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Steel Path Circuit is actually impossible sometimes.


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There are too many instances where I genuinely get weapons that don't actually function against anything in Steel Path, DE's mod setups are poorly put together and some weapons are just not good, period. How is anyone meant to do anything without grabbing friends and forcing them to endure the crap as well?
This is mostly a rant but also feedback. Fix it please...

P.S. I'm genuinely sad about this because I just want to do the "fun content" without having to sit there and wonder why the weapons the game gave me are terrible...

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Questa discussione è stata fatta e rifatta un migliaglio di volte,effettivamente e vero anche se non posso lamentarmi del mio inventario a volte ricevi attrezzatura effetivamente scadente,personalmente non credo che DE cambiera' il circuito,hai la possibilita' di vedere prima di entrare in duviri gli equipaggiamenti che riceverai,se le scelte non sono di tuo gradimento ti consiglio di fare come me,aspetta la prossima sezione di gioco,il circuito e stato progettato per essere una sfida,come giocatore da steel path personalmente non lo cambierei.

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Ok, so ive played this alot. Ive just got the last incarnation i need. While I have had situation where Ive not done as well as I would like because of a bad rotation, SP circuit has never been impossible to complete. I'd say the best thing is to play to a strength, and remember that even if your not the top damage dealer, you can help through support.

My personal tips are:

- Ensure every warframe has a 'durability' loadout. Something where survivability is prioritised.

- Crit melee is reliable and very strong in SPC. Make sure to pick a melee weapon with decent crit change and damage (or as best you can) then pick melee decrees. You can make even mediocre weapons good with this.

- If your not in possession of a good build, stick with and support allies, and do the odd jobs. Active life support, fuel extractors, ect.

Part of the fun of SPC is that you may not get a good setup. So when you do get a good one, its so much more enjoyable. Plus there is a challenge in making build work.

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the default Mods do really makes things extra bad sometimes. sometimes they'll have Galvanized Mods on them, sometimes.... not, for seemingly no reason.

and they basically always whack on a bunch of weak Physical Mods for some reason. we know they're bad, they're objectively bad 99% of the time. why is the game considering that a 'suitable decent Mod loadout'.


the biggest annoyance i have on that is that they almost never Equip Elemental Mods, only if it's an Elemental base Weapon. this makes Weapons way worse than they need to be.
a couple Elementals, literally random Elementals, is better than none. the game could be Modding freaking Blast Damage on and that would still make most of the default configs significantly better.
what i might say there is in addition to using Elementals on Elemental base Weapons, to also add a random Combined Element to Weapons. almost always. there's some exceptions that none could be better ofcourse, like Slash weighted Weapons, or maybe sometimes Puncture weighted ones. but not often enough to really be concerned with tbh. so i'd just have the game always add 2 random Elements to Weapons, in addition to Modding into any innate Elements a Weapons has. so for Elemental base Weapons, Mod into the innate Element, but also pick two random Elements in addition to that without conflicting with the innate Element.
so if a Weapon was Electricity base, randomly pick two Elements other than Electricity to Mod on, and then Mod Electricity on after that.



anyways, for you specifically, there's not much you can do about that if you get served all pretty awful Weapons that you don't have and so can't Mod. that is part of the intention of the Gamemode, to force Players to Craft Hundreds of things which will probably mean them spending some Money for Slots or to acquire stuff.
but it's also your only option there too, since default Mods are so often really terrible. you'll just have to Craft a huge pile of stuff so that you can Mod it yourself.

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7 minutes ago, chaotea said:

Ok, quindi ci ho giocato molto. Ho appena ricevuto l'ultima incarnazione di cui ho bisogno. Anche se ho avuto situazioni in cui non ho fatto come avrei voluto a causa di una rotazione sbagliata, il circuito SP non è mai stato impossibile da completare. Direi che la cosa migliore è giocare con un punto di forza e ricordare che anche se non sei il miglior rivenditore di danni, puoi aiutare attraverso il supporto.

I miei consigli personali sono:

- Assicurati che ogni warframe abbia un carico di "durevolezza". Qualcosa in cui la sopravvivenza ha la priorità.

- Il corpo a corpo critico è affidabile e molto forte in SPC. Assicurati di scegliere un'arma da mischia con un discreto cambio critico e danni (o come meglio puoi), quindi scegli i decreti corpo a corpo. Con questo puoi rendere buone anche le armi mediocri.

- Se non possiedi una buona corporatura, resta con gli alleati e sostienili e fai i lavoretti. Supporto vitale attivo, estrattori di carburante, ecc.

Parte del divertimento di SPC è che potresti non ottenere una buona configurazione. Quindi quando ne ottieni uno buono, è molto più divertente. Inoltre c'è una sfida nel far funzionare la costruzione.

Perfettamente d'accordo

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36 minutes ago, taiiat said:

the biggest annoyance i have on that is that they almost never Equip Elemental Mods, only if it's an Elemental base Weapon. this makes Weapons way worse than they need to be.
a couple Elementals, literally random Elementals, is better than none. the game could be Modding freaking Blast Damage on and that would still make most of the default configs significantly better.
what i might say there is in addition to using Elementals on Elemental base Weapons, to also add a random Combined Element to Weapons. almost always. there's some exceptions that none could be better ofcourse, like Slash weighted Weapons, or maybe sometimes Puncture weighted ones. but not often enough to really be concerned with tbh. so i'd just have the game always add 2 random Elements to Weapons, in addition to Modding into any innate Elements a Weapons has. so for Elemental base Weapons, Mod into the innate Element, but also pick two random Elements in addition to that without conflicting with the innate Element.
so if a Weapon was Electricity base, randomly pick two Elements other than Electricity to Mod on, and then Mod Electricity on after that.

That issue was significantly reduced by the new decrees that added many elemental status & damage, even element-less builds are viable now

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11 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

That issue was significantly reduced by the new decrees that added many elemental status & damage, even element-less builds are viable now

assuming you get them / stay long enough to hope to get them - but what about if the Weapons don't have Galvanized Mods, don't have Elementals, don't have innate cool traits like innate Elemental or are suited for stacking DoT's or atleast like, stacking Puncture Status, or Et Cetera....

good luck actually Killing anything with such Weapons before you get the opportunity for Decrees like that. even if it was that everything gets default Modded for Blast, that would still be a big improvement.

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14 minutes ago, taiiat said:

assuming you get them / stay long enough to hope to get them - but what about if the Weapons don't have Galvanized Mods, don't have Elementals, don't have innate cool traits like innate Elemental or are suited for stacking DoT's or atleast like, stacking Puncture Status, or Et Cetera....

good luck actually Killing anything with such Weapons before you get the opportunity for Decrees like that. even if it was that everything gets default Modded for Blast, that would still be a big improvement.

Yes of course I'm not denying your last point. But the generic elemental decrees are pretty easy to get, it's pretty rare to reach round 2 without having at least one after the 4 first Decree choices (+3 resets).

It's nearly impossible to not have a viable decree before even starting with the 3 intrinsics rerolls, so usually it's good to pick the best one and focus on that. If you get the decree adding an extra corrosive hit for each bullet, just go all-in in your Primary/Secondary weapon. If you fall on the toxin/fire melee one, go melee. If you get the frost per critical hit, all good, you can use whatever you want and the next decrees will define the strategy.

In fact, I find the Circuit more fun when you have 3x garbage weapons, which makes you think a bit more about the Decrees choices.

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For the majority of players, you can sometimes be put in a tough spot. Because you don't own and have built enough weapons to have a consistent setup and sometimes not even have a warframe you built well to compensate. Because believe it or not there is only a very little few weapons in the game that once built can't do anything in circuit, especially with the decrees in the equation.

But when you do own a lot of gear and have it built, it's getting almost impossible to have an "impossible run". Especially if you are not playing solo. Which is kind of a death wish because of how the defence missions are chaotic in solo.

Overall circuit balance is tricky because of the RNG. Either you make it so easy that with default builds most of the weapons can do it in SP or you let it be balanced with the fully built weapons in mind which is better in the long run imo.

On another side, overall I'm sometimes a bit confused by the "balancing" people seem to feel in the circuit. Because when I run it in matchmaking and I see extremely often people leaving at before wave 4 or 5 even if the run is super casual because either me or someone else or the squad overall is very strong, so there is no reason to leave that early. I really wonder if they really find it difficult or not? And also how they are supposed to make their weekly progress by always leaving so early?

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6 minutes ago, Rathalio said:

On another side, overall I'm sometimes a bit confused by the "balancing" people seem to feel in the circuit. Because when I run it in matchmaking and I see extremely often people leaving at before wave 4 or 5 even if the run is super casual because either me or someone else or the squad overall is very strong, so there is no reason to leave that early. I really wonder if they really find it difficult or not? And also how they are supposed to make their weekly progress by always leaving so early?

There are many factors.

- Time, plenty of people don't have time to do runs longer than 20 minutes

- Rank 10, people will just leave when they reach it as there is no other reward (Rank 10+ are just way too long, and it's just faster to do Duviri Experience to get Arcanes anyway)

- Fear of failing & losing everything (defenses)

- Snowball effect, one player leaving usually means everyone is leaving, even if there is one dude going over 90% damage & kills with meta setup. Most people just don't know you can identify the host between rounds, so they just leave in fear of Host Migration

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2 часа назад, Layka_Kiro сказал:

How is anyone meant to do anything without grabbing friends and forcing them to endure the crap as well?

Well, here's one way to do it:

I've finally put to use all the Forma I hoarded during the last Plague Star event. It was a tragedy btw, seeing how your Forma count goes from 200+ to 0 in several months is a traumatizing experience. But now I have at least something decent offered to me in the Circuit most of the time. If not - I just skip the current spiral and do something else.

Usually it takes 1-3 runs to reach tier5, and then 3-6 more runs to reach tier10 with random public squads. A week is more than enough to do it.

Before anyone gets mad: everything stated above is strictly my experience. It is not meant to be the only right way to do it (it is not meant to be 'right' to begin with).

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3 hours ago, taiiat said:

the default Mods do really makes things extra bad sometimes. sometimes they'll have Galvanized Mods on them, sometimes.... not, for seemingly no reason.

and they basically always whack on a bunch of weak Physical Mods for some reason. we know they're bad, they're objectively bad 99% of the time. why is the game considering that a 'suitable decent Mod loadout'.

The problem I often find is that this seems to work better for the sods -- like me -- that kept as many of the weapons in their own arsenal and built/min-maxed according to their playstyle.  DE did advertise that when Duviri Paradox mainline update dropped after all didn't they?  

Which I find amusing when I considered that the weapons I did master -- and later banked -- finding myself with weapons I positively despised being given such a thing -- with default mods -- as a method to reconsider whether I should have kept them to begin with.  

You're right in that many of the mod choices seem entirely arbitrary to the point where they're demonstrating power creep isn't required to doing the mission to begin with.   Yet DE continues to contribute to the power creep in spite of this attitude of there's some remedy the solution they have since ignored addressing.  

I would like to add that another problem is that the weapon choices are entirely limited to a draconian method of the following:

  • Prime over Non-Prime.  (This bothers me greatly because I have a non-prime Nekros I run on Steel Path for hours to demonstrate to new players Prime is not more powerful but just different as DE has taught me as my Nekros Prime is a farming beast), 
  • Kuva/Tenet weapon over normal where Syndicate weapons are entirely ignored. 
    • Some weapons just plain suck and are completely excluded (I would like to add I've yet to see a plasma sword, Dual Zoren or the Cassowar in my rotations and strangely enough Incarnon Genesis choices suddenly become excluded on my account for unknown reasons). 

I do what I can, and I like the fact that I can accumulate as much as I can before I'm forced to bail and start again.  But seriously you're right -- this is either too random or too deliberate -- depending on the circumstances -- as to what we can or cannot do based on a limited choice of set up during each of the rotations.  

1 hour ago, CoffeeElemental said:

I've finally put to use all the Forma I hoarded during the last Plague Star event. It was a tragedy btw, seeing how your Forma count goes from 200+ to 0 in several months is a traumatizing experience. But now I have at least something decent offered to me in the Circuit most of the time. If not - I just skip the current spiral and do something else.

Not mad...  Amused.  I know a lot of players complain about this, but they often glaze over the true pain of having to completely level the weapon or warframe back up to 30, three, four, five, six and sometimes even more in order to put another forma on.  

More than 475 Forma later and another 64 more to go from the list of weapons I want to min-max reminds me of the "oof, here I go again..."  as I still have a reserve of forma and at that reserve think, "I don't have enough forma building".  

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1 hour ago, MBaldelli said:

The problem I often find is that this seems to work better for the sods -- like me -- that kept as many of the weapons in their own arsenal and built/min-maxed according to their playstyle.  DE did advertise that when Duviri Paradox mainline update dropped after all didn't they?  

Which I find amusing when I considered that the weapons I did master -- and later banked -- finding myself with weapons I positively despised being given such a thing -- with default mods -- as a method to reconsider whether I should have kept them to begin with.  

You're right in that many of the mod choices seem entirely arbitrary to the point where they're demonstrating power creep isn't required to doing the mission to begin with.   Yet DE continues to contribute to the power creep in spite of this attitude of there's some remedy the solution they have since ignored addressing.  

I would like to add that another problem is that the weapon choices are entirely limited to a draconian method of the following:

  • Prime over Non-Prime.  (This bothers me greatly because I have a non-prime Nekros I run on Steel Path for hours to demonstrate to new players Prime is not more powerful but just different as DE has taught me as my Nekros Prime is a farming beast), 
  • Kuva/Tenet weapon over normal where Syndicate weapons are entirely ignored. 
    • Some weapons just plain suck and are completely excluded (I would like to add I've yet to see a plasma sword, Dual Zoren or the Cassowar in my rotations and strangely enough Incarnon Genesis choices suddenly become excluded on my account for unknown reasons). 

I do what I can, and I like the fact that I can accumulate as much as I can before I'm forced to bail and start again.  But seriously you're right -- this is either too random or too deliberate -- depending on the circumstances -- as to what we can or cannot do based on a limited choice of set up during each of the rotations.  

it mostly just seems actively forced - not having some Elemental Mods on is easily a delta of 2x, even 3x overall Damage - and it's not like that's really anything special either. they autofit stuff like Crit Mods which are also major boosts too, so to me it seems like it would be hard to defend this exclusion as having actual basis on like, balance intent.

just as some Weapons getting Galvanized Mods and some not being surely arbitrary. for Gundition Overload there's maybe an argument that's acceptable on it even if a bit stretcherd - but Galvanized Multishot? there's maybe <10 Weapons in the entire game that you'd actively not put Multishot on, so the justifcation can't be that. i assume it's probably an oversight i guess, since that seems more plausible than specifically trying to make certain Weapons just bad (or atleast seem so in comparison, especially if we consider that Circuit sortof functions like a 'demo', letting you try things you haven't acquired yet).


Variant preferences just ends up being disagreement on hierarchy (or entire method, like not just being prompted to pick Variant), that's a cloudier subject.
limitations are the intention, but... a couple of the limitations seem unequal across Equipment and/or like probably a Bug, or something.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2023-09-04 at 8:19 PM, Chewarette said:

Yes of course I'm not denying your last point. But the generic elemental decrees are pretty easy to get, it's pretty rare to reach round 2 without having at least one after the 4 first Decree choices (+3 resets).

It's nearly impossible to not have a viable decree before even starting with the 3 intrinsics rerolls, so usually it's good to pick the best one and focus on that. If you get the decree adding an extra corrosive hit for each bullet, just go all-in in your Primary/Secondary weapon. If you fall on the toxin/fire melee one, go melee. If you get the frost per critical hit, all good, you can use whatever you want and the next decrees will define the strategy.

In fact, I find the Circuit more fun when you have 3x garbage weapons, which makes you think a bit more about the Decrees choices.

I have genuinely had the worst luck to a point where literally everything, including the decrees were unusable. It was frustrating and made me very very angry.

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