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What are some good Warframe Streamers to watch?

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46 minutes ago, BroDutt said:

Kengineer, Leyzar, Aznvasions, etc. Just check the one who popular on youtube before I watch their streams on twitch.

Seconding these three!

Kengineer and Aznvasions are especially good for lategame players who are intimately familiar with the game's mechanics and damage calculations, since they go in depth on the math behind very obscure weapon/ability mechanics that a lot of lategame players otherwise might've never even noticed, let alone considered building for. Leyzar's are also super informative in a more beginner friendly manner, so I'd recommend him to anyone who's not intimately familiar with the game's mechanics and damage calculations.

That's my experience from watching their youtube videos, anyways; I've never paid attention to a live twitch stream before XD

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12 minutes ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

Kengineer and azn are the only ones who are not insufferable and actually provide new, and useful information. Highly recommend both.

Grind Hard Squad is a nice guy. I like his approach. He loves the game, he grinds hard, he gives fairly good starting builds. He is a humble guy DEDICATED to the game, the information in it and he helps a lot players. 

If I can consider a good example for this community, I think it's him. There are others who are of course my reference. I think Grind Hard Squad deserves more views. He does a very good job. 

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9 hours ago, (PSN)Phoenixs_Ashes17 said:

What are some good Warframe Streamers to watch? 

I've been watching streams lately when I am too exhausted to play or while doing chores.  Lately I've been watching SamiKat who streams Destiny 2.  But I'd like to find more streamers to watch because she doesn't stream often.

Aznvasions. I'm a regular in his chat, and I can say he's very nice and isn't above you trying to ask him questions or talk to him. 

Not to mention the fact that he's obviously very good at Warframe and can basically help with anything related to that game and a few other games that he regularly plays. 


Also as people have mentioned Kengineer is also pretty nice as well.

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8 hours ago, Pakaku said:

Honestly, small-time streamers are way easier to chat with, and if you're not there to chat, then you don't really need any specific recommendations

I second this. I always like the 100-200 viewer range because I get to talk to the streamer. Of course the activity of the chat varies so you can also find streams with higher or lower viewers that are also pretty good.

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6 hours ago, Felsagger said:

Grind Hard Squad is a nice guy. I like his approach. He loves the game, he grinds hard, he gives fairly good starting builds. He is a humble guy DEDICATED to the game, the information in it and he helps a lot players. 

If I can consider a good example for this community, I think it's him. There are others who are of course my reference. I think Grind Hard Squad deserves more views. He does a very good job. 

He’s clickbait. 

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9 minutes ago, (XBOX)GearsMatrix301 said:

He’s clickbait. 

Amazing explanation. I am enlightened for such OUTSTANDING explanation.  /sarcasm. 


I think he does a good work for what provides in his content. He gives good builds, his point of view and a good time. I don't need anything else. 


Do you have better choices? Hmm? 

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35 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Amazing explanation. I am enlightened for such OUTSTANDING explanation.  /sarcasm. 


I think he does a good work for what provides in his content. He gives good builds, his point of view and a good time. I don't need anything else. 


Do you have better choices? Hmm? 

Brozime. He’s actually honest about how good new content is and gives both beginner and endgame builds for weapons and frames.


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I like Leyzar because he's like me and likes guns more than melee. He's also super good with fashion frame so I get to see some cool stuff which I don't really do myself. Grind Hard Squad is great in that he has more complex builds that one day I hope to be able to play. The others mentioned are also very good. I don't think anyone mentioned NighmareFrame, who is good although he doesn't coddle you and is blunt and to the point which I do like. Oh and WarframeFlo cause he has style in his delivery so it makes me smile.

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They have already been mentioned, but I think Aznvasions and the Kengineer are great. I like them because they will do a lot of their own testing, value numbers and the maths involved with working out different aspects of Warframe, to actually back up their claims and assertions, and will test out interesting combinations or less popular combinations. It could be arguable that their content being so clinical and on the objective side, may be a bit harder for casual players to get into, not the argument I would make, but I understand those that may... In which case LeyzarGamingViews and Brozime are great too. 

There are a lot of content creators for Warframe though, including some i can't actually recall right now, but I think should deserve a shout if, if I could remember... but always good to search around. Those that are most popular, may not actually be your favourite or most preferred personality or content wise. Also, to be blunt, when I do watch the above stream, I am usually doing something else completely, multitasking, doing art, doing housework, cooking dinner, so not really focusing on them. I just like Warframe and and so sometimes hearing people talk about new builds, the new incarnon weapons, the new quests, or whatever can be nice. If you like podcasts, KnightmareFrame has done a few with a few other Warframe content creators, those can be interesting too, and give you some insight into what sort of content they can create. 

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23 minutes ago, (XBOX)GearsMatrix301 said:

Brozime. He’s actually honest about how good new content is and gives both beginner and endgame builds for weapons and frames.






I have a set of good ones. I don't trend one over the other. I wrote that on my initial post. I think that variety is good for people who wants a well rounded opinion. 


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There are a handful of Warframe content creators that I watch, but the only one that I watch when it comes to streaming is Brozime.  He's been my favorite content creator for a long time because of the effort he puts into staying up-to-date on the new player experience so that he can better help new players.  That said, when you're watching him play he's generally going to be doing "end-game" stuff and exploring/farming new content.  And like many content creators, I enjoy watching Brozime less because it's fun to watch someone play Warframe and more because it's fun to be with this guy as he makes goofs and engages with chat and constructively talks about the game experience that we both enjoy.

He also has a yearly "event" where he does "Free-to-Playthroughs", which is when he starts a brand new account and progresses it without spending any platinum or accepting any gifts.  These are super interesting because every year the game has changed in ways that have impacted game progression and strategy, and as someone for whom the early chapters of the game are a distant memory, it's neat to see more optimal ways to progress and tackle challenges.  He has the VOD's for these on his YouTube channel, which is nice because you can check them out even when he's not streaming: https://www.youtube.com/user/Brozime

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3 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

They have already been mentioned, but I think Aznvasions and the Kengineer are great. I like them because they will do a lot of their own testing, value numbers and the maths involved with working out different aspects of Warframe, to actually back up their claims and assertions, and will test out interesting combinations or less popular combinations. It could be arguable that their content being so clinical and on the objective side, may be a bit harder for casual players to get into, not the argument I would make, but I understand those that may... In which case LeyzarGamingViews and Brozime are great too. 

There are a lot of content creators for Warframe though, including some i can't actually recall right now, but I think should deserve a shout if, if I could remember... but always good to search around. Those that are most popular, may not actually be your favourite or most preferred personality or content wise. Also, to be blunt, when I do watch the above stream, I am usually doing something else completely, multitasking, doing art, doing housework, cooking dinner, so not really focusing on them. I just like Warframe and and so sometimes hearing people talk about new builds, the new incarnon weapons, the new quests, or whatever can be nice. If you like podcasts, KnightmareFrame has done a few with a few other Warframe content creators, those can be interesting too, and give you some insight into what sort of content they can create. 


Brozime has a good established channel with 175,000 followers. 

LeyzarGamingViews is a classical approach to meta, clean description of builds and tier composition. 

Iflynn has 1.2k videos on Warframe with good reviews and discussions. I consider this on the list. 

Grind Hard Squad discusses good builds, basic stuff and some quick videos showing the relevant stuff of initial builds. 


Never heard of Kengineer and Aznvasions. 





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19 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Brozime has a good established channel with 175,000 followers. 

LeyzarGamingViews is a classical approach to meta, clean description of builds and tier composition. 

Iflynn has 1.2k videos on Warframe with good reviews and discussions. I consider this on the list. 

Grind Hard Squad discusses good builds, basic stuff and some quick videos showing the relevant stuff of initial builds. 

Never heard of Kengineer and Aznvasions. 


You might like them, Kengineer and Aznvasions, based on what you have told me about your work in the past. They are good with numbers and calculations with Warframe systems, formula etc. 

Oh and great call on IFlynn. I definitely forget them, I think they are on a break from Warframe, I haven't seen a video from them in over a year. (Well there Youtube at least, they might have been streaming or something). 

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2 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:


You might like them, Kengineer and Aznvasions, based on what you have told me about your work in the past. They are good with numbers and calculations with Warframe systems, formula etc. 

Oh and great call on IFlynn. I definitely forget them, I think they are on a break from Warframe, I haven't seen a video from them in over a year. (Well there Youtube at least, they might have been streaming or something). 


I think we need a good thread or a poll or both on the most well known Warframe content creators for the benefit of new players and people who are interested on understanding the game with the right vibe. The forum has a lot of guides and references. It's a great source too and even DE themselves on certain topics and guides. 

Youtube guides must be watched knowing that the player tries first the build on his own or at least take time understanding why things works in a certain way. Brozime has few introductory videos explaining the basics. understanding the mechanics of damage (Shields, armor, health) on the enemy and the types of damage introduces the player to modding in a very intuitive way. 

The game of numbers is better switted if the player get the fundamentals first. I usually don't approach Warframe this way. It's not my style. I simply go with the hardest meta available sniping my way with a good set of weapons and a dodgy warframe like a Zephyr or fast frames like Volt or Gauss. 

There is a British youtuber who goes into lots of builds in great detail. I forgot his name. I think his name was H4dshot or something. He's soo good explaining everything. He is very systematic with the approach. 


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3 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

I think we need a good thread or a poll or both on the most well known Warframe content creators for the benefit of new players and people who are interested on understanding the game with the right vibe. The forum has a lot of guides and references. It's a great source too and even DE themselves on certain topics and guides. 

Youtube guides must be watched knowing that the player tries first the build on his own or at least take time understanding why things works in a certain way. Brozime has few introductory videos explaining the basics. understanding the mechanics of damage (Shields, armor, health) on the enemy and the types of damage introduces the player to modding in a very intuitive way. 

The game of numbers is better switted if the player get the fundamentals first. I usually don't approach Warframe this way. It's not my style. I simply go with the hardest meta available sniping my way with a good set of weapons and a dodgy warframe like a Zephyr or fast frames like Volt or Gauss. 

There is a British youtuber who goes into lots of builds in great detail. I forgot his name. I think his name was H4dshot or something. He's soo good explaining everything. He is very systematic with the approach. 


Hmm, you might be referring to H3dsh0t? Close enough. Also a great shout out, he has been making Warframe content for a long time, but I only came to be aware of him a few weeks ago. 

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30 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:


Hmm, you might be referring to H3dsh0t? Close enough. Also a great shout out, he has been making Warframe content for a long time, but I only came to be aware of him a few weeks ago. 

Yup. He produces from time to time great content. He has a lot of content that deserves a look. Sadly many of his content is valid for a period of time on the builds since the meta changed a lot recently. His style and format is quite remarkably clean and formal. His tone is serious and eloquent. I think he deserves more views and sponsoring. His presentation and style introduced me the game Warframe. I started with this one but disconnected myself for a long while. 


This dude is a respectable source. I wish he could be more active. Either way, it's good to have him around again for a while. 

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