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Gotva Prime MR14 Requirement


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4 hours ago, MutoManiac said:

Just curious as to whether it was MR locked at Tennocon also. Then again it’s worth going to MR 14 just to get the Phenmor which makes archon hunts so much easier.

technically yes but practically no.


the weapon has an MR14 requirement to build or purchase, like every other MR lock. it was bypassed by being a twitch drop, other methods of bypassing MR locks include the lich weapons (they show up as a finished craft when you kill your lich and there's no MR requirement to claim built items, only to start their build) and buying bundles that have MR locked items in them (for example the hunhow pack that has war, it bypasses war's MR lock)

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This has been a complaint for longer, but the complaint has been fairly loud since Scarlet Spear.  A limited time event that ran only once that had weapons in it that they didn't bring back for quite a while.  There should be no MR lock on buying/trading for bps, and not even for building, as far as I'm concerned.  Since it can take a day to build weapons, it would be nice for players to be able to build a weapon they're looking forward to, so that it's ready when they're the right MR.

The only lock should be on actually equipping the weapon.  Since I can't see DE turning off the ability to buy MR locked items with plat from the market, those should stay how they are now, with MR requirements removed.  But any farmed/built/traded for weapon should be buildable and just not equippable until the correct MR is reached.  MR locks are all over the place, and usually make no sense relative to weapon strength, but I get why they're there.  They push players for engagement, and it's one of the few ways DE pushes engagement that I agree with.  This would also solve the "issue" (it's in quotes for a reason, don't come at me.) of MR5's running around with lich weapons they got carried to, despite the weapons being MR locked for them.

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7 hours ago, (PSN)Hoffles779 said:

Love you guys, but I am sad.

guess you'll have to start trying out more weapons and frames: you never know, you might find something you really like.

assuming your trade doesn't go to plan, now that the Gotva Prime is in Baro's inventory, it will come back again, so the next time it comes around, you should be able to get it.

hopefully though someone will trade it with you. it's pretty decent as far as auto hitscan rifles go, but it's not going to take over the meta any time soon.

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MR requirements have been pretty stupid for a while.
I get the initial idea of them. But DE is apperantly so bad at their own game they cant actually determine what's strong or not.

The Duviri meles mostly have end-game level stats. And they're available at the very start of the game with an MR requirement of.... 0

The Kuva and Tenet weapons are some of the most powerful in the game and oop- you can get them at MR 5. Despite them saying they have a higher MR requirement, the game doesn't actually MR lock them.

If they're gonna allow stuff like this they might as well remove the master requirements all together.

But yeah, Gotva, and I'd say all of Baro's weapons in particular, should not have an MR requirement.

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