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Warframe Stat Stick guide


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Since my stat stick guide couldn't be accessed during the reddit blackout I am posting it here so people have access to it in case of future reddit blackouts.

Original guide link: Warframe 2020 stat stick guide for Khora/Gara/Atlas and others

Guide up to date for Warframe version Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.3
I keep seeing the same questions on reddit so I decided to make a guide on stat sticks for warframes that make use of them.
Let us start with what stat sticks are and how they work. They are melee weapons that enhance your abilities directly or indirectly. Their stats don’t matter, only the mods you put on them, their riven disposition and in some niche cases their passive. If you are using a stat stick you should not be using it to hit enemies but only to enhance the respective melee ability you are equipping it for. Smite mods do not affect stat sticks (except Ash partially).
Abilities affected by stat sticks currently are: Ash Bladestorm, Atlas Landslide, Baruuk Serene Storm, Excalibur Exalted Blade, Gara Shattered Lash, Khora Whipclaw, Valkyr Talons, Wukong Iron Staff
The best stat sticks are weapons with a high riven disposition
Amphis and Ankyros (non prime both) are currently the best with 1.5 disposition.
Venka Prime is currently the only weapon in the game that can reach 13x combo which makes it sound like a good stat stick but it has a really low riven disposition (0.8) and Blood Rush and Weeping Wounds currently cap at 11x as if it has 12x max combo and not 13x.
For all builds there are two possible approaches to keep combo up, either use Drifting Contact or Naramon Power Spike passive.
Notable mention: Melee Augment Mods are nice with their +100% damage but due to lower riven disposition it is usually better to use another weapon since even a tiny riven disposition difference will more than make up for the +100% damage VS +90% elemental/IPS damage mod difference. Without a riven weapons like Jaw Sword, Mire, Dual Cleavers, etc are your best choice.
Non riven build: replace the riven in my builds with a +100% damage augment for the weapon you are using (Jaw Sword, Mire, Dual Cleavers, etc). Non riven builds are more than viable so don't worry about getting a riven.
Stats priority in this guide applies to riven stats as well.
Incarnon weapons with adapters from SP Circuit are currently busted which makes them the best possible stat sticks for all warframes! Kullervo update didn't change that so this might be an intended interaction so have fun.
For some reason their passive stat bonuses apply to pseudo exalted abilities which means that Ceramic Dagger with the +30% critical chance makes Khora's Whipclaw for example have 55% BASE critical chance which is multiplicative with mods. Even godroll stat stick rivens can't compete with this. I am sure that this bug will be fixed eventually but for now enjoy the insanity. Alternatively you can use any other Incarnon Genesis melee with a + critical chance evolution.
Also note that unlike Tenet weapons and Xoris Initial combo doesn't reset to 0 upon exalted use which means that with the right perks Ceramic Dagger can have a permanent 9x combo without the need to sustain it which is not a bug.

Melee weapons that are BAD stat sticks
 As of Update 28.1 Xoris resets its combo whenever you use any of the abilities affected by stat sticks so it is highly recommended to use any other melee.
 Tenet melee weapons as well as other melees than pause combo on hostered have the same problem as Xoris, use any other melee.

Khora Whipclaw

Whipclaw has an innate 200% critical multiplier, 25% critical chance, and 20% status chance.

Stats priority: Critical Damage > Damage > Impact/Puncture/Slash Damage > Elemental Damage > Critical Chance > Combo Duration > Status Chance
Explanation: Your aim is to increase critical damage as much as possible due to the high base critical multiplier. Using Blood Rush and Weeping wounds is recommended while sustaining combo duration unless you are going for a short mission where you can't stack combo. More critical chance on riven has diminishing returns with Blood Rush.
Why do we mod for status chance with Weeping Wounds when Khora's Whipclaw can hit for millions? Hitting a high level enemy that has high armor means that with its 99% damage reduction that 1 million slash hit ends up being a 10k hit. Slash status procs however deal true damage that ignores armor so that 1 million slash proc ends up killing the enemy in 2 seconds. (numbers are made up and oversimplified to make a point). Note that with the Jade update enemy armor no longer has such insane scaling.
Note: Accumulating Whipclaw provides an additive +350% ability strength so when modding Khora strength is not that important.
Status weight and elements: Status weight on your stat stick matters (apply mods to your ability, not the weapon). This means that if you have 50% of your total damage as Slash you will get Slash 50% of the time you proc status and so on.
For general usage it is recommended to use Corrosive (especially for Acolytes). For high level content it is recommended to go pure slash and use a primer.

Why is Ceramic Dagger incarnon the best stat stick?

The incarnon evolution of +30% crit chance applies to BASE whipclaw crit chance so here's some math:

Ceramic Dagger with a riven: 55% x (1+336.3%+11x50%+60%) = 55% x 1046.3% = 575.465% crit chance at 12x combo with a riven (red crits without combo)

Ceramic Dagger without a riven: 55% x (1+11x50%+60%) = 55% x 710% = 390.5% crit chance at 12x combo without a riven (yellow and orange crits without combo)

Note that Ceramic Dagger always starts at 2x combo with the correct evolution perks and with primary kills can get to 9x combo without the need to sustain it if you want to.

Now let's compare this to my high disposition godroll Anku riven without a negative. 
Anku with a riven: 25% x (1+188.7%+11x50%+60%) = 25% x 898.7% = 224.675% at 12x combo with godroll riven

So 390.5% crit chance for rivenless Ceramic Dagger VS 224.675% crit chance for a high dispo melee with a godroll riven.

Is Magistar incarnon better than Ceramic Dagger incarnon as a Khora stat stick?

Short answer: yes

Khora benefits mostly from critical damage and Magistar Incarnon Genesis (on regular, not Sancti version) provides a BASE +1x along with +16% critical chance to her abilities. You can see the detailed math below but it really depends on the riven you can get. Without a riven Magistar pulls ahead but with a riven Ceramic Dagger has a higher riven disposition so it depends on what you can get.

Warframe stat stick calculations spreadsheet

Since RohThePro reviewed my calculations and thinks he found some mistakes I am posting a link to his updated spreadsheet till I have time to review mine: RohThePro's calculations.

Tests ran to confirm: At 12x combo my Magistar does 50% more damage than my Ceramic Dagger (both with a riven).

Example Khora stat stick for Naramon

My Khora stat stick riven
Example Khora pure Slash stat stick for Naramon
My Khora stat stick riven for pure Slash

Khora Ceramic Dagger Incarnon build (pick the +30% crit chance evolution) - currently one of the 2 best stat sticks for Khora

My Khora Ceramic Dagger stick with riven

My Ceramic Dagger riven

Khora Magistar Incarnon Build (pick the Increase Critical Damage Multiplier by +1x evolution) - currently one of the 2 best stat sticks for Khora

My Khora Magistar stick riven

Example Khora build for normal mission
Example Khora build for Steel Path endless
Example Khora build for Steel Path endless solo
Archon Shards: Crimson Archon Shard for +25% (+37.5%) Melee Critical Damage (We've had one melee crit damage. What about second melee crit damage? YES)
You don't want Ability Strength shards since you already have Accumulating Whipclaw for +350%. Casting speed doesn't do much for Khora. Other shards are just a matter of preference.

Pets: Using Tenacious Bond is another great critical multiplier boost as long as you equip Bite on your companion. If the Companion’s Critical Chance is over 50% then you gain +0.6x Final Critical Damage Multiplier. 
Gara Shattered Lash

Stats priority: Damage  > Puncture/Slash/Elemental Damage > Combo Duration
Explanation: Since Shattered Lash has no critical chance or status chance you should aim for flat damage. Her damage is affected by combo counter as of Update 28.1. Do NOT use Impact mods on her stat stick since Shattered Lash does no impact damage.
Note: Using block is a good strategy to build/keep combo counter. Reflex Guard works great for that.
You can use Corrupt Charge if you don't want to bother with combo upkeep.

Incarnon weapons eveolutions affect pesudo exalted abilities and their BASE stats meaning that +30% crit chance makes Shattered Lash crit! Use Ceramic Dagger as a stat stick.
Example Gara stat stick for Naramon

Ceramic Dagger Gara stat stick for Naramon

My Gara Ceramic Dagger stat stick with riven

My Ceramic Dagger riven
My Gara stat stick riven
Example Gara build
Archon Shards: Do NOT use melee critical damage shards since Shattered Lash can't crit (Incarnon Adapter melees are an exception to this rule currently).
Atlas Landslide


  • The target and enemies within 2 meters are dealt 100 / 200 / 300 / 350 Impact Damage damage as a melee strike with a 200% critical chance damage multiplier, a 5% critical chance, and a 5% status chance.
  • Base Damage × (1 + Damage Mods) × (1 + Elemental Mods) × (1 + Strength Mods).
  • Landslide gains 25% additional damage for each combo multiplier, up to a 3.75x damage multiplier at 12x combo, or 4.0x with Venka Prime equipped at 13x combo.

Stats priority for non crit build: Damage > Impact Damage > Elemental > Combo Duration
Explanation: Since Landslide has low critical chance and low status chance you should aim for flat damage.
Example Atlas stat stick for Naramon
My Atlas stat stick riven
Example Atlas build
Stats priority for CRIT build: Critical Damage > Damage > Impact Damage > Elemental > Combo Duration
Using an Adarza Kavat for Cat's Eye is highly recommended for more consistent crits.
Explanation: While Landslide has low critical chance and low status chance you can offset that with the use of Arcane Avenger which adds flat critical chance. In my limited testing CRIT builds for Atlas surprisingly perform better than non crit ones. Note that adding crit chance is not beneficial due to the low base 5% crit chance BUT critical damage is great if you use Arcane Avenger since the bonus from it is a flat percentage.

Incarnon weapons eveolutions affect pesudo exalted abilities and their BASE stats meaning that +30% crit chance makes Landslide crit even more reliably! Use Ceramic Dagger as a stat stick.
Example Atlas CRIT stat stick for Naramon

Ceramic Dagger Atlas CRIT stat stick for Naramon

My Atlas crit Ceramic Dagger stat stick with riven

My Ceramic Dagger riven
Archon Shards: Crimson Archon Shard for +25% (+37.5%) Melee Critical Damage for crit builds, anything else if you don't use Arcane Avenger.
Baruuk Serene Storm/Excalibur Exalted Blade/Valkyr Talons/Wukong Iron Staff

Technically these abilities are not affected directly by stat sticks. Blood Rush, Weeping Wounds etc don't affect them and neither do other melee mods. So why are they listed here?
These abilities are only affected by the Gladiator set Mods.
Set Bonus: +60% critical chance, stacks with Combo Multiplier (10% per mod equipped).
The best weapon for a stat stick in this case is in theory Venka Prime so at 13x combo you will have 12x40%=+480% critical chance (1x combo doesn't count) but I think currently it is the same for all weapons with 11x40%=+440%.
For this interaction to work you have to build up combo with your melee and then switch to your exalted weapon. Note that you have to occasionally exit exalted weapon and refresh combo on your stat stick since they have separate combo counters.
Ash Bladestorm

Ash section is not fully updated! 

Up to date YouTube video guides you can watch: 

AznvasionsPlays - Warframe | ASH: DE Broke Him. Damage Cap Bladestorm. | Duviri Paradox

TheKengineer - Ash & Blade Storm's SECRET WEAPON | Warframe
Animation speed is affected by mods that influence attack speed (e.g. normal or Primed Fury, Speed, Warcry, and Arcane Strike. Animation speed is not affected by the base weapon's attack speed, Berserker, or casting speed mods (e.g. Natural Talent).

Initial hit from Bladestorm is NOT affected by stat sticks (apart from attack speed).

Shadow clones on the other hand are affected by stat sticks which is what you should be focusing on. They apply 0-2 shadow finishers (inconsistent in my tests and as shown in the videos above by other players). Shadow finishers are considered stealth attacks so they are affected by stealth multipliers (not stealth finisher multipliers). Affected by damage mods, 50% of elemental mods, finisher and faction damage mods, Condition Overload (priming can substantially boost damage), can crit additively to stealth bonus but it's not optimal.

Shadow finishers apply a forced slash proc (which deals true damage).

You don't see the damage done by clones, only the direct hit from you.

Shadow finishers are NOT affected by: Combo multiplier, ability strength, Roar, Eclipse, Dragon Keys.Archon Flow.

Example Ash Savage Silence build

Example Ash hybrid Stat Stick build (good for Bladestorm damage increase and usable melee for high level content)
Archon Shards: Use whatever shards you like, they don't matter much to Bladestorm.
Diwata Stat stick for Titania Razorflies
Pretty useless but an interesting interaction that you can read more about in this comment: link to reddit comment

Razorflies are affected by: Elemental mods, Condition Overload, Faction damage mods, critical damage, critical chance, attack speed, IPS mods (Slash does not affect Diwata but it affects Razorflies).

Razorflies are NOT affected by: damage mods (Pressure Point).

Razorflies can activate Archon mods. Razorflies have 0% status chance but modding for cold will trigger 

Movement Speed stat sticks

There are a lot of melees that provide small movement speed/parkour bonuses when held (i.e. melee mode or quick melee - full list on wiki link) but some provide those even when not held (just equipped in loadout).

Praedos - my favourite choice since it doesn't require you to have the weapon in its evolved incarnon form for Evolution IV to be active

Evolution IV: Perk 2: Evolved Ascension: +30% Parkour Velocity (always active even when not evolved)

Grants a 20% Bullet Jump bonus when held (i.e. melee mode or quick melee)

Innodem - second best choice for the same reasons as Praedos

Evolution II: Perk 3: Striking Swiftness: +30% Sprint Speed

Anku Incarnon Genesis

Evolution I: +20% Sprint Speed and +20% to Bullet Jump (only active when evolved)

Sibear Incarnon Genesis

Evolution I: +10% Sprint Speed and +10% to Bullet Jump (only active when evolved)

Ceramic Dagger Incarnon Genesis

Evolution I: +25% Sprint Speed +25% to Bullet Jump (only active when evolved)

Bo Incarnon Genesis

Evolution I: +20% Sprint Speed and +20% to Bullet Jump (only active when evolved)

Furax Incarnon Genesis
Evolution I: +25% Sprint Speed and +25% to Bullet Jump (only active when evolved)

Magistar Incarnon Genesis

Evolution I: +10% Sprint Speed and +10% to Bullet Jump (only active when evolved)

Dual Ichor Incarnon Genesis

Evolution I: +20% Sprint Speed and +20% to Bullet Jump (only active when evolved)

Ack & Brunt Incarnon Genesis

Evolution I: +20% Sprint Speed and +20% Bullet Jump (only active when evolved)

Nami Solo Incarnon Genesis

Evolution I: +20% Sprint Speed and +20% Bullet Jump (only active when evolved)

Hate Incarnon Genesis

Evolution I: +20% Sprint Speed and +20% Bullet Jump (only active when evolved)

Skana Incarnon Genesis

Evolution I: +20% Sprint Speed and +20% Bullet Jump (only active when evolved)

Deconstructor stat stick for melee no longer works as of update 30.5.2.

Edited by NoMoreFAIL
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34 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

I believe this is the most recent info on building a stat stick for Ash's Bladestorm:


I linked another guide but this one is also solid. I will put it all in writing once Crimes of Kullervo is out and we are sure that these interactions are intended as well as the Incarnon Adapter melees being intended and not a bug (fingers crossed but I doubt it).

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I think you missed this part Skoomaseller:


Incarnon weapons with adapters from SP Circuit are currently bugged which makes them the best possible stat sticks for all warframes!
For some reason their passive stat bonuses apply to pseudo exalted abilities which means that [Ceramic Dagger](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Ceramic_Dagger_Incarnon_Genesis) with the +30% critical chance makes Khora's Whipclaw for example have 55% BASE critical chance which is multiplicative with mods. Even godroll stat stick rivens can't compete with this. I am sure that this bug will be fixed eventually but for now enjoy the insanity.


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Just now, Rishathra said:

Has it been officially confirmed that the incarnon passive bonuses are bugs?  I unlocked several melee incarnons specifically because I was looking forward to turning them into stat sticks.  Bummer.

I don't think anything official has been said, but it's the exact kind of thing that got the Xoris dumpstered so I don't believe for a second that it's intended or that it's going to stick (hah) around.

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11 hours ago, Rishathra said:

Has it been officially confirmed that the incarnon passive bonuses are bugs?  I unlocked several melee incarnons specifically because I was looking forward to turning them into stat sticks.  Bummer.

Nothing official but I am pretty sure it's a bug since it's insanely overpowered. Getting Khora's Whipclaw from 25% to 55% BASE crit chance is 100x more broken than Xoris was and it got nerfed so I expect to see the same eventually.

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Hey, thanks for posting this here. Your original guide helped me understand statsticks a lot better when I first started getting into them, and trying to understand them. I also often sent it to people when they asked me about good guides on stat sticks, I pretty much consider it the best general source/guide for the subject

Not adding much, just a cheers! 

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With the release of Kullervo, I see potential in things like the Xoris/Tenet Livia, etc. Using Rauta to proc melee combo counter (as the Rauta increases melee combo per shot hit, stacking multishot = more pellets, more pellets = more combo counter), while having the Xoris/Tenet Livia, etc holstered. I was planning on using this on Gara. While it sounds good in my head, it's probably overshadowed by other things. Assuming if you're fast enough you could just use another weapon that has better riven disposition etc. But I generally don't use a combo build even though I know the potential is higher because I'm lazy with upkeep. Rauta would allow me to circumvent that.

I'd love to hear others thoughts on the idea.


EDIT: Did some very light testing. Zenistar is currently my best non-combo stat stick because of a Riven I have for it and I get about 21k~ for each cast after the first (For some reason the first cast is 32k~). The Xoris using a sub-optimal build (it only has one forma and I'm using Blood Rush to track combo counter) and Rauta to stack combo to 11x cap I was getting about 35k~ every cast. There's probably some inconsistency because of Primary Blade Charger.

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On 2023-06-16 at 11:24 PM, NoMoreFAIL said:

Without a riven at 12x combo this pure slash stat stick build will have 770% x 25% = 192,% critical chance. With my current riven it goes up to 958,7% x 25% = 239,7% critical chance.

Why 770 tho? Blood rush has been nerfed from 60 to 40 per combo centuries ago. It's 550 nowadays.

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On 2023-06-23 at 9:17 PM, Spectre-8 said:

Element on a Riven for Khora stat stick 🤣

NGL this is pretty funny .

Yes, did you even read the entire guide and check all build links? Corrosive is actually great on non endless SP missions where slash weight doesn't matter. Maybe next time read in details before commenting.

There's even a section explaining slash and slash weight with pure slash builds for both Ceramic Dagger and regular melees that you completely ignored I guess.

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On 2023-06-23 at 3:52 PM, allansramblings said:

With the release of Kullervo, I see potential in things like the Xoris/Tenet Livia, etc. Using Rauta to proc melee combo counter (as the Rauta increases melee combo per shot hit, stacking multishot = more pellets, more pellets = more combo counter), while having the Xoris/Tenet Livia, etc holstered. I was planning on using this on Gara. While it sounds good in my head, it's probably overshadowed by other things. Assuming if you're fast enough you could just use another weapon that has better riven disposition etc. But I generally don't use a combo build even though I know the potential is higher because I'm lazy with upkeep. Rauta would allow me to circumvent that.

I'd love to hear others thoughts on the idea.


EDIT: Did some very light testing. Zenistar is currently my best non-combo stat stick because of a Riven I have for it and I get about 21k~ for each cast after the first (For some reason the first cast is 32k~). The Xoris using a sub-optimal build (it only has one forma and I'm using Blood Rush to track combo counter) and Rauta to stack combo to 11x cap I was getting about 35k~ every cast. There's probably some inconsistency because of Primary Blade Charger.

Rauta is okayish but you can just group enemies and whip or melee them to gain fast combo.

Ceramic Dagger Incarnon will outperform even a godroll Zenistar riven currently even without combo.

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1 hour ago, NoMoreFAIL said:

Rauta is okayish but you can just group enemies and whip or melee them to gain fast combo.

Ceramic Dagger Incarnon will outperform even a godroll Zenistar riven currently even without combo.

Even for Gara? 'Cause I pretty much only play Gara as far as the pseudo-Exalted frames are concerned. As I intend to subsume Dispensary over Spectrorage for energy, I won't really have a good way to group enemies. 

Edit: I do have a Riven for my Zenistar which is +23 initial combo, +133.5% melee damage. At the moment it's my best performing melee that I know of.

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12 minutes ago, allansramblings said:

Even for Gara? 'Cause I pretty much only play Gara as far as the pseudo-Exalted frames are concerned. As I intend to subsume Dispensary over Spectrorage for energy, I won't really have a good way to group enemies. 

Edit: I do have a Riven for my Zenistar which is +23 initial combo, +133.5% melee damage. At the moment it's my best performing melee that I know of.

Ceramic Dagger Incarnon allows Gara to crit...so yeah...even for Gara...till they nerf it I guess...

You can also pick these evolutions:

Evolution II: Perk 1: Gun and Blade: Increase Damage by +100. On Primary Kill: +1 Initial Combo. Stacks up to 100x.

Evolution III: Perk 2: Adept Reflexes: +20 Initial Combo.

With these and Corrupt Charge on Ceramic Dagger Incarnon you will be able to have 9x combo without having to upkeep it (once you stack Gun and Blade to 100x).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe I'm just dumb, but what's wrong with using Tenet weapons? I tested a Tenet Exec and my Prisma Skana with Gara in the Simulacrum and both behaved the exact same way in regards of losing and keeping combo.

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On 2023-06-28 at 8:27 PM, NoMoreFAIL said:

Ceramic Dagger Incarnon allows Gara to crit...so yeah...even for Gara...till they nerf it I guess...

You can also pick these evolutions:

Evolution II: Perk 1: Gun and Blade: Increase Damage by +100. On Primary Kill: +1 Initial Combo. Stacks up to 100x.

Evolution III: Perk 2: Adept Reflexes: +20 Initial Combo.

With these and Corrupt Charge on Ceramic Dagger Incarnon you will be able to have 9x combo without having to upkeep it (once you stack Gun and Blade to 100x).

I did not know that Ceramic Dagger Incarnon allowed Gara to crit. I'll have to try that out.

22 hours ago, Xalcer said:

Maybe I'm just dumb, but what's wrong with using Tenet weapons? I tested a Tenet Exec and my Prisma Skana with Gara in the Simulacrum and both behaved the exact same way in regards of losing and keeping combo.

I thought Tenet weapons were good for Gara because of Riven Dispositions etc. But I could be working on outdated information.

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Is there any truth to the tenet exec, tenet agendus and kuva sheldig being better than usual stat sticks? I read here: imgur link since I don't want to mess with forum tables that they may add a multiplicative base damage modifier based on their innate.

If you don't want to click it is:

NoMoreFAIL saying that base damage is not increased by base damage and ninjase replying
"Might wanna update to add that tenet agendus, exec and shildeg at 60% provide the highest boost for raw dmg (1.6x multi), with a rivened agendus even outperforming amphis with the same riven (at least on gara, atlas and non slash khora)"

Was this interaction ever tested beyond this? Also thank you for the guide! Stat sticks are very confusing (to me at least) and I really appreciate the in-depth guide!

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7 hours ago, allansramblings said:

I did not know that Ceramic Dagger Incarnon allowed Gara to crit. I'll have to try that out.

I thought Tenet weapons were good for Gara because of Riven Dispositions etc. But I could be working on outdated information.

Their riven dispositions aren't high. Their bonus elements apply like regular mods but can't make up for the loss in riven dispositions.

Regardless of everything nothing can currently compete with Incarnon weapons.

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4 hours ago, SecretAgentCow said:

Is there any truth to the tenet exec, tenet agendus and kuva sheldig being better than usual stat sticks? I read here: imgur link since I don't want to mess with forum tables that they may add a multiplicative base damage modifier based on their innate.

If you don't want to click it is:

NoMoreFAIL saying that base damage is not increased by base damage and ninjase replying
"Might wanna update to add that tenet agendus, exec and shildeg at 60% provide the highest boost for raw dmg (1.6x multi), with a rivened agendus even outperforming amphis with the same riven (at least on gara, atlas and non slash khora)"

Was this interaction ever tested beyond this? Also thank you for the guide! Stat sticks are very confusing (to me at least) and I really appreciate the in-depth guide!

None of this matters while incarnon melees apply their +crit chance buff to BASE weapons tats. No riven can compete with them.

I think Tenet melees apply their +60% elemental bonus like a separate mod but I haven't tested it. Even with that the 0.8 riven dispo can't compete with 1.4-15 dispo.

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5 hours ago, NoMoreFAIL said:

None of this matters while incarnon melees apply their +crit chance buff to BASE weapons tats. No riven can compete with them.

I think Tenet melees apply their +60% elemental bonus like a separate mod but I haven't tested it. Even with that the 0.8 riven dispo can't compete with 1.4-15 dispo.

Thank you for clarifiying! I doubt anything can compete with the ceramic blade at the moment anyway. I still definitely curious if it functions like a mod or some other weird interaction multiplier for the tenet/kuva weapons that don't have the granum attache combo freeze effect.

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