, ESO is probably the fastest. But helene has good resources to acquire, namely orokin cells. You'll be needing a lot of them as you progress. Make helene a staple and you will never have to worry about them again. Might as well get two things done at once. Taking the time to think through, and multi-task in Warframe will save a lot of headaches from occurring, and reduce burnout.
  20. What is fun to one player's sensibilities may be at the opposite spectrum to another's. For me staying engaged is the most important... because warframe is the only game I've played and fallen asleep during a mission. Multiple times. An engaging frame for me is Mag. Her kit always has me experimenting with ways to create havok. I am always repositioning to get the best angles for maximum damage. Always asking myself what if I do this? That's cool but let's cast that second next time. Not a bad way to go.
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