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Warframe 1999 a spin off like SoulFrame or a flashback retcon? I really don’t get the hype.


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I'm really looking forward to it, personally. I noped out of the stream just as they were starting the Warframe demos, so I actually ended up missing this one until a friend told me about it later. Watched about 2-3 minutes of the Warframe 1999 demo and I got a little excited. 

Edited by Lionsheart89
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7 hours ago, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:

Was looking for a little conversation. Not state the obvious.

With respect, your post made it seem like you didn't know that; you literally asked two times whether it would be an entirely different game:

9 hours ago, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:

I’m confused as to what Warframe 1999 is supposed be. Is it a spin off game like SoulFrame? Or is it in the same universe as Warframe? Or is it a completely new game? Is the operator story coming to an end and or are they going to stop making Warframes and Operator story and development? I don’t understand the hype. Some please explain what this Warframe 1999 is and will be moving forward. 

Mazifet replied, answering the only two questions you asked that have definitive answers:

9 hours ago, Mazifet said:

it's an update

That's not a troll; that's someone giving a succinct answer to questions you asked to the best of their ability.

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7 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Well, the way I interpreted it, is that we already know that DE has a rough idea of approximately 5 years worth of content and story direction. I think there are connections between Warframe 1999, Whispers in the Walls and the current story arcs we have, and anticipate.


My crackpot theory is DE learned from Duviri and knows not to make the same mistake of trying an update that's way too big. And decided to split their upcoming update into two: Whispers in the Walls and Warframe 1999. I say this cause the transition between the two was seamless and Albrecht has an IBM computer to access the giant statue.

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1 hour ago, PrideB4TheFall said:

I was getting "MGS" more than anything else in 1999. Dunno where they're going with it. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. 10 years on the same title is a looong time. I'd be getting bored too, and quite possibly be looking to break the rut / mold.

I felt the same way, male Warframes with combat harnesses look like Snake's Sneaking Suits throughout the games. Which I'm totally cool with.

Metal Gear Solid GIF

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I think it's mainly going to attract those who played/know about Dark Sector, but I'm not expecting it to actually tie in all that well with DS or even with Warframe's story as a whole. at the moment I'm just treating it like yet another separate area from the Origin system, like Duviri, until we know more.

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