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Damn You Des & Damage 2.0


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You ruined the game for me...



I love (or rather used to love) to use bows in game, because i play for style, etc, etc...

Iused 5 formas on my paris prime, had a crit build, could 1 shot anything by aiming weak points on ennemies.

It was my favorite weapon, found it beautiful...


It is now completely USELESS!!!

Icould do more damage on ennemies by throwing them harsh langage,your damage 2.0 reduced it from the bow of the god of death to utter CRAP! As are now the MAJORITY OF ALL WEAPONS I INVESTED FORMA ON


Thank you, really, for completely ruining this game for me, congratulations,


I think i'll stop playing it soon and play other games, i found this game on steam completely randomly & was really supportive of it cause I liked it & the background you were putting in place, I was a clan warlord & everything, had paid for plat.


You disgust me, if one day this game becomes pay to play, I'll advise my friend to get other games.


For a long time I was a Paris user. But than they started adding snipers. The snipers, except Lanka, were hit-scan and more powerfull.

So the problem with bows is not Damage 2.0. Damage 2.0 actually buffed Dread. The problem with bows is that they lack damage. The only thing that Damage 2.0 destroyed for bows was the Physics Impact corpse projectile.

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This is beta. Beta WILL change. You signed up for that. DEAL WITH IT.


 Even though you are correct, you don't need to be like that about it.




 OP, Damage 2.0 is just another step in the evolution of Warframe. Yes, it is rough right now. But it'll improve with the help of player feedback and time.


 Trust me. It'll get better. I've experienced a massive gameplay evolution in Warframe twice now myself.

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You ruined the game for me...



I somehow expected beta to stand perfectly as it was in the future.Now all my op gears that made the game boring as hell is nerfed so much i actually NEED to put effort in choosing the mods for my weapons!Before it was so simple!Critz build or damage build and that was it!

BO - OHHH I will tell my friend to quit the game because I, and not them, don't wanna discover new ways to be good with my beloved bows and stuff, and i call that "p2w"!



Edited by JusticeJack
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Hold the holier-than-you attitude.


Did I say my problem was with customizing mods to faction? Don't think so... Quite the opposite the concept makes sense to me.


Was I too harsh about it in post? Ok, I admit it, but remember I put weeks (months? don't remember) farming weapon, formas, catalyst, releveling weapon, all that to see it undone abruptly by update. & as I told in edit, used wrong turn of phrase to say what I meant, my error ok.


I told I THOUGHT about stopping game, I sincerely hope for it to get better.


I never complained before about nerfs, not rhino, not HEK, not anything, learned to work around them. But I was & am still &!$$ed for the ABRUPT giant nerf armor 2.0 was on nearly all weapons compared to before. That was my point: the way to do it, not money, not weapon stats in general, not the way they are building this game, etc...


Was I too aggressive? As I said yes, my bad, heat of the moment, & I am sorry about that.

Was the point not some thing to think about? Well I can't decide in your place but I DO think it was.


Not WHAT was done, THE way it was done.

Edited by manub
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Ok, now I know you're doing something wrong. I have nearly every weapon in the game and most of them are actually better then they where. I really think you're just not getting the new system.

this^ Gotta mod them to their strengths, i.e. the paris will never be a corpus/infested killer, but it'd be great at killing grineer. Might be a little too focused. I kniow most of my guns feel much stronger now than they did before armor 2.0

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-Calmer OP-

Okay, I see what you are saying, and I'm not going to dispute what you are feeling, but I need to tell you how it all happened. This came about because everybody either needed to or was running a 'cookie-cutter' build for everything. Damage up, multishot, AP, elementals, flavor packet. Or, damage up, multishot, AP, Crit mods, one or two elementals. And it was for everything. There needed to be a change, there HAD to be a change, and with this type of system, there was no way to ease anybody into it. Let's say DE only adds the proc values to the damage types this update. That would feel very, very, very awkward until we actually got the damage types. DE said plainly 'this will hurt,' because there was no other way around it.


Everyone is hurting from this change, everyone. We knew it was coming, and all we could do was brace for it. I want you to look around though, and go ask people for help. Go find the threads about what is going on in D2.0. There was a post somewhere that I saw that explained everything perfectly, and in a way that was easily understandable. Every weapon has a place now, you just have to find out what that place is.

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Follow the adventures of the ill-prepared Saryn on Pluto after the Spoiler!

Corpus? Pshh. Like I need anything special to deal with the box-heads. Besides, I've got a theme going!




I hate it when Wyrm steals my kills. Better take his warrior instincts.


I need snaps of Ambulas. Away I go!


Well I oneshot the Stomper, but Shooty only took one arrow and lived to tell the tale.


Jeeze, they all take a whole two arrows. Why isn't multishot 100% at max again?


Ha! Eat that!


Suck out my farts, Fusion Moa.




Boom! Double headshot and a twofer :D


Just have to get past these guys...


Pose for the photo!


This could be going better...





Ambulas works past the robo-tumors admirably


And that's the end of that chapter!


Yeah it was difficult and the Moa needed more than one shot but whatever. That was with the worst possible build against the Corpus and I still soloed Pluto.

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You ruined the game for me...



I love (or rather used to love) to use bows in game, because i play for style, etc, etc...

Iused 5 formas on my paris prime, had a crit build, could 1 shot anything by aiming weak points on ennemies.

It was my favorite weapon, found it beautiful...


It is now completely USELESS!!!

Icould do more damage on ennemies by throwing them harsh langage,your damage 2.0 reduced it from the bow of the god of death to utter CRAP! As are now the MAJORITY OF ALL WEAPONS I INVESTED FORMA ON


Thank you, really, for completely ruining this game for me, congratulations,


I think i'll stop playing it soon and play other games, i found this game on steam completely randomly & was really supportive of it cause I liked it & the background you were putting in place, I was a clan warlord & everything, had paid for plat.


You disgust me, if one day this game becomes pay to play, I'll advise my friend to get other games.




following tread, seeing lots of ppl calling me whiner & lazy.




You think I d wait nearly 1 week after update, not reading mod advices & trying everything before complaining?


Think 5 secs, as I said I'm (or rather was) a satisfied customer, I used bows meaning I didn't complain about some pesky underpowered weapon stats. & I never said I paid plat for formas or catalysts or weapons (learn to read if you think it was about that).


It was about having invested TIME & GAME SESSIONS, formaing weapon 5 times means I spent time 6 TIMES getting it transformed into a weapons I loved & could use to win anything.

& now with new update & damage 2.0, this was reduced to NEARLY NOTHING, certainly not near the godlike (in my mind) weapon I managed to craft it into.


All I wanted to say is for all the time & love I played this, I hate to see it ruined because DEs decided mechanics should work in an entirely different fashion.

THIS has disgusted me & THIS is why I'm thinking of stopping to play, not just because I'm lazy or too stupid to understand damage 2.0 as some of you called me.


Call me hater/whiner & say good riddance, fine, your opinion, tell what you wish. But don't tell me I don't have reasons to hate the new changes.


note: wrong turn of phrase for the last one for original post, it was  "this disgusts me" my bad, corrected it in edit. As for the flaming attitude, it was heat of the moment, doesn't mean the point is irrelevant.



don´t damne de or armor 2.0 , only damn u dude , if u don´t understand how it works and how it be best dont flame

and yes u are a  whiner & lazy, a flamer and i say in ur words u don't have reasons to hate the new changes. u don´t understand how it works and ur ignorant

and rly? u think forma a gun only 5 times is something hard?

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THERE IS NO LEGAL AGREEMENT that can circumvent this protection. Just as there is no legal way you can sign a contract giving up your freedoms.

Actually there is.


"Digital Extremes may deploy or provide patches, updates and modifications to the Game that must be installed for you to continue to play the Game. Digital Extremes may update the Game remotely including without limitation the Game Client Software residing on the your machine, without your knowledge, and you hereby grant to Digital Extremes your consent to deploy and apply such patches, updates and modifications."


In other words, everything you purchase in-game is subject to change. You don't own any aspect of the game, including your digital purchases. All you actually own is the license to their content, completely owned by DE therefore they can make any change they wish as long as it is within reason. Paris prime is still a perfectly functional weapon so there is nothing wrong with what they did.

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Actually there is.


"Digital Extremes may deploy or provide patches, updates and modifications to the Game that must be installed for you to continue to play the Game. Digital Extremes may update the Game remotely including without limitation the Game Client Software residing on the your machine, without your knowledge, and you hereby grant to Digital Extremes your consent to deploy and apply such patches, updates and modifications."


In other words, everything you purchase in-game is subject to change. You don't own any aspect of the game, including your digital purchases. All you actually own is the license to their content, completely owned by DE therefore they can make any change they wish as long as it is within reason. Paris prime is still a perfectly functional weapon so there is nothing wrong with what they did.

This is in reference to a rounding point. That they cannot render the platinum you purchased worthless in the most immediate of terms. That would fall under the legal definition of fraudulent sale. And is not something a company can get around with a contract. There are certain civil freedoms that are protected specifically from contracts.

That Paris has changed is not why I laid out that point, again, it was simply to round back to the idea that if something in-game has changed to the degree of it no longer existing, that it would behoove DE to restore that purchased value as an action in kind with a purchase.

And Thirdly again, I'm never suggested that DE was in any kind of actionable position or that the OP had good grounds for their despute with such matters. But it was a direct response to a blanket, "This is beta. Beta WILL change. You signed up for that. DEAL WITH IT". And I was trying to remind that user a contract does not supersede all other statutes or civil rights of property.

I just did a &!$$ poor job of making that point clear.

Edited by holyicon
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following tread, seeing lots of ppl calling me whiner & lazy.

Those who enter a thread like this just to say "whiner" are bigger trolls and more useless pricks than the OP itself.

Also: Yeah there is a lot of **** to do with dmg 2.0 but even they said that it will be ongoing. They did not finish it.

The bows are completely useless in my eye. The game does not offer the required range, stability, low amount of enemies to use them effectively, so they are always walking the fence between "needing balance" and being "completely and utterly useless".

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just lazy to learn or apply the new system...


if you only just understand how it works?... you'll smile and just say " oooooooohhhhh so thats how it is" then youll instakill everything


See edit in original post, learn to read...



Those who enter a thread like this just to say "whiner" are bigger trolls and more useless pricks than the OP itself.

Also: Yeah there is a lot of **** to do with dmg 2.0 but even they said that it will be ongoing. They did not finish it.

The bows are completely useless in my eye. The game does not offer the required range, stability, low amount of enemies to use them effectively, so they are always walking the fence between "needing balance" and being "completely and utterly useless".

While bein called a prick hurts, I admitted I was with the attitude in original post. Though kudos for constructive advice, wish there were more. As you said had more trolls than good replies in post, though I guess I asked for it...

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This isnt DE:s fault, nor is it yours fully.

Bows have never been very good in this game, but you decided to spend your resources on one and here is the result. Your bow aint the most perfect thing anymore. One of the reasons why I change between my bows and mod them according to what I am going to face.

The damage system is still on the works, but Im pretty satisfied with it. Earlier, its was an breeze, but now it requires actual thinking and planning o.o

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There's no such thing as a modern multiplayer game without balance swings. This update your Paris is crap. Next update, things may be different. It is literally impossible to pick a weapon to potato and forma which doesn't risk being nerfed (intentionally or not).


Just enjoy things while they're good. When they become, well, less-than-good, switch to something else and/or hope a future update will fix it. Or else resign yourself to being forever outraged, whatever game you play.


It might help if you spread out your resources a bit, rather than picking only one weapon and pumping it up to an absurd degree. Just sayin'.

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