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Stalker... Again


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It's clear that the Stalker has become a problem.  This is a post to reaffirm this.  At 990 shields on a Volt, unloading an entire clip from a potatoed Soma, twice forma'd, then unleashing Volt's Overload, max lvl with nice support mods.  Suffice it to say the battle was not a battle it was a slaughter.  One shotted: DEAD.  The second time I ran the Event today mind you, for the potato he killed me twice.  There is no way to deal with him if you're alone or in a group.  In a single day, 7 revives across four different characters were burned.  This isn't a fun boss since he cannot be defeated unless under the correct circumstances.  I PLEAD with the DE to do something about this.  It's no longer fun when the consequences of a 'boss appearance' is just DEATH.  Anyone else who has had an issue with this PLEASE MAKE IT KNOWN AS LOUD AS POSSIBLE.  Other Frames that I used against Stalker.


Nova:  I saw Stalker attack a friend, jumped down and unleashed Molecular Prime: Then Died.

Trinity:  I saw the Stalker I used Blessing and then Link and then I died.

Trinity (again) Blessing was on, Stalker appeared and killed a Rhino in one hit then killed me.

Nekros:  The Minions... the do nothing.  I died.

Volt:  (The Straw that broke the Warframe's back) 990 shields why even have them if a single strike can destroy not only them but also your life?  I was running the event solo and having a blast only to be killed without even being able to fight back.  The second time I lured him to a platform.  I got a few shots off and he Slash Dashed I tried to dodge.


I died.


I love this game but if Stalker remains this way you're losing a player.  No offense but I like Boss Battles not Insta-Deaths.



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Bring the fear back in the Stalker

If I'd have to pick between a ridiculously overpowered and can potentially 2-hit you Stalker 

and a joke of a boss Stalker who cannot aim, cannot melee and dies to a wee bit of focus fired quadruple-forma'd Clan Weapons.

I'd pick the first.

I haven't met the stalker personally, but even if it was COMPLETELY unbeatable, I would expect DE to balance them sooner or later.... hopefully later. 

Stalker needs to be a real threat again, not Santa fricken Claus.

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Bring the fear back in the Stalker

If I'd have to pick between a ridiculously overpowered and can potentially 2-hit you Stalker 


and a joke of a boss Stalker who cannot aim, cannot melee and dies to a wee bit of focus fired quadruple-forma'd Clan Weapons.

I'd pick the first.

I haven't met the stalker personally, but even if it was COMPLETELY unbeatable, I would expect DE to balance them sooner or later.... hopefully later. 

Stalker needs to be a real threat again, not Santa fricken Claus.


He's more than a mere threat now, he's completely bugged in that if he happens to use the Nyx ability Absorb, he becomes completely invincible until he despawns. The Absorb effect never wears off.


His second current bug is that if he uses his Despair, it bypasses all shields and directly damages your health while your shields remain at 100%.


His third current bug is that he is no longer scaling to the mission levels he is appearing in, but is scaled up to the "new" level 45+ at all times.

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I love a challenge.  Challenges are fun.  However a challenge is something that can or cannot be overcome depending on various factors.


This new Stalker is the quintessential 'Unbeatable Foe' for a variety of reasons, one of which being that simple trying to lock onto him while you're in the midst of combat or in a dark area is difficult.  Though even if you do that means you stood still and are quite dead.



By the way guys.  I think the Stalker is being played by a DE now.  Ever since I read up on his upgrade and how he apparently wall runs and such.  Thoughts?

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I love a challenge.  Challenges are fun.  However a challenge is something that can or cannot be overcome depending on various factors.


This new Stalker is the quintessential 'Unbeatable Foe' for a variety of reasons, one of which being that simple trying to lock onto him while you're in the midst of combat or in a dark area is difficult.  Though even if you do that means you stood still and are quite dead.



By the way guys.  I think the Stalker is being played by a DE now.  Ever since I read up on his upgrade and how he apparently wall runs and such.  Thoughts?


They gave him an AI upgrade and he only does that in certain cells of certain tilesets.

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I agree with this post, Stalker needs to be nerfed, or at least turned down on what ever difficulty he's set on. It's bad enough he can debuff our warframe powers; and I feel pity for new Rhino users when he takes away Iron Skin, but now with the glorious Damage 2.0 system he seems able to simply one shot his target and leave.


Three times he did this to a friend when we were playing, first time he killed him with his slash dash, which I'll be honest is normal, Stalker's Op melee and power strength has always been a thing. The next two times were not normal, and by all means were broken. The second time he showed my friend teleported away with his Ash, Stalker promptly displayed a new power I'd never seen him use before by using Mag's Pull to yank my friend back to him, and trapping him in a box within the level and shot through it killing my friend when he had no way of escaping or fighting back. The third and last time we were doing a T3 Void run for Ember Prime he shows up and we all train our guns on him, and he doesn't go down; then he one shots my friend's over powered Mag Prime with a single dread arrow to his backside ignoring an 800+ shield. 


He's yet to come after me while I'm using my Rhino since update 11, though I'm certain I won't fair any better against him. I don't understand why he's so broken now. Stalker use to be a Risk and Reward element in this game. Once you were strong enough, you could go toe to toe with this monster, you could maybe beat him and take his gear as trophies; show off that you made the hunter, the hunted. Now though, there is no fighting him, you either run and hope he'll glitch on something, make extraction, or you die, over and over. Stalker isn't any fun anymore and he is going to ruin everyone's day.

Edited by Blankedmind
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As for one I want a strong opponent to be threat not some kid, slashing around with a wooden sword. Right now Stalker is neither. It's a child cheating in a game.
Ignoring our abilities which should be impossible - Frost, snowglobe as for last instance slows enemies because of the decrease in temperature for those entering the globe where the nanites monitor mentioned temperature. Yet he is not affected while cold effect shots still affect him so no "warm coat" or whatever shielding against cold on him.



The greatest problem with game-bosses is usually the misconception that strong opponents have tons of hp and big damage. That's as a failure as it gets, just the easy way out - and boring as hell to fight.


- Protection against player abilities could be achieved through a dispell skill.

- Same against overwhelming damage from players could be achieved through frequent blinking and invisibility (also a proper entrance instead of crouching in the middle of nowhere - I know it looks cool but if he is that stu*id, let him die).


- q86d.png -


Detailed it here:


Edited by K_Shiro
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My Rhino met him in U11. 1250 shields (or so), armor mod, health, sentinel with guardian. Well, I was with my 5-formaed crowd-killer Ignis and didn't expected an easy fight (hey, it's Stalker). I prepared to dodge like fried Loki with 1 hp but I was unable to even take down his shields. My last iron skin was destroyed in a second, I think. Too quick fight and death, not interesting at all.


All bosses he revenges are weaklings compared to him. It's hilarious.

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I ran into him earlier, and...well, going by this thread, my experience was typical. I was running a Vanguard Rhino, blasting at him with Brakk, and I actually almost killed him...after probably ten clips of Brakk shots, fired as quickly as I could manage while fleeing from his shield-piercing arrows, and Rhino Charging to gain distance when he got too close.

All of that was rendered completely pointless when he did something I'd never seen him do before (I guess it was the Absorb? He was invulnerable while it was going on) and then he one-shotted me through almost a thousand HP and Shields with his bow, I think.

He was even attacking me for somebody I haven't killed in months.


That said...I'm not a fan of the Stalker to begin with. He's a pointless-feeling random-encounter boss that, in both victory and defeat, is pretty much a speedbump. He's not even frightening once you realize how utterly pointless his attempts to kill you are, beyond being a minor inconvenience and zig-zagging the lines between "This is fun," "This is stupid (he can't do anything)" and "This is stupid (Players can't do anything)" with each patch.

Allow me to explain:

If you die, he leaves, you revive.

If he dies, he leaves, you get a chance at getting his gear.

In either case, you most likely go on to finish the mission, a bit of Energy and Ammo lighter.


Unfortunately, more often than not, you'll get nothing special (Slash Dash and a resource) if you kill him, as the drop chance for his Blueprints is something like 10%. You might even get absolutely nothing, speaking from personal experience. I don't even think he gives much in the way of Affinity.

In my opinion: He's unrewarding, an attempt to make things more challenging that ends up falling flat (more often than not) due to "Oh, I'm dead. Welp, Revive."

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He 2 shot my 1230 shields and 700 hp rhino with 2 shots of his Dispair,i unloaded a 5 stars Hek 4 damn times against him and nothing,he got invisible,i stopmed twice and roughly did 300 dmg per stomp,he decloacked,i tried to dodge/roll(what a joke) he simply pulled and bang i was dead.

Congrats to the button pushers who love brake this game every damn time and even after so many negative threads about this random dumb cheater bot DE's remain silent,so we dont know if he is bugged or "work as intended".


Fix the bastard!

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Stalker aparently ignores invulnerability... Just found him in themisto while running the invasion. Had hysteria running on my valkyr. 1shot. Quite disapointing. I'm not normally a person that advocates nerfing many things. Usually skill can overcome power, but when he can break invulnerability, Ya that needs a nerf. It's a serious design flaw where invulerability is no longer that.

Edited by TheLollipop
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I wouldn't mind so much, but his estimated "old" level is now 115ish flat. He usually 2-shots my Frost with 1230 shields and 741 HP. (rank 8 redirection/vitality and a maxed vigor mod, plus Aurora helm.) Last time I checked, the Dread is primarily slashing damage, so with a 50% reduction on that versus my armor total, he's doing upward of 2000 damage per shot. 2 THOUSAND. Even with a max rank serration and split chamber, My dread doesn't begin to reach that amount. I can't begin to understand how this is balanced.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I wonder if devs are just having fun with this thread and rejoicing themselves with their ego on top or they can really understand this is a really bad  game design flaw and they will try to fix it.


Also, they made Loki useless against him, he ignores the Decoy and he overrides invisibility.  He should be something kinda over all Tennos, but he is just another "Evil Rugal" (If you've played KoF 2002 you know what I'm talking about) set on very hard.

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i found stalker and i depleted his health to half with sobek using less than 1 clip and then he sits while floating and he just wont take damage. after that there is some kind of explosion and that killed me.





anyway if stalker is too weak it wont be the stalker anymore so try not to nerf him. have a heart for the stalker, he gave us his favourite weapons when he left :,)

so far i receive 2 dread blueprint and 1 despair blueprint

P.S. i didnt kill him with this account it was with my other account(Azib)

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...  Hm..  I have killed the stalker ever since i got a strong weapon.  It's obvious that fighting him head on is suicide.  So just keep running until he decides to show up and miss whatever he is trying to attack you with.  When he is at 25% health..  Don't attack him!!  Wait for him to finish that absorb thing he does like Nyx..  Then he should be vulnerable enough for the rest of the fight.


So far I got a Dread BP on him.

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Fighting the stalker is not about being tanky anymore, It's impossible to kill him in a 1v1 if u don't have your best gear equipped, and that's never the case, but if u team up u can still beat him!

You just need to move in different directions while your mates fight him, since U11 the only problem i'v seen is that people don't understand how absorb works and get killed like idiots...

About the bugs, well there are a lot of em in the game, DE is probably already workin on it to solve the invulnerability bug, but i don't think that he should be nerfed at all, just fixed

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