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REPOST: I think i have figured out the infinite void blast bug! Also another related bug with auto melee


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I originally posted this a week ago in the "Abyss of Dagath" subforum, which disappeared a few days later with the release of "Whispers in the Walls" (i had to recover it from google cache).
I am reposting it mainly because a fix players can use is included (down the bottom under "Stopping it once it starts", but you may need to read the rest for context on what it means) so I feel it is still relevant.
Also sorry to Lord_Drod for retagging you, just wanted to make sure people knew you were responsible for the alternate, preventative solution.


Ok so first im going to lay down the basics of this bug.

With the auto melee implementation the melee key is more of a toggle. In simple terms pressing the key seems to send a "start melee" command, and then releasing it sends the "stop melee" command.
There is a bug you can play around with resulting from the fact that the warframe "remembers" that it is still supposed to be in auto-melee mode even when you enter and then exit operator mode.

To replicate this bug easily you can do the following:

  1. Start melee by holding down the quick melee key.
  2. Whilst holding that key, activate transference to switch to operator
  3. Release the quick melee key.
  4. Switch back to the warframe.

This should result in a situation where the warframe remembers receiving the "start melee" command, but never received the "stop melee" command as you released the key whilst your controls were assigned to the operator. So you will witness the warframe proceed to start swinging wildly without need of player input (until you press and release the melee key again so it gets the "stop melee" command).
This works with both regular and heavy attacks, as the heavy attacks are also affected by auto melee.



I want to thank @Lord_Drod for pointing me in the right direction by mentioning that this bug usually isnt encountered if you have "heavy attack" and "secondary fire" bound to different keys

You can fairly reliably reproduce the void blast bug by following either these steps:

  1. Switch to operator
  2. Switch back
  3. AFTER triggering the switch-back, but BEFORE fully returning to your warframe press and hold the "secondary fire" button, but don't release it until AFTER the transfer completes.

Or these steps:

  1. Get downed
  2. Trigger "Last Gasp"
  3. Kill the required 3 enemies (or 1 eximus)
  4. AFTER killing the required enemies, but BEFORE fully returning to your warframe press and hold the "secondary fire" button, but don't release it until AFTER the transfer completes.

Either way the aim is to PRESS but not RELEASE the secondary fire button during the transfer-back-to-warframe animation



When reviewing the EE.log for the mission i found this:


1501.477 Script [Info]: FocusSecondChanceMeter.lua: Player revived using Second Chance!
1501.477 Sys [Info]: StartRevive on TennoAvatar18
1501.477 Sys [Info]: Revive completed on TennoAvatar18
1501.477 Sys [Info]: I guess this is a normal revive
1501.484 Script [Info]: InvulnerabilityOnFatalDamage.lua: Endurance 10 :  Added Immortality ControllableDuviriDrifterTennoAvatar17
1501.484 Script [Info]: InvulnerabilityOnFatalDamage.lua: Endurance 10 :  Added Immortality WF TennoAvatar18
1501.491 Input [Info]: InitMapping for all devices with bindings /Configs/EE.cfg/LotusWindows_KeyBindings and filter /Lotus/Powersuits/PowersuitAbilities/TransferenceInputFilter
1501.993 Sys [Info]: AdultOperatorAvatar25 with ID 25 new player=null, had DeckChairVonBananaCamel
1501.993 Sys [Info]: TennoAvatar18 with ID 18 [1590835839152] has new player: DeckChairVonBananaCamel
1501.993 Script [Info]: AvatarHighlighting.lua: AvatarHighlighting: IsMaster: true, Avatar: TennoAvatar18, Faction: TENNO, IsEnemy: false, isAlly: false, isSelf: true
1501.993 Input [Info]: InitMapping for all devices with bindings /Configs/EE.cfg/LotusWindows_KeyBindings and filter /Lotus/Types/Player/TennoInputFilter
1501.995 Game [Info]: DeckChairVonBananaCamel - new avatar: TennoAvatar18

This is the process the game goes through when successfully using Last Gasp (referred to here as "Second Chance")

From what i can tell the process goes like this

  1. Last gasp succeeds, so the warframe is revived from the downed state
  2. Immortality is applied to both operator (or in this case drifter) and the warframe
  3. The control scheme changes
  4. Control is switched back to the warframe and the warframe control scheme is loaded in

Now, step 3 is referencing the line:
1501.491 Input [Info]: InitMapping for all devices with bindings /Configs/EE.cfg/LotusWindows_KeyBindings and filter /Lotus/Powersuits/PowersuitAbilities/TransferenceInputFilter
This step appears present whenever transference is used, but I cannot seem to find reference to this in EE.cfg, so my ASSUMPTION is that this is a hard-coded filter that is supposed to BLOCK inputs during the short window where you are switching back and forth from operator mode.

My GUESS is that this control mapping includes heavy attack, but doesn't filter it out? Meaning there is a 502 millisecond window where you can trigger a "heavy attack" whilst still technically being in control of the operator. Combine this with the first bug where auto melee allows the warframe to "remember" the melee input but instead apply it to the operator, and then the next time you switch to operator it is stuck in a loop of "heavy attack" resulting in void blast firing on a loop.



Thanks to @PollexMessier For putting me on the right track with this one!
You can deactivate the bug even when in Last Gasp with the following solution:

  1. Whilst in operator mode (and the infinite void blast bug is occuring) perform a dodge roll.
  2. Whilst the dodge roll animation is playing, press but dont release secondary fire.
  3. Once the roll ends and the operator starts void blasting again, release the secondary fire.

The old solution:

All you have to do is send the "stop heavy attacking" command during the same switch-back-to-warframe animation, this is easily done by managing to RELEASE the "heavy attack" key during that animation (simply tap that key during the animation)

BEWARE HOWEVER! You cannot solve this problem in Last Gasp mode as you cannot switch back to your warframe, it must be done when in normal operator mode!!


This concludes my TED talk

Edit (originally added as 1st comment)I want to add that the reason this issue is so prevalent is likely because we all hammer the secondary fire button when in last gasp mode (in my case to send as many phahd projectiles into the wild as i can)

Edited by DeckChairVonBananaCamel
removed "(Assuming this bug isnt about to be fixed in the whispers in the wall update)" ... because it wasnt
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  • DeckChairVonBananaCamel changed the title to REPOST: I think i have figured out the infinite void blast bug! Also another related bug with auto melee

This bug needs to be fixed quickly.

It's making heavy attack melee builds a real pain to play.

Use of Operator/Drifter is useful for healing arcanes and so on - makes swapping a lot less slick having to wait for warframe to cease all melee animations before doing so.

This should have been addressed already.

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I found a slight workaround to this bug for when you do get it tho. Preforming a dodge-roll briefly allows you to preform other actions with your operator after the roll animation stops but before it starts spamming void blast and locks your other inputs again. If you have an auto or beam amp, just holding the fire button prevents you from spamming blast again until you let go or run out of juice. So last grasp isn't completely worthless if you get this bug and you can still use operator abilities, although with a bit of extra effort.

It's absolutely ridiculous this bug hasn't been fixed yet tho. What are they even doing? this should be a top priority bug.

Edited by PollexMessier
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14 minutes ago, PollexMessier said:

I found a slight workaround to this bug for when you do get it tho. Preforming a dodge-roll briefly allows you to preform other actions with your operator after the roll animation stops but before it starts spamming void blast and locks your other inputs again. If you have an auto or beam amp, just holding the fire button prevents you from spamming blast again until you let go or run out of juice. So last grasp isn't completely worthless if you get this bug and you can still use operator abilities, although with a bit of extra effort.

It's absolutely ridiculous this bug hasn't been fixed yet tho. What are they even doing? this should be a top priority bug.

I gave this a test and fiddled a bit more with it, just dodge roll and press and hold the secondary fire button until you finish your roll and it deactivates the bug!

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2 minutes ago, DeckChairVonBananaCamel said:

I gave this a test and fiddled a bit more with it, just dodge roll and press and hold the secondary fire button until you finish your roll and it deactivates the bug!

Oh dang, that's incredible. Glad to have contributed that that. XD
I'll give that a shot next time I run into it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Bug can still happen, more easily at a slow 30 FPS (frames per second). It appears that the bug start with operator mode, press transference, then 1 frame later (1/30 of a second), press melee attack.

At a low 30 FPS, the infinite void blast bug can easily start to happen.
At 120 FPS and higher, very unlikely for this bug to happen.

Video: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2046313306

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